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Spitting Feathers
Spitting Feathers
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Spitting Feathers

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‘No, I can’t. Now, open the door like a good girl, or I’ll just use my own key anyway.’

I sighed and pressed the buzzer to open the street door, alarmed for Sophie’s sake to learn that he had such easy access to the flat, and alarmed for my own sake that I was about to be alone with him. I could hear him dragging his feet over the uncarpeted stairs, and I opened the door before he reached it. I left it open, just in case I needed to make a fast getaway.

He was dressed in two shades of denim tonight—black jeans, blue jacket—and he was carrying a metal box that I assumed contained his tools. I managed a smile as it didn’t seem sensible to appear unfriendly.

‘I’ll leave you to it, then, shall I?’ I said.

‘I wouldn’t mind a drink,’ he said as he gave me the once-over.

I hesitated. I didn’t want him hanging around, and yet I didn’t want to antagonise him either. ‘Tea okay?’ I asked as I uttered a silent groan.

‘Tea’s good,’ he said.

He followed me into the kitchen and I switched on the already fullish kettle. ‘Better wait till it’s boiled ’cause I may have to switch the electricity off.’

I shrugged, and then busied myself with teabags and things as he plonked himself down at the kitchen table.

‘Had a helluva day,’ he said with a heavy sigh.

Unfortunately I felt some response was necessary. ‘Oh, yes?’ I said, glancing around at him. ‘What have you been up to?’

The kitchen was poky, with hardly room for a table, and his presence was overpowering. He smelt of very stale BO and I wondered if I could get away with spraying some air freshener without offending him. I decided I probably couldn’t.

‘Having a row with the Social. They’re threatening to stop my benefits. Seem to think I might have some undisclosed income.’

I turned and looked at him properly. Like rent from a sublet council flat, I thought, but wisely didn’t say. His eyes were narrowed to a slit.

‘I’d be really upset if I thought someone had grassed me up,’ he said meaningfully.

‘Why would anyone do that?’ I asked as casually as I could manage. Luckily the kettle clicked off at that moment and I could get on with making the tea.

‘All sorts of reasons,’ I heard him say, ‘but none worth the trouble they’d come up against if I found out who it was.’

I put some milk in the tea, removed the teabag, and turned to ask if he’d like some sugar. When I’d added the requested three spoonfuls, I decided it was high time to change the subject. ‘So where do you live yourself?’ I asked chattily.

‘Not far,’ he said, in a way that sounded to me like an additional threat.

‘With anyone?’ I pressed blithely on.

He looked a little bit embarrassed now. ‘With my mum,’ he murmured quietly.

Suddenly he didn’t seem nearly so scary, this thirty-odd-year-old man with his big talk and his silly tattoo…who still lived with his mother.

‘Does she give you a hard time?’ I said, on a hunch.

‘Does the Pope say his prayers?’ Peter said dismally. ‘She’ll kill me if the Social carry out their threats. She’s forever nagging me to get a job.’

‘Why don’t you, then?’

‘Easy for you to say,’ he said huffily. ‘It’s hard when you ain’t got no qualifications.’

And I didn’t suppose that his appearance helped much either. He could be smartened up if someone tried very hard, and made to smell a lot better, but it would be difficult to hide that thing on his face.

‘Well, I haven’t worked for over a year,’ I said, to make him feel better, conveniently forgetting to mention that I’d been learning a trade for most of that time. ‘But I’m hoping my luck’s about to change.’ He wasn’t exactly first choice to share my news with, but I did it anyway. And to my surprise he seemed quite excited for me.

‘My mum’s a big fan,’ he said, shaking his head with the sort of indulgence that made me realise how fond of his mother he was, despite everything. ‘I’m not allowed to open my mouth when that American’s on.’ He looked at me slyly. ‘If you get the job, I’ll tell her you’ll bring him round for a chat. That should keep her off my back for a while.’

I didn’t dispel his hopes there and then, not when he seemed in such a good mood, but as he downed the last of his tea I reminded him why he’d come here. ‘Whose room did you think has the lighting problem?’ I said pointedly.

He got up reluctantly and went to Jemima’s room. Two minutes later he reappeared. ‘Got any lightbulbs?’ he wanted to know.

I didn’t have a clue, but guessed if we had that they’d be in the cupboard next to the sink. I was right, and I handed him one.

He was back again in less than a minute. ‘Thought so,’ he said with a slow shake of his bison-like head. ‘Silly bitch probably doesn’t know that you have to change them occasionally.’

And, don’t ask me why, but there and then I decided that I quite liked Peter Parker.


