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The Mighty Quinns: Logan
The Mighty Quinns: Logan
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The Mighty Quinns: Logan

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“My father is in Sydney, visiting his mistress and their two children. My mother went to the Paris fashion shows last year and never came back.” She reached out and brushed the wet hair out of his eyes. “Except for the housekeeper, we’re alone.”

“Okay, then.”

“You don’t talk very much, do you?”

He grinned. “Actually, I do. You just leave me a little speechless.”

She bobbed in front of him, her gaze taking in the details of his face. Droplets clung to his dark lashes, and when he blinked, they tumbled onto his cheeks. He was a beautiful man, the kind of man who didn’t realize the effect his looks had on a woman. She liked that. Sunny didn’t know very many regular guys.

His body was finely muscled, long limbed and lean, and made that way by hard work. The attraction was undeniable, but could she act on it? She’d felt so alone for such a long time, trapped in a life that had no direction or purpose. Touching him, kissing him, was all she could think about.

And what harm could it do? She’d enjoyed one-night stands in the past. The man was leaving in the morning and she’d never see him again. Why not take advantage? The thought of losing herself for just a short time with this beautiful man was more than she could resist.

Sunny placed her hands on his shoulders, her gaze fixed on his lips. She leaned forward ever so slightly and he took the cue, slipping his fingers through the wet hair at her nape and pulling her into his kiss. A wave of desire coursed through her body, and the intensity of her reaction startled her.

He knew how to kiss, that much was clear. And Sunny had kissed enough men to make a valid comparison. He began softly, his lips teasing at hers until they were both ready to taste. And then, he used his tongue to test her further, to tempt her into surrender. She parted her lips and they were suddenly lost in a whirlwind of sensation.

Had there ever been a kiss that affected her so completely? She felt her limbs go weak and her mind begin to falter. When his hands moved to her face, she moaned softly and wrapped her arms around his neck. Logan reached down for her legs, pulling them around his waist until their bodies were locked together in an unbreakable embrace.

He was already hard, and she moved against him, resisting the urge to simply sink down on top of him. She knew they ought to find a condom before they went any further, but if she brought up the realities of protection, he might have a chance to reconsider what they were about to do.

Drawing a deep breath, she unlocked her legs and pushed away, swimming to the far end of the pool. “I could get in a lot of trouble with a boy like you,” she said, sinking down until her chin touched the surface.

She’d always maintained control in her casual encounters. There was never anything beyond the physical satisfaction of being with a beautiful man. But she felt something different with Logan, something that made her want him even more. It was as if they already knew each other, and yet she knew nothing about him.

Sunny brushed the water out of her face. She wanted to be with him, to experience the sensation of his body moving inside of her. “Do you want me?” she asked softly.

Logan nodded. “I’d be a fool not to.”

“It’s only about the sex,” she said. “Nothing else. Are you all right with that?”

He nodded again as he slowly approached. “Here?”

She shook her head. “We need protection.”

“I have some in the campervan.”

Sunny swam over to the ladder and then slowly climbed it to the pool deck. She grabbed a towel from a nearby bin and wrapped it around her body, then handed one to Logan. He hurried after her, and when he reached her side, he took her hand. They walked back to the stable, Logan picking up his jeans and her robe along the way.

A cool breeze rustled the trees, and goose pimples prickled Sunny’s damp skin. For the first time since London, she knew exactly what she wanted. And there was no shame in it. The need to feel close to another person was a basic part of human nature, wasn’t it? And since Logan was just passing through, it made the choice even easier. There would be no messy entanglements after the fact.

Raindrops were beginning to fall by the time they reached the campervan. Logan opened the door and helped her up the steps. All the windows were open, and the sound of the rain on the roof provided a relaxing soundtrack. A tiny light near the sink provided the only illumination, casting the interior in a soft glow.

