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A Baby For Emily
A Baby For Emily
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A Baby For Emily

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A Baby For Emily
Ginna Gray

HAVING HIS BABYEmily Maguire's gruff-as-granite brother-in-law had always seemed intimidating and remote. But now that Emily was pregnant, widowed and humiliated by her late husband, Dillon was suddenly sticking too close for comfort. Why?Oddly protective of Emily and her in vitro baby-to-be, Dillon used his muscular exterior to serve her Jell-O, to nurse her through morning sickness–even to become her birthing coach. But what unspoken secret made this rough-hewn male treat her so tenderly? And why did she respond so shamelessly to his raw masculinity? It almost felt as if Dillon was the father of her child–almost as if he loved her!

His brother’s wife.

Emily’s words rang in Dillon’s head: You don’t even like me.

Dillon snorted.

He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised she believed that. By his actions these past seven years—avoiding her whenever he could, keeping his distance during family gatherings—he had made it appear that way.

How would Emily react, Dillon wondered, if she knew the truth? That all these years, since before his brother had swept her off her feet and married her, he had been in love with her.

And that the baby she now carried was not her late husband’s, as she believed.

It was his….

Dear Reader,

This May, we celebrate Mother’s Day and a fabulous month of uplifting romances. I’m delighted to introduce RITA

Award finalist Carol Stephenson, who debuts with her heartwarming reunion romance, Nora’s Pride. Carol writes, “Nora’s Pride is very meaningful to me, as my mother, my staunchest fan and supporter, passed away in May 2000. I’m sure she’s smiling down at me from heaven. She passionately believed this would be my first sale.” A must-read for your list!

The Princess and the Duke, by Allison Leigh, is the second book in the CROWN AND GLORY series. Here, a princess and a duke share a kiss, but can their love withstand the truth about a royal assassination? We have another heart-thumper from the incomparable Marie Ferrarella with Lily and the Lawman, a darling city-girl-meets-small-town-boy romance.

In A Baby for Emily, Ginna Gray delivers an emotionally charged love story in which a brooding hero lays claim to a penniless widow who, unbeknownst to her, is carrying their child…. Sharon De Vita pulls on the heartstrings with A Family To Come Home To, in which a rugged rancher searches for his family and finds true love! You also won’t want to miss Patricia McLinn’s The Runaway Bride, a humorous tale of a sexy cowboy who rescues a distressed bride.

I hope you enjoy these exciting books from Silhouette Special Edition—the place for love, life and family. Come back for more winning reading next month!


Karen Taylor Richman

Senior Editor

A Baby for Emily

Ginna Gray (


A native Texan, Ginna Gray lived in Houston all her life until 1993, when she and her husband, Brad, built their “dream home” and moved to the mountains of Colorado. Coming from a large Irish/American family, in which spinning colorful yarns was commonplace, made writing a natural career choice for Ginna. “I grew up hearing so many fascinating tales, I was eleven or twelve before I realized that not everyone made up stories,” Ginna says. She sold her first novel in 1983 and has been working as a full-time writer ever since. She has also given many lectures and writing workshops and judged in writing contests. The mother of two grown daughters, Ginna also enjoys other creative activities, such as oil painting, sewing, sketching, knitting and needlepoint.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter One

She’s hanging on by a thread.

Dillon Maguire ground his teeth. He stood alone in the bay window alcove, a little apart from the others, his intense gaze fixed on his sister-in-law.

Sitting on one of the twin living room sofas flanking the fireplace with her hands folded in her lap, Emily Collins Maguire stared into the middle distance at nothing. For the most part she seemed oblivious to the other mourners crowded into her posh, northwest Houston home. Whenever someone approached her, she raised stricken eyes and murmured a few words, even attempted a watery smile, but as soon as the person moved away she withdrew again into her own private hell.

Dammit, it was barbaric to put her through this, Dillon silently raged. And for what? To honor a man who, in dying, had revealed himself to be without honor?

Dillon glanced around at the other people milling through the impressive house. The fierceness of his gaze caused several of those nearby to regard him with alarm and retreat a few paces.

Just look at them, he thought with disgust. Look at them! Swilling wine and devouring the buffet meal. They huddled together in little groups, chatting among themselves, even laughing discreetly, all the while casting sidelong glances at the widow and whispering behind their hands.

