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Eternally Yours
Eternally Yours
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Eternally Yours

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Syneda laughed as she eyed Clayton from under her hat. “That's the idea, Clayton. This is Florida. It gets too hot for a lot of clothes. The fewer the better.”

“I'm sorry you feel that way,” Clayton replied drily.

Syneda raised a brow. “Why?”

“I'm going to be spending all of my time keeping the men around here in line.”

The guide led them back to the sightseeing train and then on to the next stop. After touring the Fountain of Youth, Zorayda's Castle and the Lightner Museum, they caught another bus to have lunch in a popular restaurant in the Lincolnville Historical District.

Lincolnville constituted the heart of the city's black community. It was a large residential neighborhood whose occupants could trace their ancestors' origins to the city's sixteenth-century founding.

After lunch they took a carriage ride through the Colonial Historical District before doing some extensive walking while touring the old homes along George Street.

It was midafternoon when they decided to call it a day. Clayton draped his arm across Syneda's shoulder as they walked from the bus stop in front of the condos.

At the door Syneda turned to face him. “I can't believe all the sights we took in today. There is so much to do and see here. And I can't believe how architecturally grand the buildings are. They were simply amazing.”

“Yeah, amazing,” Clayton replied, feigning interest as he unlocked the door and ushered her inside. The only thing that had held his attention all day was her and that outfit she had on. He had been ever mindful of more than a few male stares sent her way. She hadn't noticed but he sure had.

Syneda dropped her purse onto the entry table. “Where do you want to go for dinner, Clayton?”

“I'll let you decide. The only thing I want to do right now is rest my poor aching feet.”

Syneda laughed. “Aren't you used to walking?”


“How do you stay in such good shape?” she asked as she eyed his masculine body outlined in the shorts and top he wore. He was in great physical shape. “Surely all those nights spent in bed with women didn't do it,” she teased.

Clayton gave her a wan smile. “I keep in shape in a lot of ways. I work out at least twice a week at the gym, and I play basketball with the guys every chance I get.”

“Oh, I see.” She looked down at her watch. “It's four now. How about if we go out for dinner around seven. That will give you a couple hours to rest up.”

“That sounds good to me. What will you be doing while I'm resting up?”

“I think I'll go to the beach and build a sandcastle. The beaches around here have the whitest and silkiest sand I've ever seen.”

Clayton frowned. “What will you wear?”


“To the beach.”

“Clayton, that's a silly question. I'll be wearing a bathing suit.”

“The one you had on this morning?”

“No, not that one,” Syneda replied, turning toward the direction of her bedroom. “But it's one similar to it. Why?”

“Wait up. I think I'll build that sandcastle with you.”

Syneda turned around and gave him a surprised look. “I thought you were tired.”

“I've suddenly found myself with a new burst of energy.”

Later that evening Clayton and Syneda entered a restaurant that the condo's management had recommended. It was a place on Anastasia Island known for fresh seafood and tropical drinks. After enjoying a feast of assorted seafoods, they left the restaurant section of the establishment to enter its lounge. They were led by a waiter to an empty table in the back that had a wonderful view of the ocean.

After the waiter departed with their drink orders, Clayton rested back in his chair. “I'm curious as to where you buy your clothes.”

Syneda raised a brow. “Why?”

“Just curious.” In fact, he was more than curious. He was having a difficult time keeping his eyes off her long, smooth legs that were showing from the outfit she had on, a minilength sundress with three tiers of ruffles on the hem. The outfit was blatantly sexy. Too sexy.

“I buy my things from a number of places. I don't shop at any one particular store. That reminds me. I need to go shopping while I'm here. I want to get something for the kids.”

Clayton knew what kids she was referring to: his nieces and nephews who called her Aunt Neda. “Are you enjoying yourself, Syneda?”

“Yes. I'm feeling more relaxed than I have in days,” she replied with a smile. “I want to thank you again for inviting me.”

“My pleasure.”

Syneda smiled. “When the waiter returns with our drinks I want to propose a toast.”

“To what?”

“Our friendship.”

Clayton swallowed hard. Friendship was the last thing on his mind and he felt guilty as sin. His mouth was watering over the sight of her, and she wanted to toast their friendship. And if her outfit wasn't bad enough, the perfume she had on was drifting around and through him. If only she knew how enticing the fragrance was. Her light makeup was immaculate and her hair appeared soft to the touch. He had taken this trip to clear his mind, but being around Syneda was beginning to turn his brains to mush.

“Do you want to dance?” he asked abruptly.

“The waiter hasn't returned with our drinks yet.”

“He'll hold them,” Clayton answered tersely, reaching across the small table and taking her hand. A slow-moving song was playing as he led her to the dance floor, which was crowded with other couples.

He knew it had been a mistake to ask her to dance the minute he took her into his arms and pulled her close. Her hands automatically folded loosely behind his neck, which caused her breasts to press against his chest.

Syneda tilted her head back and looked up at him. “What about you, Clayton? Are you enjoying yourself?”

Clayton looked down at her. She looked absolutely stunning. “Yes.”

“Are you sure?”

“I'm positive,” he replied, pulling her closer.

They continued the dance in silence. He was so engrossed in the feel of having her in his arms that at first he didn't notice the tap on his shoulder. When he did, he turned and looked into the face of a man he'd noticed eyeing Syneda when they had first entered the lounge.

“May I cut in?” the man asked with a deep southern accent.

“No, you can't.”

“Why not?” the man asked gruffly, obviously put off by Clayton's rudeness.

Clayton faced the man squarely. “Because I said so, that's why. Now back off.”


“Excuse us,” Clayton said to the man he'd been tempted to bring down a notch moments earlier. Taking Syneda's hand he led her back to their table.

“Clayton, what in the world is wrong with you? That was downright rude.”

