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The Pregnant Virgin
The Pregnant Virgin
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The Pregnant Virgin

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The Pregnant Virgin
Anne Eames

Working at a sperm bank had its benefits–Ali Celeste could start her pregnancy without waiting for Mr. Right to show. But once "Project: Baby" was under way, Ali met handsome clinic donor Dr. Brad Darling. And she couldn't deny the sparks that flew between them ….After one unplanned passionate night, Ali discovered she was pregnant–with Brad's child. But when Brad calculated, he thought he wasn't the father and that Ali wasn't as innocent as she claimed. Now Ali had to convince Brad she hadn't planned a marriage trap, but that fate and modern medicine conspired to bring these soul mates together–forever ….

Dear Reader,

If you liked You’re What?!, you’ll love The Pregnant Virgin!

So many of you wrote requesting encore appearances from some of your favorite characters in my first two books—notably, the matchmaking septuagenarians Millie and Hazel—that I thought it was time to invite them (and a few others) back.

At Midtown Hospital in Detroit, love is right under the noses of our hero and heroine, Dr. Brad Darling and Ali Celeste, but it takes a little nudge from Millie and Hazel to make them see it and later believe that they can overcome the obstacles that threaten to keep them apart. One of those obstacles is the fact that Ali visits a sperm bank and then turns up pregnant after telling the hero that she’s a virgin. Now, what man wouldn’t have his doubts?

I hope you enjoy this one. I had a lot of fun writing it.

As always, I love hearing from you and welcome your letters.

Warmest regards,

Anne Eames

You may write to Anne Eames c/o:

4217 Highland Road, Box #252

Waterford, MI 48328

For a response and an autographed doorknob hanger,

please include a #10 self-addressed stamped envelope.

Dear Reader,

Spring is in the air…and so is romance. Especially at Silhouette, where we’re celebrating our 20

anniversary throughout 2000! And Silhouette Desire promises you six powerful, passionate, provocative love stories every month.

Fabulous Anne McAllister offers an irresistible MAN OF THE MONTH with A Cowboy’s Secret. A rugged cowboy fears his darkest secret will separate him from the beauty he loves.

Bestselling author Leanne Banks continues her exciting miniseries LONE STAR FAMILIES: THE LOGANS with a sexy bachelor doctor in The Doctor Wore Spurs. In A Whole Lot of Love, Justine Davis tells the emotional story of a full-figured woman feeling worthy of love for the first time.

Kathryn Jensen returns to Desire with another wonderful fairy-tale romance, The Earl Takes a Bride. THE BABY BANK, a brand-new theme promotion in Desire in which love is found through sperm bank babies, debuts with The Pregnant Virgin by Anne Eames. And be sure to enjoy another BRIDAL BID story, which continues with Carol Devine’s Marriage for Sale, in which the hero “buys” the heroine at auction.

We hope you plan to usher in the spring season with all six of these supersensual romances, only from Silhouette Desire!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

The Pregnant Virgin

Anne Eames (

To my newfound family—

Lynne, Ken, Barbara and Keri—

who made me feel right at home.


has been a Golden Heart finalist and Maggie winner, and her books have appeared on the USA Today bestseller list. This is her eighth novel for Desire.

Anne and her husband, Bill, live in southeastern Michigan with their pampered pooch, Punkin.

You may write to Anne Eames at: 4217 Highland Road, Box #252, Waterford, MI 48328. For an autographed doorknob hanger, please enclose a #10, self-addressed, stamped envelope.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen


“You’re what!”

“I’m going to have a baby,” Ali Celeste repeated, enjoying the shocked expression on her sister Lynne’s face.

“But how did—I mean…I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend!” Lynne looked as though she might hyperventilate at any second, so Ali put an end to the ruse.

“I said ‘I’m going to.’ I didn’t say I am.” She ate the last of her salad and pushed her plate aside.

Lynne leaned back in her chair, tapped her fingers against her chest and scanned the crowded cafeteria of Detroit’s Midtown Hospital. Probably checking for eavesdroppers, Ali thought, unable to keep her smile in check.

“It’s not funny,” Lynne said, trying to sound annoyed, but her smile betrayed her. “You scared the hell out of me.”

“Why’s that?” As if she didn’t know.

“Pregnant out of wedlock? Mom would roll over in her grave.”

Ali laughed at her sister’s choice of words. “Wedlock? Sounds like something out of the Middle Ages.”

Lynne looked from side to side before she spoke. “Yeah, well, the principle still applies.” She punctuated her point by pushing the last bite of sandwich into her mouth and shooting Ali her best frustrated-big-sister glare.

Ali averted her gaze to the novel sitting next to her plate and waited for Lynne to calm down. If only she could find a hero like the ones in her books. She sighed and wondered if she would have time to read a few more pages before her lunch hour was over.

