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Securing the Greek's Legacy – Julia James

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The only solution to both their problems?Lyn Brandon has put her life on hold to protect and keep her beloved orphaned nephew. So when rich, powerful and gorgeous Anatole Telonidis arrives, demanding the child’s return to his Greek family, the blood freezes in Lyn’s veins…even as her pulse starts racing.Anatole has spent his life building his family’s empire. Now, to secure its legacy, he must get the beautiful Lyn to agree to his command. It should be easy, but Lyn is clearly more than the shrinking violet she seems. Her steely resistance entices him to make the ultimate sacrifice…marriage!‘Sizzling and smouldering, another Julia James classic!’ – Angela, 56, PenrithDiscover more at

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781472042163
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