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The Unknown Malone
The Unknown Malone
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The Unknown Malone

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The Unknown Malone
Anne Eames

TWO SECRET SONSMichael Phillips had been shocked to learn he was the unknown Malone - the secret child of a wealthy Montana family's patriarch. And now it seemed his beautiful boarder was hiding something from him. But he'd never expected that something to be a little boy… .AND THE WOMAN WHO LOVED THEM BOTHSingle mother Nicole Bedder had to keep her child a secret from everyone - even from the man she had come to love so passionately. But now that Michael knew the truth about Nicole's hidden past, could one secret child welcome another into his heart?Montana Malones: These sexy brothers' lips are sealed with their secrets… till passion pries 'em loose.

Letter to Reader (#u064241b1-5d1c-5b3e-9065-ab4921828b07)Letter to Reader (#uffb202df-d70f-5ed9-99c9-1b21fd9754df)Title Page (#u1c737aed-7235-5215-be6a-2ed7febc9447)About the Author (#u093c02f6-0826-5073-90d3-5cc4936cbb29)Dedication (#ua1380d57-acb7-5fb5-9eba-09257f367b6b)Chapter One (#u4d711245-77ca-516a-89df-26f97a94c997)Chapter Two (#u02f32bd7-d8e7-5ba2-a288-df045dad86a8)Chapter Three (#u57dd071e-a9a3-52e7-8f9b-48841acd1798)Chapter Four (#u9034201e-b07f-51c3-9227-d892b968d049)Chapter Five (#u87133958-250c-58bc-8a07-378fdb7ab7a9)Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Dear Reader,

Here’s the fourth and last in the series THE MONTANA MALONES, which debuted June ‘97 with A Marriage Made in Joeville, followed in December by The Best Little Joeville Christmas and Last of the Joeville Lovers, May ’98.

Thanks for the many wonderful letters from readers asking that this series continue—I couldn’t help but respond. In The Unknown Malone it’s seven years later and you will get to know more about Taylor’s brother, Michael, along with the woman he can’t resist, Nicole—a woman on the run with a storehouse of secrets.

Familiar faces return for an encore: Savannah and Ryder, Jenny and Shane, Taylor and Josh, Max, Hannah and, of course, Billy, whom many of you have said touched your hearts from beginning to end. Also by request, one of these other characters finds romance, too.

As always, I enjoy hearing from readers and welcome your letters.

Here’s hoping you have a happy and loving holiday season′

Warmest regards,

Anne Eames

Dear Reader,

Welcome to Silhouette Desire—where you’re guaranteed powerful, passionate and provocative love stones that feature rugged heroes and spirited heroines who experience the full emotional intensity of falling in love!

This October you’ll love our new MAN OF THE MONTH title by Barbara Boswell, Forever Flint Opposites attract when a city girl becomes the pregnant bride of a millionaire outdoorsman.

Be sure to “rope in” the next installment of the exciting Desire miniseries TEXAS CATTLEMAN’S CLUB with Billionaire Bridegroom by Peggy Moreland. When cattle baron Forrest Cunningham wants to wed childhood friend Becky Sullivan, she puts his love to an unexpected test.

The always-wonderful Jennifer Greene returns to Desire with her magical series HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Kiss Your Prince Charming is a modern fairy tale starring an unforgettable “frog prince.” In a sexy battle-of-the-sexes tale, Lass Small offers you The Catch of Texas. Anne Eames continues her popular miniseries MONTANA MALONES with The Unknown Malone. And Sheri WhiteFeather makes her explosive Desire debut with Warrior’s Baby, a story of surrogate motherhood with a twist.

Next month, you’ll really feel the power of the passion when you see our new provocative cover design. Underneath our new covers, you will still find six exhilarating journeys into the seductive world of romance, with a guaranteed happy ending!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

Please address questions and book requests to:

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U.S.: 3010 Walden Ave., P.O. Box 1325, Buffalo, NY 14269 Canadian: PO. Box 609, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5X3

The Unknown Malone

Anne Eames (


This is Anne Eames’s seventh novel for Desire. She has been a Golden Heart finalist and Maggie winner, and her books have appeared on the USA Today bestseller list.

Anne and her husband, Bill, live in southeastern Michigan.

You may write to Anne Eames at: 4217 Highland, Box #252, Waterford, MI 48328. For an autographed gift, please enclose a business-length, self-addressed, stamped envelope.

To Tim, Emily, Haley, TJ,

Savannah and Tom Garthe

with all my love always


with special thanks to

forester extraordinaire,

Betsy Couzens Mitton


At a gas station east of Livingston, Montana, about forty miles from Joeville, Nicole Bedder leaned closer to the rest room mirror and growled in frustration. The false eyelash she’d so carefully glued in place was now stuck to the end of her finger. It didn’t help that her hands were shaking. It had been eighteen hours since her last meal.