When he closed the door behind him, Sunny turned and stepped into his embrace. There was no hesitation between them, no doubt of what they both wanted, no time wasted. The towels were tossed aside, and his hands moved over her body, his touch gentle yet assured. Sunny closed her eyes and tipped her head back, letting the wonderful sensations wash over her.

When his lips finally found hers, Sunny opened to the determined assault. He was warm and his mouth tasted sweet and when he pulled her body against his, she surrendered completely. It had been months since she’d felt any kind of connection to a man. But now that he had dropped into her life, Sunny felt desperate to experience the power and the passion, the complete and utter satisfaction.

Though there was no reason to rush, Sunny had never been one to deny herself anything she wanted. And she wanted to experience the ultimate intimacy with this man. She pulled him over to the bed that spanned the back end of the campervan.

Logan sat down on the edge and smoothed his hands around her waist. “Are you certain about this?” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her belly.

Sunny ran her fingers through his sun-streaked hair and turned his face up until his gaze met hers. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t know what I wanted,” she murmured.

He smiled and she reached down and ran her thumb across his lower lip. He was so beautiful, his hair damp from their swim, his skin smooth and deeply tanned. Falling back onto the bed, he reached into a nearby cubby and pulled out a box of condoms, setting them beside a pillow.

Sunny held out her hand, wiggling her fingers, and he pulled a package from the box and handed it to her. He held his breath as she slowly stroked his hard shaft. A low groan slipped from his throat, and he leaned back and braced himself on his elbows, his gaze fixed on her caress.

With a deft touch, she smoothed the latex over him, then crawled onto the bed, her legs straddling his hips. She couldn’t wait any longer, she craved that exquisite sensation of a man moving inside her.

Sunny closed her eyes as she slowly lowered herself on top of him. When he filled her completely, she let out a soft breath. There was nothing more perfect than this, she thought to herself. As his fingers splayed over her hips, she began to move. When Logan cupped her face in his hand, she turned into his touch and looked at him.

Their gazes locked, and Sunny watched as every reaction was reflected in his eyes. A smile curled the corners of his mouth, and she felt a tremor course through her, setting every nerve on edge. There was something about him, something sweet and warm and slightly vulnerable, that made it impossible to separate herself from the emotion bubbling up inside of her.

Another tremor assailed her body, but this time it wasn’t pleasure but fear. This connection wasn’t normal. She’d always been able to maintain a careful distance with the men she took as lovers. But for the first time in her life, she wanted to surrender everything, to let the walls fall and experience this man as if there were something more than just desire between them.

Logan pushed up from the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his lips to a spot just above her breast. Sunny could feel her heart pounding, and the sudden shift in position bought a fresh rush of desire.

She pulled him closer, her fingers tangled in his hair. The rhythm became like a pulse between them, driving them on, pushing them both closer and closer to the edge. It was nothing she’d ever experienced before, and she fought the instinct to stop and regain her composure.

Sunny didn’t realize it until she was teetering on the brink between pleasure and release. It usually didn’t happen this way, but when the first spasm hit her, she cried out. Logan held her close as he drove into her one last time. And then they both dissolved into their climaxes, the shudders and sighs blending until she felt as if they were one body and one mind.

When they were both completely spent, Logan pulled her down beside him, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. They didn’t speak, just looked into each other’s eyes for a long time. There was something about this man that was different, something about him that touched her soul.

“I should go,” she murmured.

“You don’t have to. Stay. I’m not tired.”

She always left, she never stayed. And yet, the rules she’d set down for herself so long ago didn’t really matter now. It felt good to lie here with this man and to share something beyond the physical.

“Are you really going to sell your horse?”

Logan nodded. “Yeah. I’m taking her to Perth.”

“That’s a long drive. At least a week on the road. Why not put her on a plane?”

Logan was silent for a long time. “I guess I needed the time to get used to the fact I have to sell her. Plus, I’m saving some money.”

“Maybe you should stay here for a few days and let me try to change your mind,” she said. “I’d take good care of her.”

