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Holding My Breath
Holding My Breath
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Holding My Breath

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‘I don’t believe you’ve never done that before,’ he said. They were eye-to-eye, and there was no hiding that quirk of a smile now. ‘I did, until you started to giggle while I was really giving it to you. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such happy sounds before.’

‘I did not giggle,’ she said, but she couldn’t be too sure. When those hot smacks were splatting all over her cheeks, her head had been a big fizzy ball. He could have recited ‘The Cremation of Sam McGee’ the whole time and she wouldn’t have had a clue.

‘You are very giggly.’ He spoke softer now while he pushed his fingers into the swell of her hips. ‘I don’t hear laughter like that enough.’

‘I don’t laugh often,’ she whispered, running her hands up to his neck. Her cheeks continued to burn as she focused on unbuttoning him down to the naval. Once she revealed that chest speckled with ginger hairs, she mustered up her confidence to meet his gaze.

She doubted he had looked away from her face the entire time she was undressing him. He seemed lost.

In her? No, he was surely just reading her again.

‘Did you like it?’ she asked as she slipped her fingers beneath his collar. ‘Or did you do it because you knew I’d like it?’

He pushed up enough for her to feel the hard bulge. ‘I liked it.’

Still too sensitive, she rose up on her knees and found she enjoyed looking down on him. With his head tilted back and his neck exposed, he seemed vulnerable and younger than his years.

‘Though “liked” is the wrong word. It’s past tense, and I’m just getting started. I’m just giving you a bit of a breather.’

With that, he gave her another smack. Molly yelped and pushed, and with a surprised oomph he went on his back.

She didn’t try to hide her grin now. ‘Now who has the upper ha– Ouch!’

This slap she returned with one of her own, a warning tap on his cheek. For a moment there was something animalistic in his expression. It touched her in some primal place so deep and dormant she hadn’t realised it was there. Suddenly ravenous, she leaned over him and pressed her forehead to his.

‘Kiss me,’ she whispered, and took his mouth before he could speak.

Lips and tongues collided, chaotic at first, but once he had cupped her head firmly in his hands his silken tongue took possession. Then the firm hands stroked down, raising gooseflesh on her shoulders as he went for the thin straps.

He fucked her mouth, twisting his head back and forth while his tongue bullied hers to remain compliant. Each time she tried to overtake him she failed, and she became more disoriented as he loosened the flimsy straps.

Once he had succeeded in dragging the front of her bodice down, he released her and turned ferocious. Molly gasped as he grasped her arse in two handfuls, but the pain had dulled. He ordered her body up over his and closed his lips around her nipple.

The tight pinch of his teeth offered only a brief release from the ache his suckling mouth invoked.

‘Again,’ she whimpered, driven to insanity by her need for some sort of gratification. ‘Spank me again.’

Laughter sputtered wet on her breast and he dropped his head back for a moment. ‘If you want some of the rough stuff, I can give it to you. I know from experience how thick these walls are.’

He ran his hand over her ass as he took her nipple into his mouth once more. Anticipation ran toxic in her veins. She lifted her ass, but only got the lightest of taps in return.

‘Do it,’ she urged in a hiss, and pushed up out of his mouth’s wet grasp. ‘Just three. Give me just three hard ones.’

He raised his brows slightly, unaffected by the way she was turning into some starved feline thing on top of him. He gave not even a blink as she ground against his groin, no doubt leaving a stain on those expensive trousers.

‘Tell you what,’ he said slyly. ‘I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll give you one good crack on the ass if you let me do something really dirty to you.’

‘I want three,’ she demanded. ‘Just three and you can do whatever you want with me.’

‘Even …’

He drummed his fingers down her ass, down between her pussy lips, then drew the moisture upward.

‘Yes?’ he asked as the tip of his finger met his mark. ‘No?’

She let him find out for himself, arching in invitation he smeared her juices around the tight opening.

‘Yes,’ he whispered, and his hand fell away. ‘Get up. Get on your knees. Get your ass up again.’

She dismounted and scuttled into position while he bounced on his behind to the edge of the bed.

‘Good girl – ass up.’

