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Her Playboy's Proposal
Her Playboy's Proposal
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Her Playboy's Proposal

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Her Playboy's Proposal
Kate Hardy

Tempted by the hospital heartbreaker!Nurse Isla McKenna is warned about Dr Harry Gardiner the moment she enters The London Victoria A&E. He’s a commitment-shy playboy – and Isla has been betrayed too much to play with fire!But there is more to this ‘bad-boy’ than meets the eye and when Harry asks for help facing a family wedding, Isla can’t refuse. Even if it means fighting the chemistry between them! Except their weekend together proves the ultimate temptation, leaving them both, dangerously, wanting much more…

Praise for Kate Hardy (#ulink_ce1df280-46b4-5b4c-a361-7e46b013a3a9)

‘Bound by a Baby moved me to tears many times. It is a full-on emotional drama. Author Kate Hardy brought this tale shimmering with emotions. Highly recommended for all lovers of romance.’

—Contemporary Romance Reviews

Bound by a Babywon the 2014 RoNA (Romantic Novelists’ Association) award!

‘When you pick up a romance novel by Kate Hardy you know that you’re going to be reading a spellbinding novel which you will want to devour in a single sitting, and A Christmas Knight is certainly no exception.’


Sharing a room with Isla McKenna.

It was the sensible solution, Harry knew. The problem was, he didn’t feel sensible. He was already on edge about the wedding, and if they shared a bed it would be all too easy to seek comfort in her.

She’s your colleague, he reminded himself. Off limits. She wants a relationship just as little as you do. Keep your distance.

He’d just about got himself under control by the time he’d changed into the tailcoat, wing-collared shirt and cravat his father had asked him to wear. He left the top hat on the bed for the time being, took a deep breath and knocked on the bathroom door.

‘Isla, I’m ready whenever you are,’ he said, ‘but don’t take that as me rushing you. There’s plenty of time. I just didn’t want you to feel that you had to be stuck in there while I was faffing about in the other room.’

She opened the door. ‘I’m ready,’ she said softly.

Harry had never seen Isla dressed up before. He’d seen her wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and he’d seen her in her uniform at the hospital. On every occasion she’d worn her hair pinned back and no make-up, not even a touch of lipstick.

Today she was wearing a simple blue dress that emphasised the colour of her eyes, a touch of mascara, the lightest shimmer of lipstick—and she looked stunning. Desire rushed through him, taking his breath away. How had he ever thought that Isla would be safe? He needed to get himself under control. Now.

Dear Reader (#ulink_a7faef08-9e08-5796-866a-80507935f3ef),

Her Playboy’s Proposal is all about trust—learning to trust again when someone’s let you down, and learning to trust yourself when you think you’re the one who’s let everyone down.

And how do you learn to trust? In Harry and Isla’s case, they discover that love is the answer. Except they take a while to realise it—and it takes a life-changing moment to make them both realise that they can trust each other and themselves.

The story’s set partly in Cornwall (if you’re thinking Poldark—absolutely!), partly in London and partly on the coast in Dorset. And there are weddings, best men, best women and a speech I really, really enjoyed writing.

I hope you enjoy Harry and Isla’s journey.

I’m always delighted to hear from readers, so do come and visit me at (

With love,

Kate Hardy

About the Author (#ulink_460a3147-d1eb-546d-afe4-2159634d07e8)

KATE HARDY has always loved books, and could read before she went to school. She discovered Mills & Boon books when she was twelve, and decided that this was what she wanted to do. When she isn’t writing Kate enjoys reading, cinema, ballroom dancing and the gym. You can contact her via her website: (

Her Playboy’s Proposal

Kate Hardy (

To my fellow Medical authors—because you’re a really lovely bunch and I’m proud to be one of you. xxx

Table of Contents

Cover (#u41699741-d672-5eae-aeac-7e2e0a70e454)

Praise for Kate Hardy (#u7140934f-c3f5-5f4a-8546-09757f8d05ef)

Excerpt (#u67f36fea-8d5e-5113-9009-643cc563d259)

Dear Reader (#u0c6ba496-4df3-5b98-b104-f020a04275f5)

About the Author (#ufe34b8ec-0276-503f-b17c-5ef5ed2a5840)

Title Page (#ue0ca61a4-2a3e-5865-bc74-9bb3da75cbb4)

