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The Billionaire’s Fake Engagement / Man from Stallion Country: The Billionaire’s Fake Engagement / Man from Stallion Country
The Billionaire’s Fake Engagement / Man from Stallion Country: The Billionaire’s Fake Engagement / Man from Stallion Country
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The Billionaire’s Fake Engagement / Man from Stallion Country: The Billionaire’s Fake Engagement / Man from Stallion Country

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“Of course we’ll keep the baby,” May had murmured, wiping Tallie’s brow as the nurse spirited the weak newborn away. “And she’ll be loved in our house. Your dad says so, too.”

Her brave baby girl had clung to life for two short hours. Tallie had been stroking her daughter’s little hand moments before she’d passed on. Although Minister Roarke’s bushy brows had drawn in disap-proval at the request, Katie May Wilder had been buried in the Baptist cemetery under the scarlet blooms of a poinciana tree.

The epitaph read, Never Forgotten.

A month later, the town doctor told Tallie that intrauterine scar tissue, resulting from the post-delivery curettage, could cause complications with fertility later on. Tallie didn’t care. She only wanted to die, too. If she hadn’t been daydreaming impossible dreams, if she’d been paying attention rather than falling and bringing her labour on early…

Four months later, Tallie escaped the small-town glares and thumbed a ride to Sydney.

She visited home the first Monday of every month. Her father had died two years ago from a stroke, but her mother still baked Madeira cakes for church functions, and Tallie’s presence still garnered glares. They only made her stronger. She no longer prayed for death. In fact, with each passing year she felt less and less.

Until Alexander.

Now, with the lilting strains of a ballad weaving around them, his chest so warm and the lighting just right, Tallie, or Natalie as she was known in the city, moulded herself against Alexander’s tall, muscular length. Resting her cheek against his dinner jacket lapel, she closed her eyes.

There’d be no happily ever after, no family of her own, most definitely not with Alexander Ramirez. Before they’d made love the first time, Alex had been upfront. He wasn’t ready to settle down. However, being the last male descendent of his line, when he did marry, starting a family and siring an heir to continue the Ramirez name would be of para-mount importance. The reputation of the woman who fathered his children would be above reproach. Her upbringing must also be suitable, and she would be as dedicated to the idea of family as he was. He would settle only for the best where the mother of his children was concerned.

Natalie wasn’t offended. He wasn’t implying anything about her. He was simply being candid and, at that turning point in their relationship, she couldn’t condemn his honesty. He wanted her to know the score, give her a chance to pull out.

He’d been a little taken aback at how easily she’d agreed to keep their affair “no strings attached” and “for as long as it lasted.” After all, she wasn’t the Miss Perfect Alex would one day marry. Quite the contrary. She as a high-school dropout with a pitted past and a near empty heart because of it. Still, she could pretend for a short time she was good enough for an exceptional man like Alexander. Tonight she would pretend she was whole.

He murmured against the shell of her ear, “Sorry I was late. I’m close to getting a firm commitment on that medical research venture I told you about. Dai Zhang dropped in this evening for a final run-through before signing next week.”

Alex had mentioned Zhang’s name several times. As was the case with the majority of his projects, Alex had been looking for a partner to co-finance trials of a new pharmaceutical. The money involved was staggering, but if the drug proved successful, all would benefit, not least of all dialysis patients. That previous trials of similar drugs had failed was a sticking point with the cautious Chinese businessman. However, it seemed that this evening Alex might have finally convinced Zhang this particular effort would bring about a breakthrough.

“I still could’ve collected you.” Alex’s sandpaper jaw grazed her temple before he lightly kissed the spot. “I wanted to.”

In truth, Natalie’s stomach had knotted when she’d walked into this ballroom unaccompanied tonight. Alex’s parents were deceased but she hadn’t met his sister and she wasn’t certain Teresa Ramirez, the one person Alexander listened to, would approve. Natalie hardly fit the famed Ramirez class. Not that Teresa, or anyone, need worry. Natalie certainly didn’t have marriage on her mind.

Finding a smile, she fanned her fingers over the crisp black fabric below his left shoulder. “You were already in the city. It made sense for me to take a taxi in from Manly. I was here alone barely five minutes.”

His dark eyes roamed her face, as if he were looking for some nuance or line he’d missed before. “Are you always so understanding?”

She laughed softly. “Always.”

Who was she to cast stones?

“When we finish this dance I’ll introduce you to Teresa and her fiancé.” His coal-black eyes smiled into hers. “They’ll love you.”

Natalie smothered a sigh. No avoiding introductions, she supposed, even when she preferred to keep their affair private. It would be easier when the time came. No explanations or awkward chance meetings with friends or family later. Just a simple, Goodbye. It’s been nice.

As he pressed her close, his cheek resting against her crown, Natalie wondered.