Some were neighbors and friends. A few were family, but most of these people had been Keith’s colleagues at St. John’s General Hospital. Did they see so much death and human agony that they were inured to Emily’s pain? To the humiliation she was suffering?

Oh sure, the doctors and nurses and other hospital staff had all been shocked by the unexpected death of one of their own, and no doubt Dr. Keith Wesley Maguire would be missed. However, Dillon suspected that a lot of these people had come to the funeral, and now the wake, not so much to show respect or to grieve, but out of a sick desire to see how the widow was holding up.

And, of course, to rehash and relish this juicy scandal.

Keith himself had often laughed about what a hotbed of gossip St. John’s was. And it wasn’t every day, after all, that one of the medical community’s most esteemed oncologists died in bed with his mistress.

Though the firemen had managed to put out the blaze before it reached Keith and his lover, the pair had died in their sleep of asphyxiation, wrapped in each other’s arms, naked. Later it had been revealed that the mortgage on the apartment was in Keith’s name.

Dillon’s gaze went back to Emily, and his mouth tightened. On the surface she appeared to be hanging in there, but she was pale as bleached flour. And so tense and fragile she looked as though she might shatter into a million pieces at any moment. Like brittle glass.

No small wonder.

That Emily had received the most joyous news of her life only hours earlier had made Keith’s death doubly devastating. In the space of just a few hours she had gone from euphoria to the depths of despair.

Dillon could not even imagine how she must feel. His own grief was a crushing, hollow ache in his chest, as though someone had cut out his heart with a dull knife. He didn’t know which was worse—the pain of losing his brother, or the anger that threatened to consume him.

A tiny muscle rippled in Dillon’s cheek as his jaw clenched tighter. Damn you, Keith. Damn you! How could you do this to her?

His heart pounded against his ribs, but it was only when the rattle of china drew his gaze downward that he realized he was shaking with fury. He stared at the cup, dancing in its saucer, the quivering, shiny surface of the coffee that he hadn’t touched, surprised that he still held it.

“You’re Keith’s brother, aren’t you?”

Dillon looked up from placing the cup on the grand piano and found himself facing a slender man in his late thirties. His face was vaguely familiar. An instant later Dillon recognized him as one of the partners in the medical group where Keith had practiced.

The man stuck out his hand. “I’m Dr. Garrett Conn, one of Keith’s partners. We met once, several years ago, but you probably don’t remember me. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.”

Shaking the doctor’s hand, Dillon murmured the expected thanks, but that was all. The man had kind eyes and there was compassion in his voice and expression, but Dillon remained wary. If Dr. Conn was hoping to get the sordid details from him he was barking up the wrong tree.

“Your brother was an excellent physician. Our practice won’t be the same without him. He’ll be sorely missed.” Dr. Conn folded his mouth into a thin line and shook his head. “Such a waste.”

He paused, as though waiting for a response, but Dillon merely fixed him with a level stare. After a moment the doctor went on. “I suppose, being as you’re Keith’s older brother, you’ll be looking after Emily now?”

Dillon’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you ask?”

A wry smile twisted the other man’s mouth. “Keith always said you were an intimidating bastard. Relax. I’m not trying to pump you for information, if that’s what you think. Your brother’s affairs don’t interest me. I leave that sort of tittle-tattle to others,” he said with a nod toward a group of people on the other side of the room. “I approached you because Emily is my patient, and I’m worried about her.”

The statement had no effect on Dillon’s stern expression. “Emily’s doctor is Frank Young,” he challenged. He knew that because the whole family went to Dr. Young.

“Yes, Frank is the G.P. in our practice. My specialty is gynecology and obstetrics.”

Dillon tensed. He shot a sharp glance at Emily, then swung back to Dr. Conn. “Is there a problem with the baby?”

The doctor’s eyes widened. “You know about that?”

“Yes. Keith told me.”

“I see. Actually, that’s a relief. I wasn’t sure that he and Emily had shared the news with anyone. Now at least I don’t have to worry about betraying doctor-patient confidentiality.”

“You didn’t answer my question. Is there a problem?”

“It’s too soon to tell. The in vitro was performed only last week and the pregnancy confirmed three days ago—just hours before Keith died in that fire. But I have to tell you, the shock of his death, particularly given the circumstances, has put an enormous strain on Emily, and that’s never good.”

