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Building Structures – Ambrose James

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The comprehensive reference on the basics of structural analysis and design, now updated with the latest considerations of building technology Structural design is an essential element of the building process, yet one of the most difficult to learn. While structural engineers do the detailed consulting work for a building project, architects need to know enough structural theory and analysis to design a building. Most texts on structures for architects focus narrowly on the mathematical analysis of isolated structural components, yet Building Structures looks at the general concepts with selected computations to understand the role of the structure as a building subsystem—without the complicated mathematics. New to this edition is a complete discussion of the LRFD method of design, supplemented by the ASD method, in addition to: The fundamentals of structural analysis and design for architects A glossary, exercise problems, and a companion website and instructor's manual Material ideally suited for preparing for the ARE exam Profusely illustrated throughout with drawings and photographs, and including new case studies, Building Structures, Third Edition is perfect for nonengineers to understand and visualize structural design.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118067000

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