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Surrender To Me
Surrender To Me
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Surrender To Me

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“That’s what we all say, my brother.” He chuckled from deep in his chest and took a band from his pocket to gather up his mid-shoulder-length locs. He fastened them at the nape of his neck. “Come on up front. Let’s check the stage and the mics. The rest of the band should be here in a few.”

The Quinten Parker Quartet had made a name for themselves touring the States and Europe. Q’s wife, Rae, a star in her own right, added a bit of splash to the quartet with her provocative spoken word.

Quinten asked him more times than he could count to join the band. Each time Rafe graciously turned him down. He enjoyed the liberating feeling of playing where and when he wanted, recording in the studio when he was ready, popping up at clubs to be a featured performer, being his own man with his own business. Totally independent. Being tied to anything or anyone didn’t work for him. He’d tried it. Once was enough.

“Hey,” Quinten said, his tone softened. He anchored his hand on Rafe’s shoulder. “It’s been a long time.” He looked his friend in the eye, knowing.

Rafe’s jaw reflexively clenched. “Yeah, it has. Doesn’t change anything.” His brow arched to punctuate his point.

Quinten held his hands up in submission. “I hear ya.” He pushed open the back-room door and they entered the club space.

Rafe stepped up onto the stage. Q was right. It had been a long time, sixteen years and counting. But like he’d said, time didn’t change anything. So he filled those years with music, good food, expensive liquor, beautiful women, world travel and trying to forget. That was the life he’d created for himself and he was fine with it.

Chapter 4

Mike fell in step next to Avery as they exited the conference room.

“You never did say who the guy was down at security.”

Avery barely glanced at him. “You’re right. I didn’t.” She quickened her pace but Mike matched her stride for stride.

“I’m curious why Senator Lawson’s son would be here to see you.”

Avery slowed for an instant. Her temper flared, but she would not let Mike get under her skin. “How about it’s none of your damned business.” She stopped in midstride and spun toward him. “The next time you have the itch to either check the visitor’s log or review security footage to check up on me, I’ll report you for sexual harassment.”

“Whoa! Just hold on. It’s nothing like that and you know it.”

“Do I?” she challenged. The glint of fire in her eyes held him in place. “Have a good day, Mike, and stay out of my way.”

Avery’s heart thundered. She hurried down the corridor and back to her office. The weekly staff meeting was draining enough without having to deal with Mike and his nonsense. Something had to change.

She closed her office door behind her, sat at her desk and booted up her computer. She did a quick check of her email, then updated her calendar based on the new assignments given at the meeting. Those minor details out of the way, she checked her service weapon in her underarm holster, took her purse from the bottom drawer and headed out for the day.

Inside her car with her office now in her rearview, she felt herself begin to unwind but quickly felt a different surge of tension as the sound of Rafe’s voice came alive in her mind. A mild shudder rippled through her limbs. She gripped the steering wheel tighter.

Seeing him today was simultaneously thrilling and unsettling; thrilling that he went to whatever lengths to find her and unsettling for the very same reason. She was flattered that he sought her out, but the distance that she maintained to protect herself and her space had been breached without her consent.

Clearly Rafe Lawson was the type of man that did what he wanted whenever he desired and he had the money, the connections and the charisma to pull it all off.

Avery parked in the garage and entered the two-bedroom Tudor through the kitchen. Her cell phone vibrated in her purse.

“I’m just walking in the door,” Avery said, catching Kerry’s call before it went to voice mail.

“Just checking to make sure you didn’t chicken out.”

“Very funny. Why would I do that?” She tugged open the double-door stainless steel fridge and took out a bottle of water.

“Because I know you, that’s why. Anyway, what are you wearing?”

“To be honest I hadn’t really thought about it.” She took a long replenishing swallow.

“Hmm. Well, I’m going casual. My white crepe slacks and that magenta blouse that I got from the mall and those strappy white Michael Kors sandals...some accessories. Yeah, that’s what I’ll wear.”

Avery shook her head and smiled. Kerry’s idea of casual was runway ready. “Sounds perfect. Guess I better get moving and find something appropriate so that I won’t look like the poor relation,” she said over her laughter.

“Girl, please, you couldn’t look bad coming out of a street fight. Why do you think I always have to step up my game when we go out?”

“K, please,” she sniffed and finished off her water.

“I’m serious. You are so focused on your job and scoping out bad guys that you are totally oblivious to the effect you have. Rafe Lawson tracking your behind down is a perfect example. Do you have any idea who he really is?”

Avery started toward her bedroom. “Yes. He’s Senator Lawson’s son. He’s wealthy and well connected.”

“You are pitiful. Girl, Google him. He’s a lot more than a wealthy senator’s son. I’ll meet you out front of the club at 7:30.”

“Fine. See you later.” She tossed her phone on the bed. Kerry always made everything more dramatic than it really was. She should have gone into acting instead of law enforcement.

Avery opened her closet door and stood staring at her rather ordinary line-up of outfits, the majority of which were navy and gray skirt and slack suits. She had one formal dress that she’d worn to the Lawson party and her go-to jersey wrap dress in a deep navy blue. She took the navy dress from the rack and laid it out on the bed then went to hop in the shower.

