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Love for Three
Love for Three
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Love for Three

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Love for Three
Elena Rai

In the last century, many well-known creative people were able to share love for three. Such love for them was considered absolutely normal phenomenon. And it was not a fleeting connection, but a relationship that lasted for years. «Love for three» was not uncommon. The poet Zinaida Hippius even bragled the fact that her husband Dmitry Merezhkovsky gets along under one roof with her lover – Dmitry Philosophov.

Love for Three

Elena Rai

© Elena Rai, 2024

ISBN 978-5-4496-3390-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter II

Love triangles, or love for three

“Sharing love for three is like having a threesome with one spoon.

Just wait until it comes to you”

In the last century, many well-known creative people were able to share love for three. Such love for them was considered absolutely normal phenomenon. And it was not a fleeting connection, but a relationship that lasted for years. “Love for three” was not uncommon. The poet Zinaida Hippius even bragled the fact that her husband Dmitry Merezhkovsky gets along under one roof with her lover – Dmitry Philosophov. And some celebrities, though not living under the same roof, but love for three shared. Someone – by the call of his heart, and someone – by the dictates of the party and the coincidence of circumstances.

Vladimir Mayakovsky, Lily Brik and her husband Osip Brick lived threesome in one flat for some time. Lily mocked, in literally was harassing the great poet. Everyone knows the painful history of their relationship in Russia. Already after the death of the poet Lily herself confessed that they and Osip deliberately mocked Mayakovsky.

There is evidence that Lilichka practiced and love for three with him and with Osip, which greatly traumatized Mayakovsky, but he suffered from the love of brick. In addition, all this love triangle contained Mayakovsky, lived only on his money, as the briks had material difficulties.

There are many stories in the life of celebrities, where they shared love for three:

Friedrich Nietzsche – Lou Salome – Paul Ray. History keeps photos where all three are naked. His famous work “So said Zaratustra” Nietzsche wrote under the impression of Lou Salome. The famous philosopher made an offer of his lover’s hand and heart, but she offered him only friendship. When Paul Ray joined them, they began to live threesome under one roof. Angry Elizabeth, Friedrich Nietzsche’s sister, wrote a rude letter to Lou, which led to the quarrel between Friedrich and his lover, and then to the parting.

The love triangle of Alexander Blok – Lyubov Mendeleev – Andrey Bely, Anna Akhmatova – Arthur Luarier -Olga Sudeykin, and many other creative celebrities didn’t pass by. Let’s focus on the most impressive.



“We are responsible for those who are tamed”

    A. de Saint-Exupery
    (“The Little Prince”)

The famous Russian writer Ivan Bunin lived for many years in exile, in the ancient city of Grasse, which is located on South of France. In Nice, on the beach Bunin met a young writer Galina Kuznetsova, who was younger than him for 30 years. Between them struck up a friendship, which later turned into a strong feeling. Bunin for a year in one of the hotels of Nice had a romantic meeting with his lover. He rushed between the two cities, and meanwhile his wife Vera Nikolaevna was very jealous of her husband and told all the time that Bunin had gone mad.

Once the writer could not endure and at a living wife brought to the house a young lady Galina Kuznetsova, saying that she would live with them. This is his secretary. And the wife had to accept. She was not young; she had no money and refuge too. Vera Nikolaevna cried, and then resigned herself. Said, so God wants. Everyone laughed and whispered, the questions were offensive. And they lived the three. At the time of acquaintance with Bunin Galina Kuznetsova was married, but because of love to the writer left her husband, and settled in the house of Bunin.

So, since the spring of 1927, in the Villa “Belvedere”, in the ancient city of Grasse, the spouses of Bunin settled Galina Kuznetsova, thus turning the family union of the beads of Bunin into a family triangle.

But soon there was an event that Bunin would regret for the rest of his life. The famous writer received a lot of letters from his readers, worshipping his work. One of these letters he received from Riga from a young man-Leonid Fedorovich Zurov, who in a letter to the writer expressed his admiration for his talent. Zurov also reported that he works as a house painter, but he tries to write, and as well asked Bunin to read and evaluate his work. Kuznetsova after reading the letter of Zurov, offered Bunin to invite painter to visit. The wife of Ivan Alekseevich was categorically against, lamenting that there is nothing in the house, and there was not enough here yet only Zurov. Bunin, at first doubted, and then agreed to the persuasion of Kuznetsova and invited a talented young man to visit. Zurov arrived quickly, without warning, which caused a considerable surprise among the inhabitants of the house.

