Книги автора Igor Vladimirovitz Volkov
Igor Vladimirovitz Volkov
научно-популярная литература, биология, нейробиология, искусственный интеллект, будущее человечества, выживание человечества, краткое изложение, человеческий разум, интеллект, обзоры книг, человеческий мозг, знания и навыки, научные теорииVarious events around the globe are amazingly coordinated with each other. Does World Government exist? Some hints may be found in scientifi…
Various events around the globe are amazingly coordinated with each other. Does World Government exist? Some hints may be found in scientifi…
Igor Vladimirovitz Volkov
боевики, остросюжетная литература, фэнтези, эротика и секс, боевая фантастика, попаданцы, эротическое фэнтези, эротика, магические способности, нанотехнологии, LitRPG / ЛитРПГ, иные мирыKnowledge of computers is useful. It helps in the main job, but do you know how your own brain operates? The human nervous system is a live …
Knowledge of computers is useful. It helps in the main job, but do you know how your own brain operates? The human nervous system is a live …
Igor Vladimirovitz Volkov
научные доклады, научно-практические журналыThe concept of Indoeuropeans emerged in the 16 century when European missionaries in Goa noticed that they understand some words of the loca…
The concept of Indoeuropeans emerged in the 16 century when European missionaries in Goa noticed that they understand some words of the loca…
Igor Vladimirovitz Volkov
Knowledge of computers is useful. It helps in the main job, but do you know how your own brain operates? The human nervous system is a live …
Knowledge of computers is useful. It helps in the main job, but do you know how your own brain operates? The human nervous system is a live …