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The Regency Season: Hidden Desires: Courted by the Captain / Protected by the Major
The Regency Season: Hidden Desires: Courted by the Captain / Protected by the Major
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The Regency Season: Hidden Desires: Courted by the Captain / Protected by the Major

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‘Yet he did not get what he wanted,’ Adam said and frowned. ‘We have Mark’s notes and the necklace. You should speak to Staffs. He will recall the game and may know if anyone lost that necklace to Mark that night. We should need a witness. The mere fact that someone lost the necklace in a card game does not make him a thief. He could have been duped into buying it.’

‘In which case he would be unlikely to murder in order to retrieve it,’ Hallam said. ‘If he were not known in society, it would not matter to him—therefore he must be a gentleman. Someone with a reputation to lose.’

‘It all begins to add up—’ Adam said and broke off as Paul walked in dressed in a dark riding coat and pale breeches. ‘Paul, we found this mess—’

‘And you did not think to tell me.’ Paul glared at him. ‘If you imagine I would do something of this kind...’

‘No, of course not. Hallam was with me when Jenny told us of the intruder. We came straight here...’

‘So Miss Hastings knows more than I...’ Paul turned away. ‘I’ve had enough of all this. It is stifling me. I’m going for a ride.’

‘Don’t be an idiot,’ Adam said. ‘Hallam has discovered something important. That necklace was stolen—’

‘Are you suggesting my brother was a thief?’

‘No, of course not,’ Hallam said. ‘For goodness’ sake, man! No one is accusing Mark of theft or you of murder. Mark must have won it in a card game, as we thought—but the fact that it is stolen makes it more likely that someone might kill Mark to protect himself from discovery.’

‘Yes, I see what you mean.’ Paul gave them a brooding look. ‘I wish to God that I knew who it was. At this moment I should need no excuse to break his damned neck with my bare hands.’

‘Paul...please, do not be foolish,’ Adam said. ‘I know how you feel, but—’

‘How can you know?’ Paul demanded. ‘You don’t have people looking at you, wondering how you feel about becoming your father’s heir. Everything was Mark’s and I feel like a thief because I shall now inherit what ought to be his.’

‘Ridiculous,’ Hallam said. ‘Mark was the elder. Now you are—of course everything will come to you in due course.’

‘Even Lucy?’ Paul’s eyes were dark with grief. ‘I’ve seen the way she looks at me—resentful, as if she wishes it was me who died.’

‘I am sure she has no such thoughts,’ Hallam said. ‘You are being a fool, Paul. Lucy is grieving, as we all are.’

Paul shook his head, muttered something and walked away. Hallam looked at Adam and sighed.

‘He’s like a bear with a sore head.’

‘We can hardly blame him. People will wonder and speculate for a while.’

‘I dare say what is upsetting him is Lucy. You know how he feels about her.’

‘He would never have done anything about it. She was always Mark’s future wife.’

‘Yes, but Mark isn’t here now,’ Adam said. ‘Now there is nothing to stop him asking her to marry him—and yet he can’t. To speak now would be like dancing on his brother’s grave. It must be a terrible feeling to see what you desire most in the world within touching distance, but unable to reach out. He must feel she is still forbidden to him.’

‘Yes, I see what you mean.’ Hallam looked thoughtful. ‘Poor devil—though...’ He shook his head. ‘Lucy is Paul’s problem. We have more important things to worry about, Adam. If the murderer should turn out to be Fontleroy, we have to discover a way of making him reveal his identity.’

‘Exactly what I was thinking,’ Adam said. ‘That would be difficult, I imagine. With Mark dead there are no witnesses to what happened that day—though if we could prove Fontleroy lost that necklace to Mark in a card game we could threaten him with disclosure. If he thought he might be arrested for theft, he might try to get the evidence from us.’

‘It is a faint hope,’ Hallam said. ‘But first we have to find someone who saw him lose that necklace to Mark—if indeed it was he that lost it.’

‘Do you happen to know where Staffs is staying at the moment? Is he in London or his country home?’