* * *

Avery’s hands shook ever so slightly as she put silver hoops in her ears. Nervous. What did she have to be jittery about? She was going to a jazz club with her best friend, something she’d done hundreds of times. But none of those times had Rafe Lawson invited her.

Her heart beat faster. She drew in a long, deep breath and briefly shut her eyes. Just another night out, she told herself. She took her purse from the dresser, dropped her wallet, keys and phone inside and headed out.

* * *

It took a bit of time to find parking. The lot behind Blues Alley was full and street parking was at a premium. Avery finally found a spot two blocks off Constitution Avenue. The short walk back gave her a chance to put on her game face and settle the flare-up of nerves.

As she approached the club she spotted Kerry standing outside with her focus on her cell phone. She glanced up and smiled when she saw Avery.


“Hi. You weren’t waiting long, were you?”

“No, just got here,” Kerry said.

“Parking is crazy.”

“I know, I think I got the last spot in the lot.”


They both turned toward the entrance and went inside. It had been a while since she’d been to Blues Alley. The last act she’d seen perform was a special appearance by Wynton Marsalis.

“Good evening, ladies. Do you have a reservation?” the hostess asked.

“No. We don’t,” Kerry said.

“It might be a bit of a wait for a table.”

Avery and Kerry took a quick look around. The club was full.

“Busy night,” Avery commented.

“Quinten Parker always draws a crowd. I can get you a setup at the bar until a table opens.”

The friends took a quick glance at each other and nodded in unified agreement.

“Right this way.” The hostess led them over to the bar and took their names for the waiting list.

“Didn’t think about making reservations for a weeknight,” Kerry said as she hopped up on the bar stool. “The band is really good.”

“I think I have one of his early CDs,” Avery said. She placed her purse on her lap and looked around.

“You see him?” Kerry asked knowingly.

Avery adjusted her bottom on the stool. “No.” She linked her fingers together and worked at being unconcerned. But that didn’t stop her pulse from jackhammering in her veins.

“What can I get you, ladies?” The bartender wiped the spaces in front of them with a damp cloth.

“Apple martini,” Avery said.

“Make that two,” Kerry added.

“Coming right up.” He placed a bowl of mixed nuts and one of taco chips with dip in front of them.

* * *

Rafe walked out front from the greenroom along with Quinten to check the crowd.

“You definitely can bring them in,” Rafe said, congratulating Quinten with a pat on the back.

“Blues Alley is my second home when I leave New York.”

“Haven’t been to New York for a minute,” Rafe said. He leaned against the frame of the archway. “Need to get this next album finished.”

“How much more to go?”

“At least three more tracks to lay down.”

“Your last one was off the chain, man.” They bumped fists. “Anytime you want to come up to Harlem I have some of the best engineers in the business. Pure genius. And the next project we need to do together.”

Rafe slowly nodded in agreement. “Yeah. For sure.” He turned his head and when a waitress moved he spotted Avery at the bar. “Be right back.” He started off before Quinten could respond.

Rafe glided between tables and around bodies blocking his pathway to the bar. He eased behind her.

“Glad you could make it,” he whispered against her neck.

Avery felt her entire body tingle. She angled toward him as he came up beside her.

“Rafe,” she managed to say and was caught up for a moment in the light of his eyes.

Kerry turned.

Avery cleared her throat. “Rafe Lawson, this is my friend Kerry Holt. Kerry, Rafe Lawson.”

“Pleasure.” He gave Kerry a gallant nod and a smile. “I have a table,” he said to them both, but his focus was on Avery. “You’re more than welcome, unless you prefer the bar.”

“Absolutely not,” Kerry answered for them both. She stuck a twenty under the bowl of nuts to cover both their drinks, then slid down off her bar stool.

Avery wanted to elbow Kerry but restrained herself. “Thanks. They didn’t say how long the wait for a table would be.”

“My pleasure.” He placed his hand on her lower back as she got off the stool.

“Right this way.”

Avery used all of her concentration to put one foot in front of the other to avoid succumbing to the heat of his large hand right above the rise of her rear.

“It’s the one in the center, up front,” he said close to her ear and she knew it was that thing he did to get close to her and it worked—again.

They stopped at the table and Rafe helped them both into their seats. “Can I get you ladies anything?”

“We’re good for now,” Avery said, and held up her half-finished drink.

Rafe nodded. “Totally understand. But when you get hungry they have a great menu and it’s on the house.”

“Oh, you don’t have to−”

Kerry cut her off. “Thank you. That’s very generous.”

Rafe took a step back. “Enjoy your evening, ladies. See you later?” he stated to Avery in a mouthed whisper.

Avery didn’t respond as she watched him stroll away.

“Oh. My. God,” Kerry whispered and fanned herself with the menu. She leaned forward and stared Avery in the eyes. “Listen here, girl, if you don’t know what you want to do with all that—I’ll handle it for you.”

“,” she admitted.

“That’s putting it mildly and he is so charming.”

They laughed and for a moment Avery allowed herself to imagine “what if.”

Kerry raised her glass and shifted Avery’s focus.

“What are we toasting?” Avery asked.

“To possibility.” She grinned.