He chuckled softly. “That’s an interesting proposition.”

“Is it one you’d consider?”

Logan reached out and smoothed a strand of hair from her eyes. “I can’t. I’m kind of pressed for time. And I’ve already spent the down payment. The sooner I get this over with, the better.”

“I can give you the down payment,” she said. “You can give it back to him. I have money, or my father does. And Ed can buy anything he likes. Anything I like.”

He shook his head. “That’s a lovely offer, but I made a deal. I can’t go back on it. And I really need to be on my way.” He paused. “I could always stop by on the return trip.”

She smiled and snuggled closer. “I suppose that will have to do.” Sunny closed her eyes and let her body relax. For the first time in weeks, she felt content. And for now, that was enough. As for what would happen in the morning, she’d deal with that when the sun came up.


WHEN LOGAN WOKE UP the next morning, she was gone. At first, he wondered if it had all been part of some crazy dream. But when he found the two damp towels, he knew it hadn’t been.

He pulled on his jeans and ran his fingers through his hair as memories of their night together flooded his brain. A sudden rush of adrenaline washed away the remaining effects of sleep, and he felt energized. Alive. He hated to admit it, but he had needed a night of really great sex.

Logan bent down and picked up the towels, then carefully folded them. It had been great, hadn’t it? It was pretty obvious she’d enjoyed herself, and he’d certainly found the experience memorable. He wasn’t sure what the protocol was after a night like last night. Should he find her and say goodbye? Or maybe thank her? Or would that be assuming too much?

She’d left his bed, so she must have decided their night together had come to an end. A rap on the campervan door startled him out of his thoughts, and he hurried over and opened it, hoping he’d find Sunny standing on the other side. Ed was waiting with a plate heaped with food.

“Hey,” Logan said, rubbing his eyes against the rising sun.

“Morning,” Ed replied. “Come on out. I brought you a proper breakfast. I stopped by earlier, but you didn’t answer my knock.”

Logan crawled down the stairs and sat on the top step, then took the plate from Ed. It was loaded with eggs and sausage and two slices of toast. He dug in, and a few seconds later, Ed handed him a mug of coffee.

“Thanks. I really need this.”

“Didn’t sleep well?”

He glanced up and forced a smile. “No, just fine. Like the dead.”

“I had one of the stable boys feed and groom Tally. She’s all ready to go as soon as you are. I won’t bother you with another offer, but if this falls through, make sure I’m the next guy you call, all right?”

“Thanks,” Logan said. “Thanks for everything.”

Ed held out a piece of paper. “And I called a few breeders and vets that we do business with. You’re welcome to stop at any of them if the drive works out right. They’ll take good care of you and the filly.”

Logan took a deep breath, then grabbed the paper and scanned the five names. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Why don’t you just finish your breakfast? I’ll get one of the boys to load Tally, and you can get on the road. And on your way back, make sure you stop. We’ll go out for a pint or two.”

He thought about the promise he’d made to Sunny. “That would be great. I’ll do that.” Logan paused. “And if you see Sunny, can you tell her I’m sorry I wasn’t able to sell her my horse?”

Ed’s brow shot up. “You met Sunny?”

“Yesterday. She came out and rode Tally in the paddock. She offered to buy her and I told her I’d already made a deal.”

Ed chuckled. “If that woman didn’t have horse sense, she’d have no sense at all. She’s right about the filly. I’ll give her that.”

“Is she always like that? I mean, a little…?”

“We don’t call her crazy. She’s high-spirited. But I guess I don’t blame her. She kind of raised herself, from what I hear. Not much input from the parentals. But she’s a helluva rider. She went to the Olympics in London. Show jumping.”

“Really? Oh, my God, she’s that Sunny Grant. I didn’t make the connection.”

“She fell apart, knocked out in the early rounds. She’s been hiding out here since then. The media has been brutal.”

