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The Sense Of Courage
The Sense Of Courage
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The Sense Of Courage

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“I really hope so.”

Satisfied with the outcome of the discussion, Marco got up from the armchair and decided to go back to the room set up for the Christmas party, followed by Mr. Russo, anxious about the future that awaited his company.

While they made the short walk that separated them from the conference room, the young manager realised that he had been left stunned by the imminent change and walked almost unconsciously, deaf to the music at full volume that delighted his colleagues, ignorant of the fact that nothing would be the same as before any more.

When he stepped into the room he was immediately hit by an incredible noise, caused by his partying colleagues, who cheered him with vociferous admiration, singing like in a football stadium.

Notwithstanding this magnificent reception, his response only consisted of an uncaring, forced smile, without feeling.

The wave of affection from the other employees made him feel like he had betrayed all the people around him.

This impression was reinforced by the knowledge of having left his friends and colleagues to their own destiny, abandoning them to the future care of an unknown manager.

While these thoughts ran through his mind, he looked at the joyous faces of his companions, deaf to their words, thinking that, in his new professional adventure, he would have to work with strangers, who spoke a different language, did not even know who he was and probably would not be interested in his personal history, but only in the work and business plan.

God, how he would miss them so much.

But the decision had been made, and he could not turn back now.

Thus, anxious about the thankless task of quelling his colleague’s enthusiasm with his own farewell speech, he got up on the stage, lifted the microphone to his mouth and, having got the attention of everyone present, said: “Friends, the moment has come to advise you that, as I’ve just announced to Mr. Russo in a brief conversation, I’ve made the irrevocable decision to accept a prestigious job offer received from the United States, from JW Corporation.”

These words were followed by a murmur of anxiety, which spread quickly among all his audience.

“It is for me an offer that I can’t refuse from a financial and professional point of view”, he continued, “anyway, I would like to offer special thanks to all of you, because it is with your most precious contribution and your total availability and cooperation that I have had the possibility of making this company great and giving my working life a turning-point that will allow me to get closer to my dream of becoming a successful manager, known also beyond the borders of Italy and Europe.

I am, however, above all grateful for the sincere friendship that you have always shown towards me since I became part of this firm. Now”, he concluded, moved, “It just remains for me to say goodbye to you and to wish you to continue to produce even better results in the future.”

His farewell speech touched, deep down in their hearts, his colleagues, who showed, with a deafening silence, their displeasure at the departure of their manager who, with his own talent, had coordinated their work.

Sharing their regret, Marco put down the microphone and, with his head bowed, joined the rest of the employees, still dazed by the emotional earthquake that he had just overwhelmed them with.

The only person who had the guts to speak, was his dear friend Massimo, a massive man with a cheerful character and a ready, witty remark, and who had already lost his contagious good humour.

“Giovanni” he said, disconsolately turning to a colleague on his right, don’t switch the music back on, by now we don’t have any reason to celebrate any more. Without Marco, our firm is finished and soon we will find ourselves unemployed.”

His expression was fully shared by everyone, including his secretary Luisa who, having run in to hear her manager’s speech, stared with dead eyes at the recently repainted wall.

The party having sadly ended, Marco spent a few, but interminable, minutes saying goodbye to his ex-colleagues and left the building, listening with profound melancholy to their shocked comments.

Not even the roar of his car’s engine managed to arouse him from his reflections while he drove home.

Only at the moment when he glimpsed the house in which he lived with Francesca did it occur to him that she might have been able to hear about the news of his move with understandable anger, inasmuch as even she had been kept in the dark about Jason Walker’s offer.

“I should have talked to her about it”, thought Marco.

But by now it was too late.

Troubled by this realisation, he parked the car and rang the bell, waiting for his fiancée to open the door for him.

Chapter II


After a few seconds, Marco heard the key turn in the lock and the door opened, showing a tall and slim girl, whose fair complexion was framed by a thick head of sleek brown hair, that created, with her blue eyes, an irresistible colour contrast: it was Francesca.

At the sight of her companion, her generous mouth opened instinctively into a large, candid smile, which lit up her face.

“Hello, darling”, she exclaimed with joy, while she opened the door to the house.

Marco returned the greeting with a forced smile, not sufficient to hide the evident worries that afflicted him.

“How did it go at work today? Did something go wrong?”, she asked, seeing acutely the discomfort of her fiancé, who had just crossed the threshold.

“Everything went all right, a quiet day”, he lied, carefully avoiding her gaze.

Francesca scrutinised him for a moment, but then shrugged her shoulders and served up lunch.

During the meal, Francesca tried to start up a conversation, but Marco, distracted by the fear of revealing to his fiancée what had happened that morning, limited himself to replying in monosyllables and to nod in silence.

This unusual behaviour did not go unnoticed in the eyes of Francesca, still perplexed about the previous reply she had received.

“Is there something wrong?”

“N - no”, stammered Marco.

“Are you sure?” she insisted.


“Look me in the eye”, she ordered in a vaguely threatening tone.

Marco, reluctant, lifted his gaze, until he met the blue eyes of Francesca.

“The eyes are the mirror of the mood”, she commented with a bitter smile.

Well, there was no way out. A single glance was enough for her to understand that something was wrong. As always.

Marco sighed deeply and, gathering up all his will-power, whispered weakly. “I’ve accepted a move to JW Corporation in New York.”

“What?” asked Francesca, keeping calm with difficulty.

“Yes, I’m moving to New York for work”, he confirmed, preparing himself to be assailed by a reaction.

“And do you think this is the moment to tell me?” she asked furiously, with her eyes looking daggers.

Still silence.

“Considering that we live under the same roof, didn’t it come into your head to discuss the job offer together with me, before giving your word? Don’t you remember that before we started living together we promised each other that we would decide everything by common agreement?” Francesca pressed on, without showing any sign of calming down.

