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Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Займенник
Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Займенник
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Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Займенник

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those – тi

Використовувати вказiвний займенник для прямоi вказiвки на якусь особу, крiм ситуацii знайомства, вважаеться нечемним:

Mom, dad, this is Jennifer, my girlfriend. – Мамо, тату, це – Дженнiфер, моя подружка.

This is our secretary. – Це – наша секретарка. (зневажливе вiдношення)

Вказiвнi займенники як посилання на час

Вказiвнi займенники можуть описувати не тiльки близькiсть в просторi, але i в часi:

займенник this позначае момент розмови або поточний вiдрiзок часу:

This summer is so rainy. – Це лiто таке дощове.

займенник that описуе час в минулому або майбутньому:

Many small companies went bankrupt that summer. – Того лiта збанкрутувало багато дрiбних компанiй.

У таких фразах, як this country, this city, займенник this позначае краiну, в якiй знаходиться мовець, тому при його перекладi потрiбно враховувати контекст.

I find the system of education in this country too confusing. (з британськоi газети) – Я знаходжу британську систему освiти занадто заплутаною.

Крiм цього, до вказiвних займенникiв можна вiднести such, який вказуе на певну якiсть предмета.

Such small details will make your flat look cozy. – Такi невеликi деталi можуть зробити вашу квартиру затишнiшою.

Вправа 9

Поставте this або these.

1. … cream isn’t good. 2. … is my air-plane ticket. 3. … books belong to his children. 4. … river is the longest in the region. 5. … trainers were made in Italy.

Вправа 10

Поставте that або those.

1. … tomatoes are not fresh. 2. … bag is mine. 3. … letters are for Mike. 4. … is our bus. 5. … dogs bark every night.

Вправа 11

Поставте this, that, these або those.

1. Could you pass me … dictionary beside you? 2. … jeans over there are quite cheap. 3. … apples are much sweeter that those ones. 4. Look here! Do you like … ring? 5. Do you know … woman in black over there? 6. … shoes are very tight. I must take them off. 7. How much are … teddy-bears in the shop-window? 8. … tower looks so small because it’s far away. 9. … dolphins we saw in the sea were so funny. 10. … ice-cream I am eating is my favourite.

Вправа 12

Змiнiть речення в однинi на множину, або навпаки.

That girl is my neighbor. – Those girls are my neighbors.

1. This man is quite old. 2. That is our teacher. 3. Pass me those spoons, please. 4. Is this your key? 5. Look at this tulip. 6. These tests are too difficult for me. 7. Who is that woman near the shop? 8. This dress looks great. 9. Whose cars are these? 10. Those glasses are broken.

Вправа 13

Поставте наступнi словосполучення в множину.

This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife, this book, this family, this pie, that answer, that apartment, that teacher, that comedy.

Вправа 14

Поставте наступнi речення в множину.

1. This is a spider. 2. Is this a sofa? 3. That isn’t a goose. 4. That is a snail. 5. Is this a bookcase? 6. This isn’t a mouse. 7. This is a space film. 8. Is this a man? 9. That is a cartoon. 10. Is that a ball? 11. This is a star.

Вправа 15

Поставте наступнi речення в множину.

1. Is that a train? 2. This is a boy. 3. Is that a plane? 4. This is a baby. 5. That is not a king. 6. That is a plate. 7. That is not a queen. 8. That is a flower. 9. That is not a bus. 10. That is a bookshelf. 11. This isn’t a mountain.

Вправа 16

Виберiть правильний варiант вiдповiдi.

1. This/That puppy over there is mine. 2. This/These flowers are beautiful. 3. This/These is our friend John. 4. Those/That books are not interesting. 5. These/This children are noisy.

Вправа 17

Перекладiть англiйською мовою.

1. Менi не подобаеться це плаття. 2. Ти знаеш того хлопця? 3. Хто цi люди? 4. Я не можу забути про тi днi. 5. Куди ти iдеш цьoго лiта?

Зворотнi займенники

Зворотнi займенники – використовуються, коли особа або предмет виконують дiю, спрямовану на саме себе.

Little Timmy fell and hurt himself. – Малюк Тiммi впав i забився.


1 особа – себе, собi – myself

2 особа – собi – yourself

3 особа – себе, сам/себе, сама/себе, сам, сама, само – himself/herself/itself

загальна особа – себе, собi, сам, сама – oneself


1 особа – собi, себе, собою – ourselves

2 особа – себе – yourselves

3 особа – себе, собi, самi – themselves

Зворотнi займенники можуть служити для емоцiйного посилення

But you yourself saw it! = You saw it yourself! – Але ж Ви самi все бачили!

Зворотний займенник oneself можна використовувати стосовно до всiх людей:

The only thing I can recommend to achieve success is to treat oneself with self-criticism. – Єдине, що я можу порадити, щоб домогтися успiху – ставитися до себе з самокритикою.

Зворотнi займенники не використовуються пiсля дiеслiв feel, afford, wash, bath, shave, (un)dress, change (clothes).