Dedication (#u750274c2-bde0-516a-92ae-190e0b3e3d96)

CHAPTER ONE (#u0add46a7-d30b-54be-a183-3b825d54651a)

CHAPTER TWO (#u27887b1d-564d-5695-a079-d54eaa780265)

CHAPTER THREE (#u0a2e6edd-e088-56ec-ab2b-219fa4be2cd8)

CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_4764336c-a003-5cf1-8c5a-af4af23a8416)

ISLA TOOK A deep breath outside the staffroom door. Today was her second day at the emergency department of the London Victoria Hospital, and she was still finding her place in the team. She’d liked the colleagues she’d met yesterday, and hopefully today would go just as well—with new people who didn’t know her past and wouldn’t judge her. She pushed the door open, then smiled at the nurse who was checking the roster on the pinboard. ‘Morning, Lorraine.’

‘Morning, Isla. You’re on cubicles with Josie and Harry the Heartbreaker this morning,’ Lorraine said.

‘Harry the Heartbreaker?’ Isla asked.

Lorraine wrinkled her nose. ‘I guess that’s a bit of a mean nickname—Harry’s a good doctor and he’s great with patients. He listens to them and gives them a chance to talk.’

‘So he’s very charming, but he’s a bit careless with women?’ Isla knew the type. Only too well.

‘Harry dates a lot,’ Lorraine said. ‘He doesn’t lead his girlfriends on, exactly, but hardly anyone makes it past a third date with him.’

And lots of women saw him as a challenge and tried to be the exception to his rule, Isla guessed. ‘Uh-huh,’ she said. She certainly wouldn’t be one of them. After what had happened with Stewart, she had no intention of dating anyone ever again. She was better off on her own.

‘OK, so he’d be a nightmare to date,’ Lorraine said with a wry smile, ‘but he’s a good colleague. I’m sure you’ll get on well with him.’

So professionally their relationship would be just fine; but it would be safer to keep Harry the Heartbreaker at a distance on a personal level. Isla appreciated the heads-up. ‘Everyone else in the department has been lovely so far,’ she said, smiling back. ‘I’m sure it will be fine.’

Though she hadn’t been prepared for quite how gorgeous Harry the Heartbreaker was when she actually saw him. The expression ‘tall, dark and handsome’ didn’t even begin to do him justice. He would’ve been perfectly cast as one of the brooding heroes of a television costume drama, with dark curly hair that was a little too long and flopped over his forehead, dark eyes, a strong jaw and the most sensual mouth she’d ever seen. On horseback, wearing a white shirt, breeches and tailcoat, he’d be irresistible.

Harry the Heart-throb.

Harry the Heartbreaker, she reminded herself.

Luckily Josie had already triaged the first patient and was ready to assist Harry, which meant that Isla had enough time to compose herself and see the next patient on the list.

Harry was a colleague and that was all. Isla had no intention of getting involved with anyone again, no matter how gorgeous the man looked. Stewart had destroyed her trust completely, and that wasn’t something she’d be able to put behind her easily.

Harry finished writing up his notes and walked into the corridor to call the next patient through. He knew that Josie had gone to triage her next patient, so he’d be working with the newest member of the team, Isla McKenna. He’d been on leave yesterday when she’d started at the London Victoria and knew nothing about her, other than that she was a senior nurse.

He eyed the nurse in the corridor with interest. Even without the double giveaways of her name and her accent, he would’ve guessed that Isla McKenna was a Scot. She had that fine porcelain skin, a dusting of freckles across her nose, sharp blue eyes and, beneath her white nurse’s cap, dark red hair that he’d just bet looked amazing in the sunlight. Pure Celt. It was a long time since he’d found someone so instantly attractive. Not that he was going to act on it. For all he knew, she could already be involved with someone; the lack of a ring on her left hand meant nothing. ‘Isla McKenna, I presume?’ he asked.

She nodded.

‘Harry Gardiner. Nice to meet you. How are you settling in to the ward?’ he asked as they walked down to the cubicles together.

‘Fine, thanks. The team seems very nice.’

‘They’re a good bunch,’ he said. ‘So where were you before you moved here?’

‘Scotland,’ she said, her face suddenly shuttering.

Clearly she thought he was prying and she’d given him as vague an answer as she could without being openly rude. ‘Uh-huh,’ he said, lightly. ‘Just making polite conversation—as you would with any new colleague.’

