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Having His Child
Having His Child
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Having His Child

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Having His Child
Amy J. Fetzer

A powerful, primal longing to be a mother enveloped Angela Justice.But her best friend, Dr. Lucas Ryder, intercepted the strong-willed unwed beauty at the sperm bank door, insisting some things be left to passion. At his touch, her body became a map of desire - and he traveled every inch, leaving her pleasured, exalted and pregnant.Though Angela loved Lucas with a ferocity that shook her, she vowed to shun his pledge of commitment…until her soul was certain of his true, eternal love!

Friend. Nanny. Stand-In Bride.

When a man needs the touches only a woman can provide…

he turns to Wife, Inc.

“This Child Is Yours.”

A half-dozen emotions passed over Lucas’s features. Shock, wonder, pleasure, then fear. “We’ll get married right away.”

Angela scoffed. “I’m not marrying you because of a baby. I had planned all along to raise my child alone.”

“Our child.” His eyes narrowed. “That’s my child inside you.” A little burst of joy skipped through him at his own words, surprising him to the core. “I have rights.”

“Oh, no, you don’t. And you don’t have to be in this child’s life.”

Anger exploded in his features. “Surely you don’t think I wouldn’t admit to my own child! Since when have you thought so little of me?”

“Since I knew I was the only one in love in this relationship,” Angela said, then ran out the door.

Lucas stared at the empty doorway, then bolted after her. If Angela thought he was going to accept this “I can do this alone” garbage, she was in for a big surprise….

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the world of Silhouette Desire, where you can indulge yourself every month with romances that can only be described as passionate, powerful and provocative!

Silhouette’s beloved author Amy J. Fetzer returns to Desire with a MAN OF THE MONTH who is Hard To Forget. Love rings true when former high school sweethearts reunite while both are on separate undercover missions to their hometown. Bestselling writer Cait London offers you A Loving Man, when a big-city businessman meets a country girl and learns the true meaning of love.

The Desire theme promotion THE BABY BANK, about sperm-bank client heroines who find love unexpectedly, returns with Amy J. Fetzer’s Having His Child, part of her WIFE, INC. miniseries. The tantalizing Desire miniseries THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS: THE LOST HEIRS continues with Baby of Fortune by Shirley Rogers. In Undercover Sultan, the second book of Alexandra Sellers’s SONS OF THE DESERT: THE SULTANS trilogy, a handsome prince is forced to go on the run with a sexy mystery woman—who may be the enemy. And Ashley Summers writes of a Texas tycoon who comes home to find a beautiful stranger living in his mansion in Beauty in His Bedroom.

This month see inside for details about our exciting new contest “Silhouette Makes You a Star.” You’ll feel like a star when you delve into all six fantasies created in Desire books this August!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

Having His Child

Amy J. Fetzer

To Brenda Rollins

One of the smartest women I know

For the best book signings ever and your loyal customers.

For the welcome you began in RWA Orlando and never stopped giving. For your encouragement and support.

And for “anointing” a Yankee into the clan of “GRITS.”



was born in New England and raised all over the world. She uses her own experiences in creating the characters and settings for her novels. Married more than twenty years to a United States Marine and the mother of two sons, Amy covets the moments when she can curl up with a cup of cappuccino and a good book.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve



“You can get pregnant any time, Angela.” Her doctor looked up from the test results and smiled across the desk. “You’re in perfect health, ready for the procedure.”

A little quiver of excitement pulsed through her, then calmed. “I know these donors are screened, but how exactly?” Angela said. She wondered exactly what kind of man donated his sperm for artificial insemination.

“Each donor is tested for disease, abnormal chromosomes, and catalogued by physical characteristics, hereditary traits.” Dr. McNair gestured to the booklets, brochures and forms on her lap. “Those will tell you all you need to know.”

Yeah, she thought, and how expensive. Each procedure would cost her a tidy sum. And if it took more than two or three, she was looking at some serious debts.

“Are you certain about this, Angela?”

She looked at Joyce, her doctor since she was eighteen, and smiled at the older woman. “Oh, yes.” She wanted a baby, a house full of them, and her impatience came from Lord knew where, but it was there. Maybe because she’d turn thirty in a couple of days, and the marriageable men weren’t making a beeline to her front door. Or that her sisters were all having kids, and being a doting aunt wasn’t enough anymore. Yet it was her job as a late-night radio personality that kept her out of the normal time frame to meet many men. She was asleep when most were awake, and working when people were crawling into bed.

“Well, then, when you make an appointment with the specialist,” Dr. McNair said, bringing her out of her thoughts, “I’ll fax your records over to Dr. Bashore. She’s had very successful results.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for.” Angela stood, said good-bye and left the office. She walked through the hospital clinic and out into the main hall. She moved quickly, guiltily hoping to get out of the hospital before Lucas knew she was here and she was forced to lie. Lie, because she was not going to tell him. At least not until she was pregnant. He wouldn’t understand her choices, she knew. Her best friend of fifteen years had a real problem with mothers without fathers. And intentionally getting pregnant without a husband would send him straight through the roof.

Because he’d been the boy without a father and abandoned by his mother during his adolescence. When she’d met him, he’d been ashamed and embarrassed that his parents didn’t love him enough to want him and hid the fact behind a tough exterior that took patience to crack. But it was worth it. He was worth it. And although he’d dealt with his feelings and pulled himself up from a lousy beginning to be a great pediatrician, she’d seen Lucas Ryder’s old demons come back when it came to single parenthood. Especially because he didn’t want children of his own. He’d view her decision as deliberately making life hard on a kid. Like it had been for him.

And he’d try to talk her out of this.

