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The Police Surgeon's Rescue
The Police Surgeon's Rescue
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The Police Surgeon's Rescue

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‘Yes, all right,’ she agreed listlessly. ‘I’ll see if I can find something decent to wear.’

She was dressed in old jeans, a sloppy coarse-knit jumper and had taken her hair off her face with a rubber band. It would be nice to see her in something else, he thought. Yet he knew that beneath the nondescript outfit were slim hips, firm breasts and skin that had been soft and fragrant to the touch when he’d held her close.

Helena Harris had been propelled into his life and he didn’t want her to disappear from it as suddenly as she had come. She was the first woman he’d really looked at in a long time, but he was pretty sure that she saw him as if through a fog. In her present state, he didn’t think it would register with her if he were seven foot tall and wore a leopardskin.

* * *

When he’d gone on his rounds Helena went to the mirror and looked at herself. Her face was drained of colour. It hadn’t seen make-up since she’d left Australia. Her hair was unkempt, her clothes begging to be sent to a rummage sale. Blake must be dreading what she was going to look like when he took her out to dine later.

It was as if she’d had a personality transplant. The level, uncomplicated attitude that she applied to life in general had been replaced with a zombie-like trance, and who could blame her? She’d spoken briefly with her father on the night of her arrival. It hadn’t been pleasant, and the next thing she’d known he was gone for ever.

But into the middle of her nightmare had come a stranger, a man who had taken her into his care and supported her through some of the worst hours of her life. She owed it to him to make herself presentable, and with the first lifting of her spirits since she’d arrived back in England she set about repairing the ravages.

* * *

When Helena opened the door to him that night Blake’s eyes widened. Her dress of clinging silk was the same colour as her eyes and brought out the glints in her russet hair. Carefully applied make-up gave colour to a face that was still ashen from shock and grief, and if the thought of food made her feel physically sick her smile didn’t give any inkling of it to the man who was putting his own affairs to one side on her behalf.

She’d had a couple of half-hearted relationships before she’d gone to Australia, both of them with hospital staff that she’d worked with, and had gone out with a husky Australian for a couple of months while she’d been over there, but none of them had made her heart beat as fast as it was now.

Blake had style and presence as well as a sort of rugged attractiveness, and she wondered what he’d meant when he’d said that his family weren’t around any more. Was he divorced and his wife had taken the children with her? He didn’t look like the sort of man who would neglect his family commitments.

He was returning her smile.

‘I feel I must have got the wrong house,’ he said teasingly. ‘I’m looking for Helena Harris and you don’t bear any resemblance to her.’

‘The answer to that is simple,’ she told him. ‘I spent some time in front of the mirror and what I saw was not a pretty sight.’

He took her hand, holding onto it for a fleeting second, and then tucked her arm in his.

‘Let’s go and eat,’ he said.

* * *

The moment they walked into the restaurant the proprietor, a fair-haired man in his forties, came forward to greet them with outstretched hand.

‘Dr Pemberton,’ he said warmly. ‘Good to see you…and the lady. How are things with you?’

‘Fine, Robert,’ he replied. ‘How’s that brother of yours?’

The man shrugged his shoulders.

‘All right as far as I know. I try to keep tabs on Michael, but it isn’t easy with this place to run.’

He was showing them to a table and Blake said, ‘I would think that last episode will have made him think twice about a repeat.’

‘I hope so, but he still drinks too much,’ the other man said, and handed them the menu.

‘Are you wondering what all that was about?’ he asked Helena when they’d ordered.

She nodded.

‘Robert’s younger brother was arrested on a drink-driving charge and put in the cells for the night. The police sent for me in the early hours because he’d been complaining of severe stomach pain, but when I got there the discomfort seemed to have gone and they were wishing they hadn’t been panicked into calling me out. But, of course, they can’t take any chances. When a prisoner dies in a cell all hell is let loose.

‘I wouldn’t go without examining him. They’re not the only ones who don’t take chances. There was something about him that worried me and to cut a long story short I found signs of a perforated appendix.

‘As we both know, appendicitis can be fatal and the time of greatest danger is when the agonising pain suddenly disappears. If he’d been left all night he might have died as the police would have taken no heed of his drunken mumblings, the pain having gone.’

‘And so you saved his life.’

He smiled. ‘Only partly. The hospital had something to do with it, too. He was operated on immediately.’

‘He and his family must have been grateful for your presence in the cell. I can see why his brother was so welcoming when you appeared.’

‘Yes, we’ve become firm friends, but Michael, the guy who had the appendicitis, is still drinking too much for his own good and everyone else’s.’

‘You must get a lot of job satisfaction from your police work.’

‘Yes. I do,’ he agreed. ‘Just the same as when I’ve been able to bring a patient back to good health. And with regards to the practice, how would you like to work for us?’

