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Under Pressure
Under Pressure
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Under Pressure

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“Excuse me.” Insinuating himself between her and the big goon, Leese insulated her from trouble, then turned to face her. Catalina was probably a foot shorter than him, and even in the thick coat she seemed slim all over. She tipped back her head and stared up at him with big blue eyes that were both wary and defiant.

By silent agreement, she trusted him, when that was the very last thing she should have done. No wonder he’d been sent to her.

Leese hefted her bag, which weighed a ton, and maintaining the casual vibe said, “This way,” indicating where he’d been standing watch.

Without bothering to look at the other men, she drew a careful breath, braced herself and nodded in agreement.

Insane. The woman had no self-protection mechanism. She didn’t know him from Adam, but was willing to blindly saunter off with him.

When he’d been assigned this case, not once had he expected it to be this easy. On the contrary. Everything he’d been told had led him to believe it would be a total pain in the ass to keep her safe.

She took two steps.

The closest goon said, “This is bullshit.”

Pausing, Leese huffed out a breath. “Let it go.”

“The hell I will.”

Hearing the elevated voice, he turned just in time to dodge a thick fist. Still holding her bag, Leese landed a knee to the man’s midsection, then flattened him with an elbow to the chin.

The guy’s eyes rolled back and he collapsed like a rag doll, one leg bent awkwardly beneath him, his jaw slack.

Eyeing the remaining two, Leese popped his neck and waited. “Anyone else?”

Being wiser than they looked, they declined further violence.

As the downed man came around with a groan, Leese backed up with Catalina. “Get your friend out of the slush, before hypothermia sets in.” It was so bitter cold, it wouldn’t take long for the elements to affect a body, especially when drenched in wet snow.

While Wayne remained hostile, the other man rushed forward to help his friend back to his feet. Tottering, he made his way to a curb where he slumped, still unsteady.

There were no more smiles when Wayne said, “She owes me.”

“How much?” Paying off the guy would be easier than debating it on such a bitter night, and more expedient than refusing them with his fists.

Wayne’s eyes narrowed. “Not money.”

“Ah, well, I can’t even up with you, then. Guess you’re out of luck.”

Jaw grinding, Wayne glared at him. “I gave her a place to stay. I fed her. Bought her those boots and coat—”

“And you figured on getting paid how?”

Throughout it all, Catalina stayed behind him.

Wayne growled, “She knows what I expected.”

Leaning around, tone apologetic, Catalina whispered, “Yeah, about that... I never planned to sleep with you, Wayne. I’m sorry. I promise I will repay you, I just can’t right now. But I do have your address, so—”

“Fuck you,” Wayne snarled.

Growing impatient, Leese said, “Apparently that’s not happening.” He set down the suitcase and pushed aside his open coat, showing the Glock in a belt holster at his side.

The men stared uneasily. Catalina sucked in a startled breath.

Ignoring those reactions, Leese looked at her boots, then lifted the collar of the coat, examining it. While they were decent protection against the elements, they weren’t high-end items. Probably bought at a discount department store.

Definitely not worth Catalina prostituting herself.

He withdrew his wallet and pulled out a few hundreds. “This will have to suffice.” He folded the money, walked up to Wayne and held it out.

After a ripe hesitation, Wayne took the cash.

With a dose of menace, Leese warned, “Don’t come after her again.”

Wayne nodded, said something low to the uninjured man and the three of them retreated behind the tall buildings.

Leese felt Catalina retreating as well.

Out of patience and feeling stern, he faced her. “Don’t run.”

Eyes huge, her face pale except for the pink of her cold nose, she swallowed hard. “You were sent to bring me home, weren’t you?”

Body Armor, the agency where he worked, had sent him...but his job was to keep her safe, period. “You don’t have to be afraid.”

With a shake of her head, she stepped back.

Leese saw it in her eyes; she would run. “Don’t.”

She whirled to flee and plowed headlong into Justice. The impact was solid enough that she bounced back, her feet slid out from under her on the icy surface and she landed flat in the frozen snow. Given the way she wheezed, she’d knocked the wind out of herself.

She didn’t sink in the snow as the other guy had. Nope. She might as well have hit solid ground. At least he didn’t have to worry about her getting hypothermia.

Leese knelt beside her. “Shh.” He cupped the back of her head. “Hold still.” To Justice, he said, “You were supposed to wait at the car.”

“I saw it was clear and wanted to hurry you along.”

Justice was still learning patience. He was here today with Leese to get a handle on the job. So far, he failed with flying colors. “Carry her bag to the car. We’ll be right there. And, Justice, stay sharp, and stay with the car.”

On his way past, Justice told her, “Sorry about that, honey. Didn’t mean to startle you.” He carried the bag as if it weighed nothing, but then, Justice was a six-foot-five former heavyweight MMA fighter made of solid muscle.

