The much-anticipated new novel from the acclaimed author of ‘The Gift ‘ – a blend of detective novel, historical fiction and the painful coming-of-age of a confused young boy.‘Edga...
The extraordinary new novel from David Flusfeder chronicles a pilgrimage to Rome made by three young men with a secret burden. But they will meet with temptation along the way…‘Joh...
A hilarious and heartbreaking father-son road movie of a novel.Spencer Ludwig, idealist and filmmaker, is making one of his regular duty visits from London to New York City to tend...
22 декабря 1937 года
появился на свет Эдуард Николаевич Успенский, замечательный русский писатель, автор популярных сказок "Крокодил Гена и его друзья" (1966г.), "Чебурашка и его друзья" (1970г.), "Дядя Федор, пес и кот" (1974г.).