She stared at him in amazement. ‘In what capacity?’

‘Practice nurse, of course. We employ two, but one of them wants to leave in a hurry. As early as next week, in fact. If you are interested, I have another proposition to put to you.’

Still taken aback, she asked, ‘And what’s that?’

‘I have a small house that I rent out not far from the surgery. It was my wife’s before we were married. It’s vacant at the moment. If you took the job you might want to consider living there instead of where you are now. ‘

‘I’ve never worked in general practice,’ she explained. ‘I’ve always been hospital-based.’

‘Does that matter?’

He wasn’t going to tell her that he’d offered her the position because he wanted her near him. He wasn’t sure why, but he did. Maybe it was because she’d been left high and dry after her father’s death and he was concerned for her. Or were his motives more selfish than that? He didn’t want to get bogged down in self-analysis.

He could imagine Maxine’s reaction if Helena took the job. Fortunately he had the main say and if she didn’t like it, too bad.

‘I’d like to think about it if you don’t mind,’ Helena was saying. ‘I feel that you’ve already done enough for me.’

Suddenly he was the senior partner rather than her good Samaritan. ‘You would be expected to cope with a heavy workload and would get no special concessions from me.’

‘I wouldn’t expect any!’ she exclaimed. ‘I’m used to being treated on my own merits. What about the woman who was at your house last night? Did you say she was connected with the practice?’

‘Yes, that was Maxine Fielding. She and Darren Scott are the other two partners. By all means think about the offer. I just felt that both suggestions might solve your problems for the time being.’

So he had no thought of it being on a more permanent basis, she told herself. No need to feel flattered that Blake was keen to employ her. Once again he was merely trying to be supportive at a time when she needed someone. He was anticipating that once she’d got herself sorted she would move on.

Yet what had she expected? They’d only known each other a couple of days. It was incredible that he was making her such an offer in so short a time. The suggestions he’d made were like a lifeline in her present situation and even if they hadn’t been, there was a feeling of rightness about them that she couldn’t ignore.

‘Tell me about yourself,’ he said as they ate a leisurely meal. ‘How long have you been in nursing?’

‘Ever since I left school. My mother was a nurse and I always wanted to be the same.’

‘So you find it fulfilling.’

She was smiling and he thought how different she looked. She ought to do it more often, but he reminded himself that since they’d met she’d had very little to smile about.

‘Yes, I do. Fulfilling…and tiring,’ she told him, adding on a sudden impulse that she knew she might have cause to regret, ‘You already know quite a bit about me, but I know nothing about you, except that you’re a GP who is also involved in police work. You said that your family weren’t around. Dare I ask why?’

She watched his expression change and wished she’d contained her curiosity. It was as if a cloud had settled on his face, but his voice was pleasant enough as he told her, ‘You can ask, but I’m not sure whether I want to answer. If I do it will bring painful memories into a pleasant evening.’

‘I’m sorry,’ she said contritely. ‘I presume something awful must have happened.’

‘It did,’ he agreed heavily. ‘My wife, Anna, and our seven-year-old son, Jason, were killed in a car crash three years ago.’

‘Oh, you poor man!’ she said softly. ‘You must think I’m making a big thing out of what has happened to me. No way does it compare with that.’

‘I don’t think anything of the kind,’ he told her. ‘I’m only too sorry that you came home to what you did, but I think a change of subject is called for.’

Helena nodded her agreement and said, ‘So tell me about the practice.’

He launched into an account of a visit he’d made that afternoon to elderly twin sisters who were always ill simultaneously with the same complaint, and how, garrulous and hyperactive, they vied for his attention.

She was laughing as he described their antics and Blake thought that it was incredible that this green-eyed woman was fancy-free. Or was she? She hadn’t said so. There might be someone in Australia anxiously awaiting her return.

Though if that were the case, she wouldn’t be hesitating about going back, would she? And if she’d left some guy behind when she’d gone out there, he would have been the one she’d turned to rather than himself.

‘If you’ll excuse me for asking, how old are you, Helena?’ he asked.

‘I’m twenty-five.’

‘And commitments?’

It was one way of asking if she was unattached, though it misfired somewhat.

‘You know that I haven’t. I’ve already told you I was an only child.’

‘I was referring to relationships.’

‘Oh, I see. Would it matter if I was in one?’

‘No. Of course not,’ he said smoothly. ‘But again it’s the sort of thing you might be asked about by the other two partners.’

‘But not by you?’

‘No. Not by me. I’m offering you the job because of what’s happened.’

‘Because you’re sorry for me, you mean?’

