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Home To Stay
Home To Stay
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Home To Stay

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Home To Stay
Kate James

She’s bringing his son homeA missing little boy triggers San Diego K-9 officer Shannon Clemens and her canine search-and-rescue partner into instant action. For the rookie cop, haunted by a childhood tragedy, bringing Sawyer Evans’s son safely home is more than a job. It’s a mission she can’t fail… But forging a friendship with the father is a tactical error that could compromise her first solo assignment. Yet the deepening bond between them is almost impossible to resist…

She’s bringing his son home

A missing little boy triggers San Diego K-9 officer Shannon Clemens and her canine search-and-rescue partner into instant action. For the rookie cop haunted by a childhood tragedy, bringing Sawyer Evans’s son safely home is more than a job. It’s a mission she can’t fail... But forging a friendship with the father is a tactical error that could compromise her first solo assignment. Yet the deepening bond between them is almost impossible to resist...

Sawyer laced his fingers through hers.

They strolled to the end of a pier and there, under the star-speckled sky and with the gentle breeze playing over her skin, he turned her to him. With a finger, he tipped her chin up.

“You’re beautiful, Shannon. Inside and out.”

Before Shannon could think of a response, he slid a hand around her and up to rest on the nape of her neck and lowered his head.

With a sigh, she let her eyelids flutter closed as his lips touched hers. The stars overhead paled in comparison to the brilliant lights that burst against her eyelids as she gave herself over to the sensation of Sawyer’s kiss.

The touch of his lips was light. Undemanding.

But it stirred feelings in her that made her question everything.

Dear Reader (#u1cda32a7-428c-5674-a338-a4a643e28692),

Home to Stay is the fourth book in what is now called the San Diego K-9 Unit series!

Those of you who have read the first three books might recall that they were originally intended to be a trilogy. After finishing the third book, When I Found You, I was saddened by the prospect of saying goodbye to the K-9 Unit, its heroes and their love interests. It seems that readers weren’t prepared to say goodbye, either, as Harlequin contracted me to write a fourth book. I’m thrilled to have had this opportunity to tell the story of rookie K-9 officer Shannon Clemens, her search-and-rescue dog, Darwin, and law professor Sawyer Evans. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so.

I hope you’ll enjoy Shannon, Sawyer and Darwin’s story. I couldn’t do what I do without your support. Thank you for choosing my books to spend some time with.

If you would like to use Home to Stay for your book club, you can find discussion questions on my website at (

As always, I would love to hear from you! Connect with me through my website, Facebook page ( ( or Twitter ( (, or mail me at PO Box 446, Schomberg, ON, L0G 1T0, Canada.

Happy reading!


Home to Stay

Kate James (

KATE JAMES spent much of her childhood abroad before attending university in Canada. She built a successful business career, but her passion has always been literature. As a result, Kate turned her energy to her love of the written word. Kate’s goal is to entertain her readers with engaging stories featuring strong, likable characters. Kate has been honored with numerous awards for her writing. She and her husband, Ken, enjoy traveling and the outdoors with their beloved Labrador retrievers.

To my husband, Ken, who is an inspiration to me every day.

I never fail to be amazed and impressed by the hard work, dedication, professionalism and sheer brilliance of the Harlequin team working behind the scenes to help make each of my books the very best it can be. I owe special thanks to Victoria Curran, Kathryn Lye and Paula Eykelhof.

When I started down the winding path to becoming published, it never occurred to me that I would realize an enormous side benefit: getting to know so many wonderful authors whose friendship, support and generosity of spirit continue to astonish and inspire me. There isn’t enough room on this page to name you all, but I would like to acknowledge two remarkable women in particular. Catherine Lanigan and Loree Lough faced enormous personal challenges over the course of 2016, and they did so with extraordinary grace, dignity and determination. Even so, they never failed to think of others, and freely gave their love and friendship. I consider myself inordinately fortunate to be one of the beneficiaries! Heartfelt thanks to Catherine, Loree and all the other Harlequin Heartwarming authors whose friendship I value more than I can put into words.


Cover (#ud245c87e-85e9-5f17-973e-a7fe25d308a4)

Back Cover Text (#uf218bffa-100a-554f-bb37-3064d8dad031)

Introduction (#u944a3eca-7ce1-56ea-976b-6fa8ca608238)

Dear Reader (#u15f7f743-d4b9-510b-b543-b10b60fa0950)

Title Page (#u99f8876e-a8e8-5ae9-8ca9-99c864477078)

About the Author (#u1b0b0643-2b89-5e51-9269-5ebc315b87f2)

CHAPTER ONE (#ucab35355-9f52-5973-b7ab-5b977d91db41)

CHAPTER TWO (#u2013def9-1c15-5eaa-bc3f-529d4161935b)

CHAPTER THREE (#ub13a5945-6828-5016-812a-d7971e760479)

CHAPTER FOUR (#ua1f5c5c9-c2e7-5197-b738-0e3e25672c2c)

CHAPTER FIVE (#u213dc810-8356-53a8-8416-9ba2472f61e4)

CHAPTER SIX (#u456f91a6-aec4-54ec-b922-58ac326b1458)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINETEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)

Extract (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#u1cda32a7-428c-5674-a338-a4a643e28692)

SAWYER EVANS WAS in that languid state of semi-consciousness, waking from a restful sleep. It must have been the insistent chirping of a bird outside that had drawn him from his dreams. The muted glow of the early-morning light filtering in through the tent infused him with a sense of serenity.