‘It is a wonder he did not come today.’ Hallam frowned. ‘He was one of Mark’s oldest and best friends. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a card from him—is that not strange?’

‘The announcement was in The Times and other papers—and a notice was sent to Mark’s club. I cannot think that he would not have seen it.’ Adam was thoughtful. ‘I believe you should set out for London this evening. If he was a witness...’

‘Then his own life may be in danger,’ Hallam said.

‘And we should also take more care. We have been careless, Hallam. I made the mistake of thinking that the murderer would be running scared—but he may be made of bolder stuff than we imagined. He is certainly ruthless and having murdered once would not hesitate to do so again.’

‘I shall speak to my uncle and leave almost at once. If I do not find Stafford in London, I shall go down to Hampshire, to his country seat—unless I discover he has gone to visit friends.’

‘This grows more dangerous by the minute,’ Adam said and clasped his shoulder. ‘Take care, Hal—I should not like to lose another of my cousins.’

‘I would say the same to you,’ Hallam replied grimly. ‘Be careful when you ride out alone—and keep a loaded pistol with you at all times.’

‘Yes, I intend to, though the search goes on locally,’ Adam replied. ‘I shall wait for your return and in the meantime I shall do my best to restrain Paul from giving way to a fit of despair.’

Chapter Six (#u4750029e-c2f4-5d7c-a63d-31afb8d983c8)

‘Where did you go to earlier?’ Lucy asked as they were leaving Ravenscar Court a little later. ‘I looked for you but you had disappeared.’

‘A footman spilled wine on my gown and I had to have it sponged—and then I remembered that I had left my reticule upstairs and went to fetch it.’

‘Oh...’ Lucy frowned. ‘It was odd the way they all left—Adam and Hallam and then Paul. Lord Ravenscar looks so unwell that I felt obliged to sit with him for quite half an hour. I should have liked to tell Paul that his father was not himself, but he had disappeared.’

‘Perhaps he found the proceedings unbearable,’ Jenny suggested. ‘I thought he looked very tense earlier. It must be hard to bear—to lose a brother you love so much.’

‘Yes, perhaps,’ Lucy said and sighed. ‘People think he will have it all now, but I am sure he does not care for the estate enough—’ She broke off and blushed. ‘Paul has the estate his maternal grandfather left him. Why should he covet what Mark had? I do not think it of him—do you?’

‘Not at all. I believe he is genuine in his distress.’

‘Yes. So why...?’ Lucy wrinkled her nose prettily. ‘I hoped he might speak to me, tell me how he feels, but he is avoiding me. Every time I approach he moves away and he will not look at me.’

‘I dare say he is still too upset to think clearly.’

‘It is almost as if he blames me...’

‘No, how could he? No one could blame you, Lucy.’

‘No—and yet Paul does blame me for something.’ Lucy blinked hard. ‘Oh, I do not want to talk about any of it. It is all too horrible. I wish we could go away somewhere. I can hardly bear to be near Ravenscar and know...’ She smothered a sob.

‘You will feel better soon, dearest.’

‘Shall I?’ Lucy looked at her in disbelief. ‘I feel that my whole life is ruined.’

‘You must try, Lucy. In a few days people will stop talking about the tragedy and you will be at peace.’

Lucy shook her head, but they had arrived at Lucy’s home. As they got down, Lady Dawlish emerged from her husband’s carriage and came to meet them.

‘Thank goodness that is all over,’ she said. ‘You may change out of that gown now, Lucy my dear. I shall not ask you to wear black again. Your father and I have discussed what is right and proper and he agrees that pale grey or lilac is sufficient.’

‘Thank you, Mama,’ Lucy said and dabbed at her cheek with a lace kerchief. ‘I wish we might go away. I feel so distressed by all this...’

‘Well, we shall think about it,’ her mama said. ‘Your papa is not certain of what would be right for we should not wish to appear uncaring—but I do not wish to see my darling girl in such despair. We could not go to London and balls will be out of the question for some months, but we might visit Bath, perhaps.’

‘Oh, Mama, if we could I should feel so much better,’ Lucy declared.

