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The Deep End
The Deep End
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The Deep End

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‘The morning meeting isn’t going to go on for ever,’ she reminded him, turning in a circle as she shimmied out of her cardigan. ‘Where do you want me to look?’

‘Don’t worry, I can see you, and the meeting will go on as long as I want it to.’

‘How can you be so sure?’

‘I have someone in that room that makes sure it does.’

The authority in his voice was like a drug shot into her veins. She tossed the sweater onto the floor and went to work on the belt bisecting her dress. She let it fall and reached behind for her zipper. ‘Do you have a hard-on?’

‘Shush …’

There was only the sound of his breathing as she completed her disrobing. No garters and thong today. She had dressed in anticipation of getting canned. Navy bikinis and a bra to match were as wild as it got.

‘Everything,’ he said when she was down to her wedge sandals.

‘You know, I’ve never been completely stripped down in here,’ she said, and kicked her shoes under the desk.

‘I know. You seem to like getting fucked while you’re half-dressed. Go over to the conference table, and take your gifts with you.’

‘Is that what these are?’ She held up the vibrator as she strode towards the table. She tossed the lube onto the surface and placed her palm flat on the edge. ‘Do you want me like last night?’

‘No, I want you on your back to start.’

She stood on her toes and lifted her knee to the edge of the table, then stopped and looked around. ‘Why do I still have a job?’

He chuckled, so low and lovely. ‘Because you were a very good girl last night and you did exactly what I told you to.’

‘Fair enough,’ she said, out of breath.

She felt as though she was moving underwater as she climbed onto the table. Glancing around, she rolled onto her ass. The surface had never felt cooler, or perhaps it was because she was so hot.

‘I still don’t know where to look.’

‘Don’t look, just listen.’

As his words simmered in her blood, Grace leaned back on one elbow. ‘Tell me.’

‘Show me how wet you are.’

Her thighs trembled as she drew her knees apart, escalating to a hot shiver as she exposed herself to him. She slowly danced her fingers over her belly and into the waiting wet heat. As she stroked herself, the pulse of his breath picked up. She held hers, hoping to hear the sounds of clothes rustling or even a zipper, but there was only that sharp in-and-out.

‘Wet, but not wet enough,’ he murmured. ‘I think it’s about time you tried out that lube.’

Her fingers shook as she drew the lube closer. ‘I’ve always wanted to try this.’

‘Just use a little on the tip of your finger.’

She squeezed a dollop onto her finger and brought it up to her nose. ‘Minty. Must be like an Altoids kiss.’

‘A what?’

‘It’s when a man sucks a mint before going down on you. I read about it in Cosmo when I was in university and I wanted to give it a try, but my roommate beat me to the punch. She had a reaction and ended up in the hospital.’ She grinned and swept the tip of her finger around her clit. ‘I trust you spent a little more than the cost of an Altoids on this.’

‘If you could see yourself when you come, you’d agree there’s no price too high. Open up a little more for me.’

Grace drew her feet closer to her ass until there was nothing left to show. She didn’t feel any difference with the lube, not yet, but having him pull her strings once more had her dripping.

‘What would you do to me if you had me?’ she whispered. She needed to keep him talking as she rolled her finger around and around her clit.

And there in her ear, she heard it: the rustling of his clothes and the creak of his chair as he undressed, and the quick intake of his breath as he began to touch himself. She closed her eyes and summoned forth the image of his glorious, glistening cock.

‘Just like you are,’ he said, his voice shaky now, ‘spread out like that and squirming while I play with your clit.’

‘Oh, yes.’

She dropped back again, all the way down, and closed her eyes. She imagined herself from above, sprawled out like she was at that moment, but with a shadowy figure kneeling between her legs. She could almost feel his thick fingers stroking through the pink, wet heat he found.

‘Oh, yes,’ she said again, rolling the hard bud under her middle finger. ‘Yes, tell me more.’

‘You tell me,’ he murmured. ‘Tell me what you would do to please me.’

The crackle of static gave his voice an unearthly quality, once more the sorcerer prying into her thoughts. She pushed the balls of her feet against the hard surface of the table and rocked her ass in tune with her finger. She lived and breathed the fantasy behind her eyes of being slowly undone by her faceless lover.