‘Yes. Partly. And also because you came back to a raw deal. I admire your father for what he did. There are lots of folk who won’t risk life and limb in the cause of justice, but he did. Thankfully no one got to him, which is not surprising as the witness protection service allows for no margin of error. So your father died the way the rest of us hope to go…naturally.’

He wasn’t offering the job because he was attracted to her, then, she thought wryly. She’d been a fool to think he might be. Blake Pemberton, senior partner, police surgeon…and childless widower…must have them queueing up for the chance to take his dead wife’s place.

Blake had allayed her fears about going back to the house but Helena was in no hurry to return. As they lingered over coffee at the end of the meal he said, ‘So are you happy to go back to the house? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.’

‘No. I’m fine,’ she told him. ‘I’m not afraid any more. And, Blake, I will take the job at the practice if you’re sure you want me. And I’ll rent the house, too. You’ve solved all my problems for me.’

She meant it, but couldn’t help feeling that with the sorting of one lot of problems others might appear, focused around a one-sided attraction.

‘Good,’ he said. ‘I’m glad you’ve decided to accept. Maybe you could call at the practice some time tomorrow to meet the rest of the staff and have a chat with the practice manager. Would you be able to start the day after the funeral? That’s when the nurse employed at present wants to leave.’

‘I’d be glad to,’ she told him. ‘As then, more than ever, I will need to be occupied.’

When he pulled up outside their two houses Helena said, ‘Thanks for your time…and the meal, Blake. I can’t help but feel that I’m being something of a nuisance.’

He smiled and in the shadowed interior of the car she experienced the same feeling of familiarity that she’d felt earlier. Theirs was a very new relationship but it didn’t feel like it. She felt safe in this man’s company. Maybe it was because he knew so much about her in such a short space of time.

‘The only time you’re likely to be a nuisance is if you keep insisting that you are one,’ he was saying easily. ‘If you feel I’m being too intrusive, you have only to say so. Otherwise, I’ve promised myself that until you’re over this awful thing that has happened to you, I’m going to be around. And if you’re coming to work at the practice, we’re likely to be in each other’s company for some time to come.’

Why did her heart lift at the thought of that? she wondered. She had only to observe him and the answer was there. Blake Pemberton made every other man she’d met seem insignificant, but there was nothing to say that she was having the same effect on him. If what he’d just said was correct, she was more in the waifs-and-strays category than that of the desirable woman.

When he’d seen her safely inside the house, Blake said, ‘Shall we say midday tomorrow for you to meet the team at the Priory Practice?’

‘Yes,’ she agreed, adding as the memory of cold grey eyes came to mind, ‘Are you sure they won’t object to me joining them sideways, so to speak?’

‘My partners respect my judgement and will be only too relieved that we’re not going to be without a practice nurse for any length of time,’ he assured her. ‘The only problem would be if you weren’t up to the job, and somehow I don’t see that particular difficulty arising. You have references, of course?’

‘Yes. Though the ones from Australia might take some time to reach you. Unless you ask that they email them.’

‘No problem. We’ll sort that out. Lock up after I’ve gone. I can assure you again that you are safe here…and once you move into that house of mine you’ll feel even safer. It’s available as soon as you feel like making the transfer.’

‘Tomorrow?’ she suggested, wasting no time in taking him up on the offer.

‘Yes, if you like…tomorrow. I had it contract-cleaned after the last tenant, so it’s ready for you to move into any time.’ He was looking around him. ‘It’s furnished, by the way. Do I take it that the stuff in this place goes with the house?’

‘Yes. My father said that he’d put our furniture in storage, so I might as well leave it there.’

She couldn’t believe it was happening. Earlier in the day she hadn’t been able to see where she was going to go from here, and now she had a job and a new place to live. Would she ever be out of his debt?

But it seemed that Blake was still out to make her realise that he wasn’t expecting it to be permanent as he said, ‘Yes, leave it where it is. Then whenever you decide to leave us it will be there waiting.’

So it was only the waif-and-stray treatment she was getting, Helena thought wryly. Within his pledge to protect the living while in police care and help bring justice for those who had met their ends through foul play, he was doing his best for another lost sheep…herself. And she wasn’t sure that was how she wanted it to be. He was seeing her at her worst. Lost, weepy and floundering.

When this was over she would have to show him that there was another side to her. That she was her own person, independent, resilient and a good nurse. Suddenly it was vital that Blake should have a good opinion of her, and he was offering her the chance to do something towards that end by taking her on at the practice.

With spirits lifting at the thought, she watched him go down the drive. When he reached his own front door he turned and waved, and as she waved back Helena knew she wanted him to be more than just someone who had befriended her in a time of trouble.

* * *

When Blake announced at the beginning of surgery the next morning that he’d found a replacement for the practice nurse who was leaving, Darren said, ‘Great stuff. What’s she like? Nice-looking, I hope.’