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Prince Voronov's Virgin
Prince Voronov's Virgin
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Prince Voronov's Virgin

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But there was nothing he could do for this woman. Though it would be so easy to take what she offered, so easy to sweep her into his arms and carry her to his room, he wasn’t going to do it.

She wasn’t kissing him because she wanted him. She was doing this to prove something to herself. And he didn’t feel like being the conduit through which she tried to vanquish her anger and disappointment.

Her reaction to his news about her sister and Russell had not been what he’d expected. He’d set her up in his mind as a cold, calculating woman on a mission for her lover. He’d not stopped to think that maybe she really had been worried, or that she didn’t know her sister wasn’t missing but was instead sneaking off to Chad Russell’s room.

Alexei didn’t like the way her tears had made him feel, the way her sweet vulnerability just now—the tentative kiss, the hint of desperation—struck a nerve inside him.

She brought memories crashing into his head that he tried to shove away. Memories of a pale, sad woman lying in a hospital bed, her lips cracked and dry, a lone tear sliding down her cheek as she whispered that she loved him.

The last person on this earth who loved him had died because he wasn’t able to save her, because even though he was a prince, he’d been poor and broken and couldn’t afford to buy the best leukemia treatments money could buy. After Katerina’s death, he’d vowed on her memory that he would not be poor for the rest of his life. And he would strike back at the cold-blooded man who’d stripped them of everything before he’d returned to America with the rights to the land their mother had sold, and the rich oil and gas deposits beneath.

Tim Russell had left them with nothing, and though it would have taken only a fraction of the wealth he’d amassed from their land to help Katerina, he’d refused. Alexei had scraped together the money to fly to Dallas and beg for his sister’s life, but he’d been met with cold disdain. He still remembered standing in Russell’s office, high over the Dallas skyline, and being both awed and sickened by the wealth on display. He’d wanted that life for his family, and it had made him sick to think it might have been theirs had this man not stolen it from them.

Once Katerina had died, Alexei had found the initiative to start Voronov Exploration with nothing more than bravado and a geological engineering degree from Moscow University. He’d burned with a passion to regain everything that had been lost and to destroy the Russells in the process.

It had taken years, but he was at the pinnacle of his success now—and victory over the Russells was within his grasp. If he could turn back time, he would save his sister from the cancer that had eaten her strength and her life. He would give back all the money and give up the idea of vengeance if it was possible to have another chance.

But there was no going back. Ever. Life moved forward, no matter how much money you had. It hadn’t helped Tim Russell when his time had come, and it wouldn’t help his son when Alexei finally gained control of Russell Tech.

Alexei gripped Paige’s arms, gently, and set her away from him. She sucked in a breath, and for a moment he thought she might start to cry again. Instead she wrapped her arms around her waist and stared up at him, her eyes huge pools of hurt.

He couldn’t help but feel sympathy for her. Those tears had been real, regardless of her reasons for being here in the first place.

And maybe, just maybe, he could turn her anger and sadness at Chad Russell to his advantage. She was his secretary; she knew sensitive information about his business.

Information Alexei could use.

“You don’t really want to do this,” he said softly. “You are hurt and sad and you want to make it go away. I understand this. But tomorrow, you would have regrets.”

She shrugged one shoulder, as if to say it mattered not at all to her. Yet he knew it mattered a great deal with that single movement.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to m-make love,” she said, casting her eyes toward the floor when she said make love, as if it embarrassed her to say the words.

Now why did that hint of innocence spike the heat in his blood?

“Paige,” he said, waiting until she looked at him again before he continued, “I think you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow, everything will look brighter.”

How many times had he told that lie to Katerina? They’d both known it was a lie, but it was a fiction they’d counted on to get them through the hard times.

“I have to be back at the hotel by eight,” she said numbly. “Cha—my boss has an important meeting to attend.”

Alexei couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and tucking a wisp of hair behind her ear. He was the good guy here and he planned to make her see it. “Da, I know this.”

She frowned. “I really wish you would tell me how you know these things.”

He smiled as tenderly as he could. It was a risk, but if he wasn’t truthful with her, she wouldn’t trust him. And he wanted her trust now that Russell had broken it. It was vital to the new plan he was formulating.

“Because his meeting is with me.”

Her eyes grew big. For the first time since he’d met her, he truly believed she had no idea who he was. His sense of purpose redoubled. He would destroy Russell Tech when he was through, thanks to this woman.

“You are Mr. Valishnikov?”

He shook his head. “I am the other V.”

