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The Unlikely Bodyguard
The Unlikely Bodyguard
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The Unlikely Bodyguard

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“Can I give you a lift to your car?”

“The whole thirty yards?” She laughed lightly and shook her head, then offered her hand. He clasped it, tugging her closer. He stood within the open door of the limo.

“Join me for dinner.” That it sounded like a demand set her teeth on edge.

“No, thank you, Braiden ” She tried to pull free, but his grip tightened. Suspicion crept up her spine.

“Come on.” He ducked into the car, making her lean down a bit. Calli caught a glimpse of the plush interior, the bar, TV, laptop computer, and mostly, the mini-fax with a picture of a familiar face curled over the machine. “You already know I don’t bite.”

“But she does.”

Calli jerked her hand free and whirled around. Angel. He was braced against the stone wall near the restaurant entrance, one leg bent, booted foot flattened against the wall. His arms folded over his chest, he had Dare me written in every taut muscle. Something in her heart said, Yes! But her mind scolded her, reason screaming that she shouldn’t be so pleased to see his stubbled mug.

His green gaze shifted from her face to her lunch date hanging half out of the limo. Pale eyes glittered and his long legs took him to the side of the car. He loomed over her, sparing her a flash of a look, then maneuvered his body along the hmo, making her either step or be pushed back.

“Dammit, Angel!”

His hands braced on the door frame and the roof, he ignored her and peered down at the man, studying him briefly. From what Calli could see, Braiden simply stared back.

“She’s busy.”

Calli politely tapped his shoulder.

“Calli, are you all right with this?” Braiden asked.

Gabe smirked.

Calli wanted to punch Braiden herself, but Angel blocked her. “It’s all right,” she said tiredly. She ought to be used to Angel butting in by now.

Gabe leaned down into Braiden’s face, his voice so low she couldn’t hear.

“Try that again,” he rasped, each word clipped and razor sharp as his gaze, “and I will kill you.”

The other man’s features stretched tight. Message received, Angel thought, then stepped back and made to close the door, forcing Braiden to jerk his legs inside or be crushed. The limo peeled away from the curb. Gabe watched it leave the posh gallena, then turned to Calli. She was already walking to her car.

His gaze swept the body-shaping, lemon-yellow tank dress to her tanned bare legs and yellow-heeled shoes. His breath hissed out between clenched teeth. She looked good enough to eat.

His gaze shot to the limo. That was too damn close. It was only pure luck that he’d hung around a little longer than he’d planned. She hadn’t a clue, he decided, and wondered what she would think if she knew her firend had been trying to kidnap her.


She really had a sweet behind, he thought before he stirred himself and started toward her.

“Be warned, Angel,” she said the instant he was near. “I won’t be responsible for what I may say—” Her gaze slid meaningfully to the teeth marks she’d left on his neck. “Or do right now.” She unlocked her car and slid into the seat

But he stopped her from closing the door. He noticed that her hands shook.

She glared up at him. “Do you mind?” He gave her that passionless stare she was beginning to really hate, his long body bent, hand on the car roof. She sighed back into the seat and spoke to the ceiling. “You have made this my worst vacation in years.”

“Slumming wasn’t good enough, so you went after bigger game?” He nodded toward the restaurant.

She was insulted and her look told him she was fresh out of patience. “I realize this may come as a complete shock, Angel. But I’m not on a manhunt. In fact, after this week, the last thing I want is another man in my life. I have at least eight—no ” She put up a hand. “Make that nine,” she added, delivering a glare that carved the flesh from his bones. “Nine men who can’t keep to themselves and leave me alone!”

She jerked on the door handle, but still he wouldn’t move.

“Do I have to hurt you?”

He straightened. “Listen, little tigress,” he said. “Your lunch date was—”

“Trying to get me into his limo by force?”

His brows rose.

Her smug look slapped him. “I’m not a fool. Money tends to breed arrogance.” Her gaze swept him. “But that doesn’t seem to stop you, now, does it?”

She was still smarting, he thought. Calli wasn’t a mean person. He’d known that from the start. Though she didn’t know why Braiden Murdock was trying to steal her away, Gabe recognized the fact that Calli wasn’t leaving, no matter how much he wanted her to go home, where it would be safe. She was his job, his responsibility, and he had only one choice left. Close off any danger.

“Come home with me.”

Her eyes narrowed sharply. “Excuse me?” She tipped her head toward him, cupping her ear. “Did I hear right?” She lowered her hand. “You, who wanted me gone from your precious little town, are inviting me into the wolf den, the love dungeon?”

He liked the way she teased him. As if she expected to get a rise with her soft-soaped barbs. “No, I’m not. I’m inviting you to work for me.”

Work for him? As what? His personal sex slave? “I have a job.”

“You haven’t heard the offer.”

There was heat in that statement, she thought, tempting heat.

“And you don’t know my qualifications.”

He squatted inside the open door, the air suddenly filled with her perfume. He inhaled the soft, powdery fragrance, gazing into her eyes. He braced his forearms on his thighs and clenched his fists in an effort not to touch her. He didn’t know why he was doing this. There had to be other choices if he thought long enough. Getting close to a woman like her was dangerous for him. She was the past he never had. The tender heart and passion he’d never known, never even been close to. But the side of him that survived by sheer luck and deviousness on the streets said to risk it, invite her into his world and see if he could hang with it.

“I’m shorthanded for the next couple of weeks and—”

“What is it that you do?” she interrupted

He couldn’t tell her he paid more bills as a private investigator than with the profits from his ranch. Not that she would be any help at either. He didn’t want her getting suspicious. He’d already screwed up by talking to Daniel where she could overhear

“I have a small farm in the valley.”