‘Well, we shall see in a week or two,’ her mother said and patted her cheek. ‘Now run along in and change, my dears. There is nothing to stop you and Jenny walking or riding as usual—and some music in the house might be pleasant. I am sorely grieved for the family, but I see no point in dwelling on something that cannot be changed. However, you must do as you wish, Lucy—for I would not push you into anything you did not like.’

Lucy thanked her and smiled at Jenny. ‘We must change and then we can go for a long walk together. I feel as if I need some air after being indoors all day.’

‘You will not leave the gardens this evening,’ Lady Dawlish said. ‘Time enough for long walks tomorrow, dearest—and then you will take a maid with you, if you please. We must not forget there may be a dangerous man at large.’

Lucy did not argue. Instead she took Jenny by the arm and they went up the stairs together.

* * *

In her room Jenny submitted to the ministrations of her maid and then chose a gown of dark blue. It had lilac tones in the stripes and she did not consider herself to be in mourning; much as she felt for Mark’s family she could not grieve, as Lucy did. Instead, she felt sad for those who had loved him. His brother was in such pain, as were his cousins. She would not forget Adam’s face as he held his dying cousin, but she believed he had conquered his grief, letting anger take over. All his thoughts now would be concentrated on discovering the culprit and in that he was fortunate. Lucy had only regrets and could do nothing to help.

Jenny was upset with herself for not being quicker when she’d seen the intruder. She ought to have run straight back to Adam and told him what she’d seen. Perhaps then the killer might already have been caught.

Hallam had been very annoyed with her, but Adam had been more understanding. She knew that he was very angry over the whole affair and was disappointed with herself for letting him down.

Jenny shook her head. Adam Miller was occupying too much of her thoughts of late. With each meeting her feelings had grown warmer and she thought she liked him very well indeed. Enough to entertain thoughts of what might possibly come to be in the future. Yet she knew it was foolish to hope for more than friendship.

Even if Adam were kindly disposed to her—and his words on several occasions had seemed to indicate it—he might soon change his mind if he knew that rather than the poor dependent he thought her, she was actually a despised heiress. She was not yet certain how much her inheritance amounted to, for although her lawyer had told her she had no need to worry he might think a mere competence sufficient for her needs—especially as she was at liberty to live either with her kind friends or her uncle. If she wished to set up her own establishment and employ a companion, she might yet find herself unable to pay her way.

She wished that she had not allowed Adam to think her in difficulties at the start, though in London he’d seemed so very arrogant and she’d initially found it amusing that he’d taken pity on her because he thought her helpless and in some distress.

She had soon learned to admire him. After witnessing the emotions he’d undergone when his cousin fell dying into his arms, she’d come to realise what kind of a man he truly was and, in the following days, she had learned to appreciate his qualities.

That he had some liking for her was evident, but that did not necessarily mean he was interested in her as anything other than a friend. Jenny bit her bottom lip. If she allowed herself to like Mr Miller too much she would be a foolish girl. And now she must hurry for she did not wish to keep Lucy waiting.

* * *

‘I am so thankful that business is over,’ Lucy said, taking Jenny’s arm as they walked in the cool of the evening air. ‘It was such an ordeal and I do not think I could have borne it without you.’

‘I am sorry I was not there when you looked for me.’

‘ was only that Lord Ravenscar was so kind to me. I could hardly keep from weeping. He told me that Mark had bought me a pearl necklace and a beautiful emerald-and-diamond ring. He says that they are mine and he will send them to me another day. I did not know how to answer him for I would rather not receive them.’

‘But he gives them because Mark wanted you to have them,’ Jenny said. ‘What else is he to do with them? And they were meant for you.’

‘I should not have had them had we postponed the wedding,’ Lucy said and flushed. ‘It makes me feel that I have them under false pretences, Jenny.’

‘Yes, I see how you must feel,’ Jenny said. ‘But you must consider Lord Ravenscar’s feelings. If you refuse them, he may be hurt.’

‘I suppose so. I could never wear them...’ Lucy sighed. ‘Why did it have to happen, Jenny? Who could hate Mark so much that he would kill him?’

