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Switched At The Altar
Switched At The Altar
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Switched At The Altar

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Switched At The Altar
Metsy Hingle

Right Bride, WRONG GROOM STOP THE WEDDING! Maybe his brother was easily swayed by the wiles of a Southern vamp, but not steely Alex Stone. He had managed to tiptoe around the commitment trap. But from all appearances his younger sibling was newly engaged to sultry Desiree Mason, and Alex was sure she was just another heat-seeking marriage missile aimed at the family wealth.Alex knew that the surest way to keep his brother out of the bridal suite was to lure this honey-voiced vixen into his bed. But "saving" his sibling could mean losing himself to love… .RIGHT BRIDE, WRONG GROOM: Marrying Mr. Almost-Right is all wrong, especially when the perfect man is ready to sweep you into his arms!

“You’re Not Going To Marry Him,” Alex Declared. (#u483be22b-811b-5594-87b9-811d35b0700b)Letter to Reader (#u2ec65fae-9152-5fa9-849c-ac1593625461)Title Page (#udd7b36d6-00f5-5a6a-9435-5f409c469371)About the Author (#u10f7c94c-9678-5705-9638-16f90e611932)Dedication (#u24d77f3c-ccb6-5552-a501-b14c6b1beb2e)Chapter One (#ud34251b9-fe23-5391-b2a9-e9a4f9202d40)Chapter Two (#ufe9a2bf6-0ad0-5d68-a5d7-fe6aaaccb7ec)Chapter Three (#uaafd5b09-3d71-5e09-9553-3dc3d814248d)Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)Teaser chapter (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

“You’re Not Going To Marry Him,” Alex Declared.

“But I—”

“But what? You love him? You expect me to believe that after the way you came apart in my arms?” He moved in on her, caging her between the desk and himself.

Desiree’s pulse skittered at the fierce emotion emanating from him, at the desire burning hot and dark in those black eyes. Try as she might, she was unable to stop herself from responding to him. “Alex, you don’t understand. If you’d just let me explain, Kevin and I—”

“I won’t let you marry him.”

And before she could say another word, he took possession of her mouth. Her mind. Her heart.

Dear Reader,

Where do you read Silhouette Desire? Sitting in your favonte chair? How about standing in line at the market or swinging in the sunporch hammock? Or do you hold out the entire day, waiting for all your distractions to dissolve around you, only to open a Desire novel once you’re in a relaxing bath or resting against your softest pillow...? Wherever you indulge in Silhouette Desire, we know you do so with anticipation, and that’s why we bring you the absolute best in romance fiction.

This month, look forward to talented Jennifer Greene’s A Baby inHis In-Box, where a sexy tutor gives March’s MAN OF THE MONTH private lessons on sudden fatherhood. And in the second adorable tale of Elizabeth Bevarly’s BLAME IT ON BOB series, Beauty and the Brain, a lady discovers she’s still starry-eyed over her secret high school crush. Next, Susan Crosby takes readers on The Great Wife Search in Bride Candidate #9.

And don’t miss a single kiss delivered by these delectable men: a roguish rancher in Amy J. Fetzer’s The Unlikely Bodyguard; the strong, silent corporate hunk in the latest book in the RIGHT BRIDE, WRONG GROOM series, Switched at the Altar, by Metsy Hingle; and Eileen Wilks’s mouthwatering honorable Texas hero in Just a Little Bit Pregnant.

So, no matter where you read, I know what you’ll be reading—all six of March’s irresistible Silhouette Desire love stories!


Melissa Senate

Senior Editor

Silhouette Desire

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Switched At The Altar

Metsy Hingle (


is a native of New Orleans, who loves the city in which she grew up. She credits the charm of her birthplace, and her own French heritage, with instilling in her the desire to write. Married and the mother of four children, she believes in romance and happy endings. Becoming a Silhouette author is a long-cherished dream come true for Metsy and one happy ending that she continues to celebrate with each new story she writes. She loves hearing from readers. Write to Metsy at P.O. Box 3224, Covington, LA 70433.