She twisted her head to one side. He stood at her hip, hands on his waist: a rumpled, wrinkled picture of masculinity.

‘I can say it in a different tone, if it helps.’

‘You’re lucky I’m so obliging, otherwise you’d get another smack on the mouth.’

‘You’re lucky I’m not easily bored by empty threats. Otherwise I’d put you on your knees and fuck your mouth again.’

The excitement that ran through her wasn’t sparked by the authority of what he said, but by the playfulness behind it. She already liked the words; now she was growing fond of the tune.

He sauntered out of view, and the bed sagged as he knelt behind her. Those adept fingers spread open the mouth of her sex.

‘What a lovely mess I’ve made,’ he said, strumming his finger through the dripping folds. ‘Look over there, next to the bed. You missed it when you first came in, you were so wound up in showing off. What do you think it is? Oh, Molly, the possibilities …’

True, she had missed the little black bag when she first came into the room. It was the type you got at posh boutiques that folded skimpy lingerie in tissue paper.

But what was inside didn’t come from Victoria’s Secret. He’d spelled it out for her, and the erratic wave in her head broadcast those filthy possibilities.

‘Do you do this for all of your –’ clients? employers? ‘– friends?’

‘My friends have to bring their own playthings. For you, well, I suppose I could have brought flowers, but if I want to woo a woman who can suck a cock like you can, I have to do better than roses.’

Molly curled her fingers into her palm and smiled into the bedding. It was such a crass thing to say, especially since he was avidly fingering her wet gash, but beneath it all was such sweet sentiment.

‘I like you, too,’ she murmured, and whimpered as the tip of his tongue unravelled her.

Lick after lick fattened her clit while he rubbed her inside, creating a perfect storm. She could have entertained that beautiful tongue between her legs until she just melted into the mattress, but this was only a warm-up before he retreated. He appeared a moment later next to his bag of tricks.

‘You can say no to anything,’ he told her as he reached into the bag.

‘I trust you,’ she whispered, and marvelled that she truly meant it.

Here was a man who took money in exchange for things she only fantasised about, and here he was, in his words, wooing her. Because he liked her.

‘Like’ was such a frank emotion, but it was the one that reached the deepest. In her whole life, the word ‘love’ had been bandied about when convenient – ex-boyfriends and an ex-husband had used them with varying degrees of honesty, but ‘like’ held so much more.

‘Like’ could be tender and perverted all at once, which summed up Quinn most beautifully.

The first item he produced was a common thing, a bottle of lubricant he could have picked up at the grocery store. As wet as she was, he wouldn’t have needed it if he was merely after the slippery shelter of her cunt. It was the second thing he revealed to her that gave point to the first: a fat little anal plug made of green glass.

‘Still trust me?’ he asked, rolling the toy between his fingers so that it caught the light.

‘What else do you have?’ she whispered, and squeezed her thighs together in anticipation as he set the plug on the table beside the lube.

The next was a basic vibrator, an economical little phallus, unlike the wand she kept tucked in her nightstand. For hers, she had a multitude of sleeves and attachments, but in those capable hands she imagined his ten-dollar vibe would make her beg for more.

‘Ass up,’ he repeated.

She hadn’t realised that she had drooped, but at his word she thrust her ass up to him.

‘Are you saving those three smacks?’

His only response was to jerkily unleash his cock, an impressive column that strained away from heavy balls towards his hairy belly. A quick hand waved across the tip like that of a magician trying to glamour his audience, and he showed her his wet palm before working the tip in a way only a man could handle his own cock.

‘Ass. Up.’

As she extended her invitation, he picked up the lube and tossed it onto the bed, then brandished the plug in his free hand.

‘A little too eager, aren’t we?’ he asked, reviving the heat of her ass with a look she felt. ‘When I go home I’m getting on my fucking knees and praying for good health to the president of Barry REIT for putting you in this position in the first place.’

‘I’m pretty sure they’d frown on this sort of thing. They’ve contributed quite a bit to the Conservative cause, and we all know how those people feel about anal sex.’