As a single father and a professor of law, serenity wasn’t something Sawyer experienced frequently. He smiled as he remembered that he’d categorically rejected the idea of a weeklong camping trip at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park with his sister, Meghan, and their parents when Meg had first suggested it. He wasn’t the rugged, outdoorsy type, not by any stretch of the imagination. He thought of himself as the nerdy academic, more comfortable with his head in a law book than plodding up a mountain trail. He’d felt that way even before he’d left the San Diego County District Attorney’s office to teach, which he’d done to give him more time with Dylan after Jeannette abandoned them.

Three days in, and who’d have guessed he’d enjoy the experience so much?

And Dylan? He worried about his son becoming a bookish geek like him, and constantly encouraged him to play sports and spend time outdoors. But the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree with his kid. Dylan had to be the most studious four-year-old on the planet. Yet Dylan loved it here. He seemed to be in his element, despite this being his first camping trip. Dylan had been full of energy and enthusiasm ever since they’d arrived. And the exercise was doing him good. The fact that he was sleeping in, and without the nightmares that had plagued him the last couple of years, made Sawyer immensely glad he’d let Meg cajole him—maybe bully was a better word—into coming along.

Dylan was his life. He’d do anything for his son.

Sawyer rolled onto his side and tucked an arm under his head. He considered drifting back to sleep for a few more minutes as he listened to the sounds of nature and the gentle flapping of canvas...

Flapping of canvas?

That wasn’t right.

He bolted up and stared at the tent flap, unzipped and fluttering in the light breeze. He immediately shifted his gaze to Dylan’s cot. From this angle, and with Dylan’s form as slight as it was, he couldn’t tell if his son was in his sleeping bag. Sawyer wasn’t taking any chances. He scrambled out of his own bedroll and hurried over to Dylan’s.

The adrenaline rush had him gasping for air.

The sleeping bag was empty.

Sawyer burst out of the tent and glanced frantically around.

No Dylan. Anywhere.

It must have been just past dawn. The sky was tinged with the first weak rays of sunlight, and a hazy mist shimmered across the water’s surface. Meg and his mom, both early risers, weren’t up yet.

Where was Dylan?

Sawyer’s heart pounded so hard, he was surprised it didn’t slam right through his rib cage.

“Dylaaan!” he bellowed. “Dylaaan!”

His gaze was drawn to the small lake that their campsite edged, and his heart stopped.

“No. Please,” he mumbled as he ran toward the water. He’d been teaching Dylan to swim, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have wandered into the lake and... No! He wouldn’t think about that.

“Dylan!” Sawyer shouted again as he waded in.

A hand latched on to his arm and tugged him back. Too big a hand to be Dylan’s.

He turned and stared into Meg’s huge eyes.

“Sawyer, what are you doing? Where’s Dylan?”

“I...I don’t know where he is.” He noticed his parents standing a few feet back at the edge of the lake. “Dylan wasn’t in his sleeping bag...” His voice cracked, and he willed himself to stay calm.

“Dad, dial 911!” Meg, obviously thinking more coherently than Sawyer, called to their father. “And the park ranger.”

As his father hurried to his parents’ tent, Sawyer shook off Meg’s grasp and took a few more unsteady steps into the lake. Other than the ripples he and Meg had created, the water’s surface was smooth as glass. No air bubbles. He turned and brushed by Meg, hurrying toward his mother. She, too, was looking anxiously about, concern furrowing her brow.

Sawyer yelled Dylan’s name several more times, then he, his mother and Meg stood motionless and quiet, hoping for a response. Only birdsong filled the silence until his father returned. “The park ranger’s on his way. The San Diego Police Department is also sending someone,” he said.

“Okay. Okay,” Sawyer murmured, trying desperately to think coherently. “Mom, you stay here. Wait for the ranger and the cops. I’m going over there.” He gestured vaguely toward the left. He pointed again. “Meg, you look in that direction. Dad, can you search back there, behind the camp?”

Not waiting for replies, Sawyer raced back to his tent, pulled on his running shoes, then took off at a run.

He had to find Dylan. The thought of his son alone in the woods, frightened, maybe injured, terrified him. He didn’t know how long Dylan had been gone.

Animals, including coyotes and mountain lions, inhabited the forest. He remembered reading in the guide book that the California mountain king snake lived in the park, too. He couldn’t recall if the book said the snake was venomous.


His voice was hoarse from shouting his son’s name. Occasionally, he heard Meg or his father calling out, too, but without response.

Never a response.

They had to find Dylan.

Tripping over an exposed tree root, Sawyer landed hard on his hands and knees. He pushed back up to his feet, absently brushed at the grime and the blood, and moved on.

He hadn’t bothered with his watch when he left, and he had no idea how long he’d been stumbling around in the forest. He was barely aware of the cuts and scrapes he’d sustained running through dense growth and falling a couple of more times.

An incongruous sound caught his attention. Was it a rustling in the brush?

He paused to listen and began to wonder if he’d imagined it.

Then he heard it again. It was his name.