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A Family for Christmas
A Family for Christmas
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A Family for Christmas

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A Family for Christmas
Winnie Griggs

Eve Pickering knows what it’s like to be judged for your past. So she’s not about to leave the orphaned boy she’s befriended alone in this unfamiliar Texas town.Since Chance Dawson’s offer of shelter is the only way to look after Leo, Eve is determined they’ll have a warm, welcoming home for the holidays. Chance came from the big city to make it on his own despite a painful secret. But Eve’s strength is giving him a confidence he never expected—and a new direction for his dream. With a little Christmas blessing, he’ll dare to win her heart—and make their family one for a lifetime.

An Unexpected Gift

Eve Pickering knows what it’s like to be judged for your past. So she’s not about to leave the orphaned boy she’s befriended alone in this unfamiliar Texas town. Since Chance Dawson’s offer of shelter is the only way to look after Leo, Eve is determined they’ll have a warm, welcoming home for the holidays.

Chance came from the big city to make it on his own despite a painful secret. But Eve’s strength is giving him a confidence he never expected—and a new direction for his dream. With a little Christmas blessing, he’ll dare to win her heart—and make their family one for a lifetime.

Eve gave her temporary landlord a smile.

“Let me thank you again, Mr. Dawson, for your generosity toward Leo and myself. I assure you we will try to impose on you as little as possible during our stay.”

He made a dismissive gesture. “As I said, there’s lots of room in the house, and I like company, so I’m sure that won’t be a problem.” He spread his hands. “And please, drop the Mr. Dawson nonsense and just call me Chance.”

Eve felt the warmth rising in her cheeks. “That would be highly improper. I barely know you.”

“Nothing improper about it. I assure you, folks around here are pretty informal about such things.”

She struggled with her notions of propriety versus her desire to be polite. She didn’t want to risk insulting him. “I don’t know—”

He cut off her protest, adding a cajoling note to his voice. “Oh, come now. I would consider it a favor.”

This seemed genuinely important to him. “Very well.” She nodded.

The touch of triumph in his grin should have irritated her, but for some reason it didn’t.


is a city girl born and raised in southeast Louisiana’s Cajun Country, who grew up to marry a country boy from the hills of northwest Louisiana. Though her Prince Charming (who often wears the guise of a cattle rancher) is more comfortable riding a tractor than a white steed, the two of them have been living their own happily-ever-after for thirty-plus years. During that time they raised four proud-to-call-them-mine children and a too-numerous-to-count assortment of dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, turtles and 4-H sheep.

Winnie retired from her “day job” and now, in addition to her reading and writing, happily spends her time doing the things she loves best—spending time with her family, cooking and exploring flea markets.

Readers can contact Winnie at P.O. Box 14, Plain Dealing, LA 71064, or email her at

A Family for Christmas

Winnie Griggs (

Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

—1 Peter 4:9–10

For my wonderful agent Michelle and talented, long-suffering editor Melissa for their patience, encouragement and understanding toward me throughout the development and construction phases of this book.


Chapter One (#u7e4e4665-754c-5aa6-af9e-2a4830008696)

Chapter Two (#ucafc041d-0d64-5cf4-9d27-5cb3ea9a21e7)

Chapter Three (#uab646537-4502-5be5-95f9-19bf66debbca)

Chapter Four (#u2857fb6f-dc8e-5d5f-8d52-a7e5f4afbc99)

Chapter Five (#u0f688aa5-b887-5b6d-9af7-ba8f29c27d94)

Chapter Six (#u8fdcf3c8-bece-51cd-8359-10c36f8448dd)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Two (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Three (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)

Questions for Discussion (#litres_trial_promo)

Excerpt (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One

Turnabout, Texas, November 1895

“Stop! You can’t do this.”

Eve’s protests fell on deaf ears as the conductor continued to forcibly escort her young friend off the train without so much as a backward glance. She trotted to keep up with the long-legged official as he moved toward the exit, his fist firmly clutching Leo’s collar.