For the real “Maggie the Cat”

and her owner, Linda Kay West, a.k.a. Linda Lewis.


His brother was a dead man. Or at least he would be dead, Alexander Stone vowed, the moment he got his hands on him. Jerking open the door, he stepped inside Magnolia House. The lazy breeze of a ceiling fan stroked his skin like a woman’s fingers as he moved into the entrance hall and out of the Louisiana heat.

Still cursing his younger sibling for causing him to make the trip from Boston to this backwater town outside of New Orleans, Alex marched over to the reception desk. He scowled at the sight of the unmanned desk before slapping the bell for assistance.

Temper curled like a fist in his gut as he waited and recounted the morning’s discoveries. Not only had Kevin failed to show up for any of his summer law school classes for the past week, but he hadn’t been seen at his apartment for even longer. Learning that his brother’s mail was being forwarded to Magnolia House in care of Ms. Desiree Mason had done nothing to improve his mood. Nor had it eased his rising temper. No wonder he hadn’t been able to reach Kevin by phone for the past three days. The young fool had evidently moved in with the Mason woman.

The newspaper clipping—shoved under his nose by a former lady friend who’d come by to show off her engagement ring—flashed into Alex’s mind’s eye again.

What handsome younger son of one of Boston’s finest families will soon be trading in his law books for a trip down the aisle with none other than a Southern belle of the stage... just as his dear, departed father did several times before him? Need a hint? The young man’s older half-brother is a legal eagle and one of this city’s most eligible bachelors. Still can’t guess? How about this? The family name means hard, in a precious gem or Stone.

Even if he didn’t have a genius IQ, Alex fumed, it wouldn’t have been difficult for him to figure out that the scheming Ms. Desiree Mason had gotten her hooks firmly into his kid brother.

Well, he’d see how anxious the little gold digger was to marry Kevin once she found out that he was the one who controlled his trust fund.

Where the devil is everyone? Five seconds stretched into ten, obliterating what little patience he had left. Annoyed, Alex slapped the bell on the desk again.

Nothing. No one.

“Aw, the hell with it,” he muttered. “I’ll find Kevin myself.” And when he did, he was through being a marshmallow where his younger brother was concerned. He’d been making that mistake from the day a nine-year-old Kevin had been deposited on his doorstep while their respective parents went off with their next set of spouses. In the thirteen years since then, he’d fought any and all objections to send Kevin away to military school, had even suffered their grandfather’s anger for refusing to do so. But he’d been determined, hell-bent, on providing his brother with some semblance of a normal family, to give him a more nurturing childhood than the one he’d known.

And you’ve certainly done a fine job of it, Alex admonished himself silently. Look what a mess Kevin had gotten himself into now. And it was, at least partially, his fault. He should have known something like this would happen. Should have expected it. Kevin was a good-looking, wealthy young man—and far too easily swayed by a pretty face. Just as their father had been, Alex admitted. By giving in to Kevin’s request to attend law school down south, he’d all but thrown Kevin to the wolves. And he’d allowed his brother to become the target of every sweet, magnolia vamp south of the Mason-Dixon line trying to land herself a rich husband.

And evidently Ms. Desiree Mason had scored a bull’s-eye.

Alex gritted his teeth. The woman’s name alone should have set off alarm bells the first time Kevin had mentioned her. His kid brother was no match for some conniving, Southern belle with a honey-voiced accent. Well, Ms. Desiree Mason would have to find herself some other young fool to marry, because he had no intention of letting his brother make the biggest mistake of his life.

As of right now, Kevin was going to be made to toe the line. And he was going to start by going back to law school—in Boston, not New Orleans—and forgetting any foolish thoughts he might have about marrying Desiree Mason. With that idea in mind, Alex started down the hall in search of his brother. He froze mid-stride at the sound of an all-too-familiar tune. It was the one song that he had sworn both of his parents had adopted as their personal favorite, the one song that still made him break out in a cold sweat whenever he heard it.

The wedding march!