Bunin’s family triangle has become a square.

The writer’s wife pierced the sympathy to the young man and began to take care of him. The painter really liked to visit. The food is good, the treatment is delicate. Well, he stayed forever. What will you take from a madman? And the painter was crazy. Chased Bunin with a dangerous razor, fight the climb, and so sarcastic grin, when Bunin told something, pulled the flowers that the writer in the garden was putting in to punish him, if he somehow behaved, and Vera Nikolaevna always defended the poor young man. The four of them lived. The years went by.

In November 1933, the Swedish Academy awarded Bunin I.A. the Nobel Prize for literature. The writer went to Stockholm with his wife and with Kuznetsova Galina. On the way back home to Grasse, Kuznetsov was very ill, and Bunin had to leave her in Munich with his friend, publisher Fedor Stepun, and with his wife had to return home. Stepun lived with his sister Margo. She really liked Galina.

The girls became friends, and then fell in love. After the illness Kuznetsov returned to Bunin’s house with Margo Stepun. The life of the writer turned to hell when he discovered that his beloved Galya is in close love with a woman, and even living in his house, and he no longer belongs. Later Ivan Alekseevich recalled: “It was hard to live close by, watching her together – not even with another! With the other!” This ‘‘friendship’’ between Galina and Margo Bunin always felt like a wound.

Once the writer broke down and said to his wife: “You know, Verochka, the two of us, still lived better, though a little dull. Let’s live together! “The wife replied that it was too late, not good to kick people out to the street. We are responsible, Vanya, for those who are tamed!

Kuznetsova and Stepun lived in Bunin’s house for 8 years. The writer became even harder when Galina after 15 years of life under the roof with Bunin left him forever.

The lines of the poet, written by him in 1906 and as if predicted his fate, are remembered:

…I wanted to shout:

“Come back, I’m related to you!

But there is no past for a woman!

Fell out of love – and became it someone else”

Bunin’s friends wrote that the writer was on the verge of madness and despair. He worked long days, trying to forget his lover.

After the war, out of war-torn Europe, Kuznetsova Galina together with Margo Stepun, will move to the United States, where Galina will work in the Library of the United Nations. Together they will live another five years. After the death of Margo, Galina will be free.

Meanwhile, in the French city of Grasse continued to live Bunin I.A. with his wife and Leonid Zurov. Ivan Alekseevich never tried to banish insolent, but he behaved aggressively, was in a fight on Bunin, shouted, demanded something, and Vera Nikolaevna calmed her husband and asked for a little patience. So they have been living their age threesome. Bunin will retire in 1953, 20 years after awarding him the Nobel Prize. Vera Nikolaevna will outlive her husband for 8 years and will write biographical valuable books: “The Life of Bunin” and “Conversations with Memory”. They are buried in one grave in the cemetery of Saint- Genevieve De Bois In Paris. Leonid Zurov died of a heart rupture in 1971 in a psychiatric hospital.



“Love is Love, and to live with each other, it is necessary that

There was a unity of views. Without this, there can be no

A real family that can give people happiness.”

N. K. Krupskaya

It is known that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin had one but ardent passion – revolution. In addition, he was a loyal and reliable spouse-the relationship between Lenin and Krupskaya stood the test of time.

Nadezhda Konstantinovsky was 25 years old when exiled Ulyanov offered her to become his wife. Krupskaya was then called “Selydkoy” – for bulging fish eyes. But the leader of the Bolsheviks preferred a more affectionate treatment-“Minaga”. Nadya’s sexual temperament was akin to a fish. Although she had a youth, too, there were love hobbies. The exiles said: “Nadezhda was glued to comrades.” Nadezhda Konstantinovna did not try to refute anything, on the contrary, wrote to the sister of Lenin Maria Ilyinichna: “I feel sorry that I am not a man, I would have been ten times more.” Nadezhda Konstantinovna was never a beauty, but she loved to be a woman, she said. And maybe that’s why she loved that she wasn’t a beauty.

Inessa Armand was no match for fresh Krupskaya. Loving, temperamental, beautiful, adored noisy companies, a wonderful hostess who had time and five children to give birth, and twice married to visit. And still have a lot of lovers… In the period of his first meeting with Lenin in 1909, Armand was unusually good. Besides, the future leader of the world proletariat was enthusiastic. It is no wonder that Mr. Ulyanov, according to the French socialist Charles Rappoport, “did not descend his Mongolian eyes with this little Frenchwoman.”