“Please be careful!” she called out as she saw Leo stumble. “He’s just a boy. Don’t hurt him.”

But the conductor still didn’t slow down. Did the man have no feelings?

As soon as they were on the platform, Eve scooted around to face him, determined to halt his progress and make him listen to her.

“Mr. McIvers, you can’t mean to just toss him from the train and leave him here.” She tried to infuse her voice with as much authority and confidence as possible but was afraid there was a touch of pleading there, as well. How had she not realized before now that Leo was a stowaway?

She risked a glance Leo’s way. The trapped, desperate look that had crossed the boy’s face when the conductor pounced on him a moment ago was still there. It was enough to break her heart—no child should look so haunted.

“And what do you suggest I do with him?” The conductor, a beanpole of a man with bushy sideburns and an officious manner, looked down his nose at her as if she were no older than the ten-year-old in his grip.

She was used to such treatment. Even though she was a grown woman of twenty, with her slight build and standing barely five feet two inches with her hair up, folks often dismissed her as a child. But Eve drew herself up to her full height and tried to match his stern expression. “I’m certain there’s been some kind of misunderstanding. If you’ll just allow Leo to explain—”

Leo tried to shake himself free of the conductor’s grasp, but the man tightened his hold. “The time to explain has come and gone,” the man said sternly. “He’s a stowaway, pure and simple. And he rides no farther on my train.”

This situation was partly her fault. She should have guessed something was amiss when she first spotted the boy under the seat in front of her. She should have taken the time to figure out how to help him before it came to this. But she’d been so wrapped up in her own worries, so plagued by concerns of what the new life she was heading toward might be like, that she’d missed the signs. So instead, she’d merely assumed he was retrieving something that had fallen.

When she’d invited him to sit next to her and share her apple, it had been as much to distract herself from her own forebodings as to be kind to her new acquaintance. He’d fallen asleep with his head leaning against her and her heart had softened further toward him. But she’d become concerned about him being separated from his party and had quietly asked the conductor to let them know where the boy was. That was when the man had realized he had a stowaway on board.

Pulling her thoughts back to the present, Eve spread her hands, trying once more to appeal to the strict conductor’s sympathies. “He’s only a boy. What will become of him if you leave him here?”

But the man refused to bend. “Miss Pickering, I’m sure your concern does you credit, but don’t let his age fool you. I’ve met his kind before and they’ll smile innocently to your face while they pick your pocket. I imagine a scalawag like him will get on fine, or end up in jail one day.”

Eve planted her fists on her hips. “You can’t treat a child like a stray dog and dump him at your first opportunity.”

She glanced around, looking for help of some sort, and her gaze snagged on that of a gentleman standing across the platform. Her eyes widened as she realized he was watching her. There was a note of curiosity and sympathy in his smoky blue eyes. And something else, something warm and compelling that made it impossible for her to look away, that made her certain she could trust him with her problems.

An older couple dressed for travel crossed between them, breaking the connection, and Eve abruptly came to her senses. She lifted her chin and turned back to Mr. McIvers. What in the world was she thinking? Such fanciful notions led to nothing but trouble. And asking a strange gentleman for assistance was not something a proper young lady did unless the circumstances were indeed dire.

Still feeling the impact of those eyes, she did her best to push that aside and deal with the more important issue at hand. “Where exactly are we?”

“Turnabout, Texas.” The conductor didn’t seem the least bit cowed by her earlier chastisements. “And it’s a far piece from Tyler, which is where you were headed if I recollect rightly.” He dug out his pocket watch and flipped it open. “I suggest you climb right back on the train unless you want to be left behind.”

If he only knew how little desire she had to continue on to Tyler. It was for her a place of banishment, not a place for a pleasant visit. But that was neither here nor there. “You can’t—”

The conductor didn’t allow her to finish. “I can, and I will. Like I said, nobody rides for free on my train. He’s lucky I waited for us to pull into the station and didn’t throw him off as soon as I discovered him.” He stared pointedly at her. “And if I were you, I’d check my belongings to make certain he hasn’t pinched anything.”

