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More Than Words: Stories of Strength: Close Call / Built to Last / Find the Way
More Than Words: Stories of Strength: Close Call / Built to Last / Find the Way
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More Than Words: Stories of Strength: Close Call / Built to Last / Find the Way

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“Bodies recovered?”

Marianne nodded sadly. “There are rumors the heiress had taken gold coins and jewels with her, as a nest egg for her new life.”

O’Malley watched her expression and, from long experience, knew there was more to the story. “No sign of them?”

“It depends on whom you believe.”

Vague answer, but he didn’t push.

“None of this is like my ex-husband. He’s more the type to take a baseball bat to the kitchen because I left a coffee filter in the sink. But I haven’t seen him in two years. I don’t know—” She left it at that, then said abruptly, “I’ll walk back to the house with you. Would you and Jessica care for some blueberry wine? It’s made by a local winery. It’s quite good.”

O’Malley winked at her. “So long as it’s not raspberry wine.”

She laughed again, seeming more relaxed now that she’d told someone about her snooper. He wanted to know what she was holding back, but he doubted he’d get it out of her tonight. Marianne Wells was a direct, strong, self-contained woman, comfortable in her own skin. He wondered how much of that had been there before her husband went to work on her, and how much she’d had to get back, rediscover and build after she got him and his violence out of her life.

When they crossed the road, she paused at the base of the porch steps, then turned abruptly to him. “It’s all too easy, isn’t it?”


“To hide yourself from the truth. I pretended for such a long time that I wasn’t living the life I was living.”

“Well, you know what they say.”

“What’s that?”

“Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.”

“Oh, stop. Oh—oh, that is so lame!” She called up to the porch. “Jessica, your friend here is just awful.”

Jess slid off her swing and stood at the top of the steps, the evening light catching the lighter streaks in her hair. O’Malley had tried to pretend she wasn’t as beautiful as she was. Talk about hiding from the truth. She grinned at him and Marianne. “Is he telling you stupid jokes?”

“Close. Very lame pearls of wisdom.”

Jess winced, still grinning. “That’s our Detective O’Malley. He’s got a saying for every occasion. His brothers are the same. They can reduce complicated issues and emotions to soundbites.”

“Well,” Marianne said cheerfully, “I guess it’s a gift.”

She trotted up the steps, a lightness in her gait that hadn’t been there before, and went inside to fetch the blueberry wine.

O’Malley joined Jess on the porch. “Where’s Summers?”

“He turned in early. What were you and Marianne talking about?”

“Violent men, snoops and treasure lost at sea.”

“I hate the idea of violent men. Snoops can go either way. Treasure lost at sea—now, that could be fun.”

“I’ll tell you all about it. Speaking of snoops, how’d you like my apartment yesterday?”

“No vermin. That’s something.”

“No interior decorator, either.” He moved in closer to her, smelling the scented soap she’d used in the shower. “It’s a shame we’re paying for two rooms.”

“O’Malley—” She blew at a stray lock of hair that had dropped onto her forehead. “Damn.”

“Hot all of a sudden, huh?”

“It’s too late not to pay for both rooms…”

“We could do Marianne a big favor and pay for both rooms, but only actually use one. Save her on cleaning, anyway.”

“You’re just looking for distractions.”

“It was your idea to come up here and become one.”

But before she could respond, their hostess arrived on the porch with three glasses and an open bottle of blueberry wine.

Jess woke up very early and wandered outside to catch the sunrise, thinking of the rest of the continent still shrouded in darkness as the first morning rays skimmed the horizon and glowed orange on the ocean. Fishing boats puttered across the mirror like water, leaving a gentle wake, the quiet and stillness disturbed only by a few seagulls.

She’d never been anywhere more beautiful, and yet she couldn’t relax.

It was O’Malley, of course. She’d dreamed about him.

Not good. An intelligent woman had no business dreaming about a Boston homicide detective with a penchant for getting himself shot at. Never mind all the other reasons. The tight-knit family where she would always be a stranger, the lone-wolf apartment that showed no sign of needing anyone to share it, the dedication to the job that bordered on obsession.

Then again, those could be the same reasons he was avoiding getting more involved with her. She thought of her own family, her own apartment, her own dedication to her job.

But she’d never been shot at, even during her five years on the police force.

She’d also never been more comfortable with anyone than she was with Brendan O’Malley.

Taking a deep breath, Jess pushed all thought of him out of her mind and focused on the sunrise as she walked down to the water’s edge. It was just before low tide, which only added to the stillness, the sense of solitude and isolation.

When she returned to the Wild Raspberry, Marianne was up, humming as she worked in the kitchen. Jess called good morning, startling her. Marianne jumped, clutching her heart as she turned, recognized her guest, and collapsed against the counter. “I didn’t realize you were up. Everything’s all right? I’m fixing breakfast—”

“Everything’s fine,” Jess said. “Don’t let me disturb you.”

“It’s no problem.”

But Marianne’s skin was pale—paler than it should have been. She must be used to guests getting up at different hours. Jess found herself lingering in the kitchen doorway. “Marianne? Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

John Summers appeared behind Jess in the hall. “What’s going on?” he asked, immediately attuned to Marianne’s tension.

“Nothing, I hope,” Jess said. “I was out for a walk and startled Marianne when I came in.”

Marianne turned quickly. “It happens sometimes,” she mumbled, dismissing the subject as she busied herself pulling pots and frying pans out of a low cupboard.

