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“Go on up. Your room is ready.”

“Thanks.” She took another sip of coffee, thinking the room he was referring to was just that—her room. And it had her signature all over it. She had decorated it to her liking and it was the one she always slept in whenever she came to visit. It was right across the hall from his.

She placed the cup in the sink. “I’ll be up before the ranch hands are ready for breakfast.”

“You don’t have to. We can handle things without you. Your luggage comes in the house and everything else gets stored in the barn, right?”


She didn’t have to tell him that most of the stuff in the truck was what she didn’t trust the moving company to take care of. They were keepsakes—things that had sentimental value and had once belonged to her grandmother but were now hers.

“Thanks for letting me stay here, Reese.”

He glanced over at her as he poured another cup of coffee for himself. She felt his gaze and it stimulated something inside her. “You don’t have to thank me, Kenna. What’s mine is yours.”

Something stirred deep within her again and she drew in a sharp breath before nodding her head. She turned to leave the kitchen and had almost made it to the dining room when Reese called out to her.


She stopped and turned around with a practiced smile. “Yes?”

“I’m glad you’re here.”

Something in Kenna’s chest tightened and a part of her wanted to race across the room, throw herself into his arms and declare that she was glad to be anywhere he was—always. Instead she said. “I’m glad I’m here, too.”

Before she could say something else, something she would later regret, she quickly walked in the direction of her room.

Reese slid his hands down his face as he watched her leave. They were both tired, and maybe that was the reason he had picked up on the tension between them. He knew there was something going on. He could tell by the firm set of her lips and her body language.

He took a sip of his coffee and tried replaying everything that had happened since she’d arrived. For some reason he needed to clear his mind of a few things and make heads or tails of the situation. She had arrived at his door a little past four o’clock in the morning. He hadn’t been able to sleep knowing she was on the road at night and driving a rented U-Haul truck alone, so he was relieved when he’d heard the sound of the truck pulling into the yard.

Even though it took less than three hours to drive from Austin to Houston for most people, he knew Kenna wasn’t like most people when it came to driving at night. When she was tired and sleepy, she couldn’t stay awake. She had promised him that she’d get plenty of rest before making the trip, but he knew she hadn’t done that. When he had talked to her before she’d left Austin, several friends were still at her place seeing her off.

The original plan was for her to leave Austin around six o’clock in the evening. That way she would have arrived by nine o’clock that night. But instead she hadn’t left Austin until well past midnight, which had annoyed the hell out of him. He had been ready to bite her head off when he’d opened the door at four in the morning. However one look at her and he had been so glad to see that she had arrived safe and sound that he had pushed his anger aside. But now he was getting mad again.

Taking another sip of his coffee, he moved away from the counter to glance out the window. The sun was just starting to rise, which meant that the ranch hands would be up and stirring soon. Although he worked full-time for Madaris Explorations, he still maintained a working cattle ranch. His spread wasn’t as big as his uncle Jake’s or his brother Chancellor’s by any means, but a part of him would always be a rancher.

His foreman, Joe Seaborne, had been with him since he’d built the ranch five years ago. Before that Joe had worked for his uncle Jake, and he had come highly recommended. Joe was a good man and kept things running smoothly. His uncle Jake was using Reese and Chancellor’s land to expand the breeding program for his Red Brangus cattle.

He turned away from the window when he heard the key being inserted in the lock and wasn’t surprised when Joe walked in smiling.

“I saw that big truck out front. I guess that means Kenna has arrived.”

Reese shook his head, grinning. Of course most of his men knew Kenna and knew what a fantastic cook she was. Whenever she came to visit, she’d spoil them by preparing whatever they liked to eat. Even the ranch cook, Tanker Jones, enjoyed eating Kenna’s food every once in a while.

“Yes, Kenna is here, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be at anybody’s beck and call.”

Reese knew it was hard for the big bear of a man to look sheepish, but he managed to do just that. “Of course not, Reese, but I’m sure one Sunday dinner won’t hurt, will it?”

“You’ll have to ask her.” And there was no doubt that Joe would ask, like there was no doubt Kenna would prepare more than one Sunday dinner for his men. “Just remember she starts her job with the HPD in a couple of weeks. Until then she has to get settled in here.”

Joe smiled. “I understand. And speaking of new jobs, that guy we hired starts today. He’s already here.”

Reese nodded. “I’ll meet with him later. You did check him out before bringing him on, right?”

“Yes. He came highly recommended by his last employer.”

“Good. We don’t want a repeat of the last guy we hired.”

Last year a new hire ended up skipping out with Joe’s favorite saddle. Luckily they were able to catch him when the police stopped the culprit as he was speeding out of town.

Reese decided now was as good a time as any to meet with his new hire. He had a feeling Kenna would sleep longer than she intended, which was fine with him. Her schedule had been hectic the last couple of weeks as she packed up and moved from Austin to start a new life in Houston. As far as he was concerned she needed the rest, and he was going to make sure she got it.

