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The Texan's Twin Blessings
The Texan's Twin Blessings
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The Texan's Twin Blessings

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The Texan's Twin Blessings
Rhonda Gibson

Stand-In FatherAs temporary guardian to his twin baby nieces, William Barns barely knows a diaper from a burp cloth. The well-meaning but meddling neighbor ladies suggest a wife–namely Emily Jane Rodgers. Although William isn't in the market for a bride, he needs a loving woman to watch over the children, and Emily Jane fits the bill nicely.Emily Jane agrees to care for William's nieces–not become his betrothed. Fully determined to find her own way in life and to open her own bakery, Emily Jane isn't looking for a husband. But no matter how hard she resists, Emily Jane is roped in by the twins' little hugs and William's tender regard. And soon she longs to be a permanent part of this ready-made family…

Stand-In Father

As temporary guardian to his twin baby nieces, William Barns barely knows a diaper from a burp cloth. The well-meaning but meddling neighbor ladies suggest a wife—namely Emily Jane Rodgers. Although William isn’t in the market for a bride, he needs a loving woman to watch over the children, and Emily Jane fits the bill nicely.

Emily Jane agrees to care for William’s nieces—not become his betrothed. Fully determined to find her own way in life and to open her own bakery, Emily Jane isn’t looking for a husband. But no matter how hard she resists, Emily Jane is roped in by the twins’ little hugs and William’s tender regard. And soon she longs to be a permanent part of this ready-made family…

“I hope I haven’t kept you waiting,” William said, giving Emily Jane a hand up onto the wagon.

“Not at all. I needed to visit a little while with Beth anyway.” She sat down and then turned and kissed each twin.

They giggled and tried to get her hat.

William pulled himself up beside her. As he took the reins he asked, “New hat?”

“Beth loaned it to me.”

He smiled over at her. “It’s very pretty on you.”

A compliment? She felt a little uneasy.

A soft laugh drifted from his side of the wagon seat. “We’re friends, Emily Jane. No need to get all nervous about a compliment.”

How had he known? She cut her eyes under the hat to look at his profile. Was it possible that over the past few weeks they’d grown so close that they knew what each other was thinking? If so, that was dangerous. Maybe after today she should put some distance between herself and William. From her experience with people, those who could read each other’s minds and expressions seemed to be in love. She wasn’t ready for love.

Yes, distance after today would be the best solution for them both.

RHONDA GIBSON lives in New Mexico with her husband, James. She has two children and three beautiful grandchildren. Reading is something she has enjoyed her whole life and writing stemmed from that love. When she isn’t writing or reading, she enjoys gardening, beading and playing with her dog, Sheba. You can visit her at ( Rhonda hopes her writing will entertain, encourage and bring others closer to God.

The Texan’s Twin Blessings

Rhonda Gibson (

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!

—Isaiah 43:18–19

Tina James, thank you for always believing in my stories and trusting me to get them written on time. James Gibson, your love means more to me than you will ever know. Thank you for keeping the midnight oil burning so that I can find my way after a long night of writing. And as always, thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me my heart’s desires.


Cover (#ufe2e482f-33a2-52fb-a2e6-06bdd8cf3b32)

Back Cover Text (#uebd48c5b-14cc-5cb5-83ef-4482b5f3fb17)

Introduction (#ubb6fbc35-9636-5654-b123-2e77e3b617a2)

About the Author (#ue3e04aad-5dc8-5251-ac0a-32ba78b5b8df)

Title Page (#u6e21b8fe-21ae-5c8f-96b5-2f9731125e6e)

Bible Verse (#u9b12a2d6-5d78-5ac4-8259-52ca548ada65)

Dedication (#u0008a6bf-238f-5838-84e6-5a3aad302434)

Chapter One (#ube9b1758-d273-5a9e-b66b-beee1fee20b2)

Chapter Two (#udbe82a1d-bffe-5d13-b055-301325250b23)

Chapter Three (#uf1f8eef8-d625-5f98-ba32-afb3ef03e4f3)

Chapter Four (#uba7cbd0f-611c-594b-8f4b-2fb29ffd1932)

Chapter Five (#u02261047-95d5-533b-9992-9f6bfc7624c3)

Chapter Six (#ua79f9690-f13b-54ed-ae3b-cd2316572d1f)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Two (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Three (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)

Extract (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One (#ulink_caf1d147-6783-5b20-93c8-8258fa27743b)

Granite, Texas Late Spring 1887

Hot, aggravated and about at the end of his rope, William Barns stood on his grandmother’s porch juggling his year-and-a-half-old nieces, Rose and Ruby. The little girls squalled louder.

“Eat!” Rose twisted sideways, her little voice pleading.

