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Reuniting His Family
Reuniting His Family
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Reuniting His Family

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“You didn’t tell me he’s even more attractive up close,” Rhys heard Claire say as the boys caught up with him.

He strained to hear Renee’s low response, but the boys and the sound of a boat on the lake made it impossible. He hit the water and dived in, welcoming the cold jolt from the hot August heat. Thinking of Renee in any way other than a professional one felt like he was betraying Gwen. They’d had a good marriage, although their relationship had been strained after he’d gone to prison. But one thing he’d never faltered on was his love for his wife and his commitment to the sanctity of their marriage vows.

Any attraction he might feel toward Renee was superficial. She was a beautiful woman. But he’d learned the hard way not to make decisions based on impulse, and had no room in his life for anyone other than his kids.

When he surfaced, Dylan and Robbie met him with a splash to the face. He growled and tickled them both, inciting a new round of splashing. He couldn’t express how good it was to see Dylan laughing and squealing with him.

“I’m cold,” Dylan said after about fifteen minutes of play. He looked up at Rhys as if uncertain whether his dad would be angry with him if he got out of the water early.

Rhys hid his disappointment. “You can go back on the beach and warm up,” he assured him. As much as he’d like more time with Dylan, ending the game happily on his son’s terms was progress. “I’m going to swim some more.”

“But you don’t have a buddy. You’re always supposed to have a buddy when you swim,” Dylan said.

“You and Robbie can watch me from the beach.”

“No, I’ll tell Ms. Delacroix you want her to watch you. She’s a better swimmer than we are.” With that, Dylan and Robbie paddled away.

Rhys dunked himself as he thought of Dylan telling Renee he wanted her to keep an eye on him. He stroked to the middle of the lake, trying not to think about Renee watching him.

* * *

“Surprise! Happy birthday!”

Renee jumped back and pasted a smile on her face when she and Claire entered the lounge of the Hazardtown Community Church for the Twenty-/Thirtysomethings group meeting the next evening. “I’ll get you,” she said under her breath so that only her sister could hear her. Claire had to be behind this. Her friends meant well. They didn’t know she didn’t like surprises. But Claire did. The family celebration yesterday on her actual birthday had been plenty.

“Not me.” Claire propelled her into the lounge. “Blame Pastor Connor for this one.”

“What?” Connor asked. “Natalie said you’ve always wanted a surprise birthday party.”

Everyone laughed. One deep resonating chuckle drew her attention. She’d hoped to use the evening at the weekly Bible study and social time afterward to escape the pressure she’d been under to tie everything up at CPS before she left. But work, in the form of Rhys Maddox, had followed her.

“All right. Find a seat,” Pastor Connor said.

The twelve or so people settled down, with Renee sitting several chairs away from Rhys.

“As I’m sure you noticed, we have a new potential member, Rhys Maddox. Claire or Abby, can you share your study guide?” Pastor Connor asked, looking from Renee’s sister sitting on one side of Rhys to the woman on the other side.

“On it,” Claire said, opening her guide and spreading it between her and Rhys before Abby could open her mouth.

Renee stared at Claire. What was she up to? Claire couldn’t be interested in the man. He wasn’t her sister’s type. Claire liked men with polish. Rhys was more of a diamond in the rough. Too much work, in Renee’s opinion. Not that she thought of him that way, as an eligible man. Nor did he think of her as eligible, either, from the professional contact she’d had with him.

“Some of you may know Rhys,” Connor said. “But we’ll go around and introduce ourselves anyway.”

Renee shifted her gaze to the right of Claire. Rhys was looking directly at her. She lowered her eyes and caught him shuffling the sole of his athletic shoe against the wood flooring. He was nervous. That was a new side of him—her impression was that nothing fazed the man. Things angered him, yes, but didn’t rattle him.

“Renee?” Connor said.

Jerked from her thoughts, Renee moved her gaze past her sister, who smirked, to Connor and back to Rhys.

“Rhys and I know each other.” She smiled at the group, stopping at Rhys. His expression was neutral. Renee crossed her ankles. Had her tone sounded sharp rather than friendly? Connor had startled her. She uncrossed her legs. What did she expect from Rhys? One of those smiles he reserved for his boys? They might be on a first-name basis now, but it wasn’t as if they were friends.