Sophie must have gone straight to work from Jerome’s place the following morning, and I couldn’t help feeling a little prude-like disapproval. That’s another thing I’ve reacted against. My mother remains so stuck in a Woodstock mind-set—all that free love and everything—that she insisted in putting me on the Pill on my fifteenth birthday, as if it was an accepted coming-of-age tradition. I was appalled, and deeply embarrassed, but for a quiet life I’d pretended to take the contraceptive while actually flushing it down the toilet. I would have been the envy of all my friends at school if I’d told them, for having such an enlightened parent, but I kept it to myself and secretly longed for the sort of mother who would lecture me on the folly of teenage sex.

I didn’t get around to actually doing the deed until I was eighteen—much later than most of my friends—but I still wouldn’t call myself particularly experienced by the time I moved in with Mal. As it turned out that was part of the problem for me. I kept wondering what it would be like with someone else, and it wouldn’t have been fair to cheat on him. It’s hard to know whether he’d have felt any better if I’d just told him the truth, but my guess is that it wouldn’t have made much difference. It added up to rejection, whatever the reason, even the one I gave him about feeling too young for settling down.

I made up for my shortfall a little during my year at photography school, but I’d guess I was still way down on the scoring average of most twenty-five-year-olds.

I arrived at the Front Page with ten minutes to spare, and had to endure being glared at by Amber as I waited in the reception area. I’d have liked to ask her exactly what her problem was, in the manner I’d expect Peter Parker to use, but I didn’t want to get into a slanging match in earshot of the boss’s office. Besides, I knew the answer to the question anyway. At least I knew what her current problem was where I was concerned. Not only had I wangled an appointment with Jerry Marlin, but I had also been last seen leaving the building with one of the hottest TV properties around at the moment.

I could tell she was bursting to say something, but I tried to ignore her by closing my eyes and concentrating on the spiel I’d prepared to dazzle Jerry Marlin with. However, I got only as far as the firm, confident handshake in my imagination, when I heard her speak. It sounded more like a hiss, actually, and a decidedly venomous one.

‘I’d be careful if I were you,’ she began, and I opened my eyes cautiously. She had moved round the desk and was perched on the front edge of it now, her skinny arms folded tightly round her concave chest.

I smiled enquiringly. ‘How so?’ I said.

‘With that TV chef.’

‘Taylor?’ I said, just to remind her I was on first-name terms with him.

‘Rumour has it he’s shacking up with Mary Deacon—you know, the producer who made him famous.’

I shrugged. I was sure she was lying, following my conversation with Taylor yesterday, but I didn’t want her to think I gave a damn either way. ‘What’s that to me?’ I said. ‘My only interest in Mr Wiseman is the possibility that he might put some work my way.’

She didn’t look as if she believed me. ‘If you say so,’ she said snidely. ‘But he knows where his bread is buttered, and if it came to a contest my guess is that you’d lose hands down.’

Until then I hadn’t seriously considered Taylor in the way she was hinting at. At least I don’t think I had. I thought he was attractive, of course, and I’d been flattered by the attention he’d shown me. I also thought it might be fun to work with someone who was adored by so many women, but I hadn’t seen it going any further than that. He wasn’t really my type, for a start. There was something a bit obvious about his good looks for my particular tastes, but to tell Amber that would only invite her scorn. Of that I was certain. I was also annoyed with the suggestion that I was out of his league. While I could secretly acknowledge that it was true, I wasn’t about to admit it to her.

‘Thanks for the warning,’ I said with what was meant to be a mysterious smile that I hoped would annoy her more than any further denials. ‘I’ll bear it in mind.’

She was saved from responding by the sound of the intercom buzzing on her desk. She kept hostile eyes firmly on me as she circled back round and took the call, then she told me, as if nothing had happened, that I could go in and see Jerry now.

His office was a shrine to minimalism—a touch of light-coloured wood here, a bit of chrome there, and a great deal of glass in the form of a huge plate window looking down over the busy street below. I felt dangerously exposed, as if I was on show to the public, and Jerry must have seen the expression on my face.

‘It’s one way,’ he said as he took my limp hand. ‘We can see them, but they can’t see us.’

I nodded, remembering the building as it was from the outside. A modern glass and concrete infill between two elegant Georgian properties. The exterior was completely without architectural merit but it was definitely impressive on the inside, and he seemed pleased when I told him so.