“I’d never take anything from her.” The indignant declaration was the first thing Leo had said in his own defense since the conductor had grabbed him a few minutes earlier.

She gave the boy a reassuring smile. “I know you wouldn’t, Leo.”

The conductor shook his head in disgust. “I don’t have any more time to waste on this.” He finally released his hold, causing Leo to stumble a bit at the suddenness of it.

Then Mr. McIvers gave the bottom of his vest a sharp tug as he shot Leo a narrow-eyed look of contempt. “If I catch you stowing away on one of my trains again, I’ll march you straight to the sheriff’s office, even if I have to delay our departure to do it.”

He glanced Eve’s way and touched the bill of his cap in a perfunctory gesture. “We’ll be leaving shortly. You’d be well advised to get back on board before this one sweet-talks you into doing something foolish.” With that he turned and marched into the depot office without a backward glance.

She took the opportunity to look again at the blue-eyed stranger. But he was no longer there. Nor did a quick look around show him to be anywhere on the platform. So much for his being her white knight. She shook off that fanciful thought. They’d shared only a brief glance after all. Still, it was strange how she felt as though she had lost a friend.

She turned back to Leo, who was still glowering at the retreating form of his erstwhile captor. Then he glanced her way and his expression softened. “I appreciate you taking up for me, miss. You’ve been real nice.” He puffed his chest out. “But don’t you worry none. I’ll get on fine. This town is as good a place as any for me to step off in.”

Eve heard both the bravado and the underlying uncertainty in his voice. What was his story? Where were his parents? Was someone searching for him, worrying about him?

And what in the world was she going to do to fix this? She couldn’t manage her own problems. Besides, even if her limited funds would cover his train fare, he didn’t seem to have a particular destination in mind. Which meant he was running from something, not to something. The question was did he have good reason to do so?

She couldn’t walk away until she learned more about his situation or found someone who could help him better than she could—and was willing to do so. Abandoning a child in need was the worst kind of callous betrayal.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know a soul in this place. On the heel of that thought, her mind turned again to the man she’d exchanged glances with earlier. Had the sympathy in his eyes been real? Would he have helped if she hadn’t turned away?

Well, no point dwelling on that now. Eve placed a hand on Leo’s shoulder, mentally wincing at the thinness of it. “That’s a very brave thing to say, Leo, but don’t you worry, we’ll figure something out.”

She only hoped she could keep that promise. Thank the Good Lord she wouldn’t have to do it on her own.

Heavenly Father, You must have let my and Leo’s paths cross so I could help him. I’m not sure what good I’ll be to him, but I won’t abandon him and I know You won’t abandon either of us. Just please, show me what it is I should do. I’ve never had anyone depending on me this way before and I couldn’t bear it if I failed him.

One thing was for certain, neither she nor Leo would be on that train when it left the station today. Which meant she’d better retrieve her bag before it went on to Tyler without her.

She gave Leo an encouraging smile. “Give me a minute to collect my things, then you and I can decide what to do next. Okay?”

“You mean you’re staying?”

If she hadn’t already decided to stay, the flare of hope in his eyes would have cinched the deal. “Of course I’m staying. I told you we’d work things out, didn’t I?” At his nod, she smiled. “Well, we can hardly do that if I’m on the train and you’re still here.”

Instructing Leo one last time to wait right where he was, she hurried back on board and made her way to her seat.

Everything had happened so quickly she’d barely had time to think of the ramifications of her actions, something her grandmother would say was typical of her. Her impulse to act first and think later was what had caused her current disgrace. Which had ultimately resulted in her being banished to Tyler.

And speaking of Tyler, what would her grandmother’s friend, Mrs. O’Connell, think when Eve didn’t get off the train at her appointed stop today as planned? Would she change her mind about taking Eve on as an apprentice?