The introductions continued around the circle back to Pastor Connor, and the group plunged into its usual routine: an opening prayer, reading of the week’s lesson and lively discussion. Renee sat back in her seat, listening more than participating. Although she didn’t know why, Rhys’s participation surprised her. He didn’t say much, but when he commented, his few words were insightful and thought-provoking, moving the discussion in interesting directions.

“Okay,” Connor said, “I’m going to wrap the meeting up now, so we can party.”

Renee looked at the clock on the wall, surprised the hour had passed so quickly. Rhys’s gaze snagged hers as she looked down again. A prickle ran down her spine.

“Jon,” Conner asked one of the men, “will you do the closing prayer?”

Renee bowed her head while the words of the prayer rolled over her without really registering.

Afterward, the group members headed toward the door. Renee waited for her sister.

“The cleaning staff likes us to keep food in the church hall,” she heard Claire tell Rhys. “It makes cleanup easier.”

“I can’t stay. Something’s come up. I have a call I need to return.” Rhys rested his hand on the phone clipped to his belt.

Claire frowned at his departing back.

“Happy birthday,” he said as he brushed by Renee, leaving before she could say thanks. The relief she felt was as much for Rhys as for herself. No question about it, the man unsettled her. As for him, she guessed that a regular meeting would have been a better introduction to their group. By all indications, Rhys was a loner. She was sure he’d come expecting the Bible study Pastor Connor had probably told him about, not a birthday party for her.

The party wasn’t as bad as she’d expected—it actually wasn’t bad at all. Abby had baked her favorite German chocolate cake, and Pastor Connor’s sister-in-law Becca pointed out that Renee was still the baby of the group.

“Hey,” Claire said afterward as they drove home, “Rhys Maddox sure is Mr. Personality.”

“What do you mean?”

Claire headed past the lake toward Ticonderoga. “He could have at least stayed for a piece of cake. Returning a phone call is a flimsy excuse for leaving.”

“Not if it was about his kids.”

“Wouldn’t you have gotten a call from Suzi?”

“Maybe not.” Although probably. “It could have been about a job.” Renee didn’t know why she was coming to Rhys’s defense.

“A business call at this time of night? But I’ll cut him some slack. He is take-your-breath-away handsome.”

Renee couldn’t argue with her sister. Rhys Maddox was striking. “Claire, you’re not interested in him, are you?”

Claire parked the car in front of their apartment-house. “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “You know how I like a challenge.”

Renee’s shoulders tightened. Was it apprehension because her sister had no idea what she’d be getting with Rhys? Or something else altogether?

* * *

Rhys welcomed the cool breeze blowing off the lake when he stepped out of the church hall. Unless he was wrong, Renee’s sister Claire had been showing interest in him. He ran his hand through his hair. She and the other woman who’d sat beside him had both been friendly, and Renee hadn’t liked it. At least, she hadn’t liked her sister being friendly. If he had a sister, he probably wouldn’t want her being friendly with someone like him, either. And Renee hadn’t looked any happier when he’d made his exit. Maybe she thought he was blowing her off by not staying for cake.

He shook off the thoughts of both Delacroix sisters and pulled his phone from his pocket. It had buzzed during the Bible discussion and he’d checked it to see if it was the Hills. It hadn’t been, so he’d figured he could wait until after the meeting to check the voice mail.

He leaned against the cab of his truck and looked out at the pine forest as he now waited for the voice mail to connect.

“Rhys, this is Neal Hazard.”

A film of dampness formed between his palm and the phone.

“Sorry about calling so late on a Friday. We’re working out near Watertown, and I just got back. If you’re still interested in the job, give me a call, anytime until nine tonight or during the day tomorrow.”

Rhys checked the time: 8:52. Good thing he’d skipped the party. He wouldn’t have been able to sleep tonight without knowing what Neal had to say. He quickly dialed Neal’s number.

“Neal Hazard.”

“Neal, it’s Rhys Maddox.”

“Hi. I know I said I’d get back to you earlier this week, but your Albany reference was on vacation. I couldn’t get hold of him until today. If you want the job, it’s yours.”

One, two, three, four, five. Rhys counted so he could come across calmer than he was. “Yes, definitely.”

“Good. Can you start Monday?”

“Not a problem.”

“I hope the next part isn’t, either. We’ll be working the Watertown job for the next three weeks. It’s about a three-hour drive. The crew has been staying there during the week and coming home on weekends.”