She tried again, this time using tweezers to press the phony lashes to her own. With more finesse it worked, and she applied the second. They felt heavy and she blinked hard as she riffled through her purse for blush.

A loud knock on the door made her jump.

“I’ll be out in a sec.”

She’d already ratted and sprayed her recently bleached hair into a style even Dolly Parton would have been proud of. Now she applied a thick layer of red lipstick over her already full lips, making sure she exceeded the lines in a suitable fashion.

She stepped back and inspected the finished product. The denim skirt wasn’t as short as most, the top not very tight, but sexy things had never been part of her wardrobe. This would just have to do.

A quick readjustment inside her bra and the cleavage atop her red tank top swelled. She turned from side to side for one last look.

Good grief. Who was this person?

Before she could lose her nerve she thrust open the door. The plump, elderly woman waiting outside gasped. Her eyes traveled the length of the young woman in front of her before her lips settled into a firm, straight line. She brushed passed Nicole with a disgusted humph and there was a resounding twist of the lock behind her.

A feeling of dread spread across Nicole’s shoulders and neck and she fought a sudden urge to cry. Obviously she had just convinced somebody’s grandma that she was a worldly woman, but could she trick the owner of the Purple Palace?

Yet all she had to do was fit in, she reminded herself. A helper, the ad had said. Yesterday she’d decided she couldn’t go to a place like that looking like Manan the Librarian, her normally mousy brown hair tied in its familiar ponytail. No, she had to look as though the occupants’ shenanigans were nothing out of the ordinary, that they weren’t the least bit offensive to her sensibilities.

Now, with hands on hips, she looked to the sky and shook her head. High school drama classes hadn’t prepared her for this gig. But what choice did she have? She said a quick prayer, filled her lungs and then strode toward the gas pump, trying not to wobble on her Salvation Army high heels.

The hood was up on her rusted green Chevy. The mechanic wiped his hands on a greasy rag and did a double take in her direction. When he closed his mouth, he sauntered over, pretending he hadn’t noticed her transformation in the rest room.

“A couple belts are pretty old and cracked. Don’t think they’ll make it much longer.” He was staring at her chest and she wanted to smack him upside the head. Instead, she practiced a confident voice.

“Will they make it another forty miles?”

“Hard to say. Maybe yes, maybe no.”

She looked at the pump: $14.78. She didn’t have to check her purse to know. Inside was a ten, a five and some change.

“Guess I’ll take my chances.”

He cocked his head to one side and continued wiping his filthy hands, his lopsided grin making it pretty clear he’d consider a trade. Fingers shaking, she retrieved the bills from her purse and slapped them in his blackened palm.

“Suit yourself, ma’am.” He shrugged and walked back to the front of the car and slammed the hood down.

She was tempted to leave without the change, but twenty-two cents was twenty-two cents. When he returned with it, she flashed him a smile and drove off—stomach growling, engine knocking and nerve dwindling by the second.

Michael Phillips chuckled under his breath, riding atop his first and only mare—an old workhorse named Mae. Her slow waddle up the hillside and across the ridge was adding an extra half hour to the trip to his sister’s neighboring farm, but the delay would be well worth it.

He couldn’t wait to see the expression on Taylor’s face when she saw Montana...and heard what he had done. If he’d driven his van she might have seen him coming. After months of planning and secrecy, he wanted to milk the moment for all it was worth.

He stopped where the trail cut to the west and let Mae nibble at low-hanging brush while his eyes scanned the rolling countryside below.

And there she was. On her knees in the flower beds in front of the old blue farm house, one he hadn’t seen in seven years. The only notable change were the two little ones who played close by. His heart was in his throat. He’d missed his niece’s and nephew’s early years, but now he was here, and he planned to make up for it. He tugged on Mae’s reins and she loped on.

He rode closer until Mae started nickering, then he tethered her to a tree and hiked the rest of the way, excitement building with every step. Finally he broke into an easy jog, darting behind trees until he came alongside the old familiar house. He paused a moment, caught his breath and then ambled around the corner, his hands thrust deep in his pockets, his grin no longer controllable.

Two-year-old Emily spotted him first and ran to her mother, peeking shyly from the far side. Soon-to-be-six John stopped playing with his truck and stood. “Mama?”

Taylor rocked back on her knees, swiped a muddy glove across her forehead and then nearly toppled over as she let out a yelp. “Michael!”

