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His Counterfeit Condesa
His Counterfeit Condesa
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His Counterfeit Condesa

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‘No, only to make you fully aware of what you are agreeing to.’ He paused. ‘The fact that you are a woman brings very particular perils.’

It was impossible to mistake his meaning and, under that cool scrutiny, she felt a hot blush rising from her neck to the roots of her hair. Immediately she was furious with herself. He saw the deepening colour and thought it became her. It was a most agreeable foil for her eyes.

‘I consider the end to be worth the possible perils,’ she replied.

‘General Ward told me about your father. I’m truly sorry.’

The tone sounded sincere and it took her by surprise. ‘If there is any chance that he might be released I have to take it. Surely you see that?’

‘I understand your motives and applaud your courage, but…’

‘You cannot dissuade me. I am set on going.’

‘Very well, but know this: I shall expect you to obey my orders to the letter. Both our lives may depend upon it.’

‘I understand.’

‘I hope you do because I shall not brook disobedience.’

The threat was plain and she had not the least doubt that he meant it. Did he think her so unreliable?

‘I assure you, Major, that I will do nothing to jeopardise the success of this mission.’

‘Good.’ He paused. ‘Then we may be able to deal tolerably well together after all.’

It was, she knew, an oblique reference to their first encounter. Unwilling to go there she sought safer ground.

‘There must be many things I need to know, about the Condesa de Ordoñez, I mean.’

‘I shall brief you on those while we travel. There will be time enough for you to assimilate the details.’

‘As you wish.’

He stood. ‘Until tomorrow morning then, Miss Huntley.’

Sabrina rose, too, and held out her hand. It was in part a conciliatory gesture. Whatever had happened before, it must not be allowed to get in the way now.

‘Until tomorrow, sir.’

She had wondered if he would shake hands with her or consider a curt bow sufficient. Strong fingers closed around hers and, unexpectedly, lifted her hand to his lips. The touch sent a tremor through her entire being. For a moment the grey eyes held hers, but she could not read the expression there. Then she was free and he turned to go. She watched until he was lost to view.

Early next morning, as the trunks were loaded onto the carriage and the horses put to, Sabrina came down to find her godfather and her large travelling companion already waiting. With a small start of surprise she saw that Major Falconbridge had changed his uniform for civilian dress. He was clad now in fawn breeches, Hessian boots and a coat of dark blue superfine that might have been moulded to his shoulders. Snowy linen showed at wrist and throat and a single fob hung from a cream-coloured waistcoat, completing an outfit that was at once simple and elegant. It also enhanced every line of that powerful frame and rendered it more imposing.

Unwilling to let her mind travel too far down that road, she turned her attention to their escort. Ramon and Luis were reassuring presences. As Jacinta had told her, when asked they had made it quite clear that they took their presence on this journey as read. Nor would they be dissuaded.

‘Your concern does you credit, Doña Sabrina,’ replied Ramon when she had told them her plans, ‘but I believe I will make up my own mind.’ The words were quietly spoken but carried an undertone that she recognised all too well.

She made a last-ditch attempt. ‘Aranjuez is far behind French lines.’

‘Madre de Dios! Can it be true?’ Luis threw up his hands in mock horror. ‘In that case, Ramon and I shall remain safely here and tell your father later that we let you go alone into the lion’s den. I am sure he will understand.’

‘My father would not ask this of you.’

‘Your father is not here,’ said Ramon, ‘which means that we two are in loco parentis until his return.’

‘Loco is right,’ replied Luis, ‘but even crazy parents are better than none, eh?’

Unable to think of an immediate answer to this, Sabrina had given in. With Ramon and Luis now were two of Falconbridge’s men, Corporal Blakelock and Private Willis. She recognised them from the encounter in Casa Verde. Both men seemed to be in their mid-twenties but there the resemblance ended: Blakelock’s thin, rangy frame and shock of fair hair were a complete contrast to Willis’s shorter, more compact build and straggling brown locks. They touched their caps and greeted her respectfully, neither one giving any indication that they recalled what had taken place that day in the wheelwright’s yard. She wondered whether it was natural tact on their part or whether Falconbridge had spoken to them. They were to travel in the chaise with Jacinta. Ramon and Luis would take it in turns to drive the coach. The entourage certainly looked like that of a wealthy man and, in this instance, appearances were everything.