Panic sent adrenaline rushing through his body, and Alex sped down the length of the hall toward the sound of the music. The last cords of the tune faded just as he jerked open the massive double doors to a ballroom.

“Dearly beloved...”

Alex bit back an oath at the sight of bridesmaids, groomsmen, a minister holding a bible. His gaze darted to the back of the shapely redhead in the wedding dress and stared at bare shoulders, the color of rich cream, that flirted beneath a whisper of lace. Swallowing hard, Alex dragged his gaze from the bride to the groom standing beside her. His heart stopped and then started again as he looked at the familiar back of the tall, dark-haired man about to be married—his brother, Kevin.

“We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in the sacrament of holy matrimony,” the minister continued. “Marriage is a—”

“Stop,” Alex shouted. Heedless of the surprised gasps and curious looks directed at him, he raced down the aisle. “I demand you stop this wedding at once!”

The bride whipped around. Her blue-green eyes widened with shock. Twin spots of color climbed her cheeks. Alex stared at those rose-colored lips rounded in surprise. Crazily, for the space of a heartbeat, he wondered what it would be like to sample that mouth.

“How dare you?” she demanded.

“Quite easily,” Alex shot back, shaking off his strange reaction to the woman. He curled his hands into fists at his sides as he realized that in another two minutes he would have been too late. “There’s no way I’m going to allow you to marry my brother.”

Dismissing the round of gasps that went up and the furious look the bride cast his way, Alex shifted his attention to his brother. He waited, braced for Kevin’s outburst.

“Oh, that was perfect!”

Alex yanked his attention back to the bride at the same time that she launched herself at him. Not stopping to think, he caught her in his arms, holding on to her at the waist. But instead of hitting him as he expected, she proceeded to curl her arms around his neck.

He snagged her wrists, sure she was intent on strangling him. “Listen, lady—”

She cut off his protest with her mouth. Alex sucked in a breath at the feel of those soft lips brushing against his own. Desire—unexpected and unwanted—put fire in his belly, raced to his loins.

Suddenly she was pulling her mouth free and staring at him. Judging by her stunned expression and the confusion in those blue-green eyes of hers, he wasn’t the only one who’d felt as though he’d just been whacked by a thunderbolt. It was insane, Alex told himself. But he couldn’t stop himself from sliding his gaze to that ripe, lush mouth of hers again. Desire, sweet and aching, bit at him once more.

As though sensing his thoughts, she tugged her wrists free and eased back one step, then another. She gave him a lazy smile and followed with a single “Wow!”

“Wow” was right, Alex thought. Still reeling from the unexpected kiss and its effect on him, he shook his head to clear the sensuous fog that seemed to have ensnared him.

“Hey, that was pretty good,” one of the bridesmaids called out.

Good? Good didn’t even come close to describing that kiss or the strange way it had made him feel. And since when does a bridesmaid critique a kiss delivered to the intended bride by a stranger?

The bride spun around, presenting him with another view of her back and more cream-colored skin where her dress dipped along her shoulders. She headed toward the critiquing bridesmaid. “Didn’t I tell you guys that Bernie would come through for us?” she exclaimed in a voice that was decidedly huskier than it had been a few moments ago.

A voice that reminded him of sultry summer nights and hot sex, Alex decided. He sucked in a breath. What in the hell was wrong with him? Lusting after the little gold digger who’d been about to marry his brother.

His brother! Alex nearly groaned. Oh, Lord, he’d forgotten about Kevin. He jerked his attention back to his brother. But instead of getting ready to charge over and tear into him for interfering, Kevin had one arm draped around his kissing bride and the other one around a bridesmaid and was chatting with them as though nothing had happened. Frowning, Alex started toward him. “Kev—”

The minister blocked his path. “You cut in too soon,” the reverend admonished, pointing an accusing finger in his face. “Why didn’t you wait for me to give you your cue?”

Alex frowned at the portly clergyman. His cue?

“Yeah. You were supposed to wait for your cue,” the best man informed him.

“Hey, they’re right, pal,” the groom added as he came over to join them. “You cut in before I got a chance to deliver my lines.”