“Are you saying she could lose the baby?”

“After emotional trauma like that it’s certainly possible. I talked to her earlier, and she says she’s okay, but I’m concerned. She’s strung tighter than a fiddle string and too pale by far. Has she mentioned having any problems?”

“No. At least, not to me.” But then, he’d be the last person Emily would turn to for help, especially with something as personal as that. She avoided him whenever she could. “Actually, I don’t think she’s told anyone she’s pregnant. I doubt she even knows that Keith told me.”

Keith had called him from his car phone that night. God, had it been only seventy-two hours ago? His brother had said that he was on the way to the hospital to see a patient, but in reality he’d been heading to meet up with his mistress.

Typical, Dillon thought with disgust. Instead of sharing the joy of impending parenthood with his wife, his faithless brother had chosen to celebrate by tearing up the sheets with his latest girlfriend.

“Mmm.” Dr. Conn studied Emily from across the room. “It would be a good idea if someone stayed with her, at least for the next few days until she gets over the initial shock.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll see to it.”

“Good, good. Tell her if she experiences so much as a twinge to call me, day or night.” He gave Dillon a sympathetic smile. “Look, I just want you to know that despite his faults, I truly liked your brother. He was a good doctor and a good friend. I know this is a terrible time for you and your family. If there’s anything I can do to help—anything at all—just let me know.”

“If you really mean that, how about nudging your friends toward the door,” Dillon said, nodding toward the clutch of people on the other side of the room. “Emily’s had a rough couple of days. She needs to rest.” And she needs a chance to lick her wounds in private, he added silently.

Dr. Conn chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do.”

When the doctor walked away Dillon’s gaze zeroed in on Emily again, a new worry niggling at him. Why hadn’t she told anyone about the baby? He’d been waiting for her to mention her condition ever since the night of Keith’s death, but she hadn’t said a word.

He studied her delicate profile, her blank expression. What are you feeling? he wondered. Anger? Hurt? Humiliation? Grief?

Hell, she had to be feeling all those things and more, he decided. And who could blame her? Well…who besides Adele, at any rate? His mother always blamed others for Keith’s mistakes and shortcomings.

But what about the new life inside her? How did Emily feel about the baby now? She had wanted a child so badly, and had gone to extreme lengths to conceive. However, now Keith was gone and she’d had her blinders ripped off in the cruelest way possible. Now that she’d learned just what a louse of a husband he’d truly been, did she regret the pregnancy?

Oh, hell, did she want to end it?

Worse, if she had the baby would she resent him or her and reject the child?

As his mother rejected him?

Reluctantly, Dillon’s gaze switched to his mother. Adele Maguire and Dillon’s sister Charlotte, and her husband, Roger Boyd, sat on the sofa opposite the one Emily occupied. Clinging to her daughter for support, Adele wailed and wept bitterly and ignored Emily.

Dillon’s mouth curled. As far as Adele was concerned, no one, not even Keith’s widow, could possibly be experiencing the pain and loss that she felt over his death.

The prospect of a grandchild—particularly Keith’s child—might mitigate Adele’s grief somewhat, Dillon mused. More importantly, it might even make her more accepting of the daughter-in-law she had merely tolerated for the past seven years. Emily had to know that. Still, she kept silent. Why?

Dillon was still pondering that when Dr. Conn and the other partners and their wives approached Emily and his family to offer final condolences and bid them goodbye. Noting with relief that others were beginning to collect their coats as well, Dillon went to see them out.

For what seemed like hours, he stood in the foyer, shaking hands and accepting condolences and perfunctory offers of help. By the time he closed the door behind the last person his patience was almost at an end.

“Well, that’s it,” he announced, returning to the living room. “All the wagging tongues have finally left.”

His sister’s two children, Leslie and Roy, had retreated to the den at the back of the house to watch television. In the dining room Ila Mae, Emily’s housekeeper, had already started putting away the leftover food and gathering up the stray dishes scattered around.

Adele dabbed at her eyes with a tissue and shot him an annoyed look. “Must you always be so crass?”

Dillon shrugged. “Ignoring the truth doesn’t change it. I’ve never heard so much malicious whispering in one place before. But I suppose you have to expect that when someone gets caught practically in the act.”

Emily made a small, distressed sound and turned her face away, and Dillon immediately winced.

“Sorry, Emily,” he murmured.