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Серия: Без серии
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From the Collins Crime Club archive, the first original novel to feature Ben the Cockney tramp, the unorthodox detective character created by J. Jefferson Farjeon, author of Myster...
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Ben the tramp’s uncanny knack of running into trouble is unsurpassed in the final crime thriller written for him by J. Jefferson Farjeon.On a grey afternoon he was destined never t...
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Ben the tramp is back at sea, a stowaway bound for Spain in the company of a wanted man – the Hammersmith murderer.Ben, wandering hungry through the foggy back alleys of Limehouse,...
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Ben the tramp, self-confessed coward and ex-sailor, is back in the Merchant Service and shipwrecked in the Pacific.Ben the tramp, self-confessed coward and ex-sailor, is back in th...
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The first book featuring Ben, the lovable, humorous ex-sailor and down-at-heels rascal who can’t help running into trouble.Ben is back home from the Merchant Navy, penniless as usu...
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Ben the tramp, the awkward Cockney with no home and no surname, turns detective again – and runs straight into trouble.Ben encounters a dead man on a London bridge and is promptly...
(3 из 5) [1 оценок]
With his usual knack of getting into trouble, Ben the tramp finds himself hunted by the law and the this breathless adventure.Returning home to his Cockney roots after a...
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Ben the tramp, with his usual genius for trouble, runs into danger when he finds a dead body and decides to help out.Ben knew that whenever his thumbs were itching, something ‘orri...
В этот день...
21 июня 1962 года родился Виктор Цой, лидер легендарной группы "Кино". Трагически погиб в автокатастрофе.
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