Grace slid two fingers lower and pushed into the wetness. She didn’t go any further than the first joints. She needed to tease herself, to prolong this sweet torture as long as it suited him.

‘You want to watch me squirm. I can tell, and so you’ll make me squirm.’


‘I want your tongue on my clit. You know how badly I want you to lick me, to suck me, but you need me ready for you. A wet hole isn’t good enough, not for you.’ She squeezed her lids shut and quaked as she flexed her fingers at the mouth of her cunt. ‘You want me hungry.’

‘Back up to your clit,’ he said, breathless in her ear, and sucked in a quick breath as she delved a little deeper. ‘Grace, do as I say.’

His command was just as powerful as the sensation of being stretched, and she bit her lip and complied. She wondered if he had the perfect view of what he had done to her.

‘I’ll beg for something more, but you’ll just tease me.’ Two fingers on either side of her clit, she moaned as such a teasing touch sent a hot spasm though her. ‘Oh, wow, I think that stuff is really starting to work.’

‘Keep talking. You’ll beg for something.’

‘Oh, I’ll beg you, all right, but it won’t be enough. You’ll play with me, just like this, maybe using your fingers in my pussy like I just did to make me crazy.’

She shook her head, pushing up faster as the slight pinch evoked another throb. The shuffling sounds on the other end of the line became more pronounced. Though faint, she caught the squelch of flesh against flesh, his cock in his palm.

She opened her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. ‘You’ll tease me while you’re doing it. You’ll have your cock in hand, using my juices as lube, and you’ll make me watch you jerk off while you finger me.’

‘It’ll make you want it more.’

Nodding, Grace cranked her wrist and let the pleasure build and build. ‘You won’t let me have it, though. You let me know it, too. You might kneel up here by my head and let me suck your cock, but you won’t fuck me, and then you won’t even touch me any more.’

Her fingers stilled. She felt around her for the vibrator.

‘You’ll stand over me, knowing how bad I want you to do whatever you want at this point. Fuck my pussy, my mouth, my ass, but you get off on keeping me from coming. You know –’

‘How hungry you’ll be for my cock if I keep it from you a little longer.’

‘Yes, exactly, and so you show me what I can’t have.’ The vibrator in hand, she touched the button on the base of the shaft. ‘All you leave me with is this, knowing it will never be good enough.’

Engrossed completely in her fantasy, she pressed the tip of the vibe to her clit. It took only seconds for her sex to adjust to the sudden vibration, and then she turned it up almost all the way.

‘Close your eyes and keep talking. Tell me.’

He was puffing now, his authority cracking as desperation took over.

‘So close. God, you’re so close, kneeling with your cock just above my pussy.’ Pushing the vibe in, she ground down and moaned through clenched teeth. ‘You’re going to come anywhere but my pussy. Aren’t you?’

‘Because you want me to come inside you.’

‘Oh, yes.’

That perfect, throbbing energy took over. She was lost in the fantasy, in the blurry image of this man she’d never really seen, looming over her, pushing her down and keeping her there with his sheer will.

Her time to talk was over. Taureau took over, words exploding on radio waves and travelling over miles and miles to pummel her, to fuel this need that had built as she took them both into this fantasy.

‘I can see how bad you want it,’ he said, ‘You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Grace.’

‘Oh, tell me,’ she gasped, pushing up onto her toes as the surge grew closer and closer. ‘Tell me, please.’

‘Just what I’m doing to you. I want to fuck you, fuck your pussy, your mouth and your ass like you want me to. I want …’

His words became a garble of sounds just as the need for words became meaningless. She braced herself for the tsunami that was coming fast. She held her breath and the muscles in her bum went taut. It was so terrifyingly powerful she almost stopped, almost tossed the vibrator aside and wept, but there was no stopping it. She could hear him reaching his own climax, and the sound of her name gurgling in her ear spurred her on.

The shock of such a magnificent swell left her shaking inside and out. She released her grip on the vibrator and squeezed her eyes shut as it danced on the table between her legs. The starburst in her eyes blinded her, and she vainly tried to shut it out by throwing her arm over her eyes. Shaking her head as though to deny such a powerful rush of pleasure, Grace sobbed through the aftermath as the sound of Taureau fighting for breath filled her head.

