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The CPM Silver Yearbook 2007 – CPM Group

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The CPM Silver Yearbook 2OO7 Investors buy silver as a financial asset. It is seen as a hedge against economic, financial, and political upheaval. Many investors view silver as a companion to gold, while some investors prefer it to gold, due to its more volatile price behavior. In addition to all of these monetary and financial roles, silver is also an industrial commodity critical to photography, high-definition imaging, modern battery technology and electronics, engineering, chemical processes, and more. To truly understand the full range of silver's applications, as well as its sources and the centuries worth of metal held in jewelry, silverware, and bullion form, you need information that only The CPM Silver Yearbook 2007 can provide. CPM Group is the world's premier precious metals and commodities research and consulting company. Now, with The CPM Silver Yearbook 2007, Wall Street's top commodity research firm provides you with authoritative reference data, analysis, and yearly projections for one of the world's most important precious metals. This invaluable resource contains a wealth of information for investors and traders who need to make fully informed investment decisions with regard to this commodity. Topics discussed range from the supply and demand fundamentals of silver to emerging trading and investment opportunities for this commodity. Filled with in-depth insight and proven advice, The CPM Silver Yearbook 2007 contains all the information you need to succeed in this market.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470185063

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