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Серия: Без серии
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A WIFE OF HER CHOOSING Dominic Granville needs a wife—whether he wants one or not! And governess Serena Somerton intends to find one for him. A marriage of convenience would provid...
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As soon as Marcus Brookstone lifts his bride's veil, he sees he's been tricked. He made a bargain with God—to marry a good, Christian girl if his mother recovered from illness. But...
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Welcome home, husband! Typical. It takes Dr Jack Mitchell eight years to pull himself away from his terribly important career abroad and come home. And then he doesn’t even know wh...
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The bride wore a white dress and a look of despair…Do not adjust your set. That really was Casey Greene being jilted by her fiancé on live TV. And that really was Tennessee’s most...
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This time she’s gone too far How could Sabrina tell the press they’re engaged? Just because she believes his “love” gives her the clout to nail her dream job, while her endorsement...
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The Engagement Project Megan had a secret crush on Gage Richmond – but what woman didn’t? The gorgeous heir to his family’s pharmaceutical company was also a legendary playboy. So...
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Enjoy the dreams, explore the emotions, experience the relationships.Innocent assistant Holly Stephens has had a bad week.She’s been wrongly accused of fraud and barred from her ho...
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When did Sadie Beecham get those curves? She'd always been the geek next door, his baby sister Meg's brainy best friend. Smart, sure. But hot? He never would have imagined it…befor...
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Cowgirl Makes Three When ex-model Ivy Seacrest steps onto Noah Ballenger’s ranch he wonders why the prettiest woman he’s ever seen is working with cows, not on a catwalk! Can a dot...
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Merry Wyatt would do almost anything to fulfill her father's dying wish. But marrying Lucas Calder is not an option. Sure, they have occasionally pretended to be in a relationship...
В этот день...
20 июня 1932 года родился Роберт Рождественский (ум. 1994), поэт, лауреат Государственной премии СССР («Реквием», «Письмо в тридцатый век», «210 шагов»).
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