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The Wedding Plan
The Wedding Plan
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The Wedding Plan

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The Wedding Plan
Abby Gaines

Merry Wyatt would do almost anything to fulfill her father's dying wish. But marrying Lucas Calder is not an option. Sure, they have occasionally pretended to be in a relationship when it was convenient, but a real marriage? That's definitely out of the question.However, a fake marriage might work. Lucas may not be too keen, but Merry knows he won't let her down.When her father makes an unexpected recovery, Merry's simple plan goes into a tailspin. And family expectations aren't the only problem. A spark has ignited and playing house with Lucas is becoming a little too real.

Quick marriage + quick divorce = happily ever after?

Merry Wyatt would do almost anything to fulfill her father’s dying wish. But marrying Lucas Calder is not an option. Sure, they have occasionally pretended to be in a relationship when it was convenient, but a real marriage? That’s definitely out of the question.

However, a fake marriage might work. Lucas may not be too keen, but Merry knows he won’t let her down.

When her father makes an unexpected recovery, Merry’s simple plan goes into a tailspin. And family expectations aren’t the only problem. A spark has ignited and playing house with Lucas is becoming a little too real.

Please kiss me

Merry lifted her face, closed her eyes. An act of faith. Faith that Lucas was the guy she’d known, from boy to man. Bossy, infuriating, even arrogant. But not a man who would let her down.

She felt the whisper of a breath, then firm lips pressed to hers.

Thank you.

Lucas smelled of soap and spice and salt air. For that fraction of a second, she was warm, despite the brisk northerly wind coming down off the hills behind.

Then he pulled back. Merry’s focus cleared from the odd haze in front of her eyes—must be sea spray—and she saw her father beaming from ear to ear.

That’s why we’re doing it. We’re giving Dad peace of mind. It was all worthwhile.

Dear Reader,

Marriage is never straightforward, even when two people love each other and are committed “till death do us part.” If you’re married, you’ll already have figured out that while love is a wonderful thing, a lasting marriage also requires patience, forgiveness, generosity, kindness...and much more!

I love marriage-of-convenience stories, where a couple ties the knot for reasons that don’t include love, often under the delusion that it will be simple. As a writer and a reader, I love that moment where they realize marriage isn’t a toy you can pick up and put down, and ignore when not in use.

Like a real marriage, a marriage of convenience tests the participants in ways they’d never imagined, forcing them to draw on all those qualities I mentioned earlier...and it’s when those other things are being practiced that love has a chance to grow.

In The Wedding Plan, Merry Wyatt hatches a scheme to make her dying father happy—a noble goal. Unfortunately, it involves marrying Lucas Calder, the man who rejected her (and the brother of Garrett Calder from That New York Minute). The situation soon grows way more complicated than Merry or Lucas anticipated. I hope you enjoy the story of how these two independent people learn what real love is all about.

To share your thoughts about The Wedding Plan, or any of my books, please email To read an After-the-End scene, visit the For Readers page at (


Abby Gaines

The Wedding Plan

Abby Gaines (


Abby Gaines writes contemporary romances for the Harlequin Superromance line, and Regency romances for the Love Inspired Historical line. Those might sound like two completely different genres, but Abby likes to say she writes “stories that leave you smiling”—wherever and whenever they are set. Her Harlequin Superromance novel The Groom Came Back won the 2010 Readers Crown Award, and her novella One in a Million won the 2011 Readers Crown. The Wedding Plan is Abby Gaines’s twentieth book for Harlequin Books.

Abby loves cooking, reading, skiing and traveling...though not all at once! She lives with her husband and children—and a Labradoodle and a cat—in a house with enough stairs to keep her semi-fit and a sun-filled office whose sea view provides inspiration for her writing. Visit her at (

For Irene Francis,

who still loves Russian literature and still hates conversational lulls,

who is always true to herself and to those she loves.


Chapter One (#uc568414b-2144-5aa5-bbeb-fe67e79dd453)

Chapter Two (#u9ab8ccf3-0ab8-5418-b647-87dc39c30d2b)

Chapter Three (#u4db33ba6-62f4-597d-94c5-1ab9ad57d781)

Chapter Four (#u7503ef12-0161-5ae7-961d-a776e7624128)

Chapter Five (#u62c9df81-075a-5465-b26b-bcf8bb0e9e18)

Chapter Six (#u4d359311-2235-58f1-be0a-d0fe62810a94)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Two (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Excerpt (#litres_trial_promo)


LUCAS CALDER HAD SPENT the past eight years flying his chopper in places where no one spoke a language he recognized. But the hand signals and facial expressions of Afghani kids had been easier to understand than the scene he was witnessing now.

His father, Admiral Dwight Calder—famously rigid, gimlet-eyed and about as warm as a midnight watch on an aircraft carrier in the Arctic—blew a raspberry on the tummy of his baby daughter, Lucas’s half sister, who was lying on her changing table.

Incomprehensible. And right now, damn inconvenient.

Lucas glanced at his watch: 3:00 p.m. Ten at night in the Gulf. He should be sitting at the tiny desk in his cabin, processing the next day’s minesweeping flight plan, imprinting it on his memory.