“That’s too bad,” Logan said, his mind occupied with thoughts of Sunny and that tiny glimmer of vulnerability he’d seen in her eyes. He knew her intimately, yet he really knew nothing about her life at all. Now that he had a few more pieces, Logan wished he could have had more time with her. Who knows what else he might have discovered?

He finished his breakfast as one of Ed’s grooms loaded Tally into the trailer. Logan checked her before he closed the trailer doors, then grabbed his shirt and boots and finished dressing. He’d dragged his departure out as long as he could, hoping he’d see Sunny again. But in the end, Logan had to accept that there would be no goodbye between them.

He got behind the wheel and steered the camper-van around the stable and past the house. He glanced over, wondering what she was doing, imagining her lying in bed, her naked body tangled in the sheets. He smiled to himself and headed for the highway.

The next hour was spent rerunning the previous night in his head. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. He lived a quiet life on the farm, just him and his right-hand man, Billy. Occasionally, he’d spend a weekend in town, and when he got lucky, there’d be a woman willing to give him a second look.

Since he’d left his job as a banker five years ago, women just didn’t find him as attractive. Funny how a nice guy looked a lot nicer when he had big money. He’d used all his savings, liquidated all his investments to buy the ranch and good breeding stock.

The dream was worth the risk, he’d told himself. And when he’d walked away from the bank on his last day of work, he’d pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt and realized that he was a free man, a man who would determine his own destiny.

Now was not the time to start doubting himself. He had never assumed it would be easy. But the one thing he never realized was how lonely it would be. Logan reached over and slid a CD into the player, then turned up the volume on an old AC/DC tune. He sang along with the song, keeping time with his fist on the steering wheel.

“What time is it?”

The sound of her voice over the song caused him to swerve, and Logan cursed as he brought the campervan and horse trailer back under control. He glanced over his shoulder to see Sunny leaning off the edge of the upper bunk, her pale hair tumbled around her face.

He turned down the music. “What the hell—What are you doing?”

“I was sleeping,” she said. She stretched her arms above her head, the sheet dropping away to reveal her naked breasts. “What time is it?”

“What the hell are you—” He turned his attention back to the road and carefully pulled off onto the edge of the highway. Logan turned off the ignition, then stood up. “What the hell are you doing here?”

She frowned. “I decided to come with you. I packed my things and came back, but you were spread across the bed. So I crawled up here and fell asleep.” She dragged the sheet around her bare body.

“No, you left. Sometime in the middle of the night.”

“Yes, but I came back.”

Logan raked his hand through his hair, shaking his head. “Oh, bloody hell. We’re two hours gone from your place. I’m going to have to take you back now.”

She swung her legs over the edge of the bunk and shrugged. “No. I’m not going back. Nobody cares whether I’m there or not. My father decided to extend his stay in Sydney and won’t be home for another month. So I’m going with you. I don’t have anything better to do.” She jumped down from the bunk and moved toward him, smoothing her palm against his cheek as she passed. She paused and brushed a kiss across his mouth. “Morning,” she murmured with a coy smile.

Logan groaned. “This is just what I need right now.”

“No reason to get narky,” she said, putting on a pout. “I decided I needed more time to convince you to sell me the filly.”

“Oh, really. That’s why you’re running away from home?”

She stared at him for a long moment. “Well, not entirely. But I don’t want to talk about that right now. Besides, we’ll have fun. I make a very agreeable traveling companion.”

The night’s activities flashed through his mind and, with a soft curse, Logan slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Their lips met in a long, deep kiss, and he felt her warm body melt into his. He couldn’t say that he was angry or even surprised. He’d known Sunny Grant for less than a day and he already knew she was the most unpredictable woman he’d ever met.

“Won’t someone notice you’re gone?” he murmured.

“They won’t care.” She stepped back and ran her fingers through her hair. “I need coffee.” She glanced down at the sheet wrapped around her body. “Can we stop somewhere?”

“I think you should get dressed,” he said. “Did you bring clothes?”