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Wedding Promises
Wedding Promises
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Wedding Promises

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Which meant that Eloise was no better off than she’d been when he’d left her bereft that morning. In fact, she might be worse.

Because now she knew that both of them were going to lose what might have been the most important thing in their lives.

* * *

The ceremony was excruciating. Not just watching Melissa and Riley pledge undying love, when everyone in the room knew it probably wouldn’t last five years. In fact, when he’d arrived there had been someone at the back of the room giving odds.

Noah hadn’t placed a bet. He didn’t bet on love these days.

No, the worst part had been the way Eloise wouldn’t meet his eyes—except for the one brief moment when she’d frowned at him, as if seeing something she didn’t expect. He’d wanted to ask her what she thought she’d seen, what depth she thought he’d sunk to now. But the room was full of eyes and, besides, even if they hadn’t been in the middle of a wedding, he’d given up that right when he’d walked out on her that morning.

‘Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...’ The celebrant droned on, using the movie script version of the wedding ceremony that Noah suspected they’d paid extra for. This wasn’t a marriage, wasn’t a declaration of love. It was the ultimate act—a chance for Melissa and Riley to show the rest of the world what they didn’t have, not realising how much more some couples did have. True love. A connection that couldn’t be broken by failing box office receipts. A partner they could rely on. Someone to grow old and grey with, not plan plastic surgery with.

Someone who saw into their soul, and loved them anyway.

He bit the inside of his cheek to force himself to stop thinking about it, as he handed the rings over to Riley. What did it matter to him how shallow this whole day was? It wasn’t as if he was searching for anything deeper. He wasn’t even willing to get as far as a third date, let alone the altar. He had no moral high ground here.

Suddenly, the room erupted into applause and Noah realised he’d missed the ‘I do’s and everything that went with them. Moments later, they were all parading back out of the ballroom, ready to have photographs taken to immortalise this very special day in print and online, while the rest of the guests got to eat canapés.

He wanted to go and stand by Eloise, to tell her jokes until she looked less...absent. She looked as if she’d mentally checked out of the whole day already. Not that he could blame her. He’d heard enough of the talk that morning—and, as expected, it was all about her. No one expected anything else from him, he supposed.

No, even if she didn’t just slap him the moment he got close, he couldn’t do anything to make this day any harder for her. It just felt wrong, watching her try to fade into the background, to disappear at the celebrity wedding of the year. She belonged in the spotlight, whatever she believed. She was so vibrant, so bright, so real. That was what the world should be looking at, not the superficial and the showy.

The world should be looking at Eloise the way he was. As if she was the most important person on the planet. She deserved no less.

He wanted the world to see what real love looked like. Not fake Hollywood romance like Melissa and Riley’s. Not him and whichever woman he took out that night. Real love—the sort that had shone out of Eloise like a holy truth that morning, when she’d told him she loved him.

The world should see that. And they should see it returned. They should see the truth of his feelings—the way his soul felt lighter when she smiled at him, the way his life lit up when she was beside him, the way he could tell her anything, could admit anything and still be loved...

The way he loved her.

He loved her.

His skin felt tight, his blood too hot, as if the words might explode out of him at any moment, right there in the middle of the wedding photos.

He was so crazily in love with Eloise Miller it might have actually driven him mad. And the thought of leaving without her ever knowing that...

He knew he should. She deserved better—someone with less scar tissue, fewer war wounds from love. And, whatever he felt, he didn’t know if he could do it. Didn’t know if he could take that risk and give everything, fall that deep and risk drowning in love.

But suddenly he knew he had to try.

* * *

In all the activity of the wedding day it was easy enough for Eloise to avoid spending any quality time with Noah—especially since Laurel had kindly switched around the place settings so that she didn’t have to sit next to him at the top table. But, despite managing to keep her distance, she spent the whole day dreading what was still to come.

The moment she had to get out on the dance floor with Noah.

Had the wedding been anyone’s except Melissa’s she’d have begged for mercy from the bride, or come up with some excuse. But Eloise refused to let Melissa know just how much she didn’t want to be out there, dancing with Noah.

How was she supposed to concentrate on the steps when his arms were around her? How could she stand all those people staring at her, watching them together, thinking they already knew all their secrets?

But, one way or another, she’d have to get through it. Then tomorrow he’d be on a plane, flying away from her, and it would all be over.

She bit the inside of her cheek to stop the tears. That was supposed to be a comforting thought.

Eventually, she’d pushed her food around her plate so many times that everyone else had finished eating. She managed to excuse herself during the speeches, to go and check that the ballroom was ready for the evening reception, so she didn’t have to hear Noah wax lyrical about the sort of love he didn’t believe he was capable of. That might have driven her over the edge.

‘Nearly there,’ Laurel said as she led the guests—laughing and more than a little tipsy—through to the ballroom a short time later. ‘Just get through the dancing and it’s all over. I’ll deal with the rest from there. Okay?’

Eloise nodded. ‘Thanks.’

Laurel’s response was a fierce hug. ‘We can’t let them break us. Whatever they do. We’re stronger than that.’

