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A Family for Christmas
A Family for Christmas
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A Family for Christmas

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When they stepped back out on the sidewalk, Eve gave her temporary landlord a smile. “Let me thank you, Mr. Dawson, for your generosity toward Leo and myself. I assure you we will try to impose on you as little as possible during our stay.”

He made a dismissive gesture. “As I said, there’s lots of room and I like company, so I’m sure that won’t be a problem.” He spread his hands. “And please, I’d take it as a favor if you’d drop that fusty-sounding Mr. Dawson nonsense and just call me Chance.”

Eve stiffened and felt the warmth rising in her cheeks. “That would be highly improper. I barely know you.”

“Nothing improper about it. We’re now members of the same household, at least for the next few days. And I assure you, folks around here are pretty informal about such things.”

She mentally struggled with her notions of propriety versus her desire to be polite. She didn’t want to risk insulting him after all he’d done. “I don’t know—”

He cut off her protest, adding a cajoling note to his voice. “Oh, come now. I would consider it a favor.”

This seemed genuinely important to him. And she could avoid using his name for the most part. She nodded with a conciliatory smile. “Very well.”

“Thank you.”

The touch of triumph in the grin that accompanied his words should have irritated her, but for some reason it didn’t.

Then he swept an arm to his left. “Shall we? Daisy’s Restaurant is just a couple of blocks in this direction.”

Mr. Dawson—she still couldn’t think of him by his first name—set a sedate pace for them, giving Eve time to study the town as they strolled. Since this was to be her home for the next couple of days, she wanted to learn as much about it as she could. And it gave her something to focus on other than the distracting man walking beside her.

The rumbling from Leo’s stomach was getting more insistent.

Chance smiled down at the boy. “Don’t worry. We’ll be there in just a few minutes. I’m getting hungry myself.” Then he glanced her way. “You’re going to like the food at Daisy’s. She’s one of the finest cooks around here.”

Eve raised a brow at that. “That’s quite a claim.”

His brow arched. “You doubt me? I assure you, it’s the absolute truth. Daisy’s had the restaurant open for only a few months and already she has quite a contingent of regulars.”

This kind of teasing banter was new to her and it flustered her a bit—but in a not unpleasant way. “Well, after such glowing praise, I am definitely looking forward to trying it out for myself.”

He rewarded her with an appreciative grin. “You won’t be disappointed.” He waved to a two-story building they were approaching. “This is where our local newspaper, the Turnabout Gazette, gets printed. Daisy’s husband, Everett, runs the place.”

“How exciting to have such easy access to a newspaper.”

“I don’t know about exciting,” he said dryly, “but it is handy. Everett prints the paper twice weekly and, don’t tell him I said so, but he does a good job of mixing local and national news.”

Then he nodded to the adjoining building. “Daisy’s Restaurant is right next door.” A moment later, he gave a flourishing wave. “And here we are.”

Eve eyed the sign hanging above the door and smiled in delight. “Oh, how clever. And how welcoming.” The Daisy’s Restaurant sign was painted in colorful, cheery letters and the i had been dotted with a drawing of a daisy. This already felt like a friendly place.

Chance grinned. “Daisy painted that herself, and it really speaks to who she is.”

When they stepped inside, he waved to the woman behind the counter. “Hello, Daisy. I’ve brought a couple of newcomers in to sample your cooking.” He gave her a cheeky smile. “And I’ll give you fair warning that I’ve been bragging on you, so you need to treat them to your best.”

The woman lifted her chin and placed a hand on her hip. “Chance Dawson, you know good and well I give all my customers my best.” While the words were said in a chiding tone, her smile indicated she hadn’t really taken offense.

As she bustled out from behind the counter it became apparent that she was with child. And that she wasn’t letting it slow her down.

Daisy turned to Eve and Leo. “Hello. I’m always glad to see new faces in here. I’m Daisy Fulton and I’m right pleased to welcome you to Turnabout and to my restaurant.”

“Thank you. I’m Eve Pickering.” Eve placed and hand on Leo’s shoulder. “And this is Leo.”

Daisy smiled down at the boy. “Pleased to meet you, too, Leo.” Then she turned back to Eve. “Are you folks friends of Chance’s?” She cast Mr. Dawson a teasing look. “He’s always been a mite closemouthed about his life before he moved here.”

Eve wasn’t quite certain how to respond to that, but fortunately Mr. Dawson spoke up first.

“These two are recent acquaintances,” he said. Then he assumed a haughty expression. “And as for my past, I like being a man of mystery.”

Daisy rolled her eyes and cast a can-you-believe-him look Eve’s way. “Some mystery.” She turned back to Chance. “Chance Dawson, you are the least mysterious man I know.”

Eve didn’t bother to hide her grin. She was getting her first taste of what it felt like to be among folks who didn’t know her history and she liked it. Very much.

Then Daisy waved them to the only unoccupied table. “I shouldn’t be chattering on like this when y’all came in here to eat. Just have a seat. The menu is posted on the board above the counter. Study it and then give me a wave when you’re ready to order.”