Summers started to say something, then changed his mind and stalked out to the dining room. He sat at the smallest of three tables, snatched up a Halifax newspaper and held it up, a none-too-subtle way to cut off conversation. Jess didn’t know if she’d annoyed him or he just wasn’t a morning person.

She helped herself to a bowl of cut fruit—including raspberries—that Marianne had already put out on a sideboard. The breakfast room was as quirky and cheerful as the rest of the house, done in yellows and blues with raspberry accents. Summers’s grumpiness was out of place.

Sitting at the farthest table from him, Jess decided to confront him. “Mr. Summers—”

He sighed audibly, folded his newspaper and set it on the table. “Something’s wrong with Marianne. She’s on edge. She wasn’t like that when I first arrived.”

Given Marianne’s personal background and her talk of snoops and treasure with O’Malley, Jess was especially interested in Summers’s observation. “How long has she been on edge?”

“A week or so.” He eyed Jess a moment, as if she were responsible for their hostess’s mood, then sighed again. “I’m sorry. I wanted to blame you and your cop friend, but she’s been jumpy since before you two arrived.”

Jess could understand his desire to blame her and O’Malley. A cop and a prosecutor could remind an abuse survivor of her past, dredge up fears and insecurities she thought she’d put behind her. It would make Marianne’s uneasiness easier to explain. But it wasn’t the case.

“You’ve been here a while,” she said. “Any idea what’s going on?”

Summers didn’t answer at once, then lurched to his feet, muttering, “I hope it’s not me.”

Not one to let a comment like that go, Jess leaned back in her chair, chose a fat raspberry from the top of her fruit and watched Summers’s stiff back as he grabbed a small glass bowl. “Why would it be you?” she asked.

He glanced over at her. “I’ve been here too long.”


“I think of it as exploring.”

He loaded up his bowl with fruit and took it out to the back porch without a word.

O’Malley came downstairs and sat across from Jess. He was showered and dressed, but he hadn’t shaved, which didn’t help her already supercharged reaction to him. The dark stubble on his jaw somehow made the scar forming on his forehead from the bullet graze stand out even more.

She pushed her bowl toward him. “Help yourself. I got too much.”

“What’s with Summers? Doesn’t like to talk to people in the morning, or did you irritate him?”

“Perhaps both.” But she told O’Malley about Marianne and Summers’s reaction to her jumpiness, then added, “I wonder if something is going on around here. Do you think the ex-husband could be back? Abusers generally don’t respect law and authority. And they don’t like to give up. He could have got to thinking about her, found out what a success she’s made of this place and decided to come back and resume control over her and her life.”

“It’s possible.”

“But you don’t think so.” Jess sighed. “Neither do I.”

“Maybe Summers and Marianne have a thing for each other and don’t know what to do about it.” His dark eyes lifted to Jess. “Sound familiar?”

“I don’t have a thing for you, O’Malley.”


“Don’t give me that dubious tone—and stop with the sexy twitch of the eyebrows.”

“I had an itch.”


“You just think everything I do is sexy.”

It was true, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. “We’re friends. We let our friendship get out of hand. Insisting I’m falling for you is just another way for you to avoid dealing with the real issue.”

“Which is what? That I almost got my head blown off the other day?”

She bit off a sigh. “Bravado, bravado, bravado.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me more about Summers.”

“He’s tense, he’s abrupt and he’s more on edge than our hostess.”

“Who is making up a hell of a breakfast this morning from the smell of it.”


“I have no authority in Canada. Neither do you. If we have reason to suspect something’s going on, we can call the local police, just like anyone else. That’s it.”

“You still think the guy’s hiding something?”

“Yep.” O’Malley held a raspberry up to one eye and examined it as if it were a diamond. “I think there’s a worm in it.”

“There is not—”

He popped it into his mouth and grinned at her. “Let’s hope you’re right. What do you want to do today? Go kayaking, or discuss my post-traumatic stress symptoms?”


“Can’t do both. What else?”

Jess lowered her voice. “I thought we might sneak up to the attic—”

“And search our fellow guest’s room? You’re going to get us arrested.”

But she could tell he’d already thought of it, too. “Not if we’re right and he’s hiding something.”

Summers returned from the porch in a moderately better mood, and Marianne set out an enormous breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, grilled tomatoes, corn muffins, streusel muffins and jam. Marianne’s friend Pat, who also did the cleaning, had made the muffins. There was coffee, tea, juice and hot chocolate. Jess figured if she ate even a little of everything, she’d have to do a lot of kayaking to burn up the calories.

Hiking up the steep stairs to the attic wouldn’t hurt, either.

When Summers retreated to his room after breakfast, O’Malley and Jess postponed checking out their fellow guest and instead went kayaking. Marianne provided all the equipment they needed—kayaks, paddles, life vests, emergency whistles, dry packs—and suggested several scenic routes that would take the many where from a couple hours to all day. O’Malley picked one that would have him in a restaurant, eating fresh scallops and drinking beer, by lunchtime.

After watching Jess drop her behind into the cockpit of her kayak and paddle two strokes, he forgot all about the scallops and beer and started looking for a secluded beach.

She seemed to sense his thoughts as they made their way along the shallow, rocky shoreline. “It’s a romantic spot, isn’t it?”

“Sure is.”

“Is that why you picked it?”