I had my portfolio with me, carefully arranged the night before after Peter Parker left, and I put it down now on his virtually empty desk. I’d read somewhere that this was a good idea. I wasn’t feeling nearly so brave as I did yesterday, when I had nothing to lose, and claiming space in alien territory was supposed to empower the newcomer. And as this man could make or break my future, I needed all the empowerment I could get.

He looked amused, as if he knew what I was up to, but before I could blush he shook his head. ‘There’s no need to show me your work,’ he said as he waved me into the seat across from his own. ‘This is meant to be an informal meeting, and besides, you’ve already won our Mr Wiseman over and that’s good enough for me.’

It would not have been a shrewd move to bring up the fact that Taylor hadn’t seen any of my work as yet. ‘I’m meeting him later at his restaurant,’ I said, and he nodded as if he already knew.

‘I spoke to him yesterday afternoon,’ Jerry said. ‘He likes the idea of you being new and fresh. He thinks you’ll work well together.’

It couldn’t be that easy, surely! ‘Are you saying that I’ve got the job?’

Jerry smiled and produced several sheets of paper, as if by magic. I certainly didn’t see where they came from. He put them down on my leather folder and asked me to read it in my own time and, when it was signed, drop it off at Reception.

‘It’s a contract,’ he explained when I didn’t respond. ‘You’ve been booked for two weeks by Featherweight Productions, the company behind the book. Though you won’t be working flat out during that time, of course. It will be a matter of fitting in the shoots when Taylor Wiseman is available.’

I nodded stupidly, unable to open my mouth.

‘Basic agency rates will apply,’ he went on brightly. ‘But if you do a good job we might be able to upgrade you next time. There’s a buzz out already on this book. Big pre-orders in place. And if the show is taken up in the States you could well make a real name for yourself.’

The daze I was in deepened when I glanced at the fee. Basic rates or not, it was more than I’d ever imagined I would earn on my very first job. It just seemed too good to be true, only I couldn’t say what I was thinking, now, could I? It would only make him suspect I didn’t think I was worth what I was being offered. I was tempted to sign there and then, before he had time to change his mind, but I did what was expected of me, and with a great deal of effort I unzipped my folder and slipped the contract into it.

He looked at his wristwatch then, and let out a sigh. ‘I know we scheduled in half an hour,’ he said regretfully, ‘but something’s come up and I’m going to have to cut our meeting short, unfortunately.’

But I was relieved. I was beginning to feel distinctly unreal, and the quicker I got out of there the quicker I could pinch myself to make sure this was actually happening. So up I got up quickly, full of smiles now as I retrieved my portfolio. He got up too, and walked me to the door of his office. He held out his hand and this time I shook it firmly.

‘I’ve got the feeling this is just the start of a long and successful association, Tao,’ he said, and I must have been coming round a little now, because I found myself wishing he’d said it on the other side of the door, so that Amber could hear.

The Tulip, the restaurant where Taylor worked, was only a five-minute walk from the office, so I strolled around the old flower hall for a while, in order to kill some time. I didn’t take much notice of the shops and the stalls, but I paused for a while on the balcony, to listen to a young man playing a classical piece on a violin. Quite a crowd had gathered and for one crazy moment I was tempted to make a public announcement about my new job.

Fortunately I managed to resist the temptation and I arrived at the restaurant at precisely the appointed time. It turned out to be one of those swanky places with a bay tree on either side of the entrance, and I would normally have found it intimidating. But not today, not in my state, which by then was bordering on euphoric. It wasn’t due to open till twelve-thirty, and I had to ring on the outside bell and wait to be admitted.

A short and pleasant-looking young man eventually opened the door, and looked as if he was expecting me. Which was a relief, because despite all the excitement my concerns about it all being too easy had begun to haunt me. What if it was just some horrible practical joke? What if, at this very moment, Taylor Wiseman was splitting his sides as he laughed down the phone at my expense with Jerry Marlin?

My paranoia receded when the young man informed me that ‘Chef weel be weeth you soon,’ in a thick French accent. He was wearing black trousers and an open-neck white shirt at the moment, but I presumed he’d be adding a tie soon enough, and possibly one of those tablecloth aprons that waiters in smart and pretentious restaurants are often given to wear. I followed him into the dining room, which was simple and chic. A lot of white linen and pictures of, well…tulips—one the few garden flowers that I did recognise. They were the sort that you find in early bound books on botany, set off nicely in old gold frames. There were also fresh yellow tulips in an enormous glass vase on a Georgian-style mahogany sideboard, and all in all it was a lot more cosy and comfortable than I’d somehow expected it to be.