“I was protecting your sweet behind since you don't seem to notice it needs protecting. That guy's been drooling over you ever since we entered this place. He's just one of many men who are undressing you with their eyes.”

“They're not!”

“They are, too! Just look at that outfit you're wearing. It invites stares.”

Syneda stared at him with anger reflecting in her eyes and her mouth open. “I don't believe you, Clayton. There's nothing wrong with my outfit.”

“Not if you're a woman looking for a pickup.”

“How dare you—”

“You didn't want to come on vacation with me for fear of cramping my style. Maybe I should have made sure I wouldn't be cramping yours,” he said curtly.

Syneda stood. “I'm leaving.”

Throwing more than enough money on the table to cover the drinks they had ordered but not yet gotten, Clayton followed a fuming Syneda out of the door. Leaving the lounge, they rode in silence along the shoreline road that led back to the condos. As soon as he opened the door to the condo, Syneda entered and went straight to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Clayton let out a disgusted sigh as he poured a drink and stepped out on the terrace. He stood transfixed for an hour or so looking at the ocean that was lit only by the moon's glow. He turned around when he heard a movement behind him. Syneda stood before him. She had changed into a nightshirt.

“Clayton, I'm sorry. I can't believe we had an argument after agreeing not to.”

Clayton held open his arms and she walked into them. He pulled her close to him. “I'm the one who should be apologizing, Syneda. I behaved like a jerk tonight and I apologize. There was nothing wrong with the way you were dressed. You looked sensational. I guess I'm so used to eyeing women myself that I know what goes through other men's minds when I see them doing it. And I don't want them thinking about you that way. I guess I've taken it upon myself to be your protector while we're here.”

“Yeah, so I've noticed. But Clayton, you don't have to protect me. I'm twenty-eight and old enough to take care of myself. Have you forgotten that I live alone in New York?”

Clayton smiled down at her. “Deep down I know you can take care of yourself, but that doesn't keep me from wanting to do it for you.”

Syneda grinned. “I guess with three younger sisters you're used to it.”

“Maybe so,” Clayton replied, although deep down he had a feeling the root of his problem was jealousy, plain and simple.

Syneda stepped back out of his arms. “I'm really enjoying myself, but I don't think you are. Maybe I should leave tomorrow and return to New York. You're so busy looking out for me that you're not relaxing at all.”

Clayton brushed a stray curl from her face. “No. I'm fine, and I don't want you to leave. I enjoy your company. Like today, for instance. I had a great time building that sandcastle with you on the beach. And tomorrow is our day to spend shopping at the malls, remember.”

Syneda smiled. “How could I possibly forget something as important as that?”

Encircling her with a protective arm, Clayton drew her closer to him. For a long moment there was no conversation between them. They just held each other. Clayton was going through pure torture. Everything about Syneda was sexy, and he felt a quickening in the lower part of his body. If he didn't separate himself from her, he couldn't be held accountable for his actions. “Syneda?”


“I think we should call it a night, don't you?”

Syneda stepped out of his arms and peered up at him through a sweep of long lashes. A smile covered her lips. “Friends again?”

Clayton returned her smile as a surge of warmth passed through him. “Yes, friends again.”

“Good. As much as we argue at times, I like having you for my friend.”

“And I feel likewise.”

Syneda leaned up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “Good night, Clayton.”

“Good night, Syneda.”

He watched as she turned to leave. He couldn't help but notice how the sleeper she wore clung to her body, accentuating her shapely hips and tiny waist. He had a feeling he was in for a long, sleepless night.

Chapter 3

“Don't tell me we've finally done something that's tired you out,” Clayton said, grinning. He handed Syneda a cold can of soda. “I was beginning to think you were blessed with never-ending energy.”

Syneda took the soda and flopped down in the nearest chair. “Shopping always tires me out,” she replied after taking a sip of the drink. She set the can on a nearby table and began removing her sandals. “The stores at that mall were wonderful. Just look at all this stuff.”

“I'm looking,” Clayton replied, glancing around at the bags and boxes littering the floor. “Have you forgotten that I helped you carry most of it?”

Syneda smiled. “I really appreciate you being with me. I couldn't have purchased nearly as much stuff had you not been there.”

Clayton glanced around the room shaking his head. “Yeah, your Master Card company should thank me profusely. I wonder if they'll be willing to give me some kind of a kickback since you spent a fortune today.”

Syneda laughed. “I doubt it.” She stood to collect her boxes. “Do you mind if we order out tonight? I don't think I have the energy to get dressed to go anyplace.”

“That's no problem. What do you have a taste for?”

“How about lobster?”

“That sounds good to me. I'll order delivery from a restuarant nearby.”

“Thanks, Clayton, you're such a sweetheart.”

Less than an hour later, a just-showered Syneda stood leaning against the railing on the terrace enjoying the view of the ocean. Clayton had left her a note saying he was going downstairs to the pool for a swim.

From her position on the terrace she could see him below, and for some reason her eyes kept straying toward him. She became entranced by the movement of his muscular legs as he dived into the pool, by the firmness of his stomach beneath his swim trunks and by the mass of dark hair covering his chest. He looked tough, lean and sinewy. His powerful well-muscled toast-brown body moved through the water with easy grace.

“For heaven's sake, what am I staring at?” she exclaimed in dazed exasperation. “You would think I've never seen a good-looking male body before.” And what really bothered her was the fact the body she was ogling belonged to Clayton.

She forced her gaze to move from the pool area back to the view of the ocean. But as if they had a will of their own, her eyes strayed back to Clayton time and time again, and each time she felt a flutter deep in the pit of her stomach. He might be downstairs swimming in the pool, but she was upstairs swimming through a haze of feelings and desires that were almost drowning her.