If anything, her eyes grew bigger. Her fingers flew to her mouth, pressed against her lips. When her hand dropped away, her face was pale.

“Oh my God,” she said. “You’re Prince Voronov.”

It was snowing as the Mercedes moved through the city. Fat flakes that ghosted down and gathered on the pavement. Paige stared wide-eyed out the window. She’d never seen so much snow in her life, and it was April! Dallas was balmy this time of year, and Atkinsville, on the Gulf Coast where she’d grown up, had always been temperate.

She wanted to turn to the man sitting beside her, to thank him for taking her back to the hotel so early when the meeting wasn’t for another two and a half hours, but she couldn’t look at him.

Alexei Voronov. A prince. She’d been kissing a prince. Trying to seduce him when her feelings were hurt, and he’d turned her down flat. Of course he had! Not only was he a Russian prince, but he was also gorgeous on top of that. Not at all the sort of man to be interested in her.

Paige’s face grew hot as she thought about how he’d kissed her in Red Square, the way his body ground against hers, the way she’d nearly splintered apart simply from the delicious pressure.

A game, she reminded herself. A necessary act to save them both.

But the man who’d rescued her wasn’t just any prince. He was Prince Voronov—and Chad seemed to hate him. According to Chad, Prince Voronov was determined to absorb Russell Tech into his vast operations—which he would be in a prime position to do if he acquired Valishnikov’s land.

If he succeeded in his quest, Russell Tech would cease to exist.

Jobs would be lost, people displaced—including herself. She wasn’t unemployable, but in this current economic climate, how long would it take to find a new job? And how would she make her rent and utilities until then?

Worse, would she find new work in time to make Emma’s tuition payment next semester?

Last night, she’d had plenty of time to think as she’d tossed and turned in the guest room Alexei had shown her to, and she’d realized that though she was hurt, it wasn’t Emma’s fault at all. Paige had never said she had a crush on Chad, and it wasn’t fair to be mad at Emma. Her sister couldn’t help being beautiful and vivacious; of course Chad had been attracted to her!

“You are very quiet, Paige.”

She turned her head slowly, steeling herself to meet Alexei’s gaze. Would she still see pity in his eyes? It was nothing but wishful thinking to hope he’d forgotten how she’d thrown herself at him after he’d told her about Chad and Emma. She wanted to sink into the leather cushions and disappear, but since that wasn’t happening, she forced herself to be cool under pressure.

“I’m just thinking,” she said. “We don’t get snow in April where I’m from.”

His smile made her heart thump. “Ah yes, it is quite tropical where you live.”

“I wouldn’t say tropical.”

He shrugged. “Compared to Moscow?”

Paige swallowed. He was too handsome, this man. Too easy to look at. She found herself wondering what it would have been like if he hadn’t pushed her away.

Mind-blowing, no doubt.

“I see your point.”

“You should see my home in St. Petersburg,” he continued. “It is an old estate dating back several hundred years in my family. The snow is pristine, undisturbed. There are wolves that howl during the night, and the stars shine so brightly you cannot believe. It is perfect for a troika ride.”

She had a vision from a movie, of a couple bundled under a fur and riding through the snow in a sleigh with jingling bells. It seemed so romantic, though of course he hadn’t mentioned it for that reason.

“That sounds lovely,” she replied.

“Perhaps I will show it to you someday,” he said, and her heart thumped harder.

Was he flirting with her?

Impossible. A man like him dated movie stars and models, not plain secretaries who were so pitiful they could only admire a man from afar.

“I don’t see how,” she replied truthfully, “though it’s a nice thought. We are leaving in a few days, and St. Petersburg is not on our itinerary.”

His gaze glittered strangely. “Do you intend to take your lover back after what he did?”

Shock zapped her like an electrical current. “Chad Russell is my boss, not my lover.”

“Is that so?”

She thrust her chin forward. “Yes, it is.”

He laced his fingers between hers, brought her hand to his mouth. She was too stunned to pull away as his lips touched the back of her hand. “Then that is really too bad for him, isn’t it? But it’s excellent for me.”

When he released her, she clamped her hands together in her lap. Her skin still tingled from his touch. “I don’t know why,” she said as the blood roared in her ears. “You had your chance last night and you didn’t take it.”

Had she really just said that to him?

His laugh was not what she expected. “When I take you, maya krasavitsa, it will not be as you cry over another man.”

Her face flamed. “I wasn’t crying over Chad.”

His expression said he didn’t believe it. She turned her head to watch the snow again. Damn him for seeing so deeply into her. Her shattered romantic fantasy hadn’t been the only thing she’d cried over, but she wasn’t planning to share everything about her life with this man in order to correct his impression.