I was shown to a table at the back of the dining room and refused the waiter’s offer of coffee. I was already buzzing so much on adrenaline that caffeine would have had me climbing walls.

A few moments later Taylor appeared, dressed in the pristine kitchen whites that he wore on TV. I smiled as he sat down opposite me.

‘Shouldn’t they be all splattered in food by now?’ I said.

He looked down at his double-breasted jacket and grinned. ‘They will be later, I promise you. I’m the hands-on kind of chef, but we do everything to order.’ He looked at me for a moment without speaking. ‘Has Jerry told you?’

I hesitated briefly. ‘You do know this will be my first professional job ever, don’t you?’

‘Of course I do.’ He shrugged. ‘Like you know that this is my first cookery book ever. We’ve all got to start somewhere. Now,’ he said in a brisker tone, ‘down to business, I suppose. You said you might have some ideas…’

Ah, yes. So I had. And I’d been racking my brains ever since the words had slipped out. To not much avail. Or at least not until I was wandering around the old flower hall, imagining how it used to be before it became a tourist attraction. My imaginings were mixed with a scene from My Fair Lady, with Audrey Hepburn as Eliza Doolittle in all her new finery. The one where she goes back to the market to see the people who had once been her friends before Mr Higgins changed her so much she didn’t fit in any more. One thing had led to another in my head, and finally met up with something that Jerry had said about Taylor’s show.

‘Jerry said you were hoping the show would be taken up in the US,’ I said.

He nodded, but didn’t speak.

‘Well, I was thinking that it might be nice to take some shots of you in parts of London that tourists—American or British—wouldn’t normally see. With the sort of people they probably don’t know exist. Real places, real people.’

He still didn’t speak, and his eyes drifted off to a blank bit of wall on his left. It was impossible to guess what he was thinking, but he was clearly mulling something over. I opened my mouth to speak again, but he must have sensed it and he raised his hand as if to politely shut me up. Then, finally, when I was beginning to think my idea must be rubbish, he turned his eyes back on me.

‘I love it!’ he said. ‘It’s brilliant.’

‘I’ll show you the sort of thing I mean,’ I said, trying not to seem too excited as I unzipped my portfolio and took out the recently developed prints of Brick Lane market, and of Felix’s Place. I passed them to him and he nodded his head with enthusiasm as he flicked quickly through them.

‘They’re great,’ he said. ‘Just great.’ He looked over at me. ‘Can I borrow these? I’d like to show them to my producer, help sell the idea to her.’

‘So you need to get her approval?’ I said cautiously, remembering what Amber had said about Mary Deacon.

He shrugged again. ‘I guess so. She is my boss…’ He paused for a moment and I had the feeling that he wasn’t telling me something. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that he’d taken me on. Maybe his boss hadn’t liked the idea very much and had insisted he consult her about anything else to do with me. ‘But I just know that she’ll love it,’ he added more confidently. He took hold of my hand suddenly across the table, as if he was going to shake it, but just held it instead. ‘If we do get the go-ahead, when do you want to make a start?’

‘That’s up to you and your boss,’ I answered, more coolly now. He’d told me there was no one special in his life at the moment, and if he really did have something going with his producer then that made him a liar. Someone not to be trusted. But, then again, so long as it was only in personal matters it should not affect me, I assured myself. Which made me feel better.

He nodded and let go of my hand. ‘Let me have a contact number and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.’

I took a pen out of my bag and looked vaguely around me for something to write on.

‘Here,’ he said, offering me his arm, ‘put it on there.’

‘On your sleeve?’

He smiled. ‘Sure, and don’t worry—I won’t lose it.’

So I wrote my mobile number on his jacket sleeve, and in doing so had to rest my other hand on his to gain some purchase. And I got a strange tingle in my fingers as a direct result. I think he might have been aware of the effect this bodily contact was having on me because he grinned when I went red and snatched my hand away from his. Then he got up and spoke as if nothing had happened.

‘It’s a pity we’re fully booked for lunch, or I’d ask you to stay and sample the menu. We don’t have any pies on today, but I think you’d enjoy it just the same.’

‘Another time, maybe,’ I said with a forced smile, still a bit shaky as I got up from the table. I wasn’t remotely disappointed. I probably wouldn’t have stayed if there had been a free table, because I just wanted to get out of there now and get some air.

I made a few calls when I got back to the flat, and left my parents till last. I’d already called five or six friends, three of whom had been on the photography course with me. In their case I tried not to sound too smug, especially when I learnt they were still out of work, but on the whole I think they were encouraged. If Tao Tandy could do it then surely they could as well…

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