Until 1913, their relationship was purely platonic in nature. And then they were swept by a love-fever. Krupskaya saw all this, but until a certain moment tried not to stoop to confessions of jealousy.

However, in personal diaries Krupskaya valued her friend Ilyich quite differently. She called her a “painted bitch” (almost like in the movie “Love and Pigeons”). And then she switched to obscene language.

For the revolution, Comrade Inessa abandoned her five children. Alexandra Collontai wrote: “Lenin fell in love with Armand long before the revolution. Their romance was so passionate that Krupskaya offered him to leave, so that he would be happy with another woman.”

But how beautiful and charming was Inessa, when the choice arose between her and “Mingoy”, Lenin preferred the violent passions of the preacher of free love a steady union, and Armand’s proposal about the life of the threesome rejected without discussion. Soon Inessa gave birth to a boy named Andrei. Many believed that Andrey-the son of Lenin. But according to the professor of neurology Strumpel, Ilyich, like Krupskaya, was infertile. Hope, due to thyroid disease, Lenin-because of the neglected syphilis, complicated by gonorrhea.

Nadezhda Konstantinovna fought for a long time for her love. And found support in the face of the all-powerful Central Committee. And Lenin could not openly go against the decision of the same created party.

After the revolution, Inessa went to Moscow to see the children, and Lenin settled in St. Petersburg. But in 1918 the government moved to Moscow, and for Nadezhda Krupskaya again difficult times came. Armand lived next to the chief’s apartment on Neglinke. And the leader of the Bolsheviks, in the breaks between the meetings of the Sovnarkoma, took her in the Kremlin. In her diaries Krupskaya wrote: “V.I. unusually delicate with me and, when sends me from the Kremlin, always comes up with a worthy reason. But she won’t be very well with me.”

Krupskaya has done everything to “love affair” of Lenin and Armand brought to the meeting of the Central Committee of the Party. After discussing the possibility of marriage between Lenin and Armand, the Central committee ruled: in no case!

In August 1920, Lenin, worrying about the shattered health of Inesse, sent her to a sanatorium in the Caucasus. And on October 11 she was brought from there in a galvanized coffin. Comrade Armand died of cholera, burned in a matter of days. The death of Inessa Armand broke Lenin. And already in 1921, his health deteriorated greatly. In February 1924, after Lenin’s death, Krupskaya offered to bury the remains of Lenin together with the ashes of Inesse Armand. The CC of the party rejected this proposal, not allowing Armand and Lenin to unite even after a death.

Stalin said Krupskaya: “Lenin belonged to the Party and it’s up to Party to decide how to bury it”

As Stalin and the party decided, I think everyone knows.



“Alas, love, though she is blind,

    Without eyes will find whatever it ways

Reach us and reign over Us”

In. Shakespeare

Valentina Sanina – Shlee in 1930 was a popular fashion designer in America. In Russia, almost nothing was known about her. Valentina dressed the highest light, the famous Hollywood actresses such as Gloria Swenson, Catherine Hepburn, Claudette Colbert. Sanina-Shlee always looked flawless. She was beautiful, dressed elegantly, fashionably and tastefully.

With his future husband, George Schlee, Valentina Sanina met in Sevastopol, during the Civil War. They fled to Italy together and then moved to Paris. In 1921 they married, and in 1923 the couple moved to America, New York, where George became George, successfully made a career, working as a successful theatrical impresario. Valentina sewed her chic outfits and went out in them. In 1928, in Manhattan, she opened her fashion House – “Valentine’s Dresses”. And very soon she dressed all the upper light of Hollywood.

The main difference of her fashion House was that she chose style for her clients. The stars had to To accept, especially as the collection of image and style, Valentina was fine. She believed that the main thing-a combination of luxury and comfort. For example, no high studs. The client doesn’t agree, she was politely pointed to the door. Dresses with Chinese belts, turbans, veils, trousers, skirts, wide-brimmed hats and coats, dresses with hoods-all this in fashion introduced Valentina Sanina-Shlee. Since 1940 Valentina is a very famous and expensive fashion designer. However, because of the rigid nature of friends she had not a lot of actress Greta Garbo and artist Dmitry Bushena.

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