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Birthday Bride
Birthday Bride
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Birthday Bride

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‘You are anxious to get to Telama’an?’

‘I have to be there by tomorrow.’

‘Then why do you not come with me?’ Amil suggested. ‘It will be a long and uncomfortable trip, and it will mean spending the night at an oasis, but if you want to be in Telama’an by tomorrow I would be more than happy to take you.’

‘Go with you?’ Claudia hesitated, her mind working quickly as she considered his offer. Amil seemed charming, but he was a stranger and she knew nothing about the customs in Shofrar. It would be hopelessly naive to entrust herself to him.

On the other hand, she couldn’t bear to waste two days of her precious holiday sitting around in this terrible place if David didn’t manage to get hold of a car. She couldn’t spend her birthday alone here, and Amil’s offer might be her only chance to get to Telama’an in time.

She couldn’t risk it, though. ‘It’s terribly kind of you...’ she was beginning when she caught sight of David over Amil’s shoulder. He was sitting on the orange plastic chairs, looking as tough and self-contained as ever, but his jaw was tight and she had the impression that even his cool was beginning to fray, and Claudia’s words trailed off even as she tried to frame a polite excuse.

Of course! The answer was so obvious that she couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of it straight away. ‘It’s terribly kind of you,’ she said again to Amil with a warm smile. ‘We’d love to come with you. I’ll just go and tell my husband the good news!’


THERE was a tiny pause. Amil’s own smile, which had broadened as she rushed into eager acceptance, froze just a fraction. ‘Your husband?’

‘David.’ Claudia was all innocent surprise. ‘Didn’t you realise I was married?’

‘No.’ Amil pulled himself together. ‘You must forgive my surprise,’ he apologised. ‘It was just that I had the impression that you were travelling alone when we talked before.’

‘I’m sorry, I should have introduced you,’ said Claudia, looking suitably penitent. ‘He was sitting next to me on the plane. I’m a terrible coward about flying and he had to hold my hand all the way down.’

It was obvious that Amil was remembering, and Claudia congratulated herself on a convincing touch. ‘That was your husband?’ he said.

‘Of course,’ she said, opening her eyes wide. ‘I would hardly hold hands with a perfect stranger, would I?’

‘Of course not.’ Amil smiled. Claudia could almost see him giving a mental shrug at a lost opportunity and deciding to make the best of it. ‘In any case, I shall be delighted to give both you and your husband a lift.’

She had to give him full marks for courtesy. Perhaps there hadn’t been any need to lie after all? Still, it was too late now.

‘You’re very kind,’ she said, and meant it. ‘When were you planning to leave?’

‘As soon as possible.’

‘Then I’ll go and find David at once.’ Claudia smiled again. ‘I won’t be a minute.’

From the other side of the room, David saw her hurrying towards him, all smiles. He was prepared for the effect this time, though, and had time to rigidly control his breathing as she rushed up.

‘Why are you looking so pleased with yourself?’

‘I,’ Claudia announced smugly, ‘have got us both a lift to Telama’an, leaving right now!’

‘You’ve done what?’ David looked incredulous.

‘Amil’s going to drive us there.’

‘Who the hell is Amil?’

‘He was sitting across the aisle from me on the plane,’ she said, thinking that he could have seemed a little more pleased at her news.

‘Oh, yes,’ said David unpleasantly. ‘The man you were flirting with so outrageously. Why didn’t you say?’

‘Well, if I was flirting,’ said Claudia in a voice of honeyed sweetness, ‘I was flirting with the right man, and it’s paid off. He’s got a car waiting outside right now.’

‘How did he manage that?’ David was still suspicious, and she clicked her tongue in exasperation.

‘He’s got contacts here and pulled a few strings. What does it matter, anyway?’ she demanded impatiently. ‘The important thing is that he needs to be in Telama’an tomorrow as well, and he’s got room to take us with him.’

David stared at her almost accusingly. ‘Why am I included in this generous invitation? I haven’t exchanged so much as a word with the man, and after the way you were batting your eyelashes at him I would have thought that the last thing he wanted was to have me along to play gooseberry!’

‘Ah, well, I was just coming to that.’ Claudia manoeuvred him round so that his expression was hidden from the rest of the room. She lowered her voice. ‘I, er, told Amil you were my husband.’

‘You did what?’ David’s voice rose to a shout and she shushed him frantically.

‘I told Amil we were married,’ she whispered fiercely.

‘What in God’s name made you do that?’ he demanded furiously.

‘I had to.’ Claudia glanced around, terrified that Amil would come bearing down on them before she had had a chance to brief David. ‘I couldn’t go off with him on my own, could I? I don’t know anything about him other than the fact he’s got a vehicle.’