‘Oh, my God,’ she whispered, forgetting that he could hear her, until his breathless chuckle brought her back to earth. She scrambled for the vibe, but couldn’t stay upright once she had turned it off. She flopped back and stared at the ceiling.

‘I can see you still throbbing,’ he said.

It was Grace’s turn to laugh. ‘You were right. That was money well spent. I haven’t come like that since I first learned what a clitoris was for.’

‘I’m sure it was more than the lube and vibrator, though you can add those to your collection in the desk. One of these days, Caroway is going to get a surprise when he goes on the hunt for something.’

She shook her floating head. ‘He won’t. He’s too important to even put sugar in his own coffee. Anything he wants, he asks me for.’

‘You are efficient.’

The quirk at the corner of her mouth was unstoppable. He wouldn’t let her forget that he had been paying attention to her office flings. As she lay there trying to steady her breath, she wondered about the fact that he’d caught her at all. Did he sit in front of a wall of computers all day and watch the goings-on at Taureau-Werner? What sort of existence did he live?

There she was, in the perfect position to learn more about a man who was all legend, and yet she didn’t probe as she pushed herself up. She was in no position to ask questions.

But she did want at least one answer.

‘I’ve been worrying all day that you were going to fire me. I need you to tell me.’ Her voice was froggy from thirst and every word scratched across her throat. She made her way to Caroway’s bar fridge. ‘Is that’s what’s going to happen if I decide not to take your orders any longer? Is that what would have happened if I had closed my desk drawer when I found your gift?’

‘Did I force you to come in here? Did I coerce you? Now? Last night?’

She wanted to say yes to save face and win the discussion, but she knew that wasn’t true. This wasn’t blackmail. This wasn’t sexual harassment or whatever you wanted to call it. He hadn’t intimidated her, had he? She didn’t pull down her panties and bend over the conference table because she felt she had to. He’d reached out to her, and she’d reached right back.

She wanted to play this game with him.

‘No,’ she said, and claimed a water bottle from the fridge. She drank half of it down, and then shook her head. ‘No, you didn’t. You never even threatened me with exposure.’

‘That would be stupid of me, wouldn’t it? I have no proof. The cameras can’t exist, and, even if they did, a little office indiscretion would pale in comparison to the scandal if you decided to hit me with a lawsuit.’

Grace returned to the table and collected the vibrator, then headed for Caroway’s bathroom. ‘I never thought of it that way.’

‘I’m sure you would have found a lawyer who would have no trouble connecting the dots.’

She laughed as she squirted a dollop of hand soap on the plastic shaft. ‘Can you see me in here?’

‘No. Bathrooms are off limits. Not out of respect for privacy, obviously, but because there are some things I prefer not to see.’

‘Have you seen Caroway’s “guests” on the weekend?’

‘You’d be surprised what I see.’ He said nothing more as she ran the water and soaped up the vibe, but spoke as soon as she cut the water. ‘Grace, your job is safe. What happened here today and last night in the boardroom has nothing to do with the other. If you walk away, there will be no repercussions for your job. I promise you.’

‘Your promise means nothing to me, not right now.’

He didn’t counter her words. As far as she could tell, he merely watched as she cleaned herself up and tidied Caroway’s office. The sound of his breathing was unnerving, but she didn’t try to remove the headpiece.

‘Leave them in the cupboard,’ he said as she picked up both the lube and the vibe. ‘Keep them close.’

‘I was thinking of taking them home with me.’

‘Maybe I should install cameras in your apartment.’ She heard the click of keys on a keyboard and grinned as he said, ‘578 Haughn Street, apartment 808. Correct?’

‘That’s not fair. You’ve already banned me from having sex here at the office. If you place restrictions at home, I might have to start going out for anonymous backseat sex to get my satisfaction.’

‘Caroway may be facing more meetings, if that’s the case, so I can send you home exhausted.’

She felt mad and giddy all at once. This was so surreal. An enigmatic lover watching her from afar, stroking her libido and filling her head with all sorts of wicked thoughts.

She sucked in a deep breath and tucked her presents in the credenza. ‘I should get back to my desk.’

‘Tomorrow is Saturday,’ he said quickly. ‘Can I convince you to come in the afternoon?’

Laughing, she stepped into her shoes. ‘And if I say no?’

‘I’ll make sure you’re here. A sudden project will come up, and Caroway will insist that you give up your weekend to give it your full attention.’