They moved to the table she’d indicated and Eve was startled when Chance held her chair for her. She wasn’t used to such deference. As they took their seats, she studied the room with interest. The walls were painted the color of daffodils and the windows were flanked by cheery floral curtains hemmed with ruffles, tied back to let in the sunlight. Grandmother would disapprove of such frivolity, but Eve decided she liked it.

There were seven other tables in the place, and the occupants seemed to be enjoying their meals, lending weight to Mr. Dawson’s earlier claims. She noticed the patrons were also trying to study her and Leo without being too obvious. But their curiosity seemed friendly enough and she found herself on the receiving end of more than one neighborly smile.

What really snagged and held Eve’s attention, however, was the far wall, where three tall, sturdy bookcases stood behind a small table that obviously served as someone’s desk. Both bookcases were crammed full of volumes of various sizes and colors. Such a wealth of reading material—it was all Eve could do not to cross over to read the titles.

Forcing herself to look away from the books, Eve turned back to read the menu, but not before she caught Mr. Dawson staring at her. He actually had the audacity to smile and lean back in his chair, continuing to study her.

She decided to ignore him and instead focus on the chalkboard. Unfortunately she remained uncomfortably aware of his gaze. As she read the menu, she studied the prices more than the food choices. She had to be careful with her funds—the pittance she had wouldn’t last long.

“If you’re having trouble deciding,” Mr. Dawson said a moment later, “I’d recommend the rabbit stew. It’s Daisy’s Tuesday special and always delicious.” His tone held no hint that he’d recognized her earlier discomfort.

Leo nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds good.”

Mr. Dawson turned to her. “Shall I make that three orders?”

Eve studied the price and hesitated. Then she nodded. “Very well.” A nice filling stew would hold her for the remainder of the day. And she did need to keep her strength up for the uncertainty ahead.

Mr. Dawson raised a hand to let Daisy know they were ready, and placed their order. Then he returned his attention to Eve. “I saw you studying Abigail’s library a moment ago. I take it you enjoy reading.”

Eve nodded, allowing a small smile to escape. “Very much.” It was one of her guilty pleasures—one she hadn’t had much opportunity to indulge in since she’d graduated from school.

“Perhaps you can get a closer look at the books once we’ve completed our meal and pick out something to read while you’re in town.”

“You mean they just let folks take them?” Did they value books so little here?

He shrugged. “It’s a circulating library, which means the books are available to all subscribers. But Abigail always lets you have the first one free.”

It was tempting, but she wouldn’t really be here in town very long. And she didn’t need to be beholden to yet another stranger. Rather than going into that with him, though, she settled for making a noncommittal sound.

Apparently taking that as agreement, he changed the subject. “I believe you said you were headed to Tyler to find employment as a milliner’s apprentice?”

“That’s correct.” Had Mrs. O’Connell received her telegram yet? What was she thinking about her truant would-be apprentice?

“Is becoming a milliner something you have a burning desire to do, if you don’t mind my asking?”

What would he do if she said she did mind his asking? “A friend of my grandmother’s runs a millinery shop in Tyler. Apparently she gets an increase in orders in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas so she agreed to hire me on a trial basis for now. Once the New Year gets here, we are to both evaluate whether to continue the arrangement.”

It wasn’t really an answer to his specific question, and the look he gave her said he knew it. But he didn’t press further. Instead, he turned to Leo. “And what about you?”

Leo shrugged. “The same.” He traced a circle on the table. “I mean, I was looking for a big city, somewhere where I could find work and not stand out.”

Mr. Dawson stroked his chin thoughtfully. “You know, if it’s work you’re looking for, Leo, you don’t have to go all the way to Tyler. There’s work to be had right here in Turnabout.”

That caught Eve’s interest. If she could find some temporary work here, it would give her an opportunity to replenish some of the funds she’d have to spend on meals and such before moving on. “What sort of work?”

He spread his hands. “I wasn’t thinking of anything in particular, just that folks are always needing work done.”

She swallowed her disappointment. Before she could make any sort of response, however, he turned to Leo. “In fact, things get pretty messy in my shop when I’ve got work piled up. I’ve been looking for someone to clean up around the place and help me keep things in order—you know sweep up, fetch things for me, run errands. That sort of thing.”

Leo sat up straighter. “I could do that.”

Mr. Dawson wrinkled his brow, as if the idea was something he hadn’t yet considered, but Eve could tell it was what he’d been leading up to all along.

“Do you really think so?” the man asked. “I mean, it’s hard work and I couldn’t afford to pay much.”

But Leo was leaning forward eagerly. “That’s okay. I don’t mind the work, and I’ll need some money to get by on once the sheriff finds out I’m not lying.”

Eve lightly touched his arm but kept her gaze on Chance. “Of course, since you are so generously opening your home to us, Leo and I will be happy to pitch in and help with the chores as much as we are able. And we wouldn’t dream of taking payment.” She withdrew her hand but gave Leo a pointed look. “Isn’t that right?”

