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Advances in Photochemistry, Volume 3 – Klaus Gollnick

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Setting the pace for progress and innovation . . . «[Provides] a wealth of information on frontier photochemistry . . . could easily serve as a definitive source of background information for future researchers.» —Journal of the American Chemical Society «The overall quality of the series and the timeliness of selections and authors warrants continuation of the series by any library wishing to maintain a first-rate reference series to the literature.» —Physics Today ADVANCES IN PHOTOCHEMISTRY More than a simple survey of the current literature, Advances in Photochemistry offers critical evaluations written by internationally recognized experts. These pioneering scientists offer unique and varied points of view of the existing data. Their articles are challenging as well as provocative and are intended to stimulate discussion, promote further research, and encourage new developments in the field.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470133606

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