She blushed, and her skin clashed spectacularly with her hair. ‘Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude,’ she muttered.

‘Then let’s pretend we’ve never spoken and start again.’ He held out his hand. ‘Harry Gardiner, special reg. Nice to meet you, and welcome to the London Victoria.’

‘Isla McKenna, sister. Thank you, and nice to meet you, too,’ she said.

Her handshake was firm, and Harry was surprised to discover that his skin actually tingled where it touched hers.

Not good.

He normally tried not to date colleagues within his own department. It made things less complicated if his date turned out to have greater expectations than he wanted to fulfil—which they usually did. And instant attraction to the newest member of their team definitely wasn’t a good idea.

‘So who’s next?’ he asked. Hopefully focussing on work would get his common sense back to where it should be—firmly in control of his libido.

‘Arthur Kemp, aged seventy-three, suspected stroke,’ Isla said, filling him in. ‘The paramedics did a FAST assessment—’ the Face Arm Speech Test was used in cases of suspected stroke to check whether the patient’s face seemed to fall on one side or if they could smile, whether they could hold both arms above their head, or if their speech was slurred ‘—and they gave him some aspirin on the way here. I’ve done an initial assessment.’

‘ROSIER?’ Harry asked. Recognition of Stroke in the Emergency Room was a standard protocol.

She nodded. ‘His score pretty much confirms it’s a stroke. I checked ABCD2 as well, and the good news is that his score is nil on the D—he’s not diabetic. His blood sugar is fine.’

Harry picked up immediately what she was telling him—there was only one section of the test with a nil score. ‘So the rest of it’s a full house?’

‘I’m afraid so,’ she said. ‘He’s over sixty, he has high blood pressure and residual weakness on his left side, and the incident happened over an hour ago now.’

‘Which puts him at higher risk of having a second stroke in the next two days,’ Harry said. ‘OK. Does he live on his own, or is he in any kind of residential care?’

‘He has a flat where there’s a warden on duty three days a week, and a care team comes in three times a day to sort out his meals and medication,’ Isla told him. ‘They’re the ones who called the ambulance for him this morning.’

‘So if he did have a second stroke and the warden wasn’t on duty or it happened between the care team’s visits, the chances are he wouldn’t be found for a few hours, or maybe not even overnight.’ Harry wrinkled his nose. ‘I’m really not happy with that. I think we need to admit him to the acute unit for the next couple of days, so we can keep an eye on him.’

‘I agree with you. His speech is a little bit slurred and I’m not happy about his ability to swallow,’ Isla added. ‘He said he was thirsty and I gave him a couple of sips of water, but I’d recommend putting him on a drip to prevent dehydration, and keep him nil by mouth for the next two or three hours. Nobody’s going to be able to sit with him while he drinks and then for a few minutes afterwards to make sure he’s OK—there just won’t be the time.’

‘Good points, and noted.’

Mr Kemp was sitting on a bed, waiting to be seen.

Isla introduced him quickly. ‘Mr Kemp, this is Dr Gardiner.’

‘Everyone calls me Harry,’ Harry said with a smile. ‘So can you tell me about what happened this morning, Mr Kemp?’

‘I had a bit of a headache, then I tripped and fell and I couldn’t get up again,’ Mr Kemp said. ‘My carer found me when she came in to give me my tablets and my breakfast.’

Isla noticed that Harry sat on the chair and held the old man’s hand, encouraging him to talk. He was kind and waited for an answer, rather than rushing the patient or pressuring him to stop rambling and hurry up. Lorraine had been spot on about his skills as a doctor, she thought. ‘Can you remember, either before or after you fell, did you black out at all?’ Harry asked. ‘Or did you hit your head?’

Arthur looked confused. ‘I’m not sure. I don’t think I blacked out and I don’t remember hitting my head. It’s hard to say.’ He grimaced. ‘Sorry, Doctor. I’m not much use. My daughter’s husband says I’m an old fool.’

So there were family tensions, too. The chances were, if they suggested that he went to stay with his family for a few days, the answer would be no—even if they had the room to let the old man stay. ‘Don’t worry, it’s fine,’ Harry reassured him. ‘I’m just going to do a couple of checks now to see how you’re doing. Is that OK?’