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Pony Express Special Delivery
Pony Express Special Delivery
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Pony Express Special Delivery

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“You’re right. He is dead. But I am not. I made a promise to him and I will not break it. This ranch belongs to Jack’s son and I won’t sell it, not to you, not to anyone.” As confident as her words sounded, inwardly Maggie trembled.

Gus’s face turned bright red. His jaw clenched and unclenched several times. He stood taller and fisted his hands at his sides. His eyes blazed with anger and loathing.

Maggie tightened her hand on the railing. “Please let yourself out, Gus.”

He jerked around and headed to the door.

Just as his fingers touched the bar to open it again, Maggie said, “Oh, Gus. I’d like to see the ranch ledger. Please have one of the men bring it to the house this evening.”

He jerked the door open and slammed it shut behind him.

Baby James awoke with a start. His small face puckered as if he’d bitten into a persimmon. Then he opened those same lips and wailed out his displeasure at being awaken so rudely.

Maggie wanted to join the baby in his tears but knew she had to stay strong for Dinah’s sake. She patted the baby’s back and made shushing noises.

“Come along, Dinah.” Maggie led the way to her bedroom. Once inside, she closed the door and locked it. Her hand trembled as she changed the baby’s diaper.

“Maggie, why does Uncle Gus want the ranch so bad?” Dinah had scrambled up on the bed with her rag doll.

“All men want to own land, Dinah. Gus thinks this ranch should rightfully belong to him since it was his cousin’s.” Maggie shuddered to think how far Gus might be willing to push to get the Fillmore land.

Dinah picked up her doll and hugged it close. “But you aren’t going to give it to him, are you?”

Maggie wrapped the baby up tightly. She lay down on the bed and then cuddled James close again. “No, this land belongs to James.”

“I’m glad.” Dinah yawned. “I don’t much like Mr. Gus.” Her eyes drifted closed.

Maggie wished she could fall asleep as quickly as Dinah and the baby. Her mind was having no part of rest at the moment. She knew Gus Fillmore wasn’t going to give up on owning the ranch. Today he had showed just how badly he wanted it, and the depth of that desire scared Maggie.

How far would Gus go to get his cousin’s ranch? And how was she going to stop him from taking it? Her thoughts went to Clayton Young and the doctor. Did she dare close her eyes and rest until they arrived?

* * *

In town, Clayton spotted the doctor’s shingle hanging on the doorpost of a small house. He dismounted. After tying the horse’s reins to the hitching post, he entered the front door. A bell over the entryway clanked his arrival. Clayton’s gaze moved about the waiting room that appeared to be empty.

A side door opened and the doctor motioned for Clayton to follow him into the examination room. He was a tall man with thinning hair and sharp gray eyes. “Is this an emergency?” he asked.

Clayton shook his head. His gaze moved over the country doctor. The dark-haired man was older than Clayton had expected, with grass-green eyes. He wore a white coat over his regular clothes, and a stethoscope hung around his neck.

“Then you won’t mind if I wash up, will you?” He turned and moved to the washbasin beside the examination table.

“No, sir.”

Clayton felt as if he were right where he belonged. His gaze traveled over the examination table. A cabinet sat to the right where he assumed the doctor kept medication and medical instruments. A desk and chair stood on the other side of the room.

Clayton’s gaze moved to a bookshelf that rested beside the desk. Its shelves were packed with volumes of books and loose papers. He imagined the books were filled with all kinds of cures and advice to help the sick.

“Have you had any doctor training?” The elderly man finished washing his hands then moved to the desk.

Clayton turned his attention back to the doctor. “No, sir. But I’ve read a couple of medical books and was the family doctor.” He grinned as memories of his brothers’ cuts and bruises came to mind. When you grew up with six adopted brothers, you tended to stay busy with bandaging and sewing up gashes.

Thankfully, nothing serious had come up. Clayton’s grin slid from his face. If it had, he wouldn’t have known what to do. Josephine, his brother Thomas’s wife, had known more about healing than he had when one of the other Pony Express riders had arrived with a gunshot wound. The event had forced Clayton to realize that he needed more schoolin’ if he intended to be a doctor.

“I thought as much, the way you are eyeballing those books.”

Was he so transparent that the doctor had read his desire to become a doctor just by watching his expression when he’d looked at the books?

He held out his hand. “I’m Charles Anderson and the only doctor for miles around.”

Clayton took his hand and shook it. Doc Anderson’s handshake wasn’t as forceful as Gus Fillmore’s, but then again, the doctor didn’t have anything to prove. “Clayton Young.”

“Ah, the new Pony Express manager out at the Fillmore place. Bill mentioned a new man would be arriving soon.”

“Yes, sir.” Clayton released the other man’s hand.

“So, if you don’t mind my asking, what were you doing reading medical books and behaving as the family doctor?” He tucked his hands in his front pockets.

