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Англiйська мова. Теорiя i практика. Досконалi продовженi часи
Ричард Грант
Англiйська мова. Теорiя i практика #14
Досконалi продовженi часи – The Perfect Continuous Tenses – це чотирнадцятий навчальний посiбник з серii Англiйська мова. Теорiя i практика.Освоiвши теоретичний матерiал, представлений в цiй серii i виконавши бiльше 600 вправ для самоконтролю, Ваш словниковий запас складатиметься з бiльше, нiж 6 000 англiйських слiв i виразiв, що дозволить Вам успiшно скласти такi мiжнароднi iспити по англiйськiй мовi, як TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS(International English Language Testing System) i iншi.
Ричард Грант
Англiйська мова. Теорiя i практика. Досконалi продовженi часи
Досконалi тривалi часи позначають дii, що почалися до моменту мови (Рresent Perfect Continuous) або до якогось моменту в минулому або майбутньому (Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous) i тривають аж до цього моменту або пiсля нього.
Теперiшнiй досконалий продовжений час – The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense – теперiшнiй досконалий продовжений час, описуе дiю, яка почалася в минулому, досi тривае або тiльки що закiнчилася.
З цим часом часто вживаються такi обставини часу: for – протягом, since – з якогось часу, recently – недавно, днями, all morning/day/week – весь ранок/день/тиждень, lately – останнiм часом.
Утворювання Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Розмовне речення – Subject + have/has + been + verb (-ing) + …
It has been raining all day long. I’m sick and tired of this weather. – Дощ iде весь день. Мене дiстала ця погода.
Заперечне речення – Subject + have/has + not + been + verb (-ing) + …
He hasn’t been working all weekend. He is lying. – Вiн не працював усi вихiднi. Вiн бреше.
Питальне речення – (Question word) + have/has + subject + been + verb (-ing) + …?
How long have you been dating him? – Як довго ти з ним зустрiчаешся?
Короткi вiдповiдi
При вiдповiдi на питання, що передбачае вiдповiдь так чи нi, використовуються наступнi шаблони:
Have they been sleeping? – Yes, they have. – (позитивна вiдповiдь) – No, they have not. – (негативна вiдповiдь)
Has he been training? – Yes, he has. – (позитивна вiдповiдь) – No, he has not. – (негативна вiдповiдь)
Вправа 1
Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
1. The vegetables (to boil) since 10 o’clock. 2. Helen (to wash) the dishes for fifteen minutes. 3. My brother (to stay) with us for three weeks, he hasn’t left yet. 4. She (to live) in this house for five years but she doesn’t know her neighbors. 5. He (to wait) for her answer for six months. 6. My classmates (to write) a dictation since the beginning of the lesson. 7. It (to rain) hard since morning, I can’t go for a walk. 8. The text is very difficult, the students (to translate) it since the lesson began. 9. My sister (to send) job applications for 3 months. 10. Sam (to drive) a car for five hours now. 11. How long you (to look) for her? It’s strange that you can find her nowhere.
Вправа 2
Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
1. I (to paint) the fence since morning but I haven’t finished it yet. 2. I (to try) to find my documents since last Sunday. 3. I (to look) for information on the subject since last Friday. 4. The sun is shining but the ground is wet because he (to water) the garden for a long time. 5. You (to talk) for almost an hour without stopping. 6. They (to learn) Japanese for a couple of years. 7. Molly (to paint) this picture for three days now. 8. She looks very tired. What she (to do)? 9. The boss is very angry, because his secretary (to type) the report for five hours. 10. Father (to drill) holes in the wall since noon. 11. The tourists (to do) the sightseeing since nine o’clock.
Вправа 3
Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
1. He is a good player, because he (to play) chess since he was five. 2. My brother (to play) computer games for 3 hours. 3. You (to work) as a computer programmer for more than fifteen years. 4. I (to listen) to you very carefully. 5. We can’t see paths in the garden, because it (to snow) heavily during the whole night. 6. The wind (to blow) since yesterday. 7. He (not to take) his medicine for the last week. 8. He (to write) his summary since the lecture began. 9. My grandfather (to collect) coins since he was a boy. 10. I (to buy) food here since I came to this town. 11. We (to save) the money for a holiday for a year. 12. Andy and Den (to discuss) the plans for their winter holidays for two hours now. 13. The states of the roads are very bad here, though they (to repair) them for the last few years.
Минулий досконалий продовжений час – The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense – минулий досконалий продовжений час описуе дiю, яка почалася в минулому, тривала якийсь перiод i закiнчилася якраз до моменту мови про неi або все ще тривала при настаннi iншоi дii в минулому.
З цим часом часто вживаються такi обставини часу: for – протягом (далi йде кiлькiсть часу, наприклад, all morning, five years), before – перш нiж, since – з тих пiр, як (пiсля since йде конкретний час, дата або день тижня), how long – як довго (вживаеться в питальних реченнях), until/till – поки, до тих пiр як, all morning, all day, all night long – весь ранок, весь день, всю нiч, by – до певного моменту (у минулому).
Утворювання Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Розмовне речення – Subject + had + been + verb (-ing) + …
He had been looking for a job for months before he got one. – Вiн шукав роботу мiсяцями, перш нiж знайшов ii.
Заперечне речення – Subject + had + not + been + verb (-ing) + …
My sister hadn’t been waiting long at the airport when they announced about the delay of her flight. – Моя сестра не довго прочекала в аеропорту, коли оголосили про затримку ii рейсу.
Питальне речення – (Question word) + had + subject + been + verb (-ing) + …?
How long had you been going out with David before you split up? – Як довго ви зустрiчалися з Девiдом, перш нiж розлучилися?
Короткi вiдповiдi
При вiдповiдi на питання, що передбачае вiдповiдь так чи нi, використовуються наступнi шаблони:
Had he been working since 4 o’clock yesterday in the garden? – Yes, he had. – (позитивна вiдповiдь) – No, he had not. – (негативна вiдповiдь)
Had they been writing an essay for two hours? – Yes, they had. – (позитивна вiдповiдь) – No, they had not. – (негативна вiдповiдь)
Вправа 4
Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Perfect Continuous.
1. My sister (to practise) for two months before that concert. 2. It (to snow) for five hours before the weather changed. 3. Where Robert (to work) since 4 o’clock yesterday? – He (to fix) a fence in the garden. 4. The boys (to fish) for three hours before Tom caught the first fish. 5. Betty and Jane (to argue