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Midnight Cravings
Midnight Cravings
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Midnight Cravings

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“Now, what do you think, Kathy?” He gave a smile that had probably gotten Kathy to agree to any number of unholy things.

“I think it’s been too long,” she cooed. She didn’t even glance at Josie. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot.”

“Always nice to be appreciated,” Dan drawled. He would have tipped his cap if he’d been wearing one.

Josie watched with disgust as the girl blew him a kiss and walked away, swinging her hips enough to shake a martini if she’d had a hip flask.

“You were saying, Chief?” Josie asked impatiently. Then she noticed he was holding a manilla envelope. “Hey, is that mine?”

He handed it to her. “That’s what I was going to ask you.”

She took it with eager hands and turned it over. There, in her handwriting, was the name Beatrice Beaujold. “Yes,” she said, hurriedly opening it to see if her papers were inside. Please, she prayed silently, please let them be there. Maybe—just maybe—this weekend would turn out okay, after all.

Maybe no one would find out what Beatrice was really like.

Maybe Beatrice wouldn’t find out her editor had told Josie what she was really like.

Maybe Josie would still have a job when she got back to New York.

Except that the envelope felt awfully thin. She loosened the brad and looked inside. Her neatly filed papers were gone. There were just a few dirty scraps inside. “What’s this?” she asked, suddenly feeling like crying. No letter from Beatrice’s editor and no check. She was still in huge trouble.

“I was hoping you’d know. The envelope was empty when we found it. There were just a few papers scattered around it. If there were more, they must have blown away.”

“Was there no sign of my briefcase? The rest of my things?”

“Only this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a smashed piece of a shiny brass lock. “Look familiar?”

She took it. It was from her case. “Yes.”

“That’s what I thought.” He reached for the envelope. “I’m particularly concerned about this.” He took out several of the pieces of paper and started piecing them together.

“What the…” It was Beatrice’s publicity photos, torn into long, even strips. Josie took them, then took a step backward and sat down on the end of a brocade-covered chaise longue. It squeaked under her weight, emphasizing the silence between herself and Dan. “It looks like there’s some sort of writing on it,” she said, assembling the pieces on her lap.

It wasn’t writing, at least not all of it. Most of it was drawing, in thick black marker. Someone had adorned Beatrice’s face with horns and a black beard, then put a big X over the whole thing. Across the top, the word whore was scrawled.

Now, truthfully, bitch Josie might have understood, but whore?

“Do you have any idea why someone might have done this?” Dan asked, looking at her with sharp eyes.


“No enemies?” He raised an eyebrow. “No one who might have something against her?”

Josie had only known Beatrice for a couple of hours, but it was easy to imagine why any number of people might draw horns on her picture. She thought again of the missing letter from Susan Pringle and wondered wildly what it might have said that was “confidential.” What had, just a few hours ago, seemed a cursory caution now took on sinister overtones. Had Beatrice been arrested at some point? Did she have a secret life that no one could know about? Did that have something to do with what was happening now?

“I don’t know of anyone in particular,” Josie said slowly.

He cocked his head slightly and looked at her, his blue eyes as coercing as an interrogation lamp. It was a far cry from the languid indifference he’d shown earlier. “You sure?”

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