Clayton studied his face. “Our farm is about fifteen miles from town. If someone got hurt or sick, I took care of them.”

“And the books?”

Clayton pushed away from the window. “I’ve wanted to be a doctor since forever. Ma bought me a few books. Typically animal care books, but most of the practices are the same.” Clayton still remembered the first time his adoptive mother, Rebecca Armstrong, had given him a book. He’d thought her the most wonderful person alive. Still did, if truth be told.

The doctor surprised him with a burst of laughter. “Well, that’s the first time I’ve heard that, but all considering, you might not be too off with your thinking.” He rubbed his chin. “So, what brings you to my office?”

“Mrs. Fillmore had her baby last night.”

The doctor stood taller. “Did the delivery go well? How’s the baby?” He began grabbing items and thrusting them into a black bag. “Why didn’t you speak up sooner?”

Clayton grimaced. “I wasn’t there for the delivery. The boy seems to be fine this morning and I got distracted with all your questions.”

Doc Anderson slowed down and looked at Clayton. “I’d better go out anyway and check on Maggie and the babe.”

Clayton grinned. “My thoughts exactly. That’s why I’m here.”

The doctor gave him a funny look, then walked over to the bookcase. He chose two books and dropped them into his big black bag. “My buggy is sitting beside the house. It’s already rigged up. I was about to go to the Harper place, but they can wait until I examine Maggie and the baby.”

Clayton followed him through the waiting room and out the front door. He watched the doctor lock the door and drop the key into his front pocket. “I’ll wait here.”

The doctor nodded and then walked to the side of the house.

A few minutes later, Clayton found himself riding beside the doctor’s buggy. He wasn’t sure he’d ever want to use a buggy for house calls. It was quicker to just jump on the horse’s back and ride.

“I hear the Pony Express may be shutting its doors soon,” the doctor said in way of conversation.

“Yes, sir. I’ve heard that, too.”

“Do you have any plans for your future?” He clicked his tongue to get the horse pulling his buggy to go a little faster.

Clayton grinned. “I’m hoping to become a doctor.”

“Figured as much.” The doctor nodded. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m getting up there in years.” He kept his gaze on the horse’s back.

Clayton answered, “No, I didn’t notice.”

The good doctor laughed. “Well, be that as it may, I’ve been thinking about retiring in a few years. Think you might be interested in becoming my assistant, if the Pony Express doesn’t pan out?”

Was this God’s way of blessing his plans of becoming a doctor? Clayton swallowed. This was just the opportunity he’d prayed about. “I would be honored, but I can’t leave the Pony Express right now.”

“No, I don’t reckon you can. But, if you are serious about becoming a doctor, I’ll be happy to loan you a couple of books. Maybe you can study those and then we can talk more about your future.” He dug in his bag and pulled out one of the books.

Clayton rode the horse close to the buggy and leaned down to take the book Doc Anderson held up to him. Then he straightened and examined the soft calfskin cover. It was light brown with the words “The History and Treatment of the Diseases of the Teeth, the Gums, and the Alveolar Processes, by Joseph Fox” on both the front of the book and the spine.

“In my line of work, I’m often called to pull teeth or doctor a tooth that has infection in it. That’s probably one of the best books you can find right now, so don’t lose it.”

Clayton flipped it open and was happy to see that there were numerous illustrations of teeth and different forms of decay. “I’ll take good care of it.” He slipped it into his saddlebag.

“See that you do. Here’s the second book I want you to study.” He held up a smaller book for Clayton to take.

Clayton took the book and silently read the cover. The Family Doctor: A Counsellor in Sickness, Pain and Distress, for Childhood, Manhood and Old Age. Containing in Plain Language, Free from Medical Terms, the Causes, Symptoms, and Cure of Disease in Every Form...with Engravings of Medicinal Plants and Herbs by Henry S. Taylor. It never failed to amaze him that books came with such long titles. This one would be interesting to read. He just prayed that with his Pony Express duties he’d have time. “Thank you, sir. How long can I keep them?” He ran his finger over the raised lettering of the title.

“As long as you need. That one is fairly new. Came out last year, but I have an older one that says pretty much the same thing. Just remember to take good care of it. Books aren’t cheap, you know.”

Clayton nodded. He added the book to his saddlebag. His thoughts went to Maggie and the kids. “Doc? How well do you know Maggie Fillmore?”

“Well enough, I reckon. Why do you ask?” His gray eyes searched Clayton’s face.

“I met Gus Fillmore and he seems to not like the widow. Is there anything I should know about her?” That wasn’t exactly what he wanted to ask but felt it was a good starting place.

“Gus Fillmore is Jack’s cousin. He’d hoped to inherit the ranch and when he didn’t, he offered to buy it from Maggie. She refused. I’m sure Gus is still a little sore about all that and is holding a grudge.”