“Who’s a smelly girl?” Dwight teased. Mia shrieked with delight, apparently undisturbed by the stench emanating from her diaper.

“Dad, can we talk?” Lucas tried again to drag his father’s attention to more serious matters. Such as Lucas’s down-the-toilet military career.

“Of course we can.” Dwight untaped the diaper.

Lucas took a hasty step backward. “Man, she stinks.”

“Don’t talk about your sister like that.” Dwight wielded a wet wipe with surprising efficiency. It went without saying that he hadn’t done any diaper changing when Lucas and his older brother, Garrett, were babies. Their father’s metamorphosis to doting dad was very new. For Mia’s sake, Lucas was pleased.

He just wished it was possible to have a conversation with his father that wasn’t about feeding or potty time.

As Dwight tossed the diaper in the trash, Mia wriggled, a flurry of pudgy arms and legs. Lucas surged forward to block the side of the changing table.

Dwight held her in place with a hand on her chest. “I wouldn’t let her fall,” he growled.

Lucas hadn’t come back to New London, Connecticut, to argue with his dad. He stepped away.

“Pass me a new diaper,” his father ordered. The return to something approaching military style was so welcome that Lucas obeyed.

When Mia was dressed again, Dwight picked her up. “Would you like to hold her?” he asked Lucas.

“Uh, no. I’m good, thanks.”

Mia nestled against Dwight’s shoulder, eyelids at half-mast.

“She’ll nod off soon,” he predicted. “Let’s talk downstairs in my study.”

As they reached the bottom of the staircase, the glass-paned front door opened. Stephanie, Lucas’s stepmom, came in and set her purse on the hall console. She gave a squeal of pleasure. “Lucas! When did you get here? Come give me a hug, you adorable boy.”

He squeezed her tightly. “I don’t need to ask how you are. You look great.”

She smacked his shoulder. “Liar. Do you know how hard it is for a woman in her mid-forties to lose baby weight? But I love you for saying it.” She pulled away to address Dwight. “Darling, you know very well Mia should be in bed.”

“She kept calling to me over the baby monitor,” he protested.

Lucas noted with some discomfort that his father sounded sheepish. Great. The country had benefited for decades from Admiral Calder’s unrelenting sense of mission, but the one time Lucas needed his dad operating at full aggression… What had happened to Admiral Cold-ass, as he’d been irreverently known to his crew?

Stephanie took the baby from Dwight. “I’ll put her to bed. Sorry, sweetie,” she crooned to Mia, “but Mean Mommy’s back.”

Mia babbled something that may or may not have been an attempt at words. Her parents cooed as if she’d just recited Shakespeare.

Lucas couldn’t help noticing that Dwight caressed his wife’s bottom as she passed. Things really had changed.

Was his dad even capable of focusing on Lucas’s problem?

Lucas reminded himself that Dwight had been a navy man far longer than he’d been a family man. If he could just recall his “pre-enlightened” state, he would understand why Lucas needed his help.

“It’s good to have you home,” Dwight said as he settled into the burgundy leather chair behind his oak desk. The desk had once graced the captain’s stateroom on a nineteenth-century sailing ship. “How’s the hand?”

“Fine,” Lucas said. “Great. Fully recovered.” Sixteen months ago, his minesweeping chopper had been shot down in the Persian Gulf. Lucas had been medevaced to the U.S.A. for treatment—on the day Mia was born, as it turned out. Getting over the concussion, broken ribs and ankle and punctured lung had proved easy. Or so he’d thought at the time.

The surgery on his shattered hand had been more complex, the rehabilitation endless. Partly because Lucas had insisted on doing it all in one long stretch, relocating to Baltimore to be closer to the rehab center.

“Shame about your eyes.” Someone must have reported the details of Lucas’s latest physical to Dwight. Shouldn’t happen, of course, but Admiral Calder had so many friends in high places, there was always someone keen to fill him in about his son. Even though Dwight would have been too honorable to ask.

“The only problem was my depth perception,” Lucas said. “Everything else was fine.” He’d had no idea that, after working so hard to restore his hand, he would fail his back-to-duty physical because of his eyesight. The doctor had attributed the change in his vision to the deep concussion he’d sustained in the crash.

The skeptical pursing of Dwight’s lips said his father wasn’t fooled by the words the only problem.

It was an insurmountable problem.

Nothing is insurmountable.

“You’ve heard they’re discharging me, as of December 31,” Lucas guessed. “I’m on leave until then.”

Dwight nodded. “I understand you turned down a desk job.”

“I want to fly.” They’d told him that couldn’t happen. He should have known better than to issue an ultimatum to the U.S. Navy. But no way did he want to sit at a desk while, out there, men risked their lives to protect others.

Thanks to his ultimatum—send me back or discharge me—he’d be out at the end of the year. A man without a mission. He couldn’t get his head around the idea.

Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to.

“You failed the physical, you can’t fly,” Dwight said.

Usually, Lucas considered having his father so high up in the navy to be a disadvantage. Today, he hoped that for the first time in his life, it would help.

“That’s what I want to talk to you about,” he said. “I need to see a different doctor, get a retest and a second opinion. I figured you’d know someone.”