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Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys – Robert Groves

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A comprehensive framework for both reduction of nonresponse and postsurvey adjustment for nonresponse This book provides guidance and support for survey statisticians who need to develop models for postsurvey adjustment for nonresponse, and for survey designers and practitioners attempting to reduce unit nonresponse in household interview surveys. It presents the results of an eight-year research program that has assembled an unprecedented data set on respondents and nonrespondents from several major household surveys in the United States. Within a comprehensive conceptual framework of influences on nonresponse, the authors investigate every aspect of survey cooperation, from the influences of household characteristics and social and environmental factors to the interaction between interviewers and householders and the design of the survey itself. Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys: * Provides a theoretical framework for understanding and studying household survey nonresponse * Empirically explores the individual and combined influences of several factors on nonresponse * Presents chapter introductions, summaries, and discussions on practical implications to clarify concepts and theories * Supplies extensive references for further study and inquiry Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys is an important resource for professionals and students in survey methodology/research methods as well as those who use survey methods or data in business, government, and academia. It addresses issues critical to dealing with nonresponse in surveys, reducing nonresponse during survey data collection, and constructing statistical compensations for the effects of nonresponse on key survey estimates.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118490105

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