Drawing her into a sitting position and raising her arms over her head, Leese said, “Take it easy. You’re all right.”

She sucked in a strained breath, coughed and wheezed again.

“Running into Justice is like hitting the side of a mountain. Did you hurt anything?”

She got her breath back with a vengeance. “Who are you people?”

Her hat had come loose and silky brown hair tangled around her face. With very cold hands, Leese brushed it back. Gloves would have been nice.

But gloves skewed his accuracy whenever he needed to draw his weapon.

He never discounted that possibility, so no gloves.

“I’m a bodyguard with the Body Armor agency. I was hired to keep you safe.”

“Oh God.” Elbows on her knees, she dropped her head forward and rocked in agitation.

Sitting in the cold was not his idea of fun. “You’re okay?” Instinct had him rubbing her back. She didn’t seem to mind.

“Yes.” She lifted her head and pinned him with her gaze. “You don’t look like any bodyguard I’ve ever seen.”

“Seen a few, have you?”

“Too many. They’re pretty obvious, but not you. You don’t fit the mold at all.” She studied his face. “How did you find me?”

Leese was unaware of any mold, but he also knew Body Armor was vastly different from most other agencies. “I was told you were in this general area. It’s a small town. Newcomers draw attention.”

“I was two towns over the last time bodyguards found me.”

So others had been sent to protect her, but she’d deliberately lost them, then tried hiding again? Leese wasn’t sure what was going on, but he had an objective, and he’d see it through. “I showed your photo around and tracked you here.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Since when do bodyguards track people?”

Since clients paid a small fortune to make it happen. Balanced on the balls of his feet, Leese let his wrists rest over his knees. “I learned a lot of neat tricks,” he told her.


So she wanted to have this whole conversation while exposed to the elements? Appeared so. “Like how to locate people.” He stood and pulled her to her feet.

She strained away. “What are you doing?”

Her unmistakable panic helped him to rein in his impatience. “Your seat is probably damp by now. The back of your coat too. You need to get somewhere warm and dry.”


“Let’s go to the car and we’ll talk about it.”

She balked. “So you’re taking me home?”

That sounded like an accusation. Leese tried to ignore the cold. “Is that where you want to go?”

Her brows lifted. “Not really, no.”

“Okay then, want to clue me in?” His balls were starting to freeze.

Puzzled, she narrowed her eyes on him. “You weren’t told to take me anywhere?”

“I’ve only spoken to my boss, and she said to keep you safe, period.” Why did he feel like he might be missing the big picture here? “That’s the beginning, middle and end.”

Incredulous, she asked, “For how long?”

He shrugged. “My understanding is that it’s pretty open-ended at this point.” Given her reactions so far, he could see why those who cared about her assumed she’d need protection.

But to be sure, at the first opportunity he’d give Sahara a call and have her fess up all the facts. Sahara Silver, the new owner of Body Armor, did like to do things her own way—and it was never conventional.

Catalina kept her gaze locked with his while working out something in her mind, and suddenly she stiffened. “Oh my God.”


Her hair whipped around as she searched the area again.

Who was she looking for? “Catalina—”

On a heartfelt groan of despair, she gripped the front of his coat. “You’ve probably led him to me.”

Leese didn’t know who she meant, but he saw honest fear in her expression. “Let’s get out of the area, somewhere safe.” He noticed that she limped a little as he led her quickly to where Justice waited with the car. “We’ll talk more once I know you’re secure.”

Justice sat behind the wheel of the black Lexus SUV, the engine running, so the car would be warm.

Catalina balked again at the sight of him, then squared her shoulders and hastened her pace.

“You don’t have to worry about Justice.” Leese reached the SUV ahead of her and opened the back passenger door. “Colorful as he might be.”

She said, “He’s fine.”

Right. Height and a brick build were enough to make Justice intimidating, but he also had black-as-sin eyes, a dark Mohawk and a goatee badly in need of a trim. His earliest fighting days had left him with a crooked nose from too many breaks and a right ear thickened from too many hits.

Overall, despite his massive size and capability, Justice was easygoing and considerate—especially to pretty girls.

“Let’s lose the wet coat, okay? You’ll be more comfortable.”

She bit her lip, then quickly stripped her coat off. Leese took it from her as she climbed in.

She was so skittish that he didn’t trust her to stay put and he definitely didn’t want her trying to hop out of a moving car. Still holding the door open, he said, “Scoot.”

“What?” Catalina pushed back her hair and blinked at him in question.

Rather than explain again, Leese took the expedient measure of getting in next to her, forcing her to make room for him. He watched her rump as she quickly crawled across the seat, moving as far from him as she could get.

As he draped the coat over her lap, he told Justice, “Go,” and to Catalina, said, “Buckle up.”

“Where to?” Justice asked.

“Head for the highway.” Because she hadn’t done it yet, Leese reached around Catalina and buckled her seat belt, then tucked the coat around her again. “We’ll go south.”