I feel terrible. – Я страшенно себе почуваю.

I’d like to have a Porsche but I cannot afford it. – Я хотiв би мати Порше, але я не можу собi цього дозволити.

I dressed quickly, had my breakfast and left for work. – Я швидко одягнувся, поснiдав i поiхав на роботу.

Вправа 18

Поставте необхiдний зворотний займенник..

The water is hot, don’t burn …. – The water is hot, don’t burn yourself.

1. I am angry with …. 2. Can you do many things …? 3. You see you've cut … again. Be more careful. 4. He fell down and hurt …. 5. Does your friend Nick often talk to you about …? 6. I think that poor dog hurt …. 7. Tell me more about …. 8. Did your mother buy anything for … last week? 9. He came into the room and introduced …. 10. She believes in …. 11. Are you always sure of …? 12. We didn't know where to hide …. 13. We are sure of …. 14. Can a little child take care of …?

Вправа 19

Поставте необхiдний зворотний займенник.

1. She is very sure of …. 2. They did everything …. 3. Do you believe in …? 4. Children, you can't do that …. 5. Did you translate the text …? 6. Did the pupils answer all the questions …? 7. They always speak only about …. 8. I saw everything …. 9. Did you make the dress …? 10. We should always believe in …. 11. The knife was sharp, and she cut …. 12. Babies cannot look after …. 13. They introduced …. 14. I tried to control ….

Вправа 20

Знайдiть помилки в деяких реченнях i виправте iх.

1. My sister taught himself to swim. 2. Anna repaired the chair herself. 3. The children are making themselves something to eat. 4. I hurt me when I fell down the stairs. 5. We're meeting ourselves at 8.00 this evening. 6. We're enjoying ourselves very much.

Вправа 21

Дайте вiдповiдь на питання, маючи на увазi, що всю роботу люди зробили самостiйно.

Who bought that book for him? – He bought it himself.

1. Who cooked your breakfast this morning? 2. Who helped them to translate the text? 3. Who helped the little girl to dress? 4. Who helped you to find the way? 5. Who cleaned your classroom? 6. Who washes your clothes? 7. Who broke his tape-recorder? 8. Who built their house? 9. Who helped her to do maths? 10. Who planted the garden in front of your house?

Вправа 22

Заповнiть пропуски зворотними займенниками, де це необхiдно.

1. All our friends enjoyed … at his birthday party. 2. I often speak to … when I'm in bad mood and alone. 3. Polly and Nancy, help … to sweets and juice. 4. Concentrate … if you don't want to fail your exam. 5. They haven't decided yet where they'd meet …. 6. Little Polly is only two but she can dress …. 7. She got up, washed … and left the house without disturbing anyone. 8. I'm not angry with him. I'm angry with …. 9. Relax … when you dance. 10. They never think about other people. They only think about …. 11. Who went with her? – Nobody. She went by …. 12. Let's hide … under that tree. The rain is so heavy. 13. He feels … not well today. 14. Don't take him to the party. He'll spoil everything …. 15. We didn't know who that young guy was. He didn't introduce …. 16. It's windy, you may catch cold …. 17. Children, take the towel and dry ….

Взаемнi займенники

Взаемнi займенники описують взаемини мiж двома або бiльше особами або, рiдше, предметами.

До взаемних займенникiв вiдносяться займенники:

each other– один одного

one another– один iншого

За правилами традицiйноi граматики займенник each other може бути застосовано тiльки до двох осiб, а one another використовуеться вiдносно бiльш двох осiб.

Однак на практицi це правило часто нехтують. Обидва займенники змiнюються тiльки за вiдмiнком (each other’s, one another’s).

We think of each other as of a good, interesting opponent. – Ми ставимося один до одного, як до доброго, цiкавого суперника.

My hamsters keep stealing one another’s food. – Моi хом'яки вiчно крадуть один у одного iжу.

Вiдповiдний прийменник ставиться перед словами each або one:

We live too far from each other. – Ми живемо дуже далеко один вiд одного.

They are such good friends they will do anything for each other. – Вони такi хорошi друзi, що один для одного що завгодно зроблять.

Вправа 23

Знайдiть помилки в деяких реченнях i виправте iх.

1. John and Mary looked at each other. I would say he looked at her with admiration. 2. Peter and Susan have met each other. 3. Elka, Yvonne and Joanna gave each other a book. 4. Three children talked to each other. They stood next to my house. 5. My uncle and I talk to each other every day. Although his character isn't easy to bear. 6. She and her brother stopped talking and looked at each other. 7. John and his mother bought each other presents for Christmas. 8. My cat and his dog looked at each other with dread. 9. Barbara's three sons and their father hate each other. 10. I think that all people should love each other. No matter where they live.

Питальнi займенники

Питальнi займенники – використовуються для побудови спецiальних питань.

Вони позначають невiдомi запитувачу особи або предмети, якi повиннi бути названi у вiдповiдi на питання.

До питальних належать такi займенники:

who – який, хто

whoever – хто б не, який би не