Chapter 3

Kenna ran her fingers through her short curls once more before sliding her feet into her sandals to go downstairs. She had only meant to sleep a few hours, but a quick glance at the clock showed it was almost noon. The luggage Reese had put in her bedroom was proof that he and his men had unloaded the truck without her help.

Hearing voices outside her bedroom window, she walked over to the sill and saw Reese talking to a few of his men on the ground below. She recognized all of them except one, so she figured he must be the new guy Reese had mentioned he was hiring. He was a pretty nice looking man. But the woman in her couldn’t help but appreciate Reese, especially in the looks departments. He was eye candy of the most luscious kind, and he epitomized what tall, dark and handsome truly meant. As far as she was concerned, no other man looked as good in a pair of jeans as Reese Madaris. But then he cleaned up rather nicely too, she thought, remembering how good he’d looked at Blade’s wedding last month.

She and Reese usually talked two or three times a week. It wasn’t unusual for him to tell her what was happening around the ranch. Sometimes he’d ask her opinion about certain things and she would do likewise. Whenever there was a problem she couldn’t resolve—personal or professional—he was the first person she called. And no matter what he was doing, no matter whether it was day or night, he would make time for her.

When she saw Reese head inside the house, leaving the group of men behind, she closed the curtain and proceeded to go downstairs. But before she reached the doorway, the phone rang.

Kenna and Reese had come to an understanding years ago that their friendship gave them the right to answer the phone at each other’s place. If the caller took issue with it, then that was their problem.

She picked up the phone in her room. “Tall Oaks Ranch.”

There was a pause.

“Yes, I’d like to speak to Reese,” said a woman’s voice.

Kenna immediately knew it was Alyson Richards, Reese’s ex-girlfriend, the one he’d dated for almost a year. Everyone had assumed that Alyson might become Mrs. Reese Madaris. But a few months ago, Reese had called and surprised Kenna when he casually mentioned that he and Alyson were no longer seeing each other. Kenna had every reason to believe it had been Reese’s decision and not Alyson’s. He hadn’t given her an explanation for the breakup, and she hadn’t asked for one.

“No problem. Hold on a minute.”

“Wait! This is Kenna, right?” the caller asked.

Kenna’s mouth curved into a smile that all but said, like you didn’t know. Instead, she said, “Yes, this is Kenna.”

“Hi, Kenna, this is Alyson. Reese told me you were moving to Houston. How nice.”

“Yes, it is nice.”

“And he mentioned you were moving into a town house.”

Kenna really didn’t want to get involved in a long conversation, since Alyson had never liked her and they both knew it. “It’s not finished yet.”


A smile touched Kenna’s lips. She could imagine the wheels turning in Alyson’s head. It wouldn’t take her long to figure out that she was staying with Reese until her condo was finished. “Hold on, Alyson. I’ll get Reese for you.”


Kenna put the phone down and went to the edge of the staircase. “Reese, you have a call. It’s Alyson.”

He appeared at the foot of the stairs and stared up at her and smiled. She drew in a deep breath at the way his lips curved and how his dimples seamlessly appeared. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was smiling at her or if he was smiling because Alyson was calling. Of course it’s because of Alyson and not you, a mocking voice said in her head. Get real, LaKenna James. Reese has no reason to smile at you that way.

“Okay. I’ll grab it down here. Did you get some rest?” he asked.

“Yes, but you should have woken me up, Reese.”

“No, you needed to sleep. You missed breakfast, but come join me for lunch.”

“Okay.” She went back to her bedroom, and when she heard two voices on the line she hung up the phone.

Alyson Richards.

Kenna couldn’t understand why Alyson didn’t like her when she had been more than friendly to her. Alyson, who worked as an executive administrator at a local hospital, was beautiful and had everything going for her—including being the daughter of a Texas senator. The few times Kenna had seen Reese and Alyson together she’d thought they looked good together, and if they married, they would have beautiful babies. The very thought hurt, but she’d been honest about it anyway.

“If I had a man in my life I wouldn’t have time for such thoughts,” Kenna muttered as she made her way down the stairs. When she walked into the kitchen Reese glanced over at her and then said to Alyson over the phone. “Here’s Kenna, why don’t you ask her?”

She lifted a brow. Reese shrugged his massive shoulders and handed her the phone. “Alyson wants to ask you something.”

Kenna continued to hold his gaze. “Yes, Alyson?” she said evenly.

“Kenna, now that you’re moving to Houston you probably don’t know a lot of people and I’ve come up with this wonderful idea,” she said in a cheerful tone.

Was this the same woman she’d spoken to earlier? The one who’d acted cool and reserved? “And what’s that, Alyson?”

“That Reese should give you a welcome-to-town party this weekend.”

Kenna shook her head. “He doesn’t have to do that.”

“I think he should, since you’re his best friend. And I’ve volunteered to help and host it at my place. It’s more than big enough, and since it’s in town it will be convenient to everyone. Reese said it’s okay with him if it’s okay with you. I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

A part of Kenna felt she should appreciate the gesture, but she had an uneasy feeling about Alyson. Drawing in a deep breath she turned her gaze away from Reese to look out the window.