Leo’s expression lost its eager edge, but he nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

She was pleased to have her faith in him proved true. But his comment about needing money to get by concerned her. Did the boy truly believe he would be allowed to go off on his own once matters were settled? He would need a guardian of some sort, whether he wanted one or not. But perhaps now was not the time to open that avenue of conversation.

However, it did bring up the question of just what would happen to him. And right now she didn’t have an answer.

Their food arrived then, delivered by a younger girl with reddish-gold hair and a saucy smile.

“Hello, Abigail,” Mr. Dawson greeted her. “Don’t tell me Daisy let you into her kitchen.”

“And just why would that come as a surprise to you?” The girl gave him an indignant look. “You don’t think Daisy is the only member of this family who can cook, do you?”

Mr. Dawson leaned back and raised his hands as if she’d attacked him. “Far be it from me to question your talents, in any arena.”

The girl responded to his obvious teasing with a smile. “Actually, I’m in training. I’ll be taking over for a few weeks after the baby comes.”

Then she turned to Eve as she set a dish in front of her. “And since Chance here seems to have forgotten his manners, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Abigail Fulton. Daisy’s husband is my brother.”

They exchanged greetings as Abigail set out the food, then the girl disappeared back into the kitchen.

Eve noted the way Leo dug his spoon into his bowl, as if he hadn’t eaten for days, which he well may not have. But there were other ways to nourish him, as well.

She briefly touched his arm. “Shall we say grace first?”

Leo set his spoon down, his cheeks turning red. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

She smiled. “No need to apologize. We all forget sometimes.” She turned to Mr. Dawson. “Would you care to lead us?”

As soon as the words were out of her mouth she wished them back. She’d put him on the spot! What if he wasn’t comfortable with praying aloud?

Had her deplorable tendency to act first and think later caused her yet another misstep?

Chapter Five

Chance could tell from her expression that she wasn’t certain he’d comply. Actually, while he didn’t always remember to do so, he had no trouble at all offering up a prayer. His mother had taught him well before she passed. And while he’d had more than a few bouts of rebellion growing up, and still questioned why he’d been saddled with such a shameful affliction, he’d never really lost faith in the Almighty.

He nodded and folded his hands, elbows on the table. “Heavenly Father, bless this meal we are about to partake of, and watch over these visitors who have unexpectedly arrived in our community. Let them feel welcome here, for whatever time they may be with us. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.”

His companions echoed his amen, then they all picked up their spoons.

Chance had seen Eve’s keen interest in the newspaper office when they’d passed by earlier. He’d also noticed the longing looks she’d sent toward Abigail’s library when they first entered the restaurant. She obviously enjoyed reading—a pastime he envied but could never share.

He decided to circle back to the question she’d tried to sidestep earlier. “So, Eve, do you have a burning desire to become a hat maker?”

He saw the walls go up in her expression and thought for a moment she’d ignore his question again. But he maintained an expression of innocent curiosity, and she finally responded politely, even if not altogether warmly.

“My taking a position as a milliner was actually my grandmother’s idea,” she said carefully. “The opportunities for employment in Iron Bluff are very limited so she contacted her friend Mrs. O’Connell, who graciously offered to take me in and train me.”

Now, why was a sheltered young woman such as this worrying about employment in the first place—shouldn’t she instead be finding a husband? Or was there a dearth of marriageable bachelors in Iron Bluff?

“I’m quite grateful for the opportunity,” she added as she reached for her glass.

His questions had definitely brought back that stiff, schoolmarm demeanor in her. How much further would she let him press?

She set her glass down and faced him evenly. “As for your earlier question, I’m not so set on millinery work that I wouldn’t be willing to do work of other kinds while I am here in Turnabout—housekeeper, cook, laundress— whatever might be available.”

Did she truly want to find a job while she was here? Perhaps she didn’t understand the arrangement he had offered her. “That’s not necessary. I don’t plan to charge you and Leo for the rooms. After all, they’re just sitting empty right now and it won’t cost me anything for you to stay there.”

Her lips pursed primly. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m not one to sit idle. Besides which, having a bit of pocket money would not go amiss.”

Was she low on funds? He’d noticed the way she’d studied the menu with that furrow between her brows. He’d thought she was just trying to decide on a selection, but perhaps she’d been worrying about the prices. Finances could be a touchy subject, though, so he’d have to tread carefully. “I’ll ask around and keep my ears open.” He saw the quickly masked disappointment in her face. So she’d been serious about wanting to find work. He was curious to learn more. “Tell me, if you could have any job at all, what would you really like to do?”

He watched her swirl her spoon through the bowl of stew. “I’ve never really thought about that before.”

That struck Chance as a very sad statement. Didn’t she know how to dream? “Well, think about it now.”

She was quiet for another moment. Then a slow, smile blossomed on her face. “I’d open a confectionery.”

“What’s a confectionery?” Leo asked.

She gave him an impish smile. “It’s like a candy store.”

The boy’s eyes widened. “Oh, my goodness, wouldn’t that be a grand place to work?”