Well, she thought, he could try. But she wasn’t changing her mind. Not for anyone. Not even for her best pal.

Standing at the nurse’s station, Lucas made notes on the chart while his charge nurse, Sandy, waited. “I saw Miss Justice a second ago, Dr. Ryder.”

His head jerked up. “Here?” He looked past her to the glass doors leading to the main hall.

“You don’t have an appointment for another thirty minutes. You might catch her.”

Smiling his thanks, Lucas handed the chart back and checked to see if he had his pager turned on as he headed for the doors. Wondering why Angela hadn’t stopped in to say hello, he rushed into the main hall, looking left and right, then catching a glimpse of her near the elevators. He worked his way through the people, most stepping out of his way when they saw the white coat and stethoscope, but his focus was on the redheaded woman. Damn, she looked good in the short green summer dress, the fabric shifting over her figure as she walked. Although he’d known her since he was a teenager and wouldn’t dare jeopardize his friendship with her, he was still just a man. And she was one good-looking woman. Lord, if the listeners of KROC radio could see their Love Line doctor now, they’d know that her sexy voice matched her looks.

When he got close, he let out a soft catcall. “Looking hot today, Ange.”

Angela tensed for a second, caught, then laughed softly as she glanced back. “Today? Yesterday? How would you know, Ryder?” Discreetly she stuffed the booklet and brochures into her handbag. “I haven’t seen you for two weeks.”

Lucas swept his arm around her waist and kept walking with her down the hall. “I know, I’m sorry. But you were in the neighborhood, why didn’t you stop by?”

She elbowed him. “You know I wouldn’t just pop in unannounced. Besides, I really don’t have time.” Glancing at her watch, she moved away.

“Not even for a cup of coffee?”

He looked so abandoned standing near the staff lounge door. Handsome as hell, but alone. Ha, she thought. Lucas Ryder was never lonely. His dark good looks, blue eyes and the aura of danger that hadn’t left him since he was a teenager still lured women like ants to a picnic.

She offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

Luc didn’t know why he was feeling shoved aside, especially when he’d canceled on her and most everyone else because of work often enough. But he got the feeling she was avoiding him just now. And that was not like Angela. She shared everything with him.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“I have to go in and do a promo spot for the Water festival, then pick up my dry cleaning and try to catch some sleep before going to work.”

He held up his hand. “I get the picture.”

“Good, then you understand.”

“Yeah, yeah, the life of a celebrity.”

“I’m not famous, Luc.”

“But too famous to spend some time with your ol’ buddy?”

She sighed, shaking her head over his kicked-puppy look. “Come on, buy me some coffee,” she said, looping her arm with his and pulling him toward the staff lounge.

His smile widened as he pushed open the door, letting her go ahead and inhaling her perfume as she passed.

Inside, he went to the coffee service, completely oblivious to the young nurses gawking at him, their gazes shifting between her and Lucas, and Angela could read the speculation in their eyes.

It made her smile. What woman wouldn’t want to be linked with a handsome man, she thought, taking the cup and settling into the worn leather sofa.

Lucas sat beside her, placing his coffee cup aside, untouched.

Angela sipped, then winced. “That’s awful.”

He smiled slyly. “I know.”

“So you want to send me into intensive care with coffee unfit for the Marines?”

“No, I just missed you and thought the sad lonely boy routine would get to you.”

“It was the whining that got me.”

“I don’t whine.”

“See, there you go again.”

He laughed, sinking into the sofa and propping his arm on the back. “I have missed you.”

Angela felt his gaze travel over her and wondered why it felt intense right now. He’d seen her at her worst, during different stages in their past, but now, it felt as though he were looking at her for the first time. I’m reading what’s not there, she thought. She loved Lucas, like a brother. A brother.

But looking at him now, with his black hair falling down over his brow and feeling those piercing blue eyes skate over her face, she almost hated that he was her best pal.

The thought made her straighten in her seat.

No. It was the same as it ever was between them. They just hadn’t had the chance to get together for the past couple of weeks. That’s all it was. That’s what it had to be.

Smothering her thoughts, she launched into questions about his job. And he was most willing to talk. He loved kids. Loved making them well, loved protecting them. He mentioned his patients by name, told her about the siblings, the parents, and Angela found herself admiring him more that he was one of those doctors that had a really great beside manner and loved not only his work, but the people he treated.

Time got away, and in the middle of the conversation, Angela glanced at her watch, then jumped up. “I have to go.”

He stood. “Yeah, me, too.” He checked his pager, glad there were no messages. Discarding the paper cups, he followed her out the door. They were near the elevator when she heard someone call his name.

They both looked down the corridor to see a slender, rather busty blonde dressed in red rush up to Lucas. They said hello, and he brushed a kiss to the woman’s cheek before introducing them. Angela instantly forgot her name because she couldn’t get past the viperous look the blonde shot her. My word. It was cool and assessing, staking out her territory on Lucas like a flag on Mount Everest. Angela was tempted to warn her that no woman could rope and tie Luc Ryder, let alone drag him to the altar. The man had a serious case of no-commitment blues. He just liked telling himself otherwise.

“See you later, Luc,” Angela said and stepped away.

Immediately, Luc excused himself from the blonde’s side and came to Angela. “We still on for dinner next Thursday night? My turn to get the Chinese take-out and videos.”

“It’s been your turn for the last two times, Luc. You’re making up for dumping me to go save some kid,” she teased, rolling her eyes. He chuckled shortly, and her gaze shifted past him to the latest girlfriend. Angela wondered if this one could handle that she and Luc had been best friends since high school. She had her doubts, but kept them to herself. “She’s lovely Lucas,” she said softly. “But I think you’d best quit mentioning me.”