‘I do not know,’ Jenny replied and felt awkward because she was obliged to keep what she did know a secret. ‘I believe Adam and Hallam may have some clues, but we shall know more when they manage to apprehend the culprit.’

‘I pray they will do so,’ Lucy said and then lifted her head. ‘I shall say nothing more of this. Let us speak of Bath. If only Papa will let us go, it will be such a relief.’

‘Yes, I agree with you. I have been in mourning for my father, as you know, and I should like to buy some new clothes.’

Lucy seized on the temporary escape from gloom. ‘Have you thought of what colours you would like?’

‘I think I should like a ballgown of peach or flame, also evening gowns of emerald green and royal blue, which is always a favourite—and a yellow muslin for mornings. You had a pretty one in town, which I admired. I thought the style became you very well. I do like the puffed sleeves and also the leg of mutton that is popular for day wear.’

‘I like puffed sleeves best of all,’ Lucy agreed. ‘I know the dress you mean. It does suit me. I was wearing that the morning Paul asked me to save him a dance at the ball...’ She flushed. ‘Everyone always thinks Mark was better at everything than his brother, but it isn’t true. Paul waltzes divinely—and he loves poetry. He can quote lines from my favourite poems...’

‘It is always so pleasant when a friend can quote from a poem you love, isn’t it?’ Jenny smiled and squeezed her arm. ‘We always shared a love of poetry, did we not?’

Lucy began to talk happily of poems they both enjoyed and they quoted lines back and forth so that by the time they returned to the house Lucy had laughed several times and her tense unhappy look had gone.

* * *

Dinner had been easier than it had been for some days and when they parted at the end of the evening Jenny felt that her friend was beginning to recover her spirits. She undressed, but felt unready for sleep and perched on the window seat to sit looking out at the moon sailing in a cloudless sky.

She wished again that she’d been able to be of more use to Adam in the matter of the intruder. Why had he seemed familiar to her from a distance? Had she seen his face she might have known him. She wondered if he’d noticed her sooner than she’d noticed him—and whether that was why he’d turned away so quickly.

It occurred to Jenny that if the intruder believed she’d seen him and known him, she might possibly be in some danger herself.

* * *

Adam cursed as he finished his tour of the gardens that evening. He’d put a couple of extra keepers on duty to patrol the grounds, because the intruder might pay another visit during the hours of darkness. If he were truly concerned that the necklace could lead to his being denounced as a thief and a murderer, he would possibly try to discover its whereabouts again. Yet the thought that troubled Adam most was one that had not occurred to him immediately.

Jenny might be in some danger. She had seen very little, but there was a chance she might recall what seemed familiar about the man—and he might believe she’d seen more than she had. If he did, he might consider her a danger to him—and was ruthless enough to sweep away all obstacles in his path.

‘Damn it!’

Why hadn’t he thought of that before? He would have to ride over to Dawlish in the morning and speak to Jenny, because she ought to be on her guard. This man was dangerous and Adam was under no illusions that he would hesitate to murder a woman who could expose him.

It was as he entered the house that he saw Paul about to go upstairs and called to him. Paul hesitated, then came back to him.

‘I’m sorry if I lost my temper earlier, Adam.’

‘You’ve had enough to try you—but take care, Paul. This man may try to kill you next.’

‘What makes you think that? I have no more idea of his identity than you have.’

‘He doesn’t know that and may imagine that Mark told you something of importance,’ Adam said. ‘It is a measure of the devil’s desperation that he came here today when the house was full of guests to try to find that wretched necklace. I almost wish he had.’

‘No! Why?’

‘Because then perhaps other lives would not be at risk. Jenny saw him briefly. If he suspects she saw more than she did...’

‘Yes, I see. If he thought she could identify him, she might be his next victim—as I might if he believed Mark told me about the necklace. Truth to tell, I knew Mark had something on his mind, but did not imagine it was of this nature.’ Paul frowned. ‘You will have to warn her, Adam. This is a hellish affair and gets worse. Miss Hastings must not be allowed to become his victim.’

‘No, indeed. I should not like that at all.’