He was nothing to her, in spite of the heat of attraction she felt. After he dropped her off, she would never talk to him again.

“I think perhaps you are in love with Chad Russell,” he said from behind her, “even if he is not your lover. And I think you are bitterly disappointed to learn he has chosen your sister over you.”

Paige whirled, both stunned and furious. “You have no idea what you’re talking about!”

“I am not a blind man, Paige.”

Her breath stabbed in her chest. Was she that transparent? Had Chad always known it, too? Was that why he’d taken her to lunch? To try to let her down easily?

My God.

“Leave me alone, Prince Voronov,” she said coldly. “I appreciate your help, but that doesn’t give you the right to pick my life apart for your amusement. You don’t know anything about me, so save your rude speculation.”

The car drew to a halt, but she couldn’t seem to look away from the man staring so intently back at her. His icy gray eyes weren’t cold like she expected—they were hot, boring beneath her skin.

“Then I apologize,” he said after what seemed an eternity of them staring at each other in silence. “I would never want to hurt you.”

The door swung open and she realized they were at the hotel, that a valet waited for her to exit. But everything in the car was surreal, and she found it hard to break away. The next time she saw this man, it would be at a meeting of corporate bigwigs. He would not notice her—nor did she want him to.

If Chad knew she’d spent the night with Prince Alexei Voronov, even though it was innocent, he’d go through the roof.

And she’d definitely be out of a job.

“Thank you for your help,” she said again. She felt like a broken recording, but what else could she say? Paige tried her best to smile as if she wasn’t still raw inside. “I suppose this is goodbye then.”

Alexei’s smile was wolfish. “Ah, but this is not goodbye, is it? We will see each other again, Paige Barnes. We will see a lot of each other, I promise you.”

Paige hurried from the car and dashed inside the hotel lobby without looking back. Her skin was hot, in spite of the frigid weather, and she stripped off her coat in the elevator as it sped to her floor.

Why did Alexei Voronov rattle her so much? Yes, they’d skipped a few steps with that meeting in Red Square, but a kiss was a kiss. Wasn’t it?

Paige’s ears were hot. No, it definitely wasn’t. That kiss had been molten hot, and so had the kisses later, in his apartment.

That didn’t make the kisses extraordinary, however. And, really, how would she know? She had very little to base it on.

Paige fished her key from her coat and slipped into the room she shared with Emma. A pang of feeling pierced her heart, but she pushed it aside. So what if Emma was with Chad? Paige was so over it.

“Oh my God, where have you been? I’ve been so worried!”

Paige stopped dead in the midst of trying to close the door silently, in case Emma was in bed after all, and turned very slowly to face her sister.

Emma’s pretty face was lined with worry. Paige’s heart squeezed in her chest.

“I’m sorry, Emma. I couldn’t sleep and went for a walk.” The lie slipped from her tongue with ease, but guilt followed in its wake. She didn’t like lying to her sister, but it was easier than explaining what had really happened.

And safer, too, since Emma could be a chatterbox. She would innocently let slip the information that Paige had been with the evil head of Voronov Exploration, and that would be the end of Paige Barnes’s career at Russell Tech. She’d be on the next plane home with her tail tucked between her legs and no reference to find a new job.

She couldn’t even think about the potential repercussions to Emma and her budding romance, if that’s what it was, with Chad.

Emma tossed her glorious blond hair, her face shifting into a pout that Paige knew only too well. “You could have left a note.”

“Why would I do that?” Paige asked. “You never wake up before eight anyway.”

Emma had the grace to look sheepish. “Well, I did today. And you weren’t here. I was about to call Chad to help me find you.”

Dеj? vu. Paige casually laid her coat over the back of the couch in their suite, thanking her lucky stars she’d returned when she did. The last thing she needed was Chad trying to find her.

“I’m here now, so you can stop worrying.”

“You’re wearing the same clothes as yesterday,” Emma pointed out.

Paige felt her face grow hot. “I put them back on when I woke up. Now I’m going to shower and get ready for the meeting.” She was almost to the bedroom door when she stopped and turned back. “You didn’t come home last night, Emma. Where were you?”

Emma’s face split into a grin. Typical of her sister that she wouldn’t see a parallel between her actions and Paige’s. It simply didn’t occur to her that Paige might have panicked when she hadn’t returned. She expected Paige to always be there for her, but she didn’t seem to think it was a two-way street.

“I was with someone,” Emma said. “And I think I’m in love.”