They were hungry, so was he, and as soon as his grandmother opened the door from the other side, she’d help feed them. Of that he had no doubt. He shifted the twins higher on his chest. Today they’d had milk and bread in their diets and little else.

The heat was getting to them and making the girls cranky; him, too, if he was honest about it. Colorado springtime and Texas springtime were very different in the way of weather, and the effects on him and the girls were going from poor to bad fast.

Why was his grandmother taking so long? If he remembered correctly, the house was not that big. He’d been a kid the last time he’d stood on this porch, and even then it had seemed small. William clinched his jaw in an effort not to get impatient with the girls and his grandmother. Surely she’d heard him knocking.

The trip from Denver, Colorado, had been exhausting. Rose and Ruby demanded his undivided attention. He’d had no idea how much was required of his late sister, until she’d been killed and he’d taken over the twins’ care. What a load she had carried and carried well.

His heart ached at the loss of his sister, Mary. If only he’d gone to the bank that day, instead of her. The throbbing in his ankle reminded him why he’d stayed with the napping twins while his sister had gone to town and faced down two bank robbers. If only he hadn’t slipped on the frozen snow and broken his ankle after the last ice storm they’d had, he would have been the one at the bank.

Rose, apparently tired of the juggling, chose that moment to throw up sour milk all over his shirtsleeve. Ruby, spying her sister’s distress, let out a wail that pierced his eardrums.

As the curdled milk scent reached his nostrils, he briefly wondered how his delicate, prim sister had managed to take care of his darling nieces with the ease that she had. They burped putrid liquids, and the diapers, well, he’d almost taken to wearing a clothespin on his nose while changing them.

Exhausted, Rose laid her head upon his shoulder and shuddered her unhappiness. Mirroring her sister’s actions, Ruby did the same. Regardless of their disgusting smells and loud crying, William loved his nieces with all his heart.

“I’m sorry, baby girls. I know you’re hot and tired, and sick of me pouring liquid into you.” He kept his voice soothing and calm. “Just hang on a few more seconds. Grandma’s on the way, and she’ll have something good for us to eat.”

His chest ached with the sorrow weighing down upon him. He felt as if the responsibilities of the girls might be more than he could take. Why did everything have to change?

Memories flooded his tired mind. On the fateful morning he’d lost his sister, his brother-in-law and town sheriff, Josiah, had been out of town but was to return later in the day. William later learned that Josiah had been lured away by fake information that the robbers were in the town next to theirs. He’d hurried off to help the sheriff there, and while he’d been gone the criminals had robbed their bank.

Three rough-looking men had arrived in town shortly after the bank opened. They’d entered the bank, threatening those inside if the teller didn’t turn over the money. When they’d escaped in a blaze of gunfire, they left Mary lifeless and the bank teller wounded.

Witnesses had whispered that it had all happened so suddenly. The bank robbers had taken Mary’s money and left her for dead. She had stumbled out of the bank, clutching the morning’s mail to her wounded chest. It was when she fell in a heap of petticoats that everyone realized she’d been hit by the gunfire. His sister had died on the dirty street, leaving behind an angry, grieving husband and two beautiful, motherless little girls. And him.

A piercing cry sounded within his left ear, pulling William from the painful memory. “Ruby, please don’t scream.” He looked to the dark window on his left. Where was his grandmother? Why hadn’t she answered? He turned and pounded on the door with his elbow.

Aggravation at the delay crept up his spine and into his already pounding head. The longer he stood there, the worse he felt. William refused to give in to the irritation at having to wait for his grandmother; one angry man in the family was enough.

The memories he’d been shoving away flooded in once more. Josiah had allowed his rage and grief over the murder of his wife to run so deep he’d practically forgotten his daughters. William had been left with no choice but to take over the care of the girls. Once his sister had been put to rest, Josiah had gone after the murderers with the promise to come back for the girls, but William wasn’t holding his breath.

Even though Josiah was a good lawman, William worried about his brother-in-law’s state of mind. Josiah blamed himself for his wife’s death. He’d even made the statement he wasn’t sure he was a fit father and that if he couldn’t protect Mary, what made him think he could protect his girls? William had tried to talk to him, offer comfort, but in the end, Josiah had left a bitter and angry man.

After three months of waiting, William couldn’t stand living in the same town that his sister had died in. He’d left word with Josiah’s neighbor that he was moving to Granite, Texas, and that Rose and Ruby would be waiting there for Josiah when he’d finished his business with the bank robbers. He worried Josiah might never come for his daughters—the man had been so resentful—and Josiah had probably taken risks that could end his life, leaving the girls orphans.

Rose trembled, and one look at her white face reminded William that he needed to focus on her and her sister instead of rehashing what had happened or worrying about what might have happened to their father. Until he heard from Josiah, he was responsible for the little girls, and right now they needed real food and a place to rest. He reached for the door handle and found it locked. William sighed. She wasn’t home.