“But can’t you manage to understand my desire for a better life and job? You don’t want to move for your own reasons!”

“I didn’t say that I would have forced you to refuse, for you, I would have accepted this and more! You, instead, didn’t have the courage to confront me, for fear that I might have hampered you in this dream.

It seems to me that it is more important to you than our plan for a life together”

“Instead, to spend the rest of my days with you has always been my greatest desire, but evidently you don’t understand it, otherwise you wouldn’t make these accusations!”

“But do you realise that you’re only putting the blame onto my shoulders? You’re just a coward, I can’t find any other word for it”.

“Well, if you think I'm a coward, then goodbye”, Marco replied, his pride hurt by this unacceptable term.

Having said that, he turned around and marched off into their bedroom upstairs, angrily grabbed his clothes from the wardrobe and put them quickly into a black leather suitcase.

“Don’t be crazy” implored his fiancée, who in the meantime had joined him. “Come on, put your clothes back away and snap out of it.”

“Well, isn’t this what you wanted?” replied Marco, provocatively, going down the stairs.

“Don’t be ridiculous, you know I didn’t mean to chase you away.”

“It’s too late now”, he concluded, turning a final angry glare in the direction of Francesca, who looked impotently as her fiancé angrily put on his overcoat and shut the door behind him, leaving her alone, in tears over the unexpected break-up.

And so, still thinking with incredulity about the quarrel with his ex-partner, Marco drove fast towards the home of his mother, who still did not know of the imminent departure of her son and the end of his relationship with Francesca.

After a few minutes, he arrived at the complex of town houses and parked in front of number 16, where he had lived until a year ago.

Then he got out of the car and opened the gate with his copy of the keys and knocked on the entrance door.

“Who is it?” asked his mother.

“It’s Marco. Did you think a burglar would have knocked on the door to come in?” replied her son, irritated by her far-fetched caution.

Reassured, she opened the door for Marco, who came into the house.

Lucia was a fifty-five-year-old woman of average height and looking well-cared for.

She had died blond hair, always kept perfectly in order, and a pleasantly shaped face, but at the same time lined with evident wrinkles, reflecting the atrocious suffering that had afflicted her over the course of her life, among which there stands out the premature death of her husband, struck down many years earlier by a merciless cancer.

“You look upset. Has something happened?”

He really wasn’t capable of hiding his emotions.

“Yes. Now let me explain everything, without bombarding me with questions” he begged her, fearing that his plea would not be listened to. “I must talk about a very serious matter, and I’m asking you to stay and listen to what I have to say without interrupting. When I’ve finished, you will be free to express your opinion.”

“As you prefer”, she agreed, sitting down on the sofa, waiting for her son to start talking.

“Some months ago, I received from the United States an offer of an unmissable job opportunity and today I told Mr. Russo that I would be leaving soon” Marco declared drily, taking the weight off his shoulders by the disclosure.

Although it was evident that Lucia had received the blow like a stab in the heart, she managed to maintain her usual well-known cslm and objected: “But - what will happen to Francesca? Have you already given her the news?”

“She will no longer be part of my life, that’s all. That’s not a problem.”

“What’s happened between you two?” asked his mother. “If I’m allowed to know, obviously”, she quickly clarified, struck by her son’s hint of irritation.

“When I told her that I had accepted a job in New York and that I would have to move she didn't take it well, because, according to her, I should have waited to check if she was prepared to come with me.

Therefore, she accused me of being a coward, and for that reason I decided to leave her”, replied Marco drily.

“She must have exaggerated using such heavy words, but don’t you think she was right? Effectively, given that you live together, she had good reason to want to be actively involved in such an important decision.

In fact, deciding to leave your own country and the people you love is very difficult, and requires a careful evaluation of all the pros and cons”, Lucia replied wisely, but the look of furious disapproval that Marco gave her persuaded her to stop.

“I, instead, think that the irrepressible Francesca” he accused her with clenched teeth, “she could equally understand that opportunities of that kind arise only once in your life and any hesitation would have run the serious risk of pushing the firm in question to turn to a different candidate, who would have been given the job that I had the good sense to not miss out on.”

Gathering that there was no room for discussion, Lucia opted opportunely to give in, knowing the resolve of her son.

“When do you intend to leave?” she asked in a more agreeable tone.

“As soon as possible. I will share this experience only with my colleagues and my boss, therefore I don’t see any reason to delay my departure”.

Having said that, he put an end to the conversation and went to the bedroom in which he had slept since adolescence, its wall still plastered with posters of Juventus footballers, the team closest to his heart.

For some minutes, sitting at the desk in front of the computer, he was busy searching for a flight that would soon take him to JW Corporation, thousands of miles away.

Finally, he found a flight scheduled for 11.30 the next day, leaving from Milan-Linate airport, and booked an expensive first-class ticket, aware of the increased financial resources he would soon have available.

Then he entered the telephone number of a Milan taxi firm on his smartphone and called them.


“Good evening, I would like to book a taxi from Castrezzato to Linate.”

“I should advise you that it will be rather expensive, it’s quite a long way.”

Marco smiled smugly. Obviously, they didn’t know how much money he would earn at JW Corporation.

“That’s not a problem.”

Having booked the taxi for 8.30 p.m., he went back downstairs, where his mother was already preparing the last meal she would share with him before he left for the United States.

Marco stayed watching her for hours, fixing in his mind every single gesture, aware that he would not see her again for a long time, sharing in her sadness about their imminent separation.

They hardly spoke a word to each other during dinner, both busy thinking how much their life would soon change.

Suddenly, a car horn aroused them from their thoughts.

Lucia looked at her son with a questioning air, startled by that unexpected sound.

“What was that?”