He ran to her and swooped her up, spinning her around. “Hi, sis.” When he set her down they were both laughing and crying at the same time.

“When did you—” She glanced around. “How did you—” She flung her arms around his neck again. “Oh, Michael. It’s so good to see you. How long can you stay?”

Emily and John stood a safe distance behind their mother, not knowing what to make of it all. He smiled and gave them a conspiratorial wink.

“Hmm...with a little luck...oh, I’d say another sixty years or so.”

She fell back a step, her mouth agape—just the reaction he’d hoped for.

“I bought the Purple Palace.”

Her eyes widened. “You what?”

“Yep. Lock, stock and ol’ Mae.”


“Their only horse.”

“Let me get this straight. You sold the family business.” He nodded. “And you bought the Purple Palace.” He nodded again. “And you plan to—” She rolled her hand in a fast-forward motion.

“Work the place.”

“Work the place. As in—” She glanced over her shoulder at the children and didn’t finish, her sudden frown saying it all.

It was time to end the ruse. “As in restoring it. It’s a grand old lady—old enough to become a historical landmark.”

“And the...girls?”

“Bought them out. They’ve all moved on to greener pastures.”

Taylor’s smile turned into a large grin, and then the sounds of their laughter echoed across the valley.

When the adults composed themselves, the children came forward one at a time and met Uncle Mike, their little smiles exposing various stages of teeth, their eyes wide with excitement. They walked hand in hand inside for lemonade and for as much catching up as the clock would allow. Michael was expecting a load of lumber and drywall, and he didn’t want to miss the truck. And there was the possibility that someone would answer his ad for a helper, too. After an hour he left, promising to return for supper at six.

The pink exterior and the purple trim were peeling in places, but Nicole had to admit the big old place had a lot of charm. If only it weren’t—

On a nervous sigh, she bracketed her hands around her eyes and peered into a window, seeing no signs of life on the other side. She’d knocked hard enough to wake the dead, but no one came to the ornate oval oak door. Were they all upstairs sleeping—getting ready for a busy night? Or could Tuesday be a day off?

Her stomach lurched, and she didn’t think it was from hunger. How could she ever work at a place like this? Again she reminded herself she had no choice. Besides, she was only applying for “helper”—whatever that meant. Hostess, maybe? Clean ashtrays? Freshen drinks? Wash lingerie? She wrinkled her nose.

It didn’t matter. She’d do whatever it took. She had to.

If only she’d learned more about the job. The little she knew about it she’d overheard yesterday. Dire straits and creative problem solving had driven her to a local doughnut shop where she’d ordered one doughnut hole and a glass of water, and waited for someone to discard a newspaper so that she could scour the employment section. Before it came to that, a pair of old-timers sitting next to her started laughing about the Purple Palace’s ad: Helper. No experience needed.

“Wonder what a helper would do there?” one had asked. The other hunched his shoulders, then started laughing louder.

It was at that very moment Nicole had decided what she’d do, even though each time she allowed herself to dwell on it, as was the case now, her pulse began to race.

What if the...ladies...felt better about themselves when they thought they were...helping? Could a helper be—?

No! The ad couldn’t be for that. She cringed, pushing aside the possibility. It had to be for something else. Exactly what seemed irrelevant since she was short on options and long on responsibilities. Besides, unemployment was on the rise again, now that that Hollywood production company had left the area. As long as their movie was being shot at that ranch to the north, there had been extra work in motels and restaurants. Now the locals were lucky to hold on to their modest wages, and she had exhausted her last lead.

Still seeing no action inside, Nicole walked along the wraparound porch and noticed for the first time a wicker swing near another entrance to the west. Tired, she sat in it and swung slowly, listening to it creak and wondering what stories it could tell if only it—

She heard the clopping and snort of a horse on the other side of the house and she jumped up with a start. Her car was near the main entrance. Whoever was there had to see it and had come looking for her.

Resigned to her fate she flung back her shoulders, thrust out her chest and jutted out her chin. She added a hipswiveling sashay as she rounded the porch and thought she had captured her character perfectly.

Until one red spiked heel sank and stuck in a crack.

A good-looking cowboy dismounted. She tugged unsuccessfully and nearly broke into hysterical laughter. He stopped short and appraised her, hands on hips. With one mighty yank she heard the crack of her heel as it separated from the sole.

Improvise, she told herself. Maintain a sense of humor. She dug into her shallow well of theatrical experience and limped toward him, tempted to try a joke as an ice-breaker. And ice definitely described his demeanor.

Losing her nerve, she smiled coyly instead, acting as if this sort of thing happened all the time. He folded his arms against his broad chest and simply stood there, staring at her.