Alex sucked in his breath as he stared at the face of the groom. The guy was dark-haired, brown-eyed and just about Kevin’s height and size. He even had an endearing choirboy grin that was similar to his brother’s.

Only he wasn’t his brother.

Relief rushed through Alex like water overflowing a swollen creek. Kevin hadn’t been on the verge of marrying the sexy redhead after all. But on the heels of that revelation came an equally disturbing and surprisingly disappointing one. The woman he’d been lusting after for the past sixty seconds was about to marry someone.

And he’d just interrupted her wedding.

“Are you OK?” the bride asked him as she came back to stand before him. “You look... upset.”

“No. It’s just that I thought... That is, I didn’t realize...” Alex clamped his mouth firmly shut, chagrined to be stumbling over his words like a tongue-tied teenager in the throes of his first crush. After a moment, he tried again. “I’m terribly sorry.”

“Whatever for?” she asked in that soft, honeyed voice. “You were great.”

He was great? “I’m afraid I—”

She smiled at him again, and Alex forgot what he’d been about to say. Cursing himself, he took a deep breath. He had to get out of here. “I’m sorry. I can see now that I made a mistake. Please accept my apologies for the, um, interruption. I’ll just leave you and your...your...”

He flicked a glance at the groom he’d mistaken for his brother. The man appeared to be making time with the bridesmaid. Alex swallowed. “I’ll just get out of your way and let you get back to your wedding.” Without wasting another moment, he turned to leave.

“Wait!” She caught his arm before he’d managed to take the first step. “Listen, I know I said you were great, and you were, but I still think it could use some work. Why don’t we try it again? Just do everything exactly the same way you did a few minutes ago.”

Alex’s jaw dropped. His body tensed. He couldn’t help it. His gaze fell to her lips and he felt that slap of heat again. “You want me to kiss you again?”

“Well, yes. That, too.” She gave him another of those lazy smiles that did strange things to his brain and made it difficult for him to think clearly. “But this time, be sure to wait for your cue.”

Alex blinked. “My cue?”

“Yes. When the reverend asks if there are any objections, that’s where you’re supposed to come in. Otherwise, do everything exactly the way you did it a minute ago,” she instructed him. “Your inflection was perfect, and I loved the ad lib, by the way. It was a nice touch. You can go ahead and leave it in.”

His inflection? The ad lib? What in the hell was she talking about?

“Oh, and be sure to do that steely-eyed thing that you did with your eyes again. For a minute there, you even had me believing you were serious about stopping the wedding.”

“I was serious,” Alex countered, growing more confused by the second. “I thought—” His tongue twisted in his mouth as she curved her lips into another one of those smiles and sent fire singing through his veins. “Damn!”

Her smile slipped. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Alex took a long, measured breath and struggled to regain control of the situation and of himself. “Lady, I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.”

She tipped her head and eyed him curiously. “What is it you don’t understand?”

“I don’t understand anything you’ve said. I don’t know a thing about any cues or ad libs or steely-eyed looks. If I was convincing when I came in here and demanded you stop the wedding it’s because I thought I was stopping a wedding.”

“You thought this was a real wedding?”


She narrowed her eyes. “And just whose wedding did you think you were stopping?”

“My brother’s.” He squeezed his eyes shut a moment, mortified to have made such a mistake. For a smart man who was considered to be great when it came to assessing businesses, he had just scored a big, fat zero in assessing this situation. If he’d been the least bit astute, he would have noted earlier what he saw now—a stage at the far end of the room, drapes drawn across that stage and a sign tacked to one curtain that read Wet Paint.

“I see,” she said, sighing. “Then I guess Bernie didn’t send you after all.”

Exasperated, Alex dragged a hand through his hair. “I don’t even know anyone named Bernie.”

“I was afraid of that. I don’t suppose there’s any chance that you’re an unemployed actor looking for work, is there?” she asked hopefully.

Alex almost laughed at the notion, and he would have if he weren’t feeling as though he’d wandered into the Twilight Zone. “Hardly. I’m an attorney. My name’s Alex Stone.”