Книги автора Peter Fisher
Peter Fisher
информатика 11 класс, ЕГЭ по информатике и ИКТ, единый государственный экзамен (ЕГЭ), школьникам и абитуриентам, экзамен по информатике, задания по информатике, подготовка к экзаменам'Geographical information science' is not merely a technical subject but also poses theoretical questions on the nature of geographic repres…
'Geographical information science' is not merely a technical subject but also poses theoretical questions on the nature of geographic repres…
Peter Fisher
зарубежная классика, литература 20 векаA practical and conceptual guide to treating depression using both Beckian CBT and the latest, cutting-edge third wave CBT approaches, inclu…
A practical and conceptual guide to treating depression using both Beckian CBT and the latest, cutting-edge third wave CBT approaches, inclu…