She blinked, her wide eyes looking him over. “You? A farmer? Oh, please.” She rolled those big blue eyes and Gabe fought a smile. Smart-ass to the end

He shrugged and muscles twisted beneath his tight black T-shirt. “It’s just as well, a woman like you—” he indicated the expensive car and clothes with a quick flick of his hand “—probably couldn’t cut it on a farm.”

Rebellion lit her features, her incredible lake-blue eyes. He’d expected it, counted on it, and as she leaned close he had the irresistible urge to kiss the tightness out of her lush little mouth.

“You have no idea what I can cut.”

Gabe smirked. “There’s no electricity, no phones, just work.” He said it like a taunt. He could see the indecision in her face Something wild scrambled in his chest as he waited for her to answer. He shouldn’t want this, this bad It was like inviting a sweet little lamb into the lion’s den again and asking it not to run for cover. And asking the lion not to trespass. He straightened, staring down at her. God, she was beautiful.

Calli had never been on a farm. Not that she wasn’t used to hard, backbreaking work. The nuns had seen to that when she was old enough to scrub a floor. But spending time with him would be more than hard work. It would be agony. She turned her attention to the emblem on her steering wheel. If she looked at him she couldn’t think clearly. Why she was even considering his offer was totally irrational. But she also considered that guys like Ike and Tiny were afraid of him. She should be, too, she thought, after the other night Yet she wasn’t. He’d had the opportunity to hurt her and hadn’t.

Though she’d asked around town about him, no one knew who she was talking about and she let it drop. But what pressed her to even contemplate his offer was what she’d seen in Murdock’s limo. The face on the fax sheet was hers. That meant he’d singled her out. Why? She could only assume it was because of Excalibur and the competitors’ constant offers for her to leave Daniel and come work for them. She’d refused and she’d believed that force was beyond them. Apparently that wasn’t the case. It made her distrust everyone. Except Angel. At least she knew where he was coming from. Well, almost. She didn’t think anyone knew him at all. And never would.

And farming? She knew what to do with the stuff once it came to market, but cultivating it? Other than growing herbs on her balcony, she was out of her league. But then, if she was away, really out of touch, maybe Daniel and his seven cohorts would get a dose of reality. She could take care of herself. And they needed to know it or she couldn’t go back to Excalibur to work. Their smothering was half the reason she’d taken her first vacation in three years and hadn’t told them where she was really going. And a woman could take only so much shopping and bars and self-imposed solitude. Besides, she did have her car and portable phone if she needed to connect.

She tilted a look at him and still couldn’t decide. It was an almost too-dangerous offer. “Let me think about it.”

He released the breath he’d been holding. “Suit yourself.” At least she hadn’t said no. He would stick around, close, just the same.

“How can I get in touch with you?”

“I’ll find you.” He moved away from the car.

“Mysterious men are pains in the butt,” she muttered to herself, then heard him chuckle. She pulled the car door closed and started the engine. She warned herself not to watch him walk, that long, determined stride, his adorable behind. Except the urge took her. Oh, God, why didn’t she just say no and forget the whole idea? Spend time with him, perhaps all alone in a valley, under his beneficiary?

Was she crazy?

Then it struck her that he’d invited her for reasons of his own, that he wanted her with him enough to tolerate her and ignore the desire racing between them. Did he know that with just a glance of those steely green eyes he transformed her into quivering mush? Though it was obvious that she had little effect on him, she thought depressingly. But she knew she had some effect. If he thought she believed he was just playing a game, he was the fool, not her. She’d felt the capped fire in him when he’d kissed her the other night, felt the hardness straining his jeans.

Two days ago, Angel wanted her gone so bad he’d tried to scare her out of town.

This morning, Angel wanted her body with the prowess of a determined lover.

This afternoon, he’d been there to squelch anything Braiden had in mind.

Now, he’d invited her into his domain. Why? After the past couple days, that was the last thing she expected. His contrary behavior confused the heck out of her and her decision to be a part of his farm—the thought was still laughable—was leaning toward the positive. What did she have to lose?

Plenty, a voice whispered. Men like Angel, she knew, didn’t do a damn thing without a good reason.

As she drove away from the garden courtyard of stores, it occurred to her that she was considering spending a couple of weeks with the man and she didn’t know his last name.

Loaded down with more packages than any woman had a right to possess in one day, Calli’s steps slowed as she neared her room, her face creasing with concern. The door was wide open and as she approached, fear skipped along her spine, tightening her muscles. She could hear voices. A police car, the door open, was parked beside her room. Radio noise crackled in the blistering heat. She set her bags down a few feet from the door and peered inside. She inhaled sharply.

Her room was ransacked. Everything—everything—was trashed. Her gaze shifted to the two police officers making notes and the hotel manager. The little Asian man was wringing his hands. Both officers turned to look at her, and the manager, Mr. Wong, raced to her side, apologizing profusely. The maid had found the door open, he told her, and the room destroyed.

She looked to the officers.

And they looked back, one chubby and dark, the other blond.

“I’m the tenant,” she said, her gaze scanning the debris of her suitcases and clothes. The mattresses were overturned, the drawers raped, but most of her clothes appeared intact. A man in a pale sport coat was dusting the place for fingerprints. One cop asked for ID and she went back for her bags, offering it to him.

“Who would do this? There wasn’t much money in here.” Not to do this kind of damage, she thought.

“Did you have anything of value? Cash? Documents? Jewelry?”

She nodded and moved to her cases, pulling them off the floor. She riffled in the compartments, sighing defeatedly, then held out a pair of diamond and ruby earrings, a gold bracelet and three rings. “All my cash, traveler’s checks, bank card and two credit cards are gone.” Damn, except for her checkbook and for the one credit card in her purse, she was broke. The officers exchanged a glance, then scribbled on their pads. “Everything else of value was with me, locked in my car.”

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