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Книги автора Galit Shmueli

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современные любовные романы, young adult
Provides an important framework for data analysts in assessing the quality of data and its potential to provide meaningful insights through …
Provides an important framework for data analysts in assessing the quality of data and its potential to provide meaningful insights through …
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in XLMiner®, Third Edition presents an applied approach to data m…
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in XLMiner®, Third Edition presents an applied approach to data m…
современная зарубежная литература
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications with JMP Pro® presents an applied and interactive approach to dat…
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications with JMP Pro® presents an applied and interactive approach to dat…
книги о приключениях
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R presents an applied approach to data mining concepts and met…
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R presents an applied approach to data mining concepts and met…
This groundbreaking book introduces the application of statistical methodologies to e-Commerce data With the expanding presence of technolog…
This groundbreaking book introduces the application of statistical methodologies to e-Commerce data With the expanding presence of technolog…