Lynne tossed her napkin down and leaned her elbows on the table. “I thought you told me you were determined to be a virgin for Mr. Right.”

“Yep. That’s still the plan.”

Looking more confused than ever, Lynne asked, “What are you up to, Alexis Marie?”

“Well, you know I work at the fertility clinic…”

“Of course, but what’s—” Her eyebrows shot up and her eyes grew round. “No! You don’t mean…”

“Why not? Maybe I can get some free samples.” She knew this wasn’t the case, but she was having too much fun teasing her sister.

“Get serious, Ali. Why would you want to use a sperm bank? You’re still in your twenties.”

“Not for as long as I’d like. And next month I can chalk up another year.”

“Is that what this is all about? Birthday blues?”

Ali shook her head. “I never would have guessed I’d be this old and not even engaged. And don’t give me that ‘you’re just a baby’ look.”

“But you are. You have lots of time left.”

Did she? She used to think so. She stared at the blue painted ductwork overhead, and in her mind’s eye years of fantasies paraded by—images of a strong yet sensitive man sweeping her off her feet. Not taking care of her, she reminded herself. Completing her was more like it. She could almost see his face, at least his eyes. They were always intense, sincere. And oh, so full of love for her.

She glanced back at the cover model on her book.

Ah, yes. Just like that.

She mentally shook off the image and faced her sister again. “No offense, sis, but you and Ken thought you had a lot of time and look how long it took you to conceive.” Ali leaned forward, deciding it was time to make her case. She didn’t need her sister’s approval, yet the months to come would be much easier if she could make Lynne understand.

“Lynne, you were nearly forty when you finally got pregnant. Remember the years of anxiety you went through, not to mention a chunk of money for treatments?”

Lynne nodded reluctantly. “How can I forget? If it weren’t for Mom’s estate I’d still be paying off loans…not that I’m complaining. Little Keri is worth every penny.”

“I agree.” She picked up her iced tea and pictured her two-year-old niece’s kissable cheeks and smiled. If she loved Keri this much, how would she feel about a child of her own? As far back as she could remember she had delighted in playing with little ones.

No, there was no doubt in her mind that she was doing the right thing. She’d be a fool to wait for some fantasy man with dreamy eyes. Besides, what were the odds she would ever find one?

She set her glass down decidedly. It was time to take matters into her own hands, and she could sense her sister was weakening.

“Let’s not forget Barbara. She wasn’t as fortunate as you. Little Timmy is adorable and as loved as any child, but we both know adoption was her last resort when all else failed.”

Lynne reached across the table for Ali’s hand. “Sweetie, just because we had trouble doesn’t mean you will.”

“True. But I don’t want to wait until the eleventh hour to find out. Besides, I haven’t met a decent guy in over a year. In a blink of an eye I’ll be thirty and still telling jerks to take a hike. Please, will you try to understand? I’d really like your support on this.” Ali held her sister’s gaze, hoping to telegraph just how serious she was about her decision.

Lynne squeezed Ali’s hand, then on a long sigh, she let go and nodded slowly. “I can see you’ve made up your mind, so if it’s my blessing you’re looking for, you’ve got it.”

It was all Ali could do not to let out a hoot and rush around the table to hug her sister. “Thanks, Lynne. It means a lot to me.” She slouched in her chair, realizing she’d been holding her breath.

“Whew! I’m sure glad that’s out in the open.” She fanned a napkin across her face. “Now, what do you think Barbara will say?”

“Probably the same as I did. She’ll put up a fuss before she acquiesces. Neither one of us has ever been able to say no to you, baby sister, and you know that.”

Baby sister—that was the problem. At times she even wondered if her overpowering desire to have a child of her own was so everyone would stop viewing her this way. They always thought of her as a baby, even though she’d lived on her own for seven years now and had done all right for herself. Except in the men department. They were still an enigma.

She drank more tea and decided it was time for a new subject.

“Speaking of Barbara, any word about Tom’s transfer back to Detroit?”

“She’d hoped before Christmas, but last time we talked she said it looked more like spring. I hope nothing slows things up again. We were kinda counting on doing some sort of job share. Something where I’d keep the little ones every other week while she worked and vice versa.”

Maybe they could help with her little one, too, Ali thought. She would need reliable child care if she decided to return to work later. Fortunately her inheritance gave her the option.

Lynne glanced around the room, then leaned closer and whispered, “Have you even bothered to look around this hospital? Look at all the good-looking young men in this room alone. They can’t all be married or undesirables.”

Ali sighed, frustrated that “The Search,” as it had come to be called, was again the topic of discussion. Reluctantly she scanned the area, not paying close attention. Good looks didn’t mean much to her, anyway. And if the guy happened to be a doctor, there was a good chance he had a God complex. Experience had proven that point. If he was good-looking, too, forget it. He would probably have an ego the size of Saturn.

But Lynne had different ideas.