“Excuse me.”

He turned to the soft voice that had managed to be heard over the little girls’ cries. A young woman stood behind him in the yard. Her red hair blazed under the sun, and light freckles crossed her nose as if she’d too often forgotten to wear her bonnet. Green eyes filled with sadness looked up at him. The freckles across her nose and cheeks gave her the appearance of being very young, but the depth of emotion in her eyes made him think she might be older than she looked. Realizing he was staring, William responded. “Yes?”

“My name is Emily Jane Rodgers. I’m Mrs. Barns’s neighbor.” She pointed to the house across the street, then turned to face him once more. “Mrs. Barns no longer lives here.” Her sweet voice seemed to drip with warmth and deep sorrow.

William shifted the girls, who had quieted down at the sound of the female voice. “Nice to meet you, Miss Rodgers. I’m William Barns. Where has my grandmother moved?”

Renewed sorrow seemed to fill her pretty green eyes. “I have a key to the house. Let’s go inside, so that I can explain.” She brushed past him, and scents of cinnamon and sugar filled his nostrils.

The girls stared at the redheaded woman. Ruby stretched out a chubby hand to grasp a strand of her hair as she worked the key into the lock. Thankfully, the little girl couldn’t reach Miss Rodgers, but her failed attempt had her leaning farther, straining against his arm till he thought he might drop her. He tightened his hold on Ruby, turning aside from the temptation.

Finally the woman opened the door and stepped within the cooler interior. William followed as questions regarding his grandmother bombarded his tired mind. They stood in the sitting room, where all the furniture was covered with fabric of various colors. His hopes sank in his chest as he realized that if his grandmother had moved, she would have taken her things with her. He used his boot to shut the door.

Miss Rodgers dropped the key into the pocket of her apron that hung about her small waist and then moved to the window. She pulled back the heavy curtain to allow sunshine into the room before she turned to face him. Dust particles swirled in the air around them. “I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you this, but Mabel passed away last month from a cold that had moved into her chest.” Sorrow filled her voice.

He gasped. A new sharp pain pricked his heart. A stinging dryness scalded the backs of his eyes. William looked about for a place to set the squirming twins, who wanted to get down and explore this new place. William realized he didn’t dare put them in the layer of dust that covered the floor. He shifted their weight and held them close to his aching chest.

He’d lost his sister and now his grandmother. Who was next? One of the twins? His brother-in-law? He’d also lost his fiancée, Charlotte, thankfully not by death, but she’d been clear that having children or taking care of someone else’s was not a part of her future with him. They’d parted ways since he wanted children and intended to protect and keep his nieces until their father’s return.

The questions returned once more. How much more could he take? And how was he going to care for the girls by himself until his brother-in-law returned? This was not how he had pictured his life. Doubt rose in multiples. Why was the Lord testing him? Had he offended Him in some way? He loved the fellowship with his Lord and tried to honor and please Him above all others. But his load seemed to get heavier every day. As if the Lord had heard his thoughts, William’s troubled spirit quieted, and he forced his lips to part in a curved, stiff smile at the woman staring solemnly back at him.

* * *

Emily Jane watched the emotions cross the handsome face of the man in front of her. William Barns wore a dark brown cowboy hat. Wavy black hair peeked out from under the brim and curled about his collar. It was his sapphire-blue eyes that held her attention; they told a story of their own. From the depth of sorrow staring back at her, Emily Jane read that this wasn’t the first time death had recently broken his heart.

Without giving her actions much thought, she reached for one of the babies, who had resumed kicking and crying. “Here, let me take one of them.” Poor little mites needed their mother. Emily Jane felt sure that Mr. Barns mourned her death as well as his grandmother’s; why else would he show up alone with the two little girls?

He placed the little child into her outstretched arms. “Shhhh, it will be all right.” Emily Jane rocked from side to side as she held the small one against her shoulder.

The child settled down and sniffled but no longer cried as if she were being tortured. Emily Jane looked to Mr. Barns and saw that he copied her actions. She offered him what she hoped was an encouraging smile. “Do you have fresh diapers for these sweet girls?” Emily Jane asked, as she continued to rock and pat the small back in her arms.

“Out in the wagon.” He spun on his booted heels and limped away. “I’ll be right back,” Mr. Barns called over his shoulder.

“Go!” The little girl in her arms tugged in the direction that Mr. Barns had left. She cried in earnest when he and her sister continued out the door.

Emily Jane pulled the darling close and patted her back some more. “He’ll be right back.” Emily Jane looked about the room during his absence. In the short time Mabel Barns had been gone, the house had become quite dirty.

Would William Barns stay here now that he knew his grandmother had died? Or would he take his daughters and go to other family members for help with the children? She assumed the need for help with the girls had been what prompted him to visit his grandmother.