Just as he suspected. Clayton nodded. “I think you’re right.” He focused on the road home and even tapped Bones’s side with the heel of his boot to get the horse to go a little faster.

The doctor urged his horse to do the same.

Clayton didn’t like the idea of Gus Fillmore having ill feelings toward Maggie. He didn’t know her very well, but what he did know, he liked. She’d braved having a child on her own, then had the sense to tell her younger sister to get help, and when he’d arrived, she’d trusted him to make the baby breathe. Maggie seemed like a strong woman, but would she be strong enough to keep Gus Fillmore from taking over the ranch?

Chapter Three (#u6ecfeaa6-52a6-5793-ba54-41ff99cbd19a)

It seemed as if Clayton had been in town far longer than he needed to be, if he were concerned about baby James. Maggie’s eyes were drifting closed when she heard the men arrive in the front yard. She pushed herself up into a sitting position.

The baby stirred in her arms and Dinah awoke with wide eyes. The little girl had slept for over an hour.

Maggie reached over and brushed the blonde hair from her eyes. “Sweetie, I think Clayton and the doctor have arrived. Would you go look out the window and make sure it’s them for me?”

Dinah came awake instantly. She scrambled off the bed and ran to the window. Her little hands tugged at the drapes.

Maggie grinned as the girl disappeared behind them.

“It is Clayton and the doctor.” Dinah came out. “Want me to go open the door for them?” She ran to the bedroom door and waited for an answer.

“Yes, please.”

Maggie listened as Dinah ran down the stairs. A few moments later she heard the doctor’s voice and sighed. Now she could relax. Clayton was back, and the doctor would make sure the baby was healthy.

Over the last couple of months, the older gentleman had fussed and insisted she come see him on the first Monday of every month. Yesterday, this time, she would have loved to have had him close but instead had faced having baby James alone.

A soft knock sounded on the door. She called, “Come in.”

Doc Anderson entered first. “Well, hello, Maggie. I wasn’t expecting you to have that little bundle for another week.” His gray eyes searched Maggie’s.

Maggie smiled at him. “I know. Baby James came a little earlier than we expected. Not only was he early, but his coming into the world wasn’t as easygoing as we’d hoped.”

The doctor glanced with concern from Maggie to Clayton. “What happened?” He walked across the room and took the baby from her arms.

Hadn’t Clayton told the doctor how he’d saved the baby’s life? She watched as Dinah slipped into the room and took Clayton’s hand in hers. Her little sister pressed against his leg. Obviously, Gus’s visit had scared her more than Maggie had realized. Or was the little girl simply happy to see the man responsible for James’s well-being?

Maggie pulled her gaze from the pair and explained the difficult delivery in a low tone, wishing Dinah were in the other room. Her voice cracked as she told him how the baby wouldn’t breathe for her. She looked to Clayton and said, “Thankfully, Mr. Young arrived and saved him.”

The doctor turned to look at Clayton. “Is that right?” It wasn’t really a question as much as an expression of admiration.

“It wasn’t really me, sir. God used me to help the child.” Clayton’s neck and cheeks turned red under the doctor’s interested gaze.

“Well, then I’m glad the good Lord sent you when you were needed the most.”

Maggie searched Clayton’s face. So, he believed in giving God credit for what he’d done. It gave her comfort to think that Clayton might be a God-fearing man.

Doctor Anderson turned to face them once more. “Clayton, why don’t you take Miss Dinah downstairs for a little while?” He didn’t give Clayton time to answer before he spoke to her. “Maggie, I’m going to examine you both and make sure that you’re healthy enough to get back to a regular routine.”

Worried blue eyes met hers. Maggie said, “Dinah, you can stay if you want to.”

“No, I want to go with Clayton.” She clung tighter to his hand. “He’ll keep me safe.”

Maggie moved her eyes to search his. Had he heard the fear in Dinah’s voice? What would he think if he knew just how badly her cousin-in-law wanted the ranch?

Clayton nodded. “I can use her company in the horse barn, if that’s all right with you.”

Maggie knew he’d take care of Dinah and for a brief moment allowed herself to dream that he really could keep them all safe. “Thank you.”

Half an hour later, the doctor and Maggie walked out onto the front porch. “Now, don’t forget, Maggie, this first week rest downstairs until bedtime at night. Stairs will delay your healing. And no lifting anything heavier than the baby. If there are any indications of sickness in either of you, call on me right away. Otherwise, I’ll expect you to come into town in about six weeks so that I can check on the babe.”

“I will. I’m glad we are both doing well. Thank you, Doctor, for coming out.”

* * *

Clayton felt Dinah’s small hand slip into his once more. They walked across the yard to the house.

“Is baby James all right?” Dinah asked.