Would the decision to dissolve their affair be his choice or hers? As chief beneficiary of the Ramirez multiple millions, as well as a highly successful venture capitalist in his own right, surely Alex would tire of her sooner rather than later. He knew actresses, heiresses, a European countess. She was hardly Alexander’s first lover, nor would she be his last.

Or perhaps she would be the one to pull back.

Despite having agreed their time together would be a low-key, light-hearted and finite affair, it seemed the longer they knew each other, the more open Alex became about their relationship and the more inquisitive he grew. She didn’t need any more questions asked about her past. Her memories were too intimate to share…too private, and painful, to lay open to anyone, even Alexander.

But for now it was enough to enjoy the illusion.

Tonight she would forgive herself and make believe this fantasy would last.

“Alexander, a gentleman’s here to see you.”

Alex eased away from his beautiful dance partner to face Paul Brennan, his bodyguard, who stood as tall and broad as an oak. Paul’s gaze, as usual, was both shuttered yet cut-throat sharp.

All the long exhaustive day Alex had waited to hold Natalie Wilder in his arms. Who the hell was interrupting him in the middle of a family celebration?

Paul answered his employer’s unspoken question. “It’s Mr. Davidson.”

Alex’s brows nudged together. “What’s he doing here?”

Anticipating what Alex would say next, Paul rotated back. “I’ll ask him to leave.”

But Alex’s last-minute gesture held him up.

Was it a business concern? Several months ago they’d had dealings and Joe Davidson had come off second-best. Or was this interview personal? Something to do with Joe’s daughter? He and Bridget Davidson had dated briefly, but that had ended six months ago. He’d had nothing against Bridget, but if the chemistry wasn’t there, why delay the inevitable. She’d agreed.

Alex exhaled and nodded. “I’ll come over.” Sort it out quickly and get back. His sister had spent months organising this evening, from the buffet and music down to the pink and gold helium balloons bouncing around the moulded ceiling. Alex approved of Teresa’s choice in partner, too, which was no surprise. Teresa had her head screwed on right. Zachery Todd came from good stock, enjoyed life and clearly adored his fiancée. Both couldn’t wait to have kids.

Alex glanced at the exceptional woman standing beside him.


At age thirty, it almost made a man wonder.

Misunderstanding his look, Natalie stepped back. “It’s okay. I’ll wait here.”

Alex laced his fingers through hers. “I vowed that when I made it here tonight I wouldn’t leave your side. Come with me. This won’t take long.”

She arched a teasing brow. “Afraid someone might steal the next dance?”

“You can dance with whomever you please.” Grinning, he brushed a kiss against her brow. “As long as it’s with me.”

A moment later, they stopped before their uninvited guest and Alex extended his hand. His lip curling, Joe Davidson ignored the courtesy.

Inwardly groaning, Alex let his hand drop. “I take it there’s some problem?”

Davidson’s hard eyes settled on Natalie and his chin kicked up. “You don’t want your date hearing this.”

Alex’s jaw flexed. He was a patient man but he had no time for these kinds of games, particularly tonight.

“We’re celebrating my sister’s engagement. Please tell me what it is you’ve come to say. You’ll understand I’d like to get back.”

Amid the spin of party lights, Davidson’s walrus jowls darkened, but he kept his voice low, barely audible above the music. “Bridget’s pregnant. She’s not doing well. Not too well at all.”

Alex’s pulse rate spiked. Davidson was aware of Alex’s longtime friendship with a leading OB/GYN. Did Davidson hope to secure through him an urgent referral? If the circumstances were dire, why wasn’t the baby’s father here on the scene? Or wasn’t the father on the scene at all?

Alex tried to be tactful. “I didn’t realize Bridget was married.”

Davidson hissed, “She’s not.”

Alex’s shoulders rolled back. “What does this have to do with me?’

Blood in his eye, Davidson snapped out a curse and advanced. Paul’s large grip on his elbow hauled him back.

Alex held up a hand. “It’s all right, Paul. I’ll handle this.” His gaze drilled Davidson’s. “If you’re implying the child is mine, it’s not possible. Bridget and I were finished some time ago.”

“Like six months ago?”

At Joe’s response, Alex’s heart dropped to his feet.

They’d slept together only once, but he’d used protection. Excepting one, atypical time, he always used protection.

His head began to tingle.

Lord above, was it possible?

Chapter Two

Party noise filtered back into Alex’s conscience as Joe Davidson’s arms knotted over his dark polo shirt. “I take it you won’t object to a paternity test.”

Alex forced the words past the lump of wood stuck in his throat. “I need to speak to Bridget.”

“Hoping to pay her off?” Davidson’s burning eyes narrowed. “No amount will save you from taking responsibility for this.” The corners of his mouth dragged down in distaste. “You and your high-and-mighty family. Everyone knows where your grandfather got his money. Juan Ramirez was nothing better than a mobster.”