Owen and Dylan’s fall soccer season was starting already, and he’d promised Owen he’d come to his first game next Tuesday. Then there was that Building Bridges meeting Pastor Connor had told him about. They were all important, but he had to get his priorities straight. He needed a job to regain custody of Owen and Dylan. For now, the job came first. It had to—for his sons.

“If it’s not okay, you can start in three weeks,” Neal said in response to his hesitation.

“No. I mean, yes, I can start Monday.” He had to think long-term, even if Owen would be disappointed, and he’d make Dylan’s game tomorrow, his first one. “I didn’t ask this at the interview, but do I need my own tools?” Shame washed over him. Gwen had had to sell his.

“The company has tools. You’ll probably want to get your own as time goes on.”

Rhys smiled at the night sky. As time goes on. He liked the sound of that.

“Be at the office at six, Monday morning. We take company trucks.”

He patted the side of his pickup. Another plus. “I’ll be there. Thanks for giving me this opportunity.”

“You’re qualified. Why wouldn’t I?”

Rhys could think of many reasons another man might not. But he simply said, “See you Monday,” then hung up.

Rhys pushed off the truck, climbed in and let out a cheer as he headed home, not sure that he’d be getting a whole lot more sleep than if he hadn’t called Neal.

* * *

Morning’s arrival proved him right about the sleep, or lack of it. The two cups of coffee he’d had at home before leaving for Dylan’s soccer game had only taken the edge off his sleep-deprivation fog. So he’d stopped at the coffee shop in Schroon Lake for another, which had taken far longer than he’d expected. Now, he was running late for the game.

He approached the field behind the high school and spotted his son. He lifted his hand to raise his arm and get Dylan’s attention, so he’d know he was there, but then stopped. Rhys didn’t want to embarrass him, or worse, distract Dylan and get him in trouble with his coach.

“Rhys!” Jack Hill beckoned him over to the bleacher where he and Suzi sat.

This morning was supposed to be Dylan’s time, so Suzi had arranged for Owen to go to his friend Alex’s house.

“Sorry.” Rhys lifted his coffee cup. “It took longer than I expected.”

“Don’t worry,” Suzi said. “The game is just starting.”

Rhys sat next to Jack. “Did Dylan say anything about me not being here?”

“No, he was fine,” Suzi said.

He knew her words were meant to reassure him, but they didn’t. Rhys gulped down the rest of his coffee. Thursday afternoon at the lake had gone so well. He’d been looking forward to today and thought Dylan might be, too. He crumpled his empty cup. He was making too big a deal of things.

“Hi, Rhys.” A voice he couldn’t place at first came from behind him.

He turned. “Hi, Claire.” He nodded. “Renee.” They were with several other people he assumed were family members.

“Robbie plays on Dylan’s team,” Claire said.

“Claire, you can socialize later,” an older man said. “The game’s starting.”

“Dad, it’s a kids’ game, not the World Cup.”

“But your bobbing back and forth is distracting,” Mr. Delacroix said. “I want to be able to see Robbie.”

Claire shook her head and sat back on the bleacher.

Rhys had no intention of socializing with Claire, but he did want to talk privately with Renee about the job and working out of town the next three weeks. It would save him a phone call to CPS on Monday. He’d have to catch her after the game.

He turned his attention to the field. The game was more a comedy of errors than a competition, and he enjoyed every minute of it, cheering Dylan and his team on, along with the Hills and Renee’s family behind them. A fleeting thought of Gwen, the only woman he’d ever loved, and what she was missing—what he’d missed—made his joy bittersweet.

Dylan raced over after the game ended. “Suzi, did you see? I kicked the ball three times.”

Rhys swallowed his disappointment that his son went to Suzi and not him. He knew he was expecting too much too soon. “That last kick was almost a goal.”

“I know.” Dylan beamed at him, lifting his spirits. The boy turned to Jack. “Can we get ice cream on the way home?”

“Sure thing,” Jack said. “Your dad can meet us at the ice-cream stand.”

Two steps forward. One step back. “I wouldn’t miss it. I need to talk with Ms. Delacroix and then I’ll be right there.”

Dylan nodded and Rhys watched him walk away with the Hills, nearly missing Renee leaving with Claire. He jogged the few steps to catch up with them.

“Renee, I need to talk with you, if you have a minute.”

Claire raised an eyebrow. “I’ll be at the car.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “About Owen and Dylan.”