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Drop a Size for Life: Fat Loss Fast and Forever! – Joanna Hall

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The UK’s most respected diet and fitness expert introduces the follow-up to her top ten bestseller, Drop A Size in Two Weeks Flat! Joanna Hall explains not only how to lose that extra weight, but how to keep it off for good in the face of the many changing factors and pressures that affect our lives.• Joanna Hall builds on her Drop A Size In Two Weeks Flat diet and explains how to achieve the shape you want and keep it throughout those inevitable lifestyle changes.• The step by step plan starts with mental preparation to help you stick to the three stages of eating and exercise guidelines that follow.• Once success is achieved, learn how to drop that size for good and stop the rebound pounds with a 12-month plan.• Includes strategies and tips for dealing with the various lifestage, emotional and environmental factors that could threaten your new slimmer figure:– Pregnancy – Marriage – Menopause –Illness or injury – Stress – Social pressure – Holidays• This book is ideal for those people who yo-yo diet, as it gives you the ammunition to maintain your success in the face of changes that would previously have derailed your new healthy eating habits.• Joanna’s philosophy: «Diet and Fitness is part of our every day life. More and more research is throwing forward the link between health, activity and life quality. This is a book which inspires the mind to make those changes. It’s all about being the best that you can be whilst living the life you wish to live.»

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007293063
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