Subject: Major Ben HawthorneMission: To make one sexy civvy's Christmas wish come trueChristmas is almost here, and guys are the last thing on personal shopper Ainsley Garrett's li...
A Sexy Marine Neighbor?Hoorah!The sight of the gorgeous, ripped military man across the street heats Mari McGuire from head to toe—and a whole lot in between. Yes, sir, she definit...
Subject: Lieutenant Colonel Matt RyanMission: Keep things professional…no matter how hard—or hot—it gets!Matt Ryan wants to settle down to a peaceful life as a helicopter instructo...
Subject: Captain Will Hughes, U.S. Marine CorpsCurrent Status: On assignment in NYC–suddenly recruited to shed the uniform!Mission: Serve as model, muse and man-toy without running...
Marine Lieutenant Rafe McCawley intends to seduce the woman who saved him. But does he have the right one?The breath-taking island resort is perfect for Rafe to relax, recover… and...
Forensic anthropologist Patience McGee doesn't play games. So when she offers to investigate the death of businessman Cade Randall's father from twenty years ago, Cade's ambivalenc...
For Mariska Stonegate, the gorgeous guy she’s now met is everything she’s looking for in a man – hot, hot and… hot! Just because every pore of his body screams danger and sex doesn...
Well, it certainly wasn't the assignment detective Katie McClure was expecting. Traveling to London to protect an old scientist who'd been receiving death threats? Too easy.As it t...
19 декабря 1848 года
ушла из жизни Эмили Бронте (Emily Jane Bronte) (родилась в 1818г.), английская писательница ("Грозовой перевал", "Душа моя не из трусливых").