‘I know,’ Eloise said. She just wished she believed it in her heart as well as in her head.

Before she had time to think of escaping, the Master of Ceremonies was announcing the first dance and Melissa and Riley took to the floor. Eloise watched them spin elegantly around the room and waited for Noah to approach, steeling herself for his touch again.

‘May I have this dance?’ She spun to find him standing behind her, his hand outstretched, and gave a sharp nod as she took it. All business—that was the key. This was part of her job...that was all.


Noah pulled her into his arms as he led her onto the dance floor and she focused on a point over his left shoulder just so she didn’t have to look into his eyes and see what was missing there. See again how wrong she’d been to think this could be anything more than a fling.

‘Eloise,’ he murmured, and she felt his voice all the way through her body. ‘Look at me. Please.’

She didn’t want to. But she couldn’t resist the need in his voice. Setting her jaw, she turned her head, just enough to meet his gaze—and promptly stumbled over her own feet at what she saw there.

Noah caught her, kept them moving, but Eloise wasn’t concentrating on the dance any longer.

She was watching his eyes, and feeling the depth of the emotion radiating from them.

‘You were right,’ he said, as the dance continued. ‘I’ve been wanting to tell you all day, almost since the moment I saw you walking down the aisle towards me, and I realised. I don’t want to be safe—not if it means I can’t have you. I want more. I want love, and I’m willing to take the risk to get it.’

They were the words she’d been waiting for, but Eloise couldn’t trust them, not yet. ‘You say the right thing for a living, Noah. Why should I believe you this time over all the things you said this morning?’

‘Because I was an idiot. Because...because I was so scared of losing you I couldn’t let myself close enough in the first place. But I realised something today. Losing you might destroy me, but no more than letting you go without even giving this a try would. I should have known last night, when I lied to that reporter about what you meant to me. I wanted to tell a different lie, you know. To tell her that it was serious, that we were together—because that would have got me the role I wanted so badly. I told you, I promised the director no flings. But if I’d told them this was a real relationship, I might have got away with it.’

‘But you didn’t,’ Eloise said, confused. Why hadn’t he? He wanted that part desperately; she knew that. So why not take the easy way out? ‘Why not?’

‘Because I was trying to protect you, crazy as that sounds. So I gave up the part for you—and I ended up hurting you even more. I’m so sorry, Eloise.’ He pulled her closer, so close that his lips could touch hers if she just moved an inch. But she stayed motionless, wanting to hear every last word he had to say. ‘But I promise you, this isn’t an act. It’s not a part I’m playing, I swear. It’s just me, putting my heart on the line for what I hope is the last time. And I’ll take that risk every single day if I have to, if it means you’ll keep on loving me as much as I love you.’

The music had stopped, she realised belatedly. They weren’t dancing any more; they were just standing in the centre of the dance floor, so wrapped up in each other she couldn’t see anything else. But she knew what was happening.

Everyone was watching them. The guests, Melissa, Laurel, Sara the journalist and her photographer...everyone. And, whatever happened next, it would be recorded for posterity on the Internet, she was sure.

And she didn’t care. Not one bit.

Because Noah was letting his walls down at last, and she was there to walk right in.

She smiled and his whole body sagged with relief as he gathered her close and kissed her, long and hard and deep.

‘This is it, though,’ she said, the moment they broke apart. ‘You can’t shut me out again, once you’ve let me in.’

‘I know. I won’t. I won’t let you down again.’ He kissed her again, swift and soft. ‘But...I can’t change who I am either. People will be watching us; you know that.’

‘Noah, they’re watching right now.’ She laughed. ‘Melissa is going to be furious.’

‘I don’t care about Melissa. Or any of them. I only care about you.’

‘And I’ll be fine.’ She smiled up at him, certainty running through her veins. ‘I wouldn’t risk it for anyone else. But for you...I’ll stand in any spotlight you want, as long as you’re at my side.’

Because this was for ever. She’d known it from the moment they’d first spent the night together, even if she hadn’t let herself admit it until later. And, even if it wasn’t, it would still be worth it.

Because this wasn’t Hollywood. This was real love.

And Eloise was going to get her happy ever after, after all.

* * *

Noah grabbed Eloise close and kissed her again, trying to put all his love, his relief and his truth into that one kiss. This was right. This was the way things were meant to be, the story he was meant to be a part of.

And thank heavens Eloise was willing to let him.

Eventually, he broke the kiss, keeping Eloise tight in his arms. Around him, the guests had broken into applause, with the odd whoop and cheer, and for once Noah thought he might be the one to blush. But when he looked down at Eloise, her cheeks were their usual pale, creamy white above her perfect smile.

‘We should probably take a bow,’ she said, amusement in her voice. ‘I mean, that was quite a show we just put on there.’

He was pretty sure she was joking, but he pulled away to stand at her side all the same, taking her hand in his and swinging them up as he led them in a bow. Laughter went up around the room, and when he stood straight again he could see Melissa glaring at them. He blew her a kiss. That should annoy her.

