An epic, emotional story of two girls and their bond with beloved horses, the action sweeping between Italy during the Second World War and present day.When Lola’s grandmother Lore...
A priceless diamond necklace holds a secret – the stories of two very different Russian girls…Anna Orlov is the daughter of a Count and lives in a beautiful snowbound palace that i...
A dramatic and emotional story about one girl’s determination to stand by her beloved animals – and her refusal to give up, even in the face of impossible odds.When a devastating e...
An enchanting and empowering standalone story from the author of The Princess and the Foal.Twelve-year-old Hilly has landed her dream job, riding on the set of Brunhilda, an epic f...
Competition is fierce at the All-Stars Academy – can the new girl outshine her rivals?The Blainford ‘All-Stars’ Academy is the most elite horse riding school ever and it’s audition...
The first adventure in this fresh and fun new pony-club series for all girls who love horses.Issie LOVES horses and is a member of the Chevalier Point Pony Club, where she looks af...
The third gripping adventure in this exciting new pony-club series. With gymkhanas to win, rivals to defeat, mysteries to solve and ponies in danger to save – these books are perfe...
The second adventure in this fresh, fun and accessible new series – perfect for all pony-loving girls out there.Issie and her friends have been picked to represent the Chevalier Po...
An extra-special Christmas story about Issie and her friends at pony club. With gymkhanas to win, rivals to defeat, mysteries to solve and ponies in danger to save – these books ar...
It’s the final Pony Club Secrets adventure for Issie and Storm (book 12) – can they become the youngest team to win the triple Grand Slam ever? Don’t miss the explosive finale to t...
The tenth exciting adventure in the ‘Pony Club Secrets’ series sees Issie travel back to Spain to reclaim her beloved colt, Storm… and learn to ride haute ecole on flying stallion,...
Summer special 2-in-1 edition of the first two books in the ‘Pony Club Secrets’ series.‘Mystic and the Midnight Ride’:Issie LOVES horses – she’s a member of the Chevalier Point Pon...
Summer special chunky read 2-in-1 edition of the third and fourth books in the ‘Pony Club Secrets’ series: ‘Destiny and the Wild Horses’ and ‘Stardust and the Daredevil Ponies’.‘De...
There’s more backstabbing and drama as loyalties are tested to the limit in the third episode of the high life at elite riding school, Blainford Academy. Georgie tests her skills o...
The stakes are raised in the second book of this glamorous horse riding series set in the USA – winner takes all as the rivals compete for the showjumping cup! Don’t miss the lates...
Saddle up for the fourth exciting PONY CLUB RIVALS adventure! Will Georgie fulfil her riding dreams at the ‘All-stars’ Academy?It’s a new term at Blainford ‘All-Stars’ academy in L...
Two girls divided by time, united by their love for some very special horses – an epic Caribbean adventure!On a remote tropical island, twelve year-old Beatriz is about to embark o...
A touching horse story from master storyteller, Stacy Gregg – a tale of survivors and the things we have to reconcile ourselves with when others are left behind…When Maya stumbles...
A novel of heart and courage inspired by the incredible story of a real life princess.Princess Haya, daughter of the King of Jordan, loves her family more than anything. So when tr...
18 декабря 1921 года
родился Юрий Владимирович Никулин, российский актер, клоун, директор Цирка на Цветном бульваре в Москве, Народный артист СССР, Герой Социалистического Труда.