She wasn’t sure why the two had split. But from the sound of things, Alyson intended to use this party as a way to get back together with Reese. There was nothing wrong with Alyson trying to patch things up, even if it was with Reese—the man Kenna loved. And because she loved him, she wasn’t about to stand in the way of someone who evidently was trying real hard to get a ring on her finger. Especially since it was a ring that Kenna would never wear.

She turned around to see Reese still leaning against the counter, watching her. She knew what he was doing. He was trying to read her, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Their eyes held for a moment before she lowered her gaze. “A party sounds like fun, but I wouldn’t want you to go to any trouble.”

“No trouble. Just let me handle everything. Goodbye.”


She handed the phone back to Reese. “That’s nice of her to do that.”

Reese didn’t say whether he thought it was a nice gesture or not. Instead, he said, “Go ahead and sit down. A couple of PBJs with cookies and milk are coming up.”

Kenna smiled as she eagerly plopped down in one of the chairs at the kitchen table. At heart she was a simple girl who liked simple things. Though most women preferred gourmet food, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich topped off with cookies and milk hit the spot better than anything. The same was true for Reese. That was one of the first things they’d discovered they had in common.

She watched Reese as he made the sandwiches and thought the same thing now that she did whenever she saw him, no matter what he was wearing. He was more good-looking than any man had a right to be—gorgeous beyond words, ruggedly handsome and sexy to a fault. Plus he was the most wonderful friend in the world.

When other women saw him, they only looked at what was on the outside. She knew him inside and out. He was hardworking, honest and caring. He had this protective side when it came to her that set her teeth on edge one minute and made her feel like the most adored woman on earth the next.

She studied his hands as they spread peanut butter across the slice of bread. They were large hands—callused, even scarred in some places. She had begun imagining those same hands touching her in places a friend’s hands didn’t dare go. She probably should have hung her head in shame. But right now, she preferred sitting there and watching him through the lustful eyes of a woman who wasn’t his best friend.

He was humming one of Drake’s songs in a deep, velvety voice. He was certainly in a good mood. Had Alyson’s phone call done that to him? She knew she shouldn’t be envious of her if it had. Kenna knew she needed to put her feelings for Reese in check over the next few weeks and stop dreaming about something that wasn’t going to happen, something that could end their friendship if Reese ever found out. She wasn’t going to let her out-of-control libido jeopardize her relationship with the best friend she’d ever had.

She turned away and looked outside the window, instead. He had insisted that she stay here while her town house was being finished. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so quick to jump at his offer. But then, she always stayed with him whenever she came to Houston. But a month was a long time to live under someone’s roof. They’d never been together that long before. Was he up for it? Was she? He liked his space and she liked hers. But for some reason they had no problem sharing with each other.

Moments later, Reese brought the sandwiches to the table along with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a pitcher of milk. She glanced over at him when he sat down. “You never did say why you and Alyson broke up,” she asked as she poured a glass of milk.

He glanced over at her. “You never asked.”

Point taken.

Had she asked, he would have told her, since there were no secrets between them. The fact that he didn’t know that she was attracted to him didn’t count. “Okay, I’m asking now.”

He poured a glass of milk. “She was becoming too possessive, and after a while she became jealous of you.”

Kenna winced. “Of me?”

“Yeah. She started questioning our friendship. Said she didn’t believe we were just friends.”

Kenna nodded. “But she does now?”

“We’ll see.”

For a moment Kenna couldn’t do anything but stare at her milk. Did that mean Reese was giving Alyson another chance? Was she going to reclaim the spot she’d once held with Reese? He had hung in with Alyson longer than any of his past girlfriends. A part of Kenna knew she should be glad he was on the verge of possibly getting back together with Alyson, but…

“I need to meet with Dex later today at the office. Do you want to come with me?” he said, interrupting her thoughts.

A few years ago Reese had accepted a position with his cousin Dex’s company, Madaris Explorations, and a couple of months ago he had been promoted to foreman. He had been ecstatic, elated and honored. He also knew he had big shoes to fill—those of Trevor Grant, the previous foreman. Trevor and two of his Marine buddies had decided to open a tactical operations firm.

In college, Reese had followed in Dex Madaris’s footsteps and had gotten a degree in geology. And like Dex, he began working with Remington Oil right out of college. He’d traveled extensively when he’d worked for Remington, and had gotten the chance to work alongside some of the world’s most renowned scientists and researchers.

Kenna glanced up and couldn’t help but stare at how his mouth had widened to take a bite of his sandwich. She could just imagine that mouth touching her body in a number of places. She took a sip of her milk, not liking the way her thoughts were going. But how could she make them stop moving in that direction?


She glanced up at Reese. “Yes?”

“Do you want to go with me to the office?”

She shrugged. “Sure. I can unpack later. Besides, I need to stop by and see Clayton and Syneda. Now that I’m living in Houston, I want them to handle all my legal affairs, especially the foundation I’ve established in my grandmother’s honor.”

“Okay. I have a couple more things to do around here and then I’ll be leaving around three,” he said.