‘So, Noah, am I right in thinking you might like to amend your statement from last night?’ Sara asked, her phone recording as before, and her photographer already taking shots of him and Eloise.

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I most certainly would.’

Then, turning to stare into Eloise’s loving eyes, he said the truest line of his career.

‘This isn’t a fling. It’s for ever.’

Eloise smiled. ‘And for ever starts now.’

EPILOGUE (#u669e95ea-7edd-5c3f-a502-2a8965d3bfc7)


The reporter yelled across the press area, and Noah pasted on a smile as he turned to answer her questions. The smile became more genuine when he realised it was Sara, the reporter who’d broken the story about him and Eloise.

‘Are you pleased with the reception Eight Days After has had at the festival?’

Was he pleased? No, he was ecstatic. The film had made its debut at the fringe film festival that afternoon, and already it was the only thing anyone there was talking about.

Of course, if it hadn’t been so popular, maybe he’d have been able to escape the interviewers a little earlier and get back to Eloise...

Eloise. Just the thought of her made him smile. Thankfully, Stefan had seen how important she was to him, and realised that having Eloise at his side meant that Noah would be calm, centred and everything he needed to be to give his all to the film.

‘I’m thrilled,’ he said honestly. ‘I think it’s an important film, a fantastic script, and it has a real message of hope for viewers. I’m glad that those people who’ve seen it seem to agree.’

‘And that’s not the only thing they agree on,’ Sara said, looking down at her notepad. ‘Consensus across the board is that it’s your best performance to date—and that you’re going to sweep the board with this one come award season.’

‘I can’t speak for that,’ Noah said modestly, while hoping against hope that she was right. ‘I’m just glad I managed to pull it off.’

‘And why is that, do you think?’ Sara’s lips twitched up into a knowing smile. ‘Could it be that true love might have inspired you to greatness?’

Noah laughed. ‘Inspired me to greatness? I don’t know about that. But I do know that I’m late to meet my girlfriend. Today’s a big day for her too, you see. So, if you’ll excuse me...’

He was already halfway across the room before Sara responded. After all, Eloise was waiting for him. Eighteen months ago he’d sworn that he’d never let her down again. And he intended to keep that promise for the rest of his life.

* * *

Eloise checked the set-up one last time, then glanced at her watch. Where was Noah? He’d promised he’d be there on time.

‘I’m sorry!’ She heard his voice before she saw him, pushing his way past circus performers and a waitress carrying a tray of specially designed festival cocktails. ‘I’m here!’

‘Just as well,’ Eloise said with a smile, as she stepped into Noah’s arms for a brief kiss. ‘From what I hear, you’re the star of the festival.’

‘Not me, the film.’ Noah stepped back and looked around the outside space she’d commandeered for the opening night party. ‘And that’s only until they see this place. Wow! This is quite the show you’re putting on, honey.’

Eloise shrugged. ‘The festival committee said they wanted a spectacle, so that’s what I’m giving them.’ A garden party complete with entertainment, music, the best canapés on the West Coast, magical lighting and some of the special touches that Eloise’s company—Spectacle Events—had become famous for, over the last year and a half.

And what a year and a half it had been. While Noah had thrown himself into his role in Eight Days After, she’d focused on pursuing the dreams she’d let fall by the wayside for so long. It was as if having found her way into the spotlight, and with Noah at her side, she suddenly knew she could achieve anything.

The best part, she’d found, was the evenings they spent together at Noah’s LA home—her home now too—talking through their day, preparing a meal and eating it together, or just kissing until they fell into bed.

Which wasn’t to say there hadn’t been difficult moments too—times when one of them was working too many hours, or when Noah retreated back into himself after an emotional day’s filming. But the difference, Eloise had realised, was that now she had the confidence to call him out...and he had the faith and trust in her to let her.

Tonight was the culmination of eighteen months of love, laughter and hard work—for both of them. Spectacle Events had started small, with just Eloise and her clipboard organising baby showers and birthday parties, but it had grown as word got around. She wasn’t naive enough any more to believe that some of that word of mouth didn’t have something to do with her being Noah Cross’s girlfriend—but she also knew she wouldn’t have landed the jobs she had, or been able to expand into real offices with an actual staff, if she wasn’t good at what she did.

She was proud of herself—and even prouder of Noah. She’d watched the film the night before, with Stefan the director and the rest of the cast, rapt as Noah nailed every emotion, every moment of pain or guilt his character felt. She’d squeezed his hand tight at the most emotional parts, and known that he’d be offered any part he wanted after this performance.

‘I couldn’t have done it without you,’ he’d murmured as the credits rolled.

And now, tonight, it was her turn to shine. To show Hollywood what she was capable of.

And she was nervous as anything.

‘I’m so glad you’re here,’ she said, reaching out to take Noah’s hand again.

‘I wouldn’t be anywhere else.’ Noah tugged her close, back into his arms. ‘Especially as I have something I need to ask you. Before the world and his wife descend on this shindig of yours.’

‘Oh? What’s that?’ Eloise asked, glancing away towards the entrance. Was that the first group of reporters and guests arriving?