‘Until they have a spectacular ass like yours offered up.’ He ran his hands over the swell of her buttocks. ‘Do you want your smacks before or after you take what I’ve got for you?’

‘Give me the plug first,’ she begged, peering to one side to find him. It was no use. He was positioned behind her, out of sight.

‘This isn’t a first for you, then?’

‘God, no, but it has been a long time.’

She sucked in a deep breath, unsure whether she should be entirely truthful with him. She’d probably never shut him up if she said it. Still, she was compelled by his fingers parting her cheeks and the cool dollop of lube on her asshole.

‘And you’re very big,’ she finished.

‘I am big, aren’t I?’ he said, and gave her the tapered tip of the plug. ‘How long has it been?’

‘Two years,’ she confessed, and gripped the bedding as he gave her a little more.

‘Do you think you can take me?’

Molly laughed, then gave him the condensed version of her little secret. After some coaxing without success, she’d bought what was called a ‘starter kit’ on the Internet and convinced Aaron to use the smallest size on her. As for actual anal sex, they had never attempted it, so technically it was closer to eight years since she’d last participated in the real thing.

‘What are you doing?’ He stopped and withdrew the plug. ‘Too much?’

Much like the alleged giggling while being spanked, she had developed a habit of humming while being penetrated. It had started when she’d learned how to insert the plug herself, once Aaron got squeamish and gave it up.

‘It’s just a habit. I can’t help it and I don’t know when I’m doing it.’ She whipped her head around. ‘Are you going to keep going or not?’

‘Was that from Mary Poppins?’


‘When they’re all dancing on the rooftops, right? Do you take requests?’

‘Oh, for fuck’s sake!’

She thrust her ass up, and squealed with the sudden hard crack on her ass.

‘You should be nicer to me, Molly. I’m about to fuck you through that wall over there.’

Once more he probed her with the end of the plug, and once more she resumed her humming, cheerfully at first, but as the base widened and stretched, and she was seized by the usual worry that she wouldn’t be able to take it, she began to sing frantically under her breath.

The last of the plug went in, and the discomfort turned into the awareness of being stuffed. She let out a puff of air and squashed her cheek into the pillow.

Quinn returned to the bedside table. ‘Have you ever done a threesome?’

‘Didn’t you ask me that the last time?’

‘The last time I asked if you wanted one. Now I’m asking if you’ve ever had one.’

‘Twice,’ she admitted, and as she watched him pull a package of batteries from the bag she started to feel restless. She was good and corked, but she wasn’t filled. The vibrator was uninspiring. Maybe if he had brought her a rabbit or something else with substance … something she could use on herself while she sucked on him again.

‘Two men or a man and another woman?’

‘Two men, both times.’

‘And …’

She pushed up onto her forearms and looked up at him. ‘You want details?’

‘Just specifics.’ He twisted the end of the vibrator back on and set it next to the pillow above her head. He took his cock in hand again and leaned against the table. ‘Did you fuck them one at a time or together?’

‘I sucked one off while the other fucked me,’ she said, and reached for the vibrator. ‘That was the first time, and it wasn’t planned. Once we came, we were all too shocked to do anything more.’

‘And the second time?’ He released his cock and reached behind him for the condom box.

‘The second time was planned, and the things we wanted to do were planned. It started off with a hand job for one in the car, a blowjob for the other once we were back at the house. Then they went down on me together.’ She twisted the end of the vibrator back and forth, testing the strength of its oscillations. ‘Two tongues, many fingers, a vibrator in my pussy and a dildo in my ass. And then …’

She glanced up at him. He’d gone still, the condom in one hand and the torn wrapper in the other.

‘Don’t tell me I’ve shocked you.’

‘You have. I had convinced myself that I was the naughtiest thing you’ve done. I started to have my doubts when you didn’t flinch when I told you I wanted to fuck your ass, but I didn’t expect you to tell me you’ve been shared in bed.’ He tossed the wrapper aside and rolled the condom down his dick with a snap. ‘I don’t know when I’ve last been so turned on. You’re a woman in frilly underwear and a red ass, who hums when taking a butt plug and has a filthy history for me to mine, and I get to do whatever I want with you.’

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