‘You don’t know anything about me, but it doesn’t seem to have stopped you claiming me as a husband!’

‘You know Patrick and Lucy,’ she pointed out. ‘So I sort of know you by proxy. Anyway,’ she swept on when David continued to look unconvinced, ‘I’d have thought you’d have been grateful!’

‘Grateful? Grateful at being forced into pretending to be married to someone like you?’ David was furious. How dared she involve him in her stupid masquerade? The sheer arrogance of the woman was phenomenal! Even Alix would have thought twice before appropriating a perfect stranger to act as her husband without so much as a by-your-leave! ‘You must be joking!’

‘Look,’ said Claudia grittily, ‘you said you wanted to get to Telama’an by tomorrow and this is the best chance you’re going to get. Even if you can get hold of a suitable vehicle, we’ve still got to wait for the bus to take us into town and that might take ages. And then you’ve got to find a car and make all the arrangements... it could be midnight before all that gets done. We could be well on our way with Amil by then! And what happens if there isn’t a car? We’ll end up spending two days here when we could be at Telama‘an.’

She could see David hesitating and decided to try for a spot of emotional blackmail. ‘Please come. I’m going to be thirty tomorrow, and I can’t spend my birthday here!’

‘Or miss the chance to fulfil your destiny with Justin Darke?’ he added snidely.

Claudia was beginning to wish that she had never teased him with that stupid story but she didn’t have time to put him right now. ‘We both want to get to Telama’an as soon as possible, don’t we?’ she said urgently instead. ‘This is the obvious answer.’

‘The only thing obvious to me is how some women are prepared to go to any lengths to get their man!’ said David, who was torn between wanting to get on the road as soon as possible and outrage at the methods Claudia was employing to get her own way. It would serve her right if he refused point-blank to have anything more to do with her!

Claudia cast another frenzied glance over her shoulder. By the door, Amil caught her eye, waved in acknowledgement, and began making his way through the crowd towards them.

Almost weeping with frustration, she turned back to David. If he wanted her to beg, she would beg. ‘Please come,’ she pleaded. ‘You must see that I can’t go on my own, and it’s not as if you would have to do anything.’

‘Except look like the kind of fool who would marry you!’

‘Oh, please say yes!’ Claudia threw pride to the wind and David braced himself for the effect of those great, blue-grey eyes. ‘He’ll be here any second. Please, please, please, please!’

‘Ah, there you are! I thought I had lost you!’ Amil was too well-mannered to look impatient as he came up to them, and Claudia turned to him with a bright, desperate smile.

‘I’m sorry I’ve been so long. I was just, um, telling my husband about your kind offer.’ She risked a glance at David who was looking wooden. Claudia took a deep breath and prayed that he wouldn’t let her down. ‘Amil, this is my husband, David Stirling.’

There was a frozen pause that seemed to Claudia to last for ever. She didn’t dare look at David again. David himself was rigid with distaste at the embarrassing situation he had found himself in. Damn it, it wasn’t fair of her to embroil him in her ridiculous lies and then stand there looking like that, blue-grey eyes apprehensive, slender body taut, but her bearing almost gallant as she waited to hear whether he would denounce her as a liar or not.

What would she do if he told Amil that he had never met her before that morning, and wouldn’t marry her if somebody paid him? He wouldn’t put it past her to burst into tears, and David’s masculine soul quailed at the thought. Wouldn’t the ensuing scene be even more embarrassing than pretending that she was indeed his wife? And she was right about one thing. He did want to get to Telama’an...

‘How do you do?’ he said, and put out his hand with a sinking sense of having passed the point of no return. ‘It’s very generous of you to offer to take us with you. I hope it’s not putting you to too much trouble?’

‘Not at all,’ said Amil courteously as the two men shook hands. ‘I will be glad of the company.’

Limp with relief, Claudia let out her breath in a long sigh that made Amil glance at her in concern. ‘We have a long drive ahead of us. I am anxious to get to Telama’an as soon as possible, so I was planning to leave straight away, but if you are tired....?’ He trailed off interrogatively and she hastened to reassure him.

‘We’re not in the least tired,’ she said firmly. ‘All we want is to get there too.’ She glanced at David. ‘Don’t we, darling?’ she added, prompted by sheer mischief.

David was poker-faced. ‘We can’t get there soon enough as far as I’m concerned,’ he agreed, with a meaningful glance at Claudia.

‘Good.’ If Amil was puzzled by the atmosphere between them, he was too polite to show it. ‘Well,’ he said, opening his hands, ‘the car is outside. I will wait for you there while you get your cases.’

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