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Книги автора John R. Hall

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Coercion and Consent
книги по экономике
This book examines the key institutional structures and processes of modernity. Combining historical insight with sustained political and so…
This book examines the key institutional structures and processes of modernity. Combining historical insight with sustained political and so…
Winner of the American Sociological Association's 'Distinguished Book Award' in the Religion category. For most of us, «Apocalypse» suggests…
International Orders
любовно-фантастические романы, книги про волшебников, любовное фэнтези, интриги, магические миры
This book examines the different ways in which order has been achieved in world affairs with a view to understanding current political dilem…
This book examines the different ways in which order has been achieved in world affairs with a view to understanding current political dilem…