Sabrina had not expected that the farewell to Albermarle would be easy, and in this she was right. The craggy face surveyed her for a moment in silence and the blue eyes softened.

‘God bless you, my dear. I wish you all good fortune.’ He hugged her closely. Then he shook hands with Falconbridge. ‘Take care of her, Major.’

‘You have my word on it, sir.’

Albermarle handed Sabrina into the carriage before turning back to the man beside him and bestowing on him a vulpine smile. Then he leaned closer and lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear.

‘If you let any harm come to her I’ll personally cut out your liver.’

The Major met his eye. ‘I’ll try by every means to keep her safe, sir.’

‘You’d better.’ Albermarle smiled at Sabrina and watched her companion climb into the coach. Then he stepped back and rapped out a command to Luis on the box. The horses leapt forwards.

Sabrina drew in a deep breath as the coach pulled away; this was it, the beginning of the adventure. Yet she knew nothing about this man with whom she was to spend the next few weeks. This was only the second time they had been alone together. She would have preferred it to have been somewhere other than the close confines of the carriage, for she was only too keenly aware of the virile form opposite. Just then she would have given a great deal to know what he was thinking, but his expression gave nothing away.

What was running through his mind just then was a strange mixture of emotions. Chiefly he wished with all his heart that she had not come. He was also hoping with all his heart that their mission would go without a hitch. The thought of what might happen if she ever fell into enemy hands turned him cold. Any woman would have been in danger, but a woman who looked like Sabrina…It was why he had tried to talk her out of coming along. She really was lovely. The green travelling dress and matching bonnet became her well, enhancing the colour of her eyes. The shade was unusual, reminding him just now of sun-shot sea water. Those same eyes darkened to emerald when she was angry, he remembered. At that moment their expression was unfathomable. He sighed inwardly. Like it or not she was with him now and he knew it would be better if they could at least get along. The fact that they didn’t was, he admitted, in great measure due to him.

‘It doesn’t seem quite real, does it?’ he said then.

The words were so exactly what had been going through her own mind that she wondered if he had somehow read her thoughts.

‘No, indeed it doesn’t.’

She wondered if he would attempt to make polite conversation now. In truth she had no wish for it. However, it seemed that was not his intention.

‘Since we are to spend some time together perhaps I should begin by telling you something of the lady you are to impersonate.’

She acknowledged privately that it was an adroit touch. He had her full attention now. ‘I would be glad if you did. I know so little, apart from the fact that the Condesa is French—and blonde.’

‘Her family’s name was De Courcy. They came from Toulouse but left France during the revolution, just before the Terror, and settled in Asturias where, I understand, the family had lands.’ He paused. ‘Marianne de Courcy married Antonio Ordoñez three years ago.’

‘Was it an arranged marriage?’

‘Yes, though with the consent of both parties apparently.’


‘A son called Miguel.’

‘And they live retired.’

‘Happily for our purposes, yes. The Conde prefers country life.’

‘All the same, there might be someone at this party who knows him or his wife.’

The grey gaze met hers. ‘Let us hope not, for both our sakes.’ He reached into the inner pocket of his coat and drew out the object that reposed there. ‘Incidentally, you will need this.’

‘What is it?’

‘A small detail, but an important one if our subterfuge is to be believed.’ He held up a gold ring.

She stared at it for a moment and then at him. ‘I had not thought of that.’

‘How should you? It is a husband’s concern, is it not?’

He reached across and took her hand, sliding the ring on her finger. It fitted well, almost as though it belonged there. However, she was not so much aware of the gold band as of the hand holding hers, a strong lean hand whose touch set her pulse racing. It lingered a few seconds longer and then relinquished its hold. He smiled faintly.

‘The adventure begins, my dear, for better or for worse.’