Alex eased forward, a subtle but one-time-only warning. “I’ll forget you said that.”

“Bridget kept this to herself,” Davidson went on. “Tonight she finally admitted the truth to her mother.” His voice cracked on a humourless laugh. “Can you believe it? Her life is ruined and she wants to save you from public scrutiny.”

Natalie shouldered past Alex. “Your daughter’s life isn’t ruined. She’ll have a beautiful baby and—”

Alex curled a quietening hand around her arm and tipped his chin at the exit. “It’s time you left, Joe.”

Paul Brennan edged forward. “I’ll escort you out.”

“You can’t sweep this under the mat,” Davidson seethed. “This isn’t the old days where families like yours shut people up. My daughter’s entitled to compensation.” Paul’s giant hand on Joe’s shoulder steered him toward the door. “You’ll hear from my lawyers…”

As the threats faded and Joe was marched to the lifts, Alex linked his arm through Natalie’s and turned at the same time the music paused. Below a sky of swaying balloons, curious faces were angled their way, including Teresa’s worried gaze, which found his from the far end of the room.

Straightening to his full height, Alex gave an “everything’s fine” salute, then led Natalie back to the dance floor.

The music faded back up but Natalie’s heels dug in. “How can you think about dancing?”

He studied her eyes, darker than their usual shade of green and yet full of indignant fire. “Nothing can be done tonight.”

He could strangle Davidson for making a public display of such a private matter, although it seemed obvious that performance had as much to do with Joe evening a past score. Joe Davidson was a successful hydraulics engineer. When Alex won a government contract for a purifying design four months back, Joe had accused him of “following family tradition” and bribing officials.

In truth, Alex had worked like a dog to assemble the right people with the right knowledge at the right price. That’s what he did best. He seized opportunities and made them work.

Her brow pinched, Natalie absently touched one pearl drop earring. “You’re right,” she murmured. “There’s nothing you can do right now. And if the child is yours…?”

Reaching the dance floor, he took her in his arms and began to lead. “I’ll cross that bridge if I come to it.”

God willing, there’d be no need.

Admittedly he’d had his share of intimate partners, but from the outset of each affair he was honest. He wasn’t after long-term. Recently, however, the attraction of short-lived affairs had worn thin. The reason was clear.

Natalie Wilder.

He’d never been smitten before and he couldn’t pinpoint why Natalie had taken such a hold of his sensibilities. His rational side said it was absurd, yet it was difficult not to think of her day and night.

She was beautiful, certainly. Intelligent, wellread, dignified. Everything any man could want in a companion. But the attraction—the deep-seated, powerful need—went beyond that. Something in her slumberous emerald-green eyes spoke to him. Something defiant yet almost sad. Something that begged to be released if only he found the right key.

Fact was, whatever unintentional spell she’d cast over him, he wasn’t prepared to have their affair end just yet. This misunderstanding with Bridget would be fixed, life would return to normal, and he and Natalie could go back to enjoying each day and each other.

“Alexander, I haven’t met your date.”

Brought back, he stepped aside then, smiling, dropped a kiss on his sister’s cheek. “Teresa, this is Natalie Wilder.”

Shaking back her exuberant mane of raven’s wing hair, Teresa clasped her hands under her chin. “At last! The mystery woman.”

Natalie hesitated. “Alex’s spoken of me?”

Teresa took Natalie’s hand. “More than once. My brother says you’re in real estate.”

Alex circled Natalie’s waist with his arm. “Agent of the Month, three months running.”

Teresa’s deep blue eyes flashed. “I’m impressed.”

Natalie wasn’t the type to brag so Alex blew her horn for her. “Natalie’s boss invested a lot teaching her the ropes, sending her to the best seminars, and it’s paid off. She’s his star agent.”

“Good for you!” Teresa exclaimed, genuine excitement shining in her eyes. “Do you plan to have your own agency one day?”

Natalie tilted her head. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

Alex’s brows jumped. First he’d heard of it. But then they knew so little about each other, or rather he knew so little about her.

Natalie cast an appreciative look around the ballroom, so alive with music, laughter and light. “It’s a beautiful party. Is your wedding date set?”

Teresa sighed. “Four torturously long months from now. Zach and I hope to have babies right away,” she explained. “Zach’s a twin, so two straight off would be wonderful. Having a happy family is so important to us both. Which reminds me…” She addressed her brother. “Alex, I was telling Zach about the Ramirez doubloon—”

Natalie cut in. “I’m sorry. Would you excuse me, please?”

With a polite but wooden smile, Natalie wheeled away and headed for the balcony doors, the folds of her silk gown undulating behind her in weightless silver-white waves.

Teresa cursed herself in their grandparents’ tongue. “Alexander, I’m so sorry. I’m not sure what I said but I didn’t mean to upset her.”