They settled into silence for a while after this, each occupied in private thought. Sabrina’s gaze went to the window but in truth she saw little of the passing countryside. The presence of the wedding band on her finger was a tangible reminder of the role she was expected to play now. It might have been easier if the man opposite had been a less charismatic, less attractive figure. A plainer, duller man might have made it easier to concentrate. She forced her attention back to what she had been told, committing the detail to memory. She couldn’t afford to make a slip. Thus far she had not allowed herself to think too far ahead but now the implications of their mission crowded in, and the dangers it posed to them both.

At noon they stopped to rest the horses and to partake of a light luncheon. The inn was humble but clean and boasted a vine-covered terrace to the rear overlooking the hills. It was a far more appealing prospect than sitting indoors, and Sabrina readily agreed when he suggested they repair thither to eat. It was good to be out of the swaying vehicle for a while, and to have the opportunity to stretch her cramped limbs. While the Major bespoke luncheon, she walked to the end of the terrace and stood for a while looking out towards hills now hazy in the heat that shimmered over rock and scrub. Nothing moved in the stillness save a buzzard circling high on the warm air currents.

‘It is a fine view, is it not?’

She had not heard him approach but a swift glance revealed the tall figure at her shoulder. His closeness was disconcerting so she returned her gaze to the hills.

‘Very fine.’

‘Spain is a beautiful country, at least those parts of it I have seen.’

She nodded. ‘Yes, it is. My father always thought so, too.’

The mention of her father brought unwelcome emotions to the fore and she resolutely changed the subject.

‘The journey has made me hungry. Shall we eat?’

He could hardly miss the hint and smiled faintly. They moved back under the shade of the vines. The meal was simple and unpretentious: tender, home-cured ham, slices of Manchego cheese, green olives, pieces of spicy chorizo, freshly baked bread and a jug of red wine, but Sabrina had no fault to find with it. On the contrary, she ate with enjoyment. The ham was particularly good, almost melting in the mouth.

Falconbridge owned to some surprise, initially wondering if she would turn up her nose at such plain fare. Perhaps the lengthy travels with her father had accustomed her to such things. It pleased him to find it so. This mission would be difficult enough without being saddled with a captious female.

For the most part they ate in silence. When at last they had finished he leaned back in his chair, surveying her keenly.

‘Would you care to walk a little? It may be some time before we get another chance.’

She nodded acquiescence and rose with him. By tacit consent they strolled together towards the arroyo some hundred yards off.

‘I find that I know nothing about you, or almost nothing,’ he said then.

She glanced up at him. ‘What do you want to know?’

‘Now that’s a leading question.’

‘I have nothing to hide.’ That wasn’t completely true but she had no intention of mentioning Jack Denton. Anyway it had no bearing on their mission.

‘Then tell me a little about your background, the things that General Ward did not say.’

‘There is not a great deal to tell. My mother was a Frenchwoman whose family fled Paris when the revolution came. She died when I was twelve. Father refused to leave me with relatives and brought me with him to Iberia.’

‘An unusual upbringing for a young woman.’

‘I suppose it must seem that way to other people, though I have never considered it so.’

‘You clearly have a gift for languages.’

‘We spoke both French and English at home so the facility came early. I learned Portuguese and Spanish after my father’s posting to the Peninsula.’

‘I see. Did you never have any formal schooling?’

‘I had a governess when I was little. My father also taught me many things; more perhaps than most young ladies learn.’

‘Such as?’

‘Such as learning how to defend myself.’

Recalling their first meeting, Falconbridge smiled. ‘So the sword and pistol weren’t just for show, then?’


‘Have you ever been called upon to use them?’

‘Yes. Father’s work took us to some remote places and once we were attacked by robbers. Fortunately Ramon and Luis were with us and we were able to drive our attackers off, but it’s not an experience I would choose to have again.’

‘I can well believe it,’ he replied. His curiosity mounted. ‘Did you never settle in one place?’

‘No, though there were some fairly lengthy spells in different locations.’

‘Did it not bother you to be always on the move?’

‘Home was wherever we happened to be. So long as Father and I were together I didn’t mind.’

‘His capture must have come as a severe blow.’

‘Yes, it did.’

‘I take it you were not there on that occasion.’

She shook her head. ‘My horse was lame